St. PAULS PARENT COUNCIL MEETING – Feb 24, 2010 IN ATTENDANCE: Carla B., Deb P., Rose L., Cindy G., Luisa D., Paul S., Rosa C., Kelly D., Connie K., Chris G., Alex M., Kim J-D., Jennifer VdC., Randy S., Agnes S., Chris & Helen CL., Jenna B.(Student Council), Aneta W (Student Council) Guest: Mario Pascucci, Mr. L. Minott, Mr. K. McTiernan Regrets: John D., Brian F., ITEM Opening Prayer Chair Mario Pascucci Mr. Minott, Mr. McTiernan Student Update Co Chair report INFORMATION - Paul S. led us in prayer - update with concerns on -Bill 177- The Student Achievement & School Board Governance Act -asking for parents email addresses to send monthly Board information and updates - Board is keeping St. James School - if any new schools-Brampton area growing - money is an issue –next year less books, computers - May- public open Board meeting all welcome to attend - Full Day JK/SK registration Board update on Monday March 1 mtg - Coaches for Girl’s Flag Football team, commented how the team has improved extremely well over the years - made it to Championship game Tier 2 level - June 4, 2010 Tournament at St. Paul, BBQ, hype school spirit, raffles - asking School Council for money ($500) to help purchase Team jerseys - have raised a few funds already($250) - already have prices from 4 companies -$63.00x 25 jerseysincludes name, logo, numbers - discussion for next Council meeting Jenna and Aneta gave overview of all happenings - Semi Formal -75 tickets sold, not great response - revisit for next year - want to take survey of students for events in the school - review what are the best attended events - best participation- civvies days, spirit days, BYOB-“bring your own bowl (banana)” day- council provides ice cream, toppings, sauces for Sundaes - Carnival Day- working on ideas to make bigger - invite gr 8? - No Frills committed to donate food, Student Council members donating iTouch, Argo items, tickets, need more prizes - possible co-ordinate with Wellness Day - Volunteers, donations needed Alex – minutes from previous minutes approved - 2nd Rose L., Cindy G., Luisa D. Grade 12 Financial Report Parish Update - hand out with comparison from Mississauga East Family School websites - newsletter, Parent Council, meeting Minutes categories -St. Pauls was very informative and web efficient- thanks to all who upkeep the website - investigating into creating an East Family information toolwebsite to highlight and promote information- one location - Paul mentioned 2nd semester- Website Course for studentsproductive, could possibly contribute to new website for parents in the future - morning announcements - go to – key in stpaulnews to watch daily announcements – created by SHSM students -handout “Easy Ways to be Green at Home” - watch video- The Heart of Permaculture- Bill Wilson interview on Peak Moment Television, available on our school website for parents to view, under Parent Council tab - school is asking Pepsi to put in water dispenser - gr. 9 (Sept 2010) receiving stainless steel water bottles - Carla inquired- why Prom date was on the last day of Exams & a Wednesday- as opposed to Thursday or Friday - Friday is Grad mass & breakfast- possibly switch to Thursday and have grad Friday- review for next year -gr. 12 parents asked to sent in $30 with gr.12 student baby pictures- to assist with the purchase of equipment- Carla commented too expensive with all other gr. 12 expenses, why was it only gr.12’s, all grade students extra $5?, yearbook course students? - maybe charge less $30- to be reviewed for future Kelly- $2180.80- balance - allocation of monies to be discussed at next meeting - Flag football and Student Council requests -March 1 - Confirmation classes begin - Jan 31- Pasta dinner- great success-thanks to organizers, cooks attendees - all proceeds - installation of A/C in Parish -Knights of Columbus formed -Feb 14- Pancake breakfast- kickoff to Sharelife campaign-March 21- Sharelife Sunday Mini-renewal presentations-1st Tuesday of month @ 8pm- St. Bonaventure Church, Toronto Lent 2010- theme for mission “the rituals and spirituality of the Triduum” - every Friday during Lent-7pm mass followed by Stations of the Cross @ 7:45-led by Parish Ministry - Good Friday led by Youth Ministry - Big Thanks to St. Paul School- donation of $500, Turner & Porter for hockey raffle tickets - cover cost of Fr. Leos airfare - income tax receipts available after mass - Feb 27 &28 - Lenten Book sale - Sr. Joanne Kelly - March 10- Parish will host area Christian churches - celebrate World day of Prayer @ 7pm Staff Report Principal Report Meeting Adjourned: 9:15pm -Rosa C.- 2nd semester started - guidance dept adjusting schedules as needed -progress reports go home before March break -March 11 - Parent teacher interviews March 15-19 March break - before March break will receive new studio equipment, HD cameras etc - Training video requested from schools - put together for SHSM - 2 teachers attended Hamilton Conference - SHSM – Energy - St. Paul’s to apply for Energy SHSM for next year -staffing - ERQ from PIP program transferred out and new teacher transferred in - Math, Science Dept. Heads & Librarian postings- Feb 26 - Ms. Langston going to Brampton School next year - student enrollment projected 765 down from 790, staff at 55 down from 59