NEWSLETTER FEB. 2016 Principal D. Della Rossa 5820 Glen Erin Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 5J9 Telephone: (905) 814-9216 Fax: (905) 814-9217 Happy Valentine’s Day Principal’s Message Remember to show love towards others as we are all children of God As the above average weather continues, we enjoy our Canadian winters knowing that spring is around the corner. As we come to the end of our first term, we celebrate the progress of our students and our continuous goal setting to improve student well-being and achievement. Secretary S. Droy Superintendent Mississauga North T. Cruz Parish Merciful Redeemer Parish Phone: 905-812-0030 Pastor Fr. Vid Vlasic Associate Pastor Fr. Scott Birchall School Council Co-Chair Cristina Gouveia School Council Co-Chair Michelle Martinovic Trustee Esther O’Toole Ward 9 Phone: 905-812-5163 Attendance Verification Phone: 905-814-9216 Web Site DPCDSB is now on Twitter! Follow us @DPCDSBSchools. Reflections on the Child As in Nature— No two trees or flowers, although seeded at the same time, grow and bloom at the same rate, at the same height, or to the same degree of colour - so also in Children. Although the same age, each child is like an individual flower requiring different amounts of light, water, air and nurturing to grow to fullest potential. Given basic necessities, children will survive, but it is important to determine what each needs to truly flourish. We are the true gardeners in the greenhouse of learning. February is also the month we traditionally celebrate Black History, yet we will also use this month to celebrate our wonderful spirit of multiculturalism and appreciation for the unique gifts of one another. Together, we stand as one. On February 3rd, we will be having a guest speaker from Passages Canada who will be sharing her journey about her pathway to success to our students from Grades 1 to 8. Also, on Thursday, February 25th we invite everyone to wear pink to show we stand up against bullying. We will gather for an aerial photo of the entire school and share in a special presentation in the afternoon. On February 10th, we begin our Lenten journey of reflection and renewal. Lent is a time to follow Jesus more closely. It brings with it the call for penance and prayer. As we approach the season of Lent may we use the forty days to pray for peace and harmony in our world. Warnest Regards, D. Della Rossa CSAC Meeting Wednesday, February 3, 2016 6:30 P.M. All are welcome. Family Day Monday, February 15th School Closed. School Operations Kindergarten September 2016 Parents/Guardians should bring the following documents when registering their child: 1. Registration Form 2. Application for Direction of School Support Please return to Admissions. 3. Proof of Age of Child Birth certificate or passport. 4. Original Roman Baptismal Certificate For child and/or parent/guardian. 5. Updated Immunization Records 6. Proof of Canadian Citizenship Birth certificate, passport or permanent resident status. 7. Proof of Home Address – REVISED Two of the following: property tax bill, eal estate document, e.g., Purchase Agreement/*Rental Agreement, current utility bill and/or Government of Canadaissued forms, e.g., passport, Service Canada documents For more information about registration and the Kindergarten program, call 905-814-9216 or visit Our Lady of Mercy Elementary School welcomes French Immersion! The French Immersion Program at Divine Mercy Elementary School was established as a Grades 1 to 4 program with Our Lady of Mercy Elementary School as the sister site that would continue the program for students in Grades 5 to 8. We are excited to be welcoming our new Grade 5 French Immersion students and their families. Our Friendship Day will be held Friday, February 12th to welcome the Grade 4s from Divine Mercy that will be transitioning to Grade 5 in September 2016. BLACK HISTORY MONTH February is African American History month. Since 1926, people have taken some time during this month to remember the contributions that many African descendants have made to this and other countries. This time of the year was chosen because it is the month of the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas. Take time to look up these individuals to see what impact they had on our society. All students are encouraged to do some extra reading and learn how these individuals have impacted the world. Board News 2015-16 School Year Calendar Additional Professional Activity Day: Monday, April 11, 2016 Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards were directed to schedule this additional Professional Development Day on or before April 15, 2016. In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated additional Professional Activity Day has been scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016. Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on Monday, April 11, 2016. Thank you for your attention to this addition to the 2015-16 School Year Calendar. Eco– School News Our Lady of Mercy - an ECO-SCHOOL! The staff and students at Our Lady of Mercy will continue to work towards promoting our silver- certified Eco-School community. NATIONAL WALK TO SCHOOL DAY WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 3, 2016 On Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Our Lady of Mercy staff and Peel Police will meet and greet our students and their families at Bell Harbour Park at 8:30 a.m. Together we will walk to school along Bell Harbour Drive, right on Castlebridge Drive crossing Glen Erin Drive to the school. NATIONAL SWEATER DAY THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4, 2016 Wear a sweater, save energy. ELEMENTARY LIBRARY e-RESOURCES The Internet is a wonderful research tool and it is important that our students have access to sites that provide authoritative information. Our Board provides many Elementary subscription based e-Resources for students to use. You may access these resources by visiting the Dufferin-Peel home page ( From there, click on Students, then Library e-Resources, then choose Elementary Library e-Resources. Alternately, visit this link directly: Library+e-Resources.htm. Note: some sites will require passwords. Please ask the office for further details. Virtue of the Month Communication Updates Inclement Weather and School Closure Affirmation: I am respectful. I treat others and myself with respect. I show courtesy to everyone. I learn from the wisdom of my elders. What is Respect? Respect is an attitude of honouring people and caring about their rights. Being respectful is reflected in the courtesy with which we treat one another, the way we speak, and the way we treat other people’s belongings. Speaking and acting respectfully gives people the dignity they deserve. Respect includes honouring the rules of your family and your school, behaving in a way which makes life more peaceful and orderly. Being respectful includes selfrespect. Every woman, man and child was created by God and we all deserve respect. During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio and television stations VIRGIN RADIO FM99.9 CJBC (FR) AM860 FM97.3 FM Z103.5 FM93.1CFNY CHINFM100.7/AM1540 GLOBAL NEWS CHUM AM1050 CHFI FM98.1 CFTR AM680 FM102.1/AM640 CTV CANADA AM CJCL AM590 EZ ROCK CFRB AM1010 CBC FM99.1 CITYPULSE During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio and television stations: How do you practice Respect? (Please note that the highlighted text only will be communicated by the radio stations). These messages are relevant to our school. A good way to practice respect is to think about how you would like to be treated and then treat others that way. How would you like others to respect you? You are practicing the Virtue of RESPECT when you… 1. “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES IN THE CITY OF MISSISSAUGA ARE CANCELLED FOR TODAY.” Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated Treat the property of others with special care This means that ALL buses which operate into, out of, and within the City of Mississauga are cancelled for the entire day. Honour other people’s need for time and space to themselves Speak courteously to everyone Are receptive to the wisdom of elders Honour the rules of your family and nation Expect respect for your body and your right Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations A Holistic Thinker I HAVE IDEAS! I have thoughts and opinions that matter I know we are all equal & special I make good choices I have hope for the future I solve problems with knowledge, understanding & prayer Because I have ideas, I have a purpose, and I will live my life like Jesus. 2. “ALL DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES ARE CANCELLED FOR TODAY.” This means that ALL transportation services provided by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Peel District School Board, including buses, vans and taxis have been cancelled for the entire day. 3. “ALL BUSES ARE CANCELLED AND THE SCHOOLS AND OFFICES OF BOTH THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD ARE CLOSED”. This means that ALL Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and Peel District School board schools and offices are closed to all students and staff. Cold Weather Guidelines “It’s getting a little cold outside!” It is important that students dress appropriately for the weather! Hats, mitts, scarves, and snowpants are necessary on most winter days. Having an additional pair of mitts and/or socks is also appreciated as children play in the snow and articles become wet. At times we reduce outdoor play time according to wind chill temperatures: - 25 or colder: students are kept indoors. - 20 reduce amount of outdoor time Fresh air and exercise are essential for health and learning. Come prepared to go outside for recess. Anaphylaxis Dates to Remember February —- 1 to 5 Book Fair 2 First Tem Report Cards Go Home Our Lady of Mercy is an allergen aware school. There are pupils in attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening allergies to certain foods. Exposure to the smallest quantities can cause severe life threatening reactions. Anaphylaxis is a severe and life threatening allergic reaction. The most common allergen triggers are food, insect stings, medications, exercise, and latex. An anaphylactic reaction involves symptoms from two or more body systems. Safety of all our students is paramount. 2 Hockey Tournament @ Iceland Day 2 3 8:30AM Walk to School Wednesday from We at Our Lady of Mercy, would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school community by NOT sending any lunches or snacks that contain any ingredients identified as food allergens for students in your child’s class. Please make sure that all of your children’s caregivers are aware of the food restrictions. We also ask that you review the letters that were sent home at the beginning of the school year that spoke to specific allergens in your child’s classroom. For celebrations, we are once again asking that food NOT be brought into the school since we cannot control the ingredients in many baked items. If you have any questions, please talk to your child’s teacher or to school staff. Your co-operation in helping to keep all our pupils safe is greatly appreciated. Bell Harbour Park 3 Passage Canada Guest Speaker (PM) Gr. 1 to 8 3 School Advisory Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. 4 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences - evening 5 Reporting PA Day 10 Ash Wednesday 12 Grade 4 French Immersion Friendship Day 13 Confirmation—Lenten Promises 7 p.m. 14 Valentine’s Day 15 24 Family Day - No school Rosary Apostolate Visits 25 Pink Shirt Day—School Aerial Photo 25 Black History Presentation Gr. 1 –8 25 Hot Dog Day 26 Confirmation Confessions 9:30 a.m. at the school March Break is from March 14th to 18th Our Catholic School Heritage 6. What sacrifices did Catholics have to make to send their children to separate schools? Because the United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West roughly had consisted of members advocating non-denominational common schools and half were in favour of them, separate school legislation, for about fifteen years, contained three obstacles to their existence: Catholics SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Our annual Scholastic Book Fair will run from Monday February 1st to Friday, February 5 (morning only). could establish and support a separate school, but had to continue paying common school taxes. Thus, they paid tuition for their children in the separate school; The separate school had no permanence of existence. If the local common school board hired a Catholic as one of its teachers, then the separate school ceased to exist. Separate schools kept opening and closing in the early years; In the cities the separate school board required the permission of the common school board to open a new or an additional separate school. Sometimes the permission was not forthcoming. The legislation required twelve Catholic heads of family resident within a city, town or township common school section. The townships’ common school sections were so small that often there were not twelve resident Catholic families.