Educational Master Planning Committee Minutes January 12, 2010 Present: I. Call to Order Cheryl Marshall called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. II. Introductions Two new members of the committee were introduced: Keith Wurtz, Director of Planning and Research. Clare Hinkle, CHC Student Senate Social Director. Clare will replace Moises Valencia, who had to resign from the committee due to a class schedule conflict. III. Announcements Cheryl Marshall reported that she and President Harrison met with the Accrediting Commission on Thursday, January 7. Cheryl explained the process and noted she was happy to report to the Commission that CHC has worked hard and is on schedule to complete all the requirements for resolution of the Recommendations. The Commission asked one question regarding where we are in the Program Review Process, which Cheryl answered. Kathy Lehner, the CHC Accreditation Team Chair, was also at the meeting and stood up for CHC, stating that we should be able to finish the work. CHC will get the Commission’s report in a couple of weeks and we will know where we stand. Matthew believes the likelihood of moving to Show Cause went down and the chance of moving from Probation to Warning improved slightly. IV. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the December 15, 2009 meeting were approved. V. VI. QEI Baselines and Annual Targets Matthew will meet with Keith soon to formulate suggested baselines and annual targets for committee review. Review of Posted Comments and Draft Objectives The committee reviewed “Recommended Strategic Directions and Goals with Draft Objectives and Suggestion for Actions” dated December 15, 2009. Matthew discussed the comments he included under Actions and by consensus, the committee agreed to add the following Action: • Objective Expand online programs and student support services [from 12/15 Enrollment Management] • Objective Promote a culture of evidence in the service of continuous improvement. [From 12/8 meeting] Discussion took place regarding Objectives and Actions for SD3: Best Practices for Teaching and Learning. Scott Rippy stated that he believes the college should support outside conferences, as well as internal professional development experiences, that deal with best practices. It was suggested that for this item to become a high priority, the campus needs to supply resources. Charlie pointed out that even if the resources are not available, it should still be listed. After further discussion, it was agreed to add the following Action item under Objective • Develop and support a systematic program of external professional development opportunities. It was also agreed to add a bullet under this Action to incorporate standards for sharing and/or applying knowledge gained through external professional development opportunities. VII. Posted Comments The committee reviewed Matthew’s Edited Transcript of Posted Comments dated December 15, 2009. The committee agreed to the following changes: • Move: Draft Objective under • Delete: Draft Objective • Consolidate: Draft Objectives‐ and under VIII. Potential Additional Contents of the Educational Master Plan Matthew stated that we could have a Plan that resembles the “Recommended Strategic Directions and Goals with Draft Objectives and Suggestions for Actions” document, or we could include some of the following: A. Preamble or other front matter B. Service area characteristics C. Demographic, impact, performance, and productivity data at specified level of detail D. Priorities among strategic directions, goals, and/or objectives E. Instructional program‐level information F. Student services information G. Links to other major plans H. Glossary I. Other The committee should decide what should be included, taking into consideration what the committee can actually complete by the end of this term. With Keith’s help, we will be able to include important data. IX. Versions and Appearance of the Educational Master Plan Cheryl Marshall shared samples of EMP models with the committee. It was suggested Cheryl post the plans on the EMPC webpage for committee review. Matthew suggested starting with a relatively simple document and then moving toward a more elaborate publication document later. X. Matthew will distribute environment scan information in the next week or two. Continued Development of a Pool of Proposed Objectives The committee broke into 3 groups to develop Objectives for SD8: Effective Resource Use and Development. See Edited Transcript of Posted Comments dated January 12, 2010 for the results. XI. Homework A. Review all draft objectives and consider which should be retained and in what priority, in light of institutional needs B. Think about whether or not the plan should be split into an Educational Master Plan and a Strategic Plan, and if so, which strategic directions with their goals and objectives should into which Plan. C. Review environmental scanning information (to be distributed as available). XII. Adjournment The committee adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Next meeting: Tuesday, January 19, 2010