The Associated Students of Crafton Hills College: Student Senate

The Associated Students of
Crafton Hills College:
Student Senate
Governing Documents
May 28th, 2011
Ratified April 25, 2011
Table of Contents
By-Laws Article One: Organization…..............................................................................01
By-Laws Article Two: Membership…..............................................................................01
By-Laws Article Three: Governmental Council…............................................................01
By-Laws Article Four: Terms and Requirements of Elected Office………………….....04
By-Laws Article Five: Terms and Requirements of Appointed Office…………….........06
By-Laws Article Six: Appointments……...……………………………………………..07
By-Laws Article Seven: Duties of Executive Office…...……………………………......07
By-Laws Article Eight: Duties of Appointed Office……………………………….........13
By-Laws Article Nine: Succession and Resignation……….……………………............15
By-Laws Article Ten: Recall and Removal From Office………………………...,,,,,,,,,,16
By-Laws Article Eleven: Meetings……...…………………………………………........17
By-Laws Article Twelve: Student Senate Standing Committees………………...….......18
Associated Students Of Crafton Hills College Student Code of Conduct…………….....20
Crafton Hills College Student Expectation Guidelines………………………………….22
Student Trustee Options……………………………………………………………........26
Ratified April 25, 2011
By-Laws of the Associated Students of Crafton Hills College
The name of this organization shall be the Associated Students of Crafton Hills College,
hereafter referred to as the ASCHC.
All students who are officially enrolled in Crafton Hills College shall be considered
members. Privileges of membership include:
1. The right to vote in all ASCHC elections.
2. The right to representation and benefits as provided by the organization.
3.The right to attend all meetings of the Student Senate in a non-voting capacity.
4. The right to run in elections and hold elective office.
Governmental Council
Section 1:
The governing body of the ASCHC shall be the Student Senate. The Student Senate
membership shall be composed of elected and appointed officers.
1. The elected executive officers shall be President, Vice-President of Internal Affairs,
Vice-President of External Affairs, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Vice-President
of Finance, Secretary, and Student Trustee.
2. The appointed officers shall be Social Events Officers (2), Inter-Club Council Officers
(2), Publicity Officer, Equity and Diversity Officer, Activism Officer, Editor and
Chief/Scribe, and Senators at Large (4).
3.If there is no interest in filling open positions, persons interested in joining the senate
may be appointed to the various committees.
Ratified April 25, 2011
Section 2:
All Student Senate members, in good standing, shall have an equal vote in all business
presented to the Student Senate.
“Good standing” is defined as:
1.A minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher
2.Regular attendance at weekly meetings for the duration of the semester (approximately
15 meetings total).
3.Members may miss a total of 3 weekly meetings: 2 excused and 1 unexcused, for the
4.The Student Senate Advisor shall determine the validity of any and all excused or
unexcused absences.
5.All Student Senate members must provide a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours
advanced notice to the Student Senate Advisor via phone or email notifying them of his
or her absence.
Regular attendance at events:
6. Student Senate members may miss one AS day and one additional event per semester.
A member may not miss an event if they are in charge of the event in question unless
they have spoken to the Advisor and/or provided necessary documentation.
Regular attendance at Shared Governance committees:
7. Student Senate members may miss ten percent (10 %) of the total number of
committee meetings a semester.
8. Mandatory attendance at all conferences pertinent to their positions on the Student
9.Mandatory attendance at all Student Senate retreats. Exceptions to this will be at the
discretion of the Student Senate Advisor.
10.Student Senate members must adhere to the student Code of Conduct and Student
Senate Expectations Guidelines at all times. (See attached)
11.All Senate members must adhere to deadlines set forth by the President or Advisor.
Ratified April 25, 2011
Section 3:
Per Robert’s Rules of Order a quorum shall be defined as fifty percent plus one (50% +
1) of the Senate members currently holding office.
Terms and Requirements of Elected Officers
Section 1:
The candidate for President must have completed at least twenty-four (24) units of course
work at Crafton Hills College prior to the beginning of their term. They must also have
served at least one year in the Student Senate prior to the beginning of their term in this
office. All other candidates for elected office must have completed twelve (12) units of
course work at Crafton Hills College prior to the beginning of their term in office.
In the event that there is no eligible candidate for President, the residing Student Senate
will consult with the existing Vice Presidents to determine their individual interests in the
If this proves unsuccessful the Student Senate will conduct a series of interviews with
applicants from the ASCHC in order to identify possible candidates for election. This will
waive the requirement of one year of prior service to the organization.
If there is no further interest in the position of President after consulting the ASCHC the
election will be run without placing candidates for President on the ballot. At the
conclusion of the election, order of succession will be implemented in order to fill the
vacancy of the office of President.
Section 2:
For the duration of an elected officer’s term in office they must be enrolled in at least five
(5) units of course work per semester at Crafton Hills College
Section 3:
All persons holding elected office shall have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 at the time
of election and throughout their term. The Advisor reserves the right to require midsemester grade checks.
Section 4:
Ratified April 25, 2011
All persons holding elected office shall be elected by the ASCHC for a term of one
academic year. In the event of a mid-semester vacancy the Student Senate President
reserves the right to either leave a position vacant or appoint a designee for the remainder
of the academic year. All appointments must be approved by a 2/3rds majority vote of the
Student Senate.
Section 5:
Each semester, the Director of Student Life or designee will verify that members of the
Student Senate meet the above standards (Article IV, Sections 1-3). Failure to meet the
above standards will result in the student’s immediate removal from office by the advisor
after notifying the Student Senate in writing at a regularly scheduled senate meeting.
Section 6:
The duties of all persons holding elected office shall be described in the By-laws. The
responsibilities of all persons holding elected office shall be described in the following
documents, the ASCHC Student Senate Constitution, By-Laws, Code of Conduct, and the
Crafton Hills College Academic Honesty/ Student Code of Conduct. The President or
Student Senate as necessary may assign other responsibilities and duties.
Section 7:
No person may hold an elected office in the ASCHC Student Senate and at another
college simultaneously.
Section 8:
An individual cannot hold an elected position for more than one term. In the event of a
mid-year appointment to an Executive office, the appointee is eligible to run for the same
office for a term of one full academic year.
Terms and Requirements of Appointed Office
Section 1:
For the duration of an Appointed Officers term in office they must be enrolled in at least
five (5) units of work per semester at Crafton Hills College
Ratified April 25, 2011
Section 2:
All persons holding appointed office shall have a cumulative grade point average (GPA)
of at least 2.0 at the time of appointment and throughout their term. The Advisor reserves
the right to require mid-semester grade checks. If the applicant for appointment has no
prior course work at Crafton Hills College the Advisor will verify high school
coursework GPA, or coursework from other colleges. In the event that the applicant does
not have a High School Diploma or Certificate of Completion, the Advisor will verify
references and or Ability To Benefit Test Scores, through the Assessment Center.
Section 3:
Each semester, the Director of Student Life or designee will verify that members of the
Student Senate meet the above standards (Article V, Sections 1-2). Failure to meet the
above standards will result in the student’s immediate removal from office by the advisor
after notifying the Student Senate in writing at a regularly scheduled senate meeting.
Section 4:
An individual cannot hold an appointed position for more than one term. In the event of a
mid-year appointment, the appointee is eligible to apply for the same office for a term of
one full academic year.
Section 5:
The duties of all persons holding appointed office shall be described in the By-laws. The
responsibilities of all persons holding appointed office shall be described in the following
documents, the ASCHC Student Senate Constitution, By-Laws, Code of Conduct, and the
Crafton Hills College Academic Honesty/ Student Code of Conduct. The President or
Student Senate as necessary may assign other responsibilities, and duties.
Section 6
No person may hold an appointed office in the ASCHC Student Senate and at another
college simultaneously.
Section 1:
Any position, other than the President, which is not filled during a General Election, may
be filled by presidential appointment after being ratified by the Student Senate. All
Ratified April 25, 2011
appointments shall be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of a quorum of the
Student Senate with the term of office ending at the end of the academic year.
Section 2:
The President shall present candidates for appointment to the Student Senate as needed
throughout the year. These candidates must have a 2.0 GPA at the time of appointment
and must maintain a 2.0 GPA throughout their term.
Section 3:
The President may also make appointments to ad hoc positions for specific purposes.
Persons appointed to ad hoc positions would not have a vote on the Student Senate. The
term of these positions will be determined at the time of appointment and will be related
to the purpose of the appointment. In the event the appointee fails to meet the
expectations of the appointment, the President may rescind the appointment.
Duties of Executive Officers
Section 1: President
The duties of the President shall be:
1. To serve as chief representative of the organization, and to monitor the health and
well-being of the Student Senate and the student body which it represents.
2. To serve as an ex-officio member of all commissions, subordinate organizations, and
committees of the ASCHC.
3. To serve as the chief executive officer of the ASCHC.
4. To chair all regularly scheduled Student Senate meetings as well as having a broad
knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order, New Edition.
5. Shall have the right to vote to break a tie vote of the ASCHC Student Senate.
6.To establish standard operating procedures for student senate meetings, designated as
the Standing Rules, that must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the
entire senate.
7. To appoint and remove officers and individual members of committees, boards, and
agencies in accordance with the ASCHC Constitution and the Bylaws, subject to a twoRatified April 25, 2011
thirds (2/3) approval of the Student Senate.
8. To have the power to require in writing the opinion or report of any administrative or
student agency of the ASCHC as it pertains to goals, purposes, and results of the said
9. To have the power of veto over legislative actions of the Student Senate. Such veto
may be overridden by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Senate, during the semester in
which the action takes place. The President must exercise the option of veto within seven
(7) days of action by the Senate.
10. To direct by Executive Order the taking of actions, which are urgent and necessary, to
maintain the functioning of the ASCHC until the Senate can again meet. Any such
Executive Order automatically expires at the third regular Senate meeting following
issuance of the order, or upon termination by the Senate through a majority of those
voting, a quorum being present to do business.
11. To call to order special meetings to facilitate urgent business matters.
12. To sit on one (1) administrative committee requiring a student- representative, not
including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
13. To carry out any other duties as set forth in this Constitution and By-laws and/or
assigned by the Senate.
14. To appoint and remove Region IX Crafton Hills College Delegate and Alternate
Delegate and agencies in accordance with the (2/3) approval of the Student Senate.
Section 2: Vice-President of Internal Affairs
The duties and powers of the Vice President of Internal Affairs shall be:
1. To serve as the second ranking representative of the ASCHC.
2. To co-chair all regular Student Senate meetings, as well as having a broader
knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order, New Edition.
3.To ensure that actions directed by the President and Senate are performed.
4.To create and post the agenda 72 hours in advance of regular Senate meetings, and
24 hours in advance of special meetings, on the Student Senate Office window.
Ratified April 25, 2011
5. To sit on one shared governance committee (Student Services) requiring a student
representative, not including the committee he/she might chair, or be required to sit on
according to his/her job description.
6.To attend all Classified Senate meetings as well as related meetings and subcommittee
meetings as necessary in an attempt to represent the interests of students at the classified
7.To appoint a designee in the event that he/she cannot make it to the Classified Senate
meetings and/or related meetings.
8. To serve as the chair of the Student Senate Vice President Council.
9. To host, plan and coordinate the annual classified senate luncheon.
10. To co-chair the Student Senate Elections and Recruitment committee.
11. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and By-laws of the
ASCHC, assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Student Senate.
Section 3: Vice-President of External Affairs
The duties and powers of the External Affairs Vice-President shall be:
1.To represent the position of the Student Senate in matters involving the ASCHC, The
Board of Trustees, San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC), Student Senate for California
Community Colleges (SSCCC) and other off-campus entities as delegated by the
2. To assist the President in coordinating advocacy efforts (i.e. legislative visits, letter
writing campaigns, March in March) on behalf of student interests, at the local, district,
regional, state, and national level.
3.To assist the President in ensuring that the Student Senate members understand the
issues being advocated before the Board of Trustees, SBVC, SSCCC and other offcampus entities.
4. To sit on one (1) Shared Governance requiring a student representative, not including
the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
5. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Student
Senate, assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Senate.
Ratified April 25, 2011
6. To attend two (2) San Bernardino Valley College Associated Student Government
meetings per semester.
7. To serve as the Region IX voting delegate on behalf of the Student Senate, at monthly
Region IX meetings, and semi annual SSCCC General Assembly.
8. To host, plan, and implement the biennial Board of Trustees Forum.
9. To host plan and implement the Board of Trustees Mixer.
10. To co-chair the Student Senate Elections and Recruitment committee.
11. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and By-laws of the
ASCHC, assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Student Senate.
Section 4: Vice-President of Academic Affairs
The duties of the Academic Affairs Vice President shall be:
1.To represent the position of the Student Senate in matters involving the ASCHC to the
Academic Senate
2. To attend all Academic Senate meetings as well as all related meetings and
subcommittee meetings as necessary in an attempt to represent the academic interests of
3. To assign a designee, in the event that he/she cannot make it to the Academic Senate
meetings and/or related meetings. Student Senate President must be informed prior to the
assignment of a designee.
5. To chair the Student Interest Committee.
6.To sit on one (1) Shared Governance requiring a student representative, not including
the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
7. To host, plan and coordinate the Annual Faculty Appreciation luncheon.
8. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and By-laws and assigned
by the President and/or Student Senate
Section 5: Vice-President of Finance
The duties and powers of the Vice-President of Finance shall be:
Ratified April 25, 2011
1. To act as the chairperson of the Finance and Budget Committee.
2. To bring to the attention of the Student Senate any and all bills to be
paid by the Student Senate.
3. To keep an account of all monies received and disbursements.
4. To give typed written reports to the Student Senate of the financial condition each
month with a verbal report each meeting.
5. To present all legislation dealing with finance to the Student Senate.
6. To work in cooperation with College administration in preparing the annual Student
Center fee Budget.
7. To sit on one (1) shared governance committee requiring a student representative, not
including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
8. To hold a meeting of all clubs treasurers at the beginning of each semester of the
purpose of informing them for financial procedures as prescribed by the State,
Community College District, and the Student Senate Constitution.
9. To initiate all necessary procedures for the payments of all Student Senate incurred
10. To set hours of consultation.
11. To enforce all financial policies as set forth by the State, Community College District,
and the Student Senate.
12. To perform duties as prescribed by the President.
13. To carry out the provisions of the Constitution.
Section 6: Secretary
The duties and powers of the Secretary shall be:
1. To record (in writing) all proceedings of Student Senate meetings.
2. To make copies of the minutes and have them available to the Student Senate,
Academic Senate, District Administration, and general student body 72 hours prior to the
next meeting.
Ratified April 25, 2011
3.To present at the end of each semester, in book form, all minutes to the Student Senate
and to the Crafton Hills College Library.
5.To sit on one (1) shared governance committee requiring a student representative, not
including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
6. To file all minutes by standing committees.
7. To keep attendance records of all appointed and elected officers of the ASCHC and
place them in the minutes.
8. To make sure that all appointed and elected officers of ASCHC have all necessary and
mandatory documents for their student government binders. To be distributed at the start
of the year. (I.e. ASCHC Constitution, Bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order, ASCHC Code of
9. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and By-laws and assigned
by the President and/or Student Senate
Section 7: Student Trustee
The student trustee is not required to participate with the Student Senate, however
if they choose not to, they forgo the right to vote on the Student Senate. (refer to
option a/b attached)
The duties and powers of the Student Trustee, should they choose to work with the
Student Senate, shall be:
1. To attend all monthly Board of Trustee Meetings at the district office in San
2. To ensure that the Student Senate members understand the issues being advocated
before the Board of Trustees, and SBVC.
3. To attend any/all meetings as deemed necessary by the President and/or Student Senate
in the effective representation of student interest outside of the CHC campus.
4.To sit on three (3) Shared Governance Committees requiring a student representative,
two (2) on campus and one (1) at district.
5.To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the ASCHC,
assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Senate.
6. Candidates for President will have the opportunity to place their name on the ballot for
Ratified April 25, 2011
Student Trustee as well as president.. According to Board Policy, if there is a resignation
from Student Trustee during the first half of their term in office a special election shall be
held to elect a new student trustee, the ASCHC President will also have the opportunity
to be placed on the ballot for dual roles. If the resignation of the Student Trustee takes
place within the second half of their term the ASCHC President will be appointed to the
role of Student Trustee, in concurrence with their role as ASCHC President. All other
duties of the Student Trustee in these bylaws will be dissolved, if the President assumes
the role of Trustee, with the exception of Article Six Section Seven Sub Section One
(6.7.1). The Trustee shall not be appointed.
Article VIII
Duties of Appointed Officers
Section 1: Social Events Officers (2)
1. Shall be in charge of all social events.
2. Shall co-chair the social committee.
3. Shall assist the publicity chairperson in publicizing social events.
4. Shall host plan and coordinate the summer and Winter Retreats.
5. Shall host, plan and coordinate a minimum of one monthly on campus event, with the
intention of promoting the Student Senate.
6. Shall host plan and coordinate an ASCHC sponsored Annual Event.
7. Each officer shall sit on one (1) shared governance committee requiring a student
representative, not including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job
description. I.e. Gala Committee
8. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the ASCHC,
assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Student Senate.
Section 2: Publicity Officer
1. Shall chair the Publicity Committee.
2. Shall assist all Appointed and Elected Officers in publicizing all appropriate on campus
events a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the event.
3. To sit on one (1) shared governance committee requiring a student representative, not
including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
4. Shall create a scrapbook of all campus events, club functions, performances and graduation.
5. Shall keep a file of information regarding campus events, programs, flyers, and newspaper
6. To be responsible for managing and maintaining any Student Senate run websites or social
networking channels.
Ratified April 25, 2011
7. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the ASCHC,
assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Student Senate.
Section 3: Inter-Club Council Officers (2)
1. Shall co-chair the Inter-Club Council (ICC) Committee
2. Shall be in charge of the calendar of club events/ meetings and shall submit it to the Student
Senate on a monthly basis.
3. Shall review all club charter applications and recommend to the Student Senate whether it be
approved or denied.
4. To sit on one (1) shared governance committee requiring a student representative, not
including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
5. Shall work in conjunction with the Social Events Officers to arrange a minimum of one (1)
campus event per semester, in order to promote on campus clubs. (Club Rush)
6. Shall attend all meetings of all clubs when possible. If this is not possible, it is the
responsibility of the ICC to inquire as to the events of the meeting.
7. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the ASCHC,
assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Student Senate.
Section 4: Senators at Large (4)
1. To sit on one (1) Shared Governance committee requiring a student representative, not
including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
2. Shall take on all committee duties as prescribed by the President.
3. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the ASCHC,
assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Student Senate.
4. To assist other officers when necessary with the planning and implementation of events and
goals. The President shall assign each Senator at Large to work with fellow officers for a
specified amount of time.
Section 5: Editor in Chief/ Scribe
1. Shall be Editor in Chief of the student-run publication, The Advisor.
2. Shall act as Secretary of the Student Senate in the absence of the official Secretary.
3. Shall take on all committee duties as prescribed by the President.
4. To sit on one (1) Shared Governance committee requiring a student representative,
not including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
5. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the ASCHC,
assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Student Senate.
Section 6: Activism Officer
1. To sit on one (1) Shared Governance committee requiring a student representative, not
including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
2. Plan, host and coordinate one campus wide, and one community wide service project
per semester.
3. Chair the Student Senate Activism Committee.
Ratified April 25, 2011
4. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the ASCHC,
assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Student Senate.
Section 8: Equity and Diversity Officer
1.To sit on one (1) Shared Governance committee requiring a student representative, not
including the committee he/she might chair according to his/her job description.
2. To host plan and coordinate two (2) Equity and Diversity events per semester. (cultural
awareness, and heritage celebrations)
3. To host plan and coordinate one annual equity and diversity event. (I.e. Multicultural day)
4. TO chair the ASCHC Equity and Diversity Committee.
5. To carry out any other duties as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of the ASCHC,
assigned by the President, and/or assigned by the Student Senate.
Succession and Resignations
Section 1:
Succession- The coming of one person after another in order or sequence.
The order of succession will be: President, Vice President of Internal Affairs, Vice
President of External Affairs, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of
Finance, Secretary, Student Trustee (if the Student Trustee is a voting member of the
Student Senate)
If the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice President of Internal Affairs will
assume the duties and responsibilities of the President. If the office of Vice President of
Internal Affairs becomes vacant the Vice President of External Affairs will assume the
duties and responsibilities of the Vice President of Internal Affairs.
If an Executive Officer opts out of succeeding a position, the President reserves the right
to either leave the position vacant or appoint a member of the Student Senate in order to
fill the vacancy. (Article 7.1.1)
Section 2:
If any elected offices, other than that of the President, become vacant for any reason, the
President shall appoint an individual for that office if they so choose. Upon confirmation
by the Senate, the appointee shall assume the full duties of that office
Section 3:
All resignations of elected and appointed officers must be submitted in writing via email
Ratified April 25, 2011
or post mail, and turned into the Vice President of Internal Affairs of the Student Senate
to be official. Resignations will become effective two weeks from the date the notice is
received unless otherwise noted.
Article X
Removal from Office and Recall
Section 1:
An elected or appointed member of the Student Senate may be removed from
office without due process for failure to be in good standing, or failure to meet
eligibility requirements.
Section 2:
An elected or appointed member of the ASCHC may be removed from their
position through due process for any of the following reasons:
1. Continued failure to fulfill the duties of their designated position as outlined in the
Constitution and By- Laws.
2. Continued failure to fulfill duties as prescribed by the President.
1. Excessive absences.
3. There is conclusive and overwhelming evidence that an officer has threatened the
safety of a fellow officer.
4. There is conclusive and overwhelming evidence that an officer has engaged in actions
designated to undermine the authority and integrity of the ASCHC.
5. There is conclusive and overwhelming evidence that an officer has behaved in a
manner counteractive to the goals, student senate code of conduct, and the Crafton
Hills College Code of Conduct.
6. There is conclusive and overwhelming evidence that an officer is uncooperative with
the goals and mission of the ASCHC team’s efforts and endeavors.
7. There is documented evidence that an officer did not respond to repeated attempts of
the President to establish communication and ascertain the reasons for absences at
meetings, non-participation in activities, failure to accomplish tasks that are described
in the Constitution and Bylaws and the Student Senate President, etc.
8. If there is evidence that an officer cheated, lied, or engaged in other forms of
dishonorable behavior.
Section 3: Due Process
1. The member up for removal shall receive a written notice from the VPIA
seven days before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Student Senate.
This same written notice will be dispersed to the entirety of the Student Senate
at the same time.
2.The member in question will have the opportunity to present their defense
against the allegations and or charges.
Ratified April 25, 2011
3. The Senate will have two meetings to discuss and make a decision as to the
removal of the said officer.
5. The officer shall be removed with a 3/4 vote of the entire student senate.
5. The Student Senate shall vote by public ballot to decide whether or not an
officer shall be removed
Article XI
Section 1
The President shall chair all student senate meetings, and in his or her absence the VicePresident of Internal Affairs or next officer in succession shall chair the meeting. The
Student Senate Advisor or his/her assigned designee must be present at all meetings. The
Student Senate Advisor shall be the Director of Student Life. (In the event that the entire
executive cabinet is vacated, the Student Senate Adviser will notify CHC Vice President
of Student Services to hold a special election to fill the vacated positions)
Section 2 Regular meetings of the Student Senate shall be held when the Fall and Spring
semesters are in session. Meetings will be at such time(s) and place, at least once every
week, as designated by the Presidents Cabinet, prior to the start of registration for the
next semester
Section 3:
Special meetings of the Student Senate may be called by the President or in his/her
absence, the Vice-President of Internal Affairs. Notice of any special meetings of the
Student Senate shall be given at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the scheduled time
by delivering an announcement of such to each member via e-mail, or phone call. An
announcement must also be posted on the Student Senate Office window
Ratified April 25, 2011
Article XII
Student Senate Standing Committees
Section 1. Executive Committee
Charge- To over see organizational and internal issues including but not limited to
personnel issues, Brown Act compliance, Parliamentary Procedure compliance,
budgetary recommendations, bylaw and constitution compliance, appointments,
discipline and travel.
Will act in a recommending capacity only. Exceptions to this will be at the discretion
of the Student Senate President through Executive Order.
Will meet in closed session at least once a week during the academic year excluding
winter and summer breaks. Exceptions to this will be at the discretion of the
Student Senate President.
Membership will consist of President, Vice President of Internal Affairs, Vice
President of External Affairs, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of
Finance, and Student Senate Adviser.
Upon concurrence of half of the Executive Committee, members may be excluded
from membership in the committee for a set amount of time in the event that that
member in question is subject to discussion regarding but not limited to
performance, and behavior.
Section 2 Events Council
Charge- To plan and execute all events pertinent to members job description.
Members- Social Events Officers (1), Editor in Chief of The Adviser, Equity and
Diversity Officer, Activism Officer, Inter Club Council Officers (1), Senator at Large,
and Publicity Officer.
Section 3
All other standing committees will be listed in the Crafton Hills College Organizational
Handbook, in which the Student Senate must abide by, unless the Student Senate votes a
standing committee inactive
Section 4 Inactive Standing Committees
Ratified April 25, 2011
If the Student Senate wishes for any reason to deem a standing committee inactive, the
inactive status must be approved by a simple majority of the Student Senate. If the
Student Senate chooses to reactivate a Standing Committee, the same process must ensue.
Section 5 Ad Hoc Committees
If the need arises to create an ad hoc committee, the senate must ratify the committee
with a simply majority vote.
Section 6 Implementation of Standing Committees
In order to create a Standing Committee, the Student Senate must first create the
committee through the ad hoc process. The committee must remain an ad hoc committee
for at least one semester. After this process the senate must approve the Standing
Committee status with a 3/4ths majority vote. This committee must then be added to the
Organizational Handbook upon the next drafting process of that said document.
Ratified April 25, 2011
Student Senate Code of Conduct
The Crafton Hills College Student Senate works to properly represent its constituency
through an effective student government. It recognizes the inherent rights and
responsibilities of self-government by representing student interests, rights and concerns,
and by stimulating student awareness and involvement in the many academic, cultural,
social, and community opportunities available at Crafton Hills College.
A high level of positive of positive conduct is expected of all student participants that
require self-control, individual decision-making, responsibility, and adherence to a code
that is appropriate for all meetings, conferences, and any sanctioned Student Senate
Essential to the Crafton Hills College Student Senate is the concern of each participant
for the rights of every individual. Each participant is responsible for his or her actions
at all times. It is essential for all members to act responsibly to ensure that their own
conduct and attitude is beneficial not only to themselves and their fellow participants,
but also facilitates the credibility and longevity of the Student Senate.
All members are expected to act in a respectful manner, in both language and action,
when interacting with other students, advisors, faculty, staff, and administrators. They
are accountable for preserving the reputation and high standard of the Student Senate.
All facilities placed at the disposal of the Student Senate are to be given the greatest
care and attention.
The Student Senate expects all participants to adhere to the Code of Conduct at all
official Student Senate functions.
A. Conduct within meetings:
RESPECT - Members should remain respectful and avoid emotional outbursts or
personal attacks. Members should be dependable and have respect for the time
and commitment of others by being prompt and avoiding anything that could
create a delay or unnecessarily extend the length of meetings.
Ratified April 25, 2011
SPEAKING - Members should always wait to speak until called upon by the
chair or as stated in Robert’s Rules of Order, the individual who has the floor.
Their language should be kept courteous and professional. Avoid repeating points
already addressed and speak concisely.
LISTENING - Members should always give their full attention.
ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES - Members should keep their responsibilities in
mind at all times. Member should monitor self and others, help each other learn,
remind others to abide by these ground rules, make certain that everyone who so
desires has expressed an opinion.
FOCUS - Members should always stay on the item at hand.
B. Conflict of Interest
Members should recuse themselves from voting on Student Senate business when they
have a vested interest that may affect their impartiality and prevent them from best
representing their constituencies on the issue at hand.
C. Dress Code
Members must realize that as elected officials, their personal appearance and manner
of dress reflects upon the organization and their respective constituencies. Whenever
in doubt, members should dress business casual.
D. Misrepresentation
Misrepresentation of the Student Senate, and positions and policies of our
organization, system partners, and individual members shall not be tolerated.
E. Responsibilities as a Student
The Student Senate Code of Conduct is a supplement to the Standards of Student
Conduct outlined in the Crafton Hills College Catalog. As student leaders, Student
Senate members must strive to uphold the standards of conduct and be examples of
proper student behavior. Failure to follow the SBCCD/ CHC Student Code of Conduct
and the ASCHC Student Senate Code of Conduct will result in immediate removal
from the Student Senate with due process.
Ratified April 25, 2011
Crafton Hills College
Student Code of Conduct
(SBCCD Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5500)
In the Classroom
A proper teaching and learning environment is imperative for getting a good education.
Everyone at Crafton Hills College is responsible for helping to create this environment,
including students. Simple rules of courtesy apply.
1. Respect for the Instructor.
This includes arriving on time, not leaving early, bringing appropriate materials, not
speaking with other students while the instructor or another student is talking, not
bringing food or drink into the classroom, and not being loud, boisterous or
2. Respect for Other Students.
This includes not interfering with the rights of others to listen and participate, being
respectful and not using inappropriate language or harassing others
in any way.
3. Academic Honesty.
Lack of honesty in the classroom is considered a very serious offense. Any form of
cheating on tests or assignments, turning in work which is not one’s own (i.e. plagiarism),
talking during tests, furnishing false information to college personnel, or knowingly
misrepresenting oneself to the college are grounds for disciplinary action. The
consequences of cheating are severe and may include receiving a grade of “F” for the
class and/or possible expulsion from the college.
4. Instructor’s Rights.
An instructor has the right to remove a student from class at any time he or she considers
Ratified April 25, 2011
a student’s actions to be interfering with a proper collegiate environment. The instructor
may also refer the incident to the Vice President of Student Services for disciplinary
action as warranted.
5. Student’s Rights.
All students have a right to due process. If a classroom conflict occurs, the student must
first discuss the problem with the instructor. If there is no resolution of the
conflict, the student should follow the procedures detailed in SBCCD Administrative
Regulation 5530.
On the Campus
Creating a proper campus environment is also very important for academic and individual
success. The SBCCD Board of Trustees has established District-wide standards of
student conduct, which will be enforced at all times. These rules of conduct are
particularly important in large common areas such as the cafeteria, bookstore, vending
areas, campus quads, and other regularly frequented areas. Students enrolled in the San
Bernardino Community College District and campus visitors shall refrain from disruptive
conduct which significantly interferes with the instructional program or college activities,
or which endangers the health or safety of members of the college, including visitors to
the campus. Disruptive conduct on the part of any student or campus visitor shall be
cause for disciplinary action in accordance with policies adopted by the San Bernardino
Community College Board of Trustees and pursuant to appropriate sections of the
Education Code, Section 76034, the Business and Professional Code, the Health and
Safety Code and the Penal Code of the State of California. Infractions include but are not
limited to:
1. Continued disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, or
the open defiance of authority or persistent abuse of college personnel.
2. Assault, battery or any threat of force or violence upon a student, campus visitor or
college personnel.
3. Willful misconduct which results in injury or death to a student, campus visitor, or
college personnel; destruction, defacing, or otherwise harming any personal or real
property owned by the SBCCD.
4. The use, sale, possession or the presence of anyone under the influence of an illegal
substance; possession of any poison classified as such by Schedule D, Section 4160, of
the Business and Professional Code.
5. The use or possession of alcoholic beverages on SBCCD property or at any collegesponsored event, or the presence of anyone under the influence of alcohol.
Ratified April 25, 2011
6. Willful or persistent smoking in any areas where smoking has been prohibited by law
or by regulation of the SBCCD Board of Trustees.
7. Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to
the college or college officials.
8. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records or identification.
9. Violation of SBCCD or college regulations governing student organizations, the use of
college facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression or distribution of
10. Unauthorized entry to facilities or use of college supplies, equipment, and telephones.
11. Possession or use of any firearm, explosive device, dangerous chemical, or other
deadly weapon while on SBCCD/college property or SBCCD/college sponsored event.
12. Driving of motorcycles and other off-road vehicles on SBCCD/ college property,
other than regular roads and parking lots.
13. Persistent, serious misconduct when other means of correction have failed to bring
about proper conduct.
14. Obstruction of pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic while on SBCCD/college property
or at college-sponsored events
Ratified April 25, 2011
Student Trustee Perspectives
Perspective One:
Student Representative
Both A. S. and the student trustee represent students in shared governance.
Close working relationship. In multi-college districts, the student trustee would meet with
the district A. S. (if any) and/or may need to meet with college A. S. groups.
Attend regular board meetings. Likely attend A.S. meetings or use other avenues to talk
with student groups. Participate in discussions of topics that affect students. May play a
state and national advocacy role on student-related issues. Likely the same advisor as the
A.S. Immediate and operational issues on behalf of current students and A. S.
Focus on internal, student-oriented issues. Orientation and major sources of information
are the A.S., other students, and administration. Likely to be limited to the rights
provided for in lawFunds for travel and board related responsibilities likely come from A.
S. funds and may be limited.
Perspective Two:
Trustee Member of Board
The Associated Student government is the official representative of the students in the
shared governance. Student trustees and A.S. representatives are not expected to work
closely together. Student trustees may be independent from student groups
Same expectations for participation as for all trustees, including external community
meetings. Educated and informed about a broad range of issues. May attend state and
national conferences and play an advocacy role. Superintendent or chancellor (the same
as for all trustees). Long range and broad on behalf of future students and external
community. Travel support is the same for all other trustees Focus on both internal and
external trends and issues. Orientation and sources of information are the same as for all
board members.
Ratified April 25, 2011
Ratified April 25, 2011