Associated Students of Crafton Hills College (ASCHC) Student Senate –... Meeting Agenda Monday, November 7, 2011 at 2:00pm (PST) Crafton...

Associated Students of Crafton Hills College (ASCHC) Student Senate – Regular
Meeting Agenda Monday, November 7, 2011 at 2:00pm (PST) Crafton Hills
College, OE2-214A
11711 Sand Canyon Rd. – Yucaipa, CA 92399 – (909) 389-3410
1. Organizational Items:
1.1. Call to Order: 2:06 PM
1.2. Adoption of Agenda:
N. Manzanida moved. J. Palmer seconded. Motion Carries.
1.3. Roll Call
Christopher Walsh, President & Student Trustee
Kyle Hundley, Vice President of External Affairs
Aaron Contreras, Vice President of Internal Affairs
Monica Aguilar, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Benjamin Starr, Vice President of Finance
Audrey Ramsaran, Secretary
Jaelin Palmer, Social Events Officer
Ibraheem Lawal, Social Events Co-Chair
Marcus Dashoff, Inter Club Council Co-Chair
Jasmine Corza, Diversity Officer
Norbert Manzanida, Publicity Officer
Aaron Henderson, Activism Officer
Jenna Nunez, Senator at Large
Chris Gomez, Senator at Large
Ann Noravong, Senator at Large
Leanne Perrault , Senator at Large
Amber Landiguin, Inter Club Council Officer
1.4. Approval of Minutes from October 31st 2011 as amended.
-J. Palmer moved. I. Lawal seconded. Motion Carries.
1.5. Shared Governance Committee Review
2. Public Comment: (Letters and remarks from interested students: Any member of
the public that wishes to address the Student Senate on any matter is limited to five (5)
minutes. The total time for members of the public to speak on the same or similar
issues shall be limited to twenty (20) minutes.)
Krystal Wheeler applied for the position Editor-in-cheif
3. Guest Speakers:
Mariana Moreno and Debbie Bogh spoke about the new transfer center.
4. Unfinished Business:
5. Discussion: (All discussion shall be limited to ten (10) minutes each. In the interest
of time, please do not repeat what has already been said. Each item can only be
extended once, by no more than 5 minutes.)
5.1. Club Charters (Standing Item)
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action upon Club Charters. (Inter
Club Council)
(Philosophy Club) M. Dashoff moved. J. Palmer seconded. Motion carries.
5.2. Recycling Money
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action upon what to do with the
recycling money. (Perrault)
- B. Starr and C. Walsh are going discuss what to do with the funds.
5.3. ICC Meeting Refreshments
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action upon funding for
refreshments for ICC meetings. (Dashoff)
- $25.00 for Pizza
5.4. ICC Meeting Consequences
The Student Senate will discuss the possible consequences of club absences at ICC
meeting. (Dashoff)
- There is nothing that can be done at this point.
5.5. Operation Glitter Posters
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action on approving $600.00 for
Operation Glitter advertising efforts, i.e. Posters etc. (Walsh)
- K. Hundley moved. B. Starr seconded. Motion Carries.
5.6. Student Senate Goals and Events
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action upon Fall 2011 goals and
events. (Walsh)
-Discussion took place
5.7. Senator at Large Assignments
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action upon Senator at Large
assignments. (Walsh)
- Discussion took place
5.8. Student Senate Scholarship Advertising
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action upon advertising for Spring
Student Body Scholarships. (Walsh)
- Discussion took place. No action taken.
5.9. Fall General Assembly
The Student Senate will discuss and review the Fall General Assembly. (Walsh)
- Members had fun. Good leaning experience.
5.10. Revised Student Senate Budget
- J. Palmer moved to extend time by 5 minutes. N. Manzanida seconded. Motion
- K. Hundley moved. C. Gomez seconded. Motion Carries.
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action upon approving the revised
2011-2012 Student Senate Budget. (Walsh)
5.11. Bylaw Amendments
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action upon making amendments
to the Student Senate Bylaws. (Walsh)
K. Hundley moved to postpone until 11/14. N. Manzanida seconded. Motion Carries.
5.12. Student Senate Accountability
The Student Senate will discuss and possibly take action upon creating a system for
improved accountability within the Senate. (Walsh)
-Discussion took place. No action taken.
6. Consent Items: (These items are intended to be non-controversial. It will be
upon the Student Senate at one time without discussion. Any member of the Student
Senate or any CHC Student may request that any item be removed from this section
for discussion.)
7. Reports: (Reports of the President and the Adviser shall be limited to five (5)
minutes each. All other reports shall be limited to three (3) minutes each. Please
refrain from discussion during Officer Reports. Each item can only be extended once,
by no more than 5 minutes.)
7.1. Officer Reports
7.1.1. President/ Student Trustee (Walsh)
7.1.2. Vice-President of Internal Affairs (Contreras)
7.1.3. Vice-President of External Affairs (Hundley)
- Report attached.
7.1.4. Vice-President of Academic Affairs (Aguilar)
7.1.5. Vice-President of Finance (Starr)
7.1.6. Secretary (Ramsaran)
7.1.7. Co-Social Events Officer (Lawal)
7.1.8. Co-Social Events Officer (Palmer)
7.1.9. Co-Inter Club Council Officer (Dashoff)
7.1.10. Co-Inter Club Council Officer (Landinguin)
7.1.11. Publicity Officer (Manzanida)
7.1.12. Equity and Diversity Officer (Corza)
7.1.13. Activism Officer (Henderson)
7.1.14. Senator at Large (Gomez)
7.1.15. Senator at Large (Noravong)
7.1.16. Senator at Large (Nuñez)
7.1.17. Senator at Large (Perrault)
7.2. Adviser Report (Paddock)
7.3. Project Reports:
7.3.1. Awareness Week
7.3.2. Student Appreciation Day #2
7.3.3. Operation Glitter
7.3.4. Golf Cart Repairs
7.3.5. Camera Purchase
7.3.6. Canopy Purchase
7.4. Council/Committee Reports:
7.4.1. Executive Committee
7.4.2. Events Council
- Therapy dogs
7.4.3. Ad-Hoc Marketing Committee
8. Communication From the Floor
9. Adjournment: 4:44 PM
Upcoming Events:
Meet the Senate – November 14th Awareness Event – November 15th-17th
Kyle Hundley
VPEA Report
November 7, 2011
Friday, November 4 I attended a Robert's Rules of Order breakout ran by
Lorenzo R. Cuesta, a Professional Registered Parliamentarian. Cuesta passionately
advocated the importance of running an effective meeting using parliamentary
procedure. The breakout was informative and motivating, therefore, I provided a
handout with all the information he conveyed and more. I intend to look into having
a parliamentarian (hopefully Lorenzo) come before our senate to better educate us
upon the use of Robert's Rules.
SSCCC President:
Region 9 delegates, including myself, voted to support SSCCC President Kevin
The resolution process was extremely informative and enlightening. I
discovered how important it is to have a complete understanding of the resolutions
prior to General Assembly. Though many of them were made clear through debate
and requests for information. Several resolutions and many amendments were
added at the last minute, because of this I believe it is necessary to leave the final
voting decision to the delegate. There were only a few times that I went against the
decision of our Senate, because our information was not sufficient and once made
clear, these particular resolutions did not serve the interests expressed in our initial
decision. I feel with more preparation this situation is less likely to occur; however,
even with sufficient preparation I believe final voting rights should be left to the
elected delegate.
CHC Participation:
I would like to praise our President, Christopher Walsh, for his concise yet
epic contribution to an extremely controversial resolution. The resolution was
created to oppose the entirety of the Student Success Task Force's
recommendations, without discussion or debate on any individual item. As decided
by the Senators that attended GA, we were strongly against this resolution.
President Walsh was the second speaker on the con mic and with more
eloquent words than mine stated that the 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education
was dead and the time to create a better system is now. This controversial
statement stirred the audience and was met with both cheers and “boos.”
Moments later, without hesitation, President Walsh approached the
parliamentary mic, lacking delegate rights he could only ask for a point of
information: what are the consequences should this resolution pass? President
Feliciano smiled and answered: any and all student voice on the Student Success
Task Force would subsequently be eliminated. Such a seemly simple question
brought the results Walsh expected. The audience was shocked and a deep
“ooohhhhh” reverberated throughout the conference room, suddenly all those
gathered around the pro mic dissolved and people flocked to the con mic.
Ultimately the resolution failed with a near unanimous vote. In my opinion,
President Christopher Walsh effectively swayed the vote and was the deciding
factor in defeating said resolution.
I thank Chris for all of his help throughout the resolution process and I want
to express my appreciation for his extensive knowledge pertaining to education and
politics. We are lucky to have such a capable President and I hope to take this
experience and everything else I can learn to the next GA and hopefully make such
an impact while representing Crafton Hills College.
Upcoming Region IX meetings:
November 18, 2011
Chaffey College in Rancho
Begins at 2:00 pm
Upcoming SBCCD Board meetings:
November 17, 2011
San Bernardino District Office
Begins at 5:00 pm