The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 56 Oaklea Blvd, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4W7 Phone: 905-455-1001 Principal: W. Bodsworth Secretary: A. Mijandrusic Fax: 905-455-3406 Superintendent: L. Kazimowicz 905-361-0146 Trustee: A. DaSilva 905-890-0708 Parish: St. Jerome Church Pastor: Fr. Jan Kolodynski 905-455-4260 NEWSLETTER #5 Peace of Christ Thank you loving God for the gift of life, For the wonderful world which we all share, For the joy of love and friendship, For the challenge of helping to build Your kingdom. Strengthen my determination to work for a world of peace, Strengthen my conviction that we are all global citizens, one in Christ. Strengthen my commitment to find positive ways of solving conflict. Strengthen my resolve to forgive injuries and to love everyone in this world. Teach me the gifts you have given me, Renew my hope for a world where we can All share in God’s peace and justice. Amen. January 2011 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Happy New Year! Best wishes to you and your family for every blessing in 2011. With the holidays behind us, we have all had to quickly return to the daily routines of waking up early, curriculum studies, packed lunches and homework. Please remember the proactive strategies that lay the foundation for student success– plenty of sleep, healthy eating, regular physical activity, consistent completion of homework, punctuality, nightly reading, and open communication with the school. Despite unseasonably mild temperatures at the onset of winter, we can anticipate that snow and colder weather are just around the corner. Please prepare your children for active participation in outdoor activities by ensuring that they come to school with warm winter clothing and accessories. “Family Literacy Day” is on January 27th! We encourage all parents to spend time in a literacy activity by reading a special story, visiting the library, or participate in storytelling. The value we place on literacy benefits our children by nurturing a love of reading and facilitating their success with school work. Enjoy the precious time together! Wendy Bodsworth FAITH JANUARY’S Virtue ~Self-control God has given us the ability to choose. We are able to control how we react to what happens around us. We may feel pressure from inside or from outside ourselves to react violently to a situation. We’ve all “lost it” at one time or another. We are never proud of those moments. As soon as they happen we make a promise that they will not happen again. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at controlling our reactions. We can get better at showing self-control. Self-control helps us to resist the temptation to do something that we will regret. Self-control helps us to resist the temptation to do something that will harm ourselves or others. Self-control is one of the marks of a spiritually mature person. When we all use self-control, we can be sure that our school will be a safe, caring and inclusive place to live and to learn. A person with self-control… Is patient Knows how to wait his/her turn Can calm him/herself down and think before reacting to situations Knows how to avoid physical aggression (hitting, kicking, pushing, fighting, etc.) Can think things through and do what is best for everyone WELCOME We would like to welcome a number of teacher candidates from Charles Sturt University who will be with us until the spring. Izabela Jakubowska will be teaching in S. Grasman’s Kindergarten class, Josie Vivaldo in M. DeSouza’s kindergarten class, and Daniel Sponagle in Ms. Stott’s Grade 2/3 class. Thank you to Ms. Vigneault who is coordinating the Teacher Candidacy Program at our school. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mrs. Rondinelli (gr. 5/6) and Mrs. Passarelli (Gr. 2) who recently returned to full time positions at Pauline Vanier after enjoying time at home with their new babies. It is wonderful to have them back with us again! BREAKFAST CLUB Thanks to sponsorship from the Boys and Girls Club and Breakfast Clubs of Canada our school breakfast club provides many children with a nutritious breakfast every morning and a recess snack to carry with them. If you would like your child to participate in this program, please phone the school office and we will arrange for a permission form to be sent home with your child. The Breakfast Club runs each morning from 8:15 to 8:30. All students are welcome to join. Thank you to the many staff and parents who have volunteered to assist with the Breakfast Club. PROGRAM & CURRICULUM Kindergarten Registration Kindergarten registration will take place at the school on Monday February 7th, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. and on February 9th, 10th, and 11th, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 1:00-3:00 p.m. To register your child, you will require the following information: • proof of child’s birth and age • Catholic baptismal certificate for child or parent • immunization records for your child • Landed immigrant papers if not a Canadian citizen • proof of address Special Needs Information Session There will be an information session for parents of children with special needs, such as vision, hearing, physical, developmental delay or autism, who are entering into JK or SK in September 2011. The information session will be held at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board – Catholic Education Centre (40 Matheson Blvd. West) on January 26, 2011 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Room 301. Parents are reminded to register their child here at the school in order to plan for a successful entry into school. Grade 1 FRENCH IMMERSION The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board offers the French Immersion Program starting in Grade 1 at six school sites. Students registered in this program will spend 90% of their day learning in the French language. All subjects and activities in the French Immersion classroom with the exception of Religion and Family Life, will be delivered in French. In Grades 2 and 3, 70% of the instruction will be in French, with the proportion of English increasing to 50% in later years. INFORMATION MEETING Senior Kindergarten parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for September, 2011 are invited to attend an information meeting at: St. Joachim 435 Rutherford Road North Brampton, Ontario L6V 3V9 January 12, 2011 7:00 p.m. The deadline for submission of applications is 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 9th, 2011. INFORMATION MEETING Grade 4 parents/guardians, who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2011 are invited to attend an information meeting at: St. Monica 60 Sterritt Drive Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5B6 January 12, 2011 7:00 p.m. At the present time, the above mentioned school is the designated centre for our area. Applications will be accepted at that centre for a two week period following the parent information meeting and up until 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 9th, 2011. Report Cards With the Ministry of Education changes in reporting procedures, Term 1 reports will be sent home on February 1st. Prior to this, you will receive a letter to schedule Parent/ Teacher/ Student interviews, which are required for this first term report. P.A. Day Reminders Friday January 14th Professional Activity Day, dedicated to Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting. Friday February 4th is also a P.A. Day, scheduled for Parent/Teacher/Student interviews. There will be no classes for students on these two days. Grade 5 EXTENDED FRENCH The Extended French Program starts in Grade 5. In the program, 50% of the total instruction is in French. The program includes studies in French language arts, social studies, science, and one of either: visual arts, music, drama or physical education. The program leads into Extended French at the secondary school level, where French language arts, geography, history and world religions are offered. Student Agendas Please check your child’s agenda daily, as this is a very effective tool for communication and tracking of work. This helps students to develop skills in organization, time management and goal setting, helping them to meet with more success. Premier Awards for Teaching Excellence The Ontario Government has established awards of excellence for exceptional educators and support staff; for those who make a difference to students, schools, and communities. Deadline for applications is January 31, 2011. Application forms and further information is available at the school, or feel free to visit awards. A reminder postcard has been sent home with your child. STUDENT INFORMATION Contact Information It is most important that we have up-to-date records of your address, phone numbers, and emergency contacts in the event that the school must contact you regarding your child. If there have been any changes, please ensure that we have this information. Attendance Verification Please notify the school at 905-455-1001, before 8:30 a.m., if your child is going to be late or absent. Pauline Vanier’s answering machine is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This will save Mrs. Mijandrusic, our school secretary, many hours of phone calls to verify absences. Student Illness Health is important. Students who come to school are expected to be healthy enough to participate in the daily activities including physical education and outdoor recess. Should your child not feel well enough to participate in all facets of our program, please keep them at home the extra day so they can fully recuperate. There is no venue to maintain sick children at the school. Hand Washing is Important Hand washing, when done correctly is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as the flu. Please help us reinforce the proper techniques with your children. Follow these four simple rules: • Wet your hands with warm running water. • Add soap and rub your hands together, making a soapy lather. Do this away from the running water for at least 15 seconds. Wash the front and back of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails. • Rinse your hands well under warm running water. Let the water run back down into the sink, not down the elbows. Turn the water off with a paper towel and place it in the garbage. • Dry your hands thoroughly with a clean towel. Using good hand washing techniques helps to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. SCHOOL COUNCIL Clothing Drive Are you cleaning out your closets of old clothing and material? Please hold on to anything you want to give away. The school will be running a used clothing / textile drive in the early spring and will receive money based on the weight of materials and clothing collected. BAG2SCHOOL will collect any clean clothing that is in reasonable condition, bedding, drapes, soft toys, shoes (tied together), belts and purses. More details will follow closer to the date. Magazine Subscription Customer Service If you are having questions or problems with your magazine subscriptions ordered through the school please direct your inquiries to the Customer Service line at 1-800-667-2536. Next Meeting School Council will meet again on Monday January 10, 2011 @ 6:30 p.m. in School Library. All are welcome. COLD WEATHER PROTOCOLS Winter weather is here! We ask that you ensure that your child is dressed appropriately. It is our Board’s policy that all students go out for recess. We cannot accommodate parent requests for their children to remain indoors, due to staffing, supervision and facility restrictions. If your child is not well enough to go outside, they should not be at school. Inclement Weather & Indoor Recess We have guidelines from the Health Department which help us make a decision as to whether it is too cold for students to go outdoors: A wind chill factor of -22 C is a modified day; -25 C students stay in all day. During modified school days students will be outdoors for am and pm recesses and no longer than 20 minutes at lunch recess. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for these extended periods of outdoor play. Safe Outdoor Winter Play Snow is part of our winter life in Canada, providing both frustration and enjoyment. We all like to play in it. However, snow and ice can be very dangerous. Most school injuries happen during wintertime. For safety reasons, our school rule must be that snow stays on the ground – no snowballs, kicking snow or any other activity with snow or ice that could be harmful, which includes sliding on slopes or icy patches. Since the first snowfall, students have been reminded that snow, snowballs, and kicking snow are not allowed at school. Students have been reminded of the seriousness of these activities and the possible danger to the eyes and head. We have asked the students to refrain from sliding on the ice in order to help prevent head and back injuries. We have reminded students to avoid grabbing other students and pulling students to the ground (playing tackle & headlocks are not permitted.) Please assist us by reinforcing these rules with your child(ren). We want them to have fun, but to play safely at all times. Family Safety Plan in Hazardous Weather There may be days during the upcoming winter months when inclement weather presents a potential safety hazard to our students. It is essential that parents and children discuss the procedures that they wish to follow for safe arrival at home. For students that do not take the bus please determine: the best way to walk home; with whom the child should walk; where the child should go if there is no one at home; how the child should seek help if wind and snow are so strong that they cannot see the way home. For students who do take the bus: It is a fact that bad weather may cause delays for student pick up at bus stops. Please ensure that your child has a safe place to go if the bus is late or does not arrive. If you notice that a student is stranded at a bus stop, please attempt to contact the child’s parent for them. It is not recommended that parents volunteer to drive another child to school without the permission of the child’s parent. If you decide to transport your child to school because buses have been cancelled, please ensure that you have made arrangements for their return home at the end of the school day. Late Buses As the winter weather intensifies, please take into consideration that buses may be delayed in reaching their stops. We don’t wish to see students stranded out in the elements so, on inclement days, please: • Listen to the radio for bus cancellations. Check the following website for delays or cancellations on line at: • If possible, arrange for car pooling. Please note that a decision to cancel school transportation and/or close schools, due to inclement weather, is usually made by 6:30 AM. Only the Director of Education has the authority to cancel transportation and/or close schools. Announcements about school closures are posted on the Dufferin-Peel website at http://www and broadcasted on most local radio stations. Indoor Shoes We need your help to keep our school safe, clean, and mud free. Winter weather poses a real challenge when 350 people are bringing in snow, slush and mud from the playground on their outdoor footwear. It is essential for cleanliness and safety, that your child is vigilant about changing into a pair of indoor shoes that are reserved for the classroom and the gym ONLY, and are never worn outside in the winter. SCHOOL YARD SAFETY Please review these rules with your child/ren: 1) We respect everyone – our friends, adults, our neighbours, and our neighbour’s property. 2) We play non-contact games. 3) We use appropriate language. 4) We remain on school property at all times. 5) We resolve our disagreements by talking with each other. We can ask an adult for help. 6) Snow, ice, rocks, sand remain on the ground. VALUABLES AT SCHOOL Please remember that Board policy prohibits the use of personal electronic devices at school, especially cell phones. During the school day, these devices must be turned off and kept in a secure location such as a backpack. Staff cannot be responsible for any valuables that your child brings to school. Although we do our best to ensure that personal items are kept safe, we cannot always monitor money, jewelry, electronics, toys, etc. It is best if these items are kept at home. We also caution that MP3 players and Ipods are lucrative items that are easily stolen on the way to and from school. Please don’t put your children at risk by allowing these items to come to school. INTERNET SAFETY As parents, you need to be aware of your child’s use of the home computer. As you know many of your children are using ‘MSN hot mail’ and ‘FACEBOOK’. It is important that as parents, you are informed as to what your child is sending out and receiving. Some of the communication, as well as the contact names, may be inappropriate. Please talk to your child about this and supervise their use of the computer. SCHOOL LOCKDOWN DRILL It is a policy of the Dufferin-Peel CDSB that all schools conduct a practice of “Lockdown Procedures” at least twice a year. This procedure will be initiated should an emergency exist on school property or in the surrounding neighbourhood. Listed are the procedures that our students have been trained to follow. Teachers regularly practice this precautionary drill with their classes. The school will schedule two formal practices this winter. Upon hearing the announcement “Initiate Lockdown Procedures,” the following will occur: The lockdown bell will be repeatedly rung. All students and staff inside the building will remain in their classrooms. Students in the hallways or washrooms will go to the closest classroom. Students in classrooms will retreat to a corner of the room which is out of the sightline of all windows and doors where they will wait quietly until given the “all clear”. All students and staff who are outside the building will move to the alternate neighbourhood emergency site. The announcement “Lockdown Procedures complete” will indicate the completion of the drill. LATE STUDENTS Punctuality is important. Please ensure that your children arrive at school no later than 8:25 a.m. The constant parade of late arrivals between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. is delaying morning exercises and interrupting the smooth start of morning lessons. Children who arrive late are often out-of-sorts and have a hard time settling in to their day. Their time to socialize and greet their peers is lost in their hurried entry into the classroom. Many start-up instructions have to be repeated for those students arriving late. A student who is late must obtain a late slip from the office. This late slip procedure is an important link in our safe entry protocol. When a child is alerted to the office as absent, the secretary cross-references to students who have entered late before making calls home to confirm a child reported as absent. VISITOR SIGN IN… A MUST It is important for the safety of all students in the school that parents and visitors sign in at the office and obtain a visitor’s sticker. Students and staff feel safer when a visitor’s sticker is visible on familiar and unfamiliar faces. SMOKE FREE FACILITY The Ministry of Health has asked schools to remind everyone that it is unlawful to smoke anywhere on school property. This includes, inside or outside the school, parking lots, inside cars, soccer fields and driveways. This law is applicable 24/7 to students, staff, parents and visitors. There is a $305.00 fine for smoking or holding lit tobacco on school property. VISION & HEARING TESTING For your convenience, we have arranged to have SEE & HEAR ASSESSMENT at our school this year to screen for vision and hearing problems at a cost of $10.00 to the parent/guardian on Monday, January 24th. This is an excellent opportunity to check your child’s vision and hearing in a convenient, cost effective manner, as Family Doctors are not usually equipped to identify Hearing Loss … a Child’s Hearing is not being monitored unless they have visited an ENT or Audiologist … a regular visit to the Audiology Clinic is not covered by OHIP and costs about $35.00. A permission form will be sent home in the next few days. If you wish to have your child participate, please complete and return the form with $10.00 to the school by January 20th. ANGER MANAGEMENT This month we focus on the virtue of selfcontrol. Learning to manage one’s anger is an important first step towards this virtue. Why do kids get angry? Anger is a completely normal human feeling – even for young people. Kids experience the same range of feelings as adults, including anger. All of these emotions are healthy if they are managed in a positive way. What happens when anger is not controlled? When anger is not managed well it can build up inside a person. This can lead to health problems such as depression or may result in angry outbursts. Parents may see their children having problems with school work, relationships, self-esteem and coping skills. Tips for Parents Teach your child to recognize all feelings including anger and encourage him/her to label their angry feelings. Model a good example; express your anger in a direct, non aggressive way. Encourage your child to talk about their feelings to you or anyone they trust. Talk with your child about why they feel angry; sometimes the reasons may not be obvious. Encourage regular physical activity to help reduce stress. Stressed children cannot cope with their anger positively. Help your child to see the humour in situations; it’s better to laugh at situations than to act out in anger. If your child’s anger problems are serious, consult your family doctor or call Region of Peel – Public Health at 905-799-7700. PAULINE VANIER SPORTSWEAR School sportswear is available for purchase again this term. Many families took advantage of the pre-Christmas sale and have expressed satisfaction with the price and quality of the gym and casual garments. The enclosed letter and order form explain the details. Deadline for orders is January 25th. ARE YOU TICKED? Please check your property tax bill to ensure your support is directed to your local Catholic school board, in our case, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. You can verify your support by contacting our Admissions Department at (905) 890- 0708, ext. 24511 or 24512, or your local municipal office. By ensuring that you are a Catholic school supporter, you give a powerful message to the government about the level of support for publicly-funded Catholic education in Ontario. To be eligible to vote for your Catholic school trustee, you must be registered as a separate school supporter. This Year… "This year, mend a quarrel. Seek out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Write a letter. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in word and deed. Keep a promise. Forgo a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Apologize. Try to understand. Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh a little more. Express your gratitude. Welcome a stranger. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love and then speak it again." Howard W. Hunter MARK YOUR CALENDAR January 10-School Council @ 6:30 p.m. January 14-PA Day-NO SCHOOL January 24-See/Hear Assessment January 25-Deadline “Go Green Newsletter” January 25-Deadline Sportswear Orders January 26-Special Education Info Session January 26-Measuring/Fitting for Sportswear January 27-Family Literacy Day January 28-Diversity & Black History School Performance-Loretta Penny January 31-Deadline Nomination Premier Award for Teaching Excellence February 1-Report Cards go home February 4-PA Day-NO SCHOOL (Parent Teacher Interviews) February 7-Kinder Registration Evening February 9, 10 and 11-Kinder Registration Daytime (9am-11am; 1-3 p.m.) th February 9 -Deadline for Application for DPCDSB French Programs February 21-Family Day-NO SCHOOL NEWSFLASH!!!!! PAULINE VANIER NEWSLETTER GOING GREEN We hope to introduce an on-line newsletter in order to become more environmentally aware about the amount of paper being used. The newsletter is already posted on the school website. Please take time to complete and return the green sheet (enclosed) entitled “Going Green with the Newsletter.” If you would like the newsletter e-mailed directly to you, please provide us with your e-mail address. If you prefer a hard copy please let us know as well. Return the form via your child’s teacher by January 25th.