MINUTES, Wednesday, March 20 2013
IN ATTENDANCE: Debbie W., Pam D., Paul S., Michelle Z., Kim JD, Beata B., Lina I., Rose L., Jill L., Sal I., Joseph L.
Regrets: Brian F., Peter L., Jim W., Grace L., John M., Janice W., Dale W., Christine G.
Opening Prayer
Led us in prayer
Mr. Schmidt
Principal Report
Mr. Schmidt
Projected enrollment for 2013/14 has dropped to 672. This will bring challenging decisions.
Perhaps amalgamation of some small departments.
Grade 8 Get Ready for High School program is planned for last 2 weeks in August again. Feeder
schools will put the information out. Program was appreciated last year.
One e-learning course will be available as a school credit. Course will be announced later.
Blended Learning is also going to be offered, there is a class component and an on-line
Ms. Premier and Mr. Finamore are preparing for the Jamaican students who are arriving May
14. The students will be visiting the feeder schools as well. Parents can participate in the
events planned for that period.
Library ‘reno’ is in progress and is being appreciated by the students. The chess boards are a
hit, some relaxing of the rules to make it more welcoming, beverages, new lighting, wifi
enabled. The enclosed space will be setup as a project room for collaboration. Student
feedback on the new library is positive.
Three more additional smart boards have arrived that are now iPad compatible. Teacher
training is available.
Literacy test April 11, 2013, extra help is available for both grade 10s and 9s.
Wireless Project
The wireless project is being expanded beyond the library. The devices are being installed.
BYOD is going to be possible. There will be policies for appropriate use established and
communicated to the students for the use and management of the devices.
Update on the Proposed new class schedule:
A committee will be established in September 2013 to study the proposed schedule further.
Chair Report
Meeting weekly with Mr. Schmidt, keeping me up to date on various projects currently
Feb 28 attended the Mississauga East Schools presentation on Motivation and Anti Bullying.
CCCSC is offering Saturday April 13 a Marketplace event at St Josephs CSS, All welcome.
One CCCSC date to note is Saturday, April 13- School Council In service and Marketplace.
Staff Report
Sal I
Spirit Squad
Update on Spirit Squad. Student council model is outdated and suffering from student apathy.
Students want to raise spirit and organize events without the structure and elections of
council. A group of students are very actively promoting Spirit with events and leadership. They
meet weekly and anyone is welcome to participate.
Nicole, Leah, Angelica are members of Spirit Squad. There are 15 students who are
enthusiastic and work on projects to create school spirit. Many successful events have already
been popular this year. Halloween events and games with a haunted house, Christmas candy
grams, hot chocolate, games, Santa Pictures , Valentine’s Day candy grams.
Money raised was used to sponsor a child.
Red Cross conducted training on bullying prevention using funding from a government grant
for the students in spirit squad. They will be taking the anti-bullying program to the feeder
schools to promote St Paul.
A video was produce with the graduating class doing the Harlem Shake. It is getting thousands
of hits on YouTube.
Spring, Planning a semi-formal for April 12 – Dinner and Dance for senior students, tickets are
being sold now.
Act Now is another student group that is working on social justice projects. On June 1 - Act
Now is planning a garage sale, bake sale and BBQ. Parents may volunteer to help out the
students who will be running the Garage Sale. All proceeds will go to charity. Everyone is
welcome to bring in items to be sold as you do your spring cleaning. A Table can be purchased
for anyone who wants to offer items for sale for 25$. Anything left over will be taken to Dr.
Financial Report
Parish Update
Michelle, Betty
Financial report was competed, Balance is 477.14. Concern about the bank fees are quite high
on the parent council account. Perhaps it can be moved to an account that doesn’t have fees.
Rose will investigate. Looking for ideas on where to spend the balance by the end of the year.
Father Phil is scheduled for surgery April 8 and again in May. Father Noel is available while he
Youth Group going strong on Friday Nights.
Essay contest is underway for students on 3 themes related to Faith. 200$ prize money for the
best 3 essays.
Adjourned: 8:30pm
Next Meeting April 17, 2013
Last scheduled Parent Council Meetings will be May 15, 2013