"SMALL FIELD DOSIMETRY: MONTE CARLO ASSESSMENT OF PERTURBATION AND CORRECTION FACTORS FOR IONIZATION CHAMBER AND SOLID STATE DETECTORS" Stefania Cora Medical Physics Dept “San Bortolo” Hospital Vicenza Italy e-mail: stefania.cora@ulssvicenza.it ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Small beam definition ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The definition of “small” field in radiation dosimetry depends on: 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 0% 3. 4. 0% 5. The geometric dimension of the field, i.e. a filed with a size less than 3x3 cm2. The influence of different factors: i) the source size as projected through the beam aperture to the detector location; ii) the size of the detector used in measurements and iii) the electron range in the irradiated medium. The presence of air in the cavity of the detector. It does not depend on the energy of the radiation field. It does not depend on the size of the detector. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting 10 Ionization chamber TG-51 • Start from ND,w • Specify beam quality by: - %dd(10)x for photons - R50 for electrons • Simple dose equation: Dw = M ⋅ kQ ⋅ N D ,w Q ACMP 25th Annual Meeting 60 Co Detectors considered • • • • Ionization chambers Diamonds Diodes Mosfets ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Ionization chamber TG-51 Q To measure N D ,W kQ = Co N D ,W 60 L To calculate kQ = ρ L ρ ACMP 25th Annual Meeting water ⋅ Pwall ⋅ Pfl ⋅ Pgr ⋅ Pcel air Q water ⋅ Pwall ⋅ Pfl ⋅ Pgr ⋅ Pcel air 60 Co Pwall The wall correction factor, Pwall, accounts for the fact that the chamber wall is composed of a different material from the phantom medium. This difference in material causes changes in the attenuation and scatter of particles passing through the chamber wall. The correction Pwall applies to both cylindrical and parallel-plate chambers. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Pwall In electron beams, Pwall is normally assumed to be 1.00. For cylindrical chambers, this is justified partially by a theoretical model developed by Nahum but for all chambers is based primarily on a lack of information available regarding Pwall in electron beams. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Pwall in photon beams In photon beams, for a cylindrical ion chamber, Pwall is given by the AlmondSvensson formula: α⋅ Pwall = L ρ wall air µ ⋅ en ρ med + (1 − α ) ⋅ wall L ρ L ρ med air med air where α is the fraction of ionization from electrons originating in the chamber wall, 1−α is the fraction of ionization from electrons originating in the phantom. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting In small beam dosimetry the cavity theory of Spencer-Attix must be corrected because: 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 3. 0% 4. 0% 5. It is valid only in condition of electronic equilibrium and for an homogeneous medium. It is valid only for low energy of radiation field. The range of the electrons is too large with respect the size of the cavity. It does not take into account the effects of perturbation of the secondary electron fluence by the presence of the detector. The correction factors applied to the detector signal are independent from the field size and therefore the SpencerAttix theory does not need corrections. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting 10 Pwall for thimble chambers in photon beams ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Pwall for thimble chambers in high electron beams ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Pwall for thimble chambers in high electron beams as a function of depth d red = 0.6 ⋅ R50 − 0.1 ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Pwall for PP chambers in high electron beams ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Pwall for PP chambers in high electron beams as a function of depth ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The Monte Carlo method can be used to improve the dosimetric accuracy 0% 1. 0% 2. 0% 0% 3. 4. 0% 5. It can substitute the measurements in non equilibrium conditions. It can be used to calculate the correction factors to be applied to the measurements with detectors when conditions for cavity theory can not be fulfilled. It can simulate the detectors. It can simulate any type of radiation field. It can simulate accurately the treatment head of the linear accelerator and therefore the non-equilibrium dosimetry of small beams in presence of heterogeneity can be understood well. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting 10 The fluence correction – photon beams Pfl corrects for changes in the electron fluence spectrum due to the cavity, other than those associated with the gradient correction. This correction is only required in regions where full or transient charged particle equilibrium has not been established, since by the Fano theorem, the electron spectrum is independent of the density of the material in regions where charged particle equilibrium exists ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The fluence correction - electron beams In an electron beam, density changes can cause hot or cold spots as a result of electron scattering. As a result of (elastic nuclear) scattering, the angular distribution of electrons broadens with depth; a low density cavity will consequently scatter out fewer electrons than are scattered in, resulting in an increase in the electron fluence towards the downstream end of the cavity in comparison with the fluence in a uniform medium at that depth. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The fluence correction - electron beams The magnitude of the in-scattering perturbation exceeds 3% for Farmer type chambers for Ez below 8 MeV. This is one of the principal reasons why parallelplate chambers are recommended in low energy electron beams. In a parallel-plate chamber the diameter of the air cavity (typically between 13 and 20 mm) is deliberately made very much greater than its thickness (the electrode spacing), which is 2 mm in almost all commercial designs. Thus most of the electrons enter the air cavity through the front face of the chamber and only a small fraction through the side walls. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The fluence correction - electron beams Well designed parallel-plate chambers have a relatively wide guard ring, 3 mm or more, which ensures that almost no electrons entering through the short side walls can contribute to the chamber signal. Consequently, inscattering is virtually eliminated. The electron fluence in the sensitive volume of such a chamber is therefore that existing in the uniform medium at the depth of the inside face of the front window, which is the position of the ff ti i t f tP ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The fluence correction NACP pp-chamber electron beams ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The fluence correction electron beams (thimble chambers) ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The gradient correction factor One the effects the air is The of correction is of larger forcavity steeper to shiftand for the larger effective point of gradients cavities. In the TG-51 measurement of the the gradient chamber effects upstream protocol, to take into account when measuring depth-dose curves, since there is less attenuation in theit is recommended shift the Pdd curve upstream cavity than in to the phantom medium. For by 0.5r for electron beamsPanddepends by 0.6r foron photon cylindrical chambers, the gr beams, where r is the radius of the cavity dose gradient within the phantom at the location of the cavity and on the diameter of the cavity. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The gradient correction factor It should be noted that for measurements in electron beams, at a depth of dmax, Pgr is taken as unity since there is no dose gradient at this depth. For parallel-plate chambers, since the point of measurement is at the front face of the cavity, the gradient correction is already taken into account and therefore Pgr is taken as unity in both photon and electron ACMP 25th Annual Meeting The gradient correction factor dependence on field size and depth PTW -chamber –0.6·R is used as EPOM to produce the data in the graph. Minimization results in a downstream shift of 0.29mm (10×10) and 0.48 mm (30×30) compared to the –0.6·R prescription. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Pcel correction factor The central electrode correction factor, Pcel, applies only to cylindrical chambers, which have a central electrode within the chamber cavity. Pcel is used to account for the change in ionization within the chamber due to the presence of the central electrode. Values are given in terms of the beam quality, the electrode material and the electrode radius. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Pcel correction factor Photon beams ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Electron beams Uncertainties on measured absorbed-dose calibration factors, ND;w, and on beam quality conversion factors kQ and CQ at NRC N DQ,W kQ = N D ,WCo 60 Q N D ,W CQ = Nk ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Uncertainties on measured absorbed-dose calibration factors, ND;w, and on beam quality conversion factors kQ and CQ ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Beam quality specification of high-energy photon beams Measured kQ values show a spread of up to 1.1% when plotted as a function of TPR1020 where as this spread becomes 0.4% when %dd(10)x is used as beam quality specifier. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Diamond detector – Diamond is an allotrope of carbon and, as such, has an atomic number Z=6. – This is to be compared with the effective atomic number of soft tissue, Z ≅ 6.4 When a diamond detector is irradiated in a water phantom by photons, the absorbed dose to the water phantom, Dw(p) at any point p, is given by: Dw ( p ) = N ⋅ Ddiam ⋅ f w where Ddiam is the average absorbed dose in the sensitive volume of the diamond detector and fw is a factor that depends on radiation energy, medium of irradiation, and size of the cavity relative to the ranges of electrons incident upon it. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Diamond detector For the diamond detector to behave as a Bragg–Gray cavity, not only should the ranges of the electrons incident on the sensitive volume of the diamond detector cavity be greater than the size of the cavity, but also photon interactions in the cavity should be negligible. Even though the diamond detector sensitive volume is physically smaller than most ionization chambers used for radiation therapy applications its density is about 3000 times greater than air, and so the sensitive diamond volume presents a larger equivalent volume compared to that presented by air in most air ionization chambers. The response of the diamond detector in megavoltage photon beams can therefore be determined theoretically using an intermediate cavity equation ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Diamond detector dose contribution from photon interactions ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Diamond detector 10 MV 25 MV ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Diamond detector – electron beams monenergetic Philips SL75 ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Diamond detector – electron beams monenergetic Philips SL75 ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Dose-rate dependence The relationship of conductivity to dose rate for radiation induced conductors is given by Fowler ∝ D where inorm = ( Dnorm ) is near 1 log (inorm ) = ⋅ log ( Dnorm ) As noted by Planskoy (1980) theory predicts that the value of ∆ will decrease with increasing dose rate: 0.99-0.02*log(D ) norm indicating that some decrease in ∆ exists ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Diodes As soon as the is made, there is initially As thermal equilibrium made (Fermi When A the newanew thermal diode isjunction equilibrium connected to is established anis electrometer, when no mechanism conuteract theup diffusion process. This level lined up!), the hole diffusion is level exactly no Fermi current levelflows ofto the unless p-side excess lines minority withflux Fermi carriers are of causes carriers todiffusion leavesources, the ofopposing its ionizing own matched by opposing hole flux.such This hole injected the n-side. byan The external of regions mobile carriers as (duetype, to leaving behind the semiconductor which iscarriers depleted flux due to the electric field'depletes' forces holes in direction radiation. theisconcentration The electrical gradient) field across the thepn junction onof 3 V/cm, mobile The depleted semiconductor now has opposite to the diffusion direction. The enables electric field either side of the junction. due to φcharges. is greater than 10 which the 0 the ionized charge not compensated the arises in ofimpurity the depletion region due carriers toby the collection radiation generated minority carrier Thus the depleted regions have net uncompensated ionized impurity charge (the space withoutcharges. external bias. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting space charge. charge). Thus the net hole flux is now zero. Diodes cannot be used for absolute dosimetry ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Diodes cannot be used for absolute dosimetry Whenr is the instantaneous rate r isofvery During a not radiation exposure, portion the When small, many ofdose theaR-G centers are r is carriers very such large (high injection!), the R-G small When ~low for Co-60 beam!, the R-G excess minority in as the diode is captured by the occupied byinjection, the excess minority carriers. In this case, centers are almost full. Thenot centers are almost empty torecombination the minority carriers. R-G centers and are recombined with the portion majority the empty R-G centers may be sufficient to keep willrecombination remain constant with an increase charge Therefore, the recombination portion remains carriers. the portion constant with an in increase of generation, andthe the diode of sensitivity willexcess be constantcarriers. with increase ∆p, and the minority The captured portion on theS excess independent of r lifetime again. minority-carrier t anddepends the sensitivity do not This leads to an increase∆in sensitivity the R-G center minority-carrier p, diode change with r. concentration concentration Nt , and the capture cross section of the with an increased charge generation rate because a minority carrierofby the R-G center. larger fraction the charge will diffuse to the junction and be collected. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Application of Burlin cavity theory to diode detector proposed by Z. Yin S(∆) µen D =α ⋅ φp,e ⋅ ⋅ dε +φe (∆) ⋅ +(1−α) ⋅ φs,γ ⋅ ⋅ε ⋅ dε ∆ ρ ρ ρ L∆ The mean path length for an electron in solid-state dosimeters is considerably shorter than in an air cavity, so the Spencer–Attix cavity theory is not generally valid for computing absorbed dose (Mobit et al 1997). ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Application of Burlin cavity theory to diode detector proposed by Z. Yin 6 MV 15 MV The relative over-response of the diode detector with increased field size can be explained simply in terms of the higher atomic number of silicon relative to water. By treating the primary and scattered photon spectra separately and using Spencer–Attix and large-cavity theory respectively it is possible to accurately predict the response of the diode in megavoltage photon beams. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting MOSFETs The MOSFET is a transistor with three electrical connections. A voltage Vg applied to one connection (the gate) allows current to flow through the other two connections (source and drain), when biased. The main electrical parameter of a MOSFET is the threshold voltage (denoted as “VT”), which is defined as the Vg value above which a current can flow through the drain and source of the transistor ACMP 25th Annual Meeting MOSFETs The majority-carriers in the p-n-p junction create a space charge region which inhibits any current from flowing between source and drain. When a negative voltage relative to the silicon substrate is applied to the gate, the minority carriers (holes, positively charged) in the substrate migrate towards the SiO2 (silicon dioxide)-silicon interface; as a consequence, the n-type material under the gate is gradually converted into p-type material. When the gate voltage reaches the threshold voltage value (i.e. Vg = VT), the material from source to drain under the gate becomes the same (p-type) material, and conduction between source and drain takes place. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting MOSFETs Principle of radiation detection When the MOSFET is exposed to ionizing radiation, electron-hole pairs are created in the SiO2 layer. If Vg > 0 during irradiation, holes are trapped at the Si/SiO2 interface; as a consequence, the previous VT value can no longer switch “ON” the MOSFET. An increase of VT by ∆VT (voltage shift) is required for current to pass through the drain to the source. The resulting ∆VT is proportional to the absorbed dose and its amplitude per unit dose defines the MOSFET sensitivity in mV/cGy [95]. VT is the quantity directly measured, so that the absorbed dose results from the following Dose = ∆ Vt S Where S is the sensitivity ACMP 25th Annual Meeting Dose = ∆ Vt S MOSFETs These effects are significantly negligible for devices threshold voltage of the single MOSFET is affected made The of two identical MOSFETs fabricated on a similar silicon by temperature (4-5 mV/°C) and by the cumulated dose, as chip (dual-MOSFET) and operated at different gate biases. both reduce Nox , thus limiting the accuracy of measurement in Indeed, as the measured difference of VT between the two clinical situations. transistors is a measure of the radiation dose, this effectively reduces the temperature dependence to less than 0.015 mV/°C, as well as other drift effects, such as dependence on cumulated dose, which affect both MOSFETs in the same manner ACMP 25th Annual Meeting MOSFETs Energy dependence Energy dependence of the response was studied especially for photon beams. It is constant within ± 2-3 % over a wide range of electron (5-21 MeV) and photon (4-25 MV) therapy beams. Below 0.6 MeV the MOSFET response increases with decreasing energy. Indeed, for quasimonoenergetic low x-ray energies (12-208 keV), MOSFET sensitivity was found to be 4.3 times higher at 33 keV than at 6-MV Similarly to diodes, this has been attributed to the secondary-electron stopping power ratios of silicon to water, producing peak sensitivity at incident energy of approximately 30 keV . ACMP 25th Annual Meeting MOSFETs Fading effect MOSFET response increases with increasing the time between irradiation and readout, and after about 10 hours it starts decreasing. This is due to slow movement of the holes inside the dioxide layer, and to delayed release of trapped holes. For TN MOSFETs a 3 % fading following irradiation was observed within the first 5 hours and thereafter it remained stable up to 60 hours. Fading up to 2 % for readings within 1-10 min following irradiation was reported for Sicel OneDose sensors. As to Sicel implantable MOSFETs, fading significantly influences dose readings, as determined by Beddar et al. and Briere et al. ACMP 25th Annual Meeting MOSFETs Reproducibility Sensor reproducibility depends on the amount of the ∆VT, which depends on both absorbed dose and sensitivity. For exposures causing about 100 and 150 mV ∆VT, single and dual-MOSFETs showed a reproducibility of 3-4 % and 2 % (2σ), respectively. For higher ∆VT, e.g. 300 mV, sensor reproducibility improves to ≤ 1% (2σ). Therefore, for a given absorbed dose, sensor reproducibility improves with increasing sensitivity. Due to the early MOSFET saturation caused by a higher sensitivity, the choice of the set (tox, Vg) should be optimized for every application. As to the maximum inter-variability for a batch of 20 TN MOSFETs, it was reported to be 5 % . Manufacturing reproducibility of less than 1% was reported for NMRC prototypes ACMP 25th Annual Meeting MOSFETs Angular dependence As the shape of the MOSFET is not spherical, the secondary electron distribution may vary for different beam directions, thus causing possible angular dependence of the response. The anisotropy of response for TN standard sensors, under CPE conditions is less than ± 2.5 % at 6 MV photon beams. For 6-9 MeV electron beams, TN MOSFET response in fullbuildup setup was verified to have angular dependence within ± 2% and to show no dependence on dose rate ACMP 25th Annual Meeting