AQIP Project Team on Cultural I Behavioral Readiness
Notes for August 24, 2011 Meeting
\..,.. In Attendance: Robert Matthews, Steve Robinson, Brian Ivory, Clarence Jennings,
Chris Engle, Sheila Swyrtek, Terrence Stewart, Liz Connelly, Sherry Weeder.
1. Check-in:completed.
2. "What are you hearing around campus?"(a) more cursing and inappropriate behavior occurring on campus; students have "no filters", (b) Dr. Shaink noted in the Presidents' meeting that he is looking forward to the results of this AQIP committee, (c) noted that Public Safety anticipated "the Registrar will be busy this fall" given their anticipated problems starting in fall semester, (d) noted that many students, with a sense of entitlement, are challenging the College's sanctions via
appeals and threats of lawsuits, (e) noted a show, "Hard Times, " conveyed that even the younger crowd in prisons are presenting a unique culture in that setting, and (e) Steve noted an HLC update is due in September and he would (as he has previously done) draft this update and send it to the AQIP co-chairs for review.
3. Notes I Communications
A. Notes from July 20th Meetingreviewed, no changes.
B. E-mails from Brian Ivory re: developing Civility Workshopit was noted that
Brian and Liz agreed to do a workshop for CTL on "Managing Disruptive
Behaviors in the Classroom" which will be held Monday, October 2lhfrom 2-
C. Email from Delores Deen re: availability for August 24th meetingreviewed.
D. E-mails from Dale Weighill re: Choosing Civility Bookreviewed.
E. Materials from Dale Weighill re: Lansing Community College materialsreviewed, noted this would be a good resource to use in follow up efforts to this
AQIP committee.
F. Email from Dr. Candice Pickens re: availability for August 24threviewed.
G. Article from Terrence Stewart re: Chronicle of Higher Educationreviewed articled distributed by Terrence titled, "Casual References to Violence Bring
Serious Consequences for College Instructors ". The focus of the article was how some faculty use language in the classroom (e.g., threats to a Dean) that result in disciplinary action.
4. New Business
A. Review: Final AQIP Team recommendations from conclusion of?/20/2011 meeting. - reviewed, no changes.
B. Develop EC Presentation: Ideas mentioned regarding the presentation:
• Check In -possible check-in with EC to give flavor of our committee process. Ideas included, "What one pet peeve do you have about uncivil
behaviors on or off campus? " Could also model, "What are you hearing on campus" portion of our meeting format.
• Time Limit- it was agreed the presentation should last about 30 minutes, with an emphasis on the recommendations portion of the material.
• Comment on Our Process - it was suggested we share with EC our meeting process, possibly model it during the presentation.
• Role Play- suggested use of role play, demonstration, or creative approach during presentation.
• Presenters- Robert, Brian, Terrence, Lori and Clarence to be presenters.
• Room Layout- duplicate the room layout for the Dev Ed presentation
(i.e., EC in a semi-circle with a line of tables I chairs for the Team members).
• Possible Contents: it was decided to have a shorter presentation that the
Dev Ed presentation (27 slides). Possible contents in presentation may include: i. Membership ii. Initial Charge of the Team iii. Chronology (month-by-month milestones) iv. 7-steps of the CQI process graphic v. List of artifacts vi. One slide for each recommendation vii. Use of Infinity Mapping photos viii. Use of Infinity Mapping cards as visual artifact ix. One slide for each recommendation x. Use quotes from Qualitative Survey (voices of concern) in the
Recommendations portion of the EC presentation
C. Develop EC Materials to be in Binder: In addition to the presentation, a binder of materials collected by the Team will be presented afterwards. This was also done by the Dev Ed AQIP Team. a. Possible Contents for the Binder: z. First Section- Complete Recommendations (7 pages) zz. Summary of the Current Situation (Step 3) including Wardle graphic (1 1 pages) m. Include Qualitative Survey and Results (Faculty Mtg Presentation) iv. Include Quantitative Survey and Results (Lori's Presentation) v. List of Artifacts vz. Salient Reports provided earlier (e.g., HLC updates) vii. Executive summary?
5. Set Next Meeting Time and Date- the AQIP presentation to EC is planned for
Monday, September 19
1 h from 1 0 am until 11:3 0 am in the CTL. The team will meet at 9:00am to practice the presentation and address any issues at that time.
6. Adjournment- meeting adjourned at 1:35pm.