. REPORT: COMMITTEE ON CURRICULA AND COURSES (For consideration by the Faculty Senate at its September 4, 2002 meeting.) The Committee requests that any department which has a proposal being recommended by the Committee on Curricula and Courses provide a spokesperson to attend the Faculty Senate meeting in which said proposal is to be recommended. Please contact Gary Blanpied (Physics & Astronomy) in advance if errors are noted, either by phone: 7772599 or e-mail: blanpied@mail.psc.sc.edu I. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Change in General Education curriculum, University Bulletin, page 80 Current Proposed General Education Minor. Students who wish to include an education minor other than those previously listed may complete the 12 hours of core courses listed above and select six hours from the following: ANTH 557; ARTE 520, 530; CLIS 523, 525, 527, 529; CRJU 552; EDCE 300, 310, 320, 510, 600, 601; EDEX 523, 531; EDPY 335; MUED 454, 465, 466; PEDU 575; PSYC 510, 520, 521, 528; SOCY 524; THSP 526. General Education Minor. Students who wish to include an education minor other than those previously listed may complete the 12 hours of core courses listed above and select six hours from the following: ANTH 557; ARTE 520, 530, CLIS 523, 525, 527, 529; CRJU 552; EDCE 510, 600, 601; EDEX 523, 531; EDPY 335; MUED 454, 465, 466; PEDU 575; PSYC 510, 520, 521, 528; SOCY 524; THSP 526. A. Department of Educational Psychology Deletions EDCE 300 EDCE 310 EDCE 320 EDCE 399 Helping Relationships in Multicultural Education. (3) Interpersonal Skills for Teachers. (3) Group Strategies in Educational Settings. (3) Independent Study. (3) II. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Change in hours and description From: ENGR 102 Introduction to Engineering II. (2) Principles and practice of visualization and graphical representation using modern computer-aided design tools. One lecture and two laboratory hours per week. 1 . To: ENGR 102 Introduction to Engineering II. (3) Principles and practice of visualization and graphical representation using modern computer-aided design tools. III. COLLEGE OF HOSPITALITY, RETAIL, AND SPORT MANAGEMENT A. Department of Administrative Information Management Change in hours and prerequisite From: AIME 448 Professional Internship. (3) Internship coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by an approved business supervisor. contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required for undergraduate students. To: AIME 448 Professional Internship. (6) (Prereq: AIME 447) Internship coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by an approved business supervisor. Contract approved by instructor, advisor, and department head is required for undergraduate students. Change in curriculum, University Bulletin, pages 109-110 Current Proposed Administrative Information Management Administrative Information Management (121-130 hours) (124-133 hours) This major in the Department of Retailing offers a degree program that prepares graduates for careers in information management. The program prepares graduates to analyze and design administrative office systems, select and implement appropriate technologies, and evaluate and manage personnel. The program includes a core of liberal arts courses, specialized computer technology and management courses related to the field, and an internship in the industry. This major in the Department of Retailing offers a degree program that prepares graduates for careers in information management. The program prepares graduates to analyze and design administrative office systems, select and implement appropriate technologies, and evaluate and manage personnel. The program includes a core of liberal arts courses, specialized computer technology and management courses related to the field, and an internship in the industry. Progression Requirements Progression Requirements In addition to the college progression requirements, to enroll in the professional division of information management, a student must complete the 45 hours in the courses indicated below with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. Students who do not meet the specific course, semester hour, and grade point average requirements for progression must continue in the preprofessional division or change to another major. Graduation requires a 2.0 GPA. In addition to the college progression requirements, to enroll in the professional division of information management, a student must complete the 45 hours in the courses indicated below with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. Students who do not meet the specific course, semester hour, and grade point average requirements for progression must continue in the preprofessional division or change to another major. Graduation requires a 2.0 GPA. All students must demonstrate keyboarding proficiency. This keyboarding proficiency may be met by satisfactory completion of a keyboarding course or by an examination as administered by the College of Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management. All students must meet keyboarding proficiency during their first year in the AIME major. 2 . 2. Major Requirements Related Courses (21) RETL 261, RETL 262, AIME 240 or ACCT 324, STAT 110 or STAT 201 or MGSC 291, RETL 344 or MGMT 371 Approved elective: suggested courses include: AIME 444, RETL 310, HRTA 364 or SPTE 435 Programming Course: suggested courses include: CSCE 145, 205, 206, 207, and 209 Administrative Information Management Major Courses (42) AIME 164, 342, 343, 345, 346, 348, 352, 370, 445, 447, 448, 545, 560, 564 3. General Electives………………………………12-18 2. Major Requirements Related Courses (21) RETL 261, RETL 262, AIME 240 or ACCT 324, STAT 110 or STAT 201 or MGSC 291, RETL 344 or MGMT 371 Approved elective: suggested courses include: AIME 444, RETL 310, HRTA 364 or SPTE 435 Programming Course: suggested courses include: CSCE 145, 205, 206, 207, and 209 Administrative Information Management Major Courses (45) AIME 164, 342, 343, 345, 346, 348, 352, 370, 445, 447, 448, 545, 560, 564 3. General Electives…………………………..12-18 B. Department of Retailing Existing courses approved to be offered via telecommuncations/internet RETL 261 Functional Accounting I. (3) RETL 262 Functional Accounting II. (3) RETL 265 Principles of Retailing. (3) RETL 268 Principles of Fashion Merchandising. (3) RETL 301 Careers in Retailing. (1) RETL 363 Textiles for Retailers. (3) RETL 366 Retail Buying. (3) RETL 368 Fashion Product Analysis. (3) RETL 369 Retail Promotion. (3) RETL 462 Merchandise Management Strategies. (3) RETL 469 Visual Merchandising and Store Design. (3) RETL 485 Multi-National Retailing. (3) RETL 487 Retail Management Strategies. (3) IV. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS A. Department of Government and International Studies New course GINT 336 God and Globalization [=RELG 364] (3) A critical survey of current issues and historical developments in religion and world politics, focusing particularly on those demonstrating the interplay of globalization and fragmentation. 3 . Change in description From: GINT 381 Comparative Politics of Industrialized Countries. (3) Introduction to the development, structure, and functioning of government and politics in Western Europe, the Soviet Union, and other selected industrialized countries. To: GINT 381 Introduction to the development, structure, and functioning of government and politics in Western Europe, the former Soviet states, and other selected industrialized countries. B. Department of Religious Studies New course RELG 364 V. God and Globalization. [=GINT 336] (3) A critical survey of current issues and historical developments in religion and world politics, focusing particularly on those demonstrating the interplay of globalization and fragmentation. COLLEGE OF NURSING Change in curriculum, University Bulletin, pages 189-190 Current Proposed Program of Study (128-129 hours) Program of Study (128-129 hours) Lower Division* Freshman Year (31-32 hours) Lower Division* Freshman Year (31-32 hours) First Semester ENGL 101 (3 hours) History (3 hours) NURS 110 (3 hours) Electives (6-7 hours)** First Semester ENGL 101 (3 hours) History (3 hours) NURS 110 (3 hours) Electives (6-7 hours)** **UNIV 101 and CHEM 101 are strongly recommended. **UNIV 101 and CHEM 101 are is strongly recommended. VI. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Exercise Science Change in hours From: EXSC 303 Perceptual-Motor Development. (3) To: EXSC 303 Perceptual-Motor Development. (4) 4 . Change in title, hours, and description From: EXSC 342 a,b,c Motor Development Practicum. (1 each) (Prereq: EXSC 303) Supervised practicum in a clinical setting for the Motor Development Track: a) first hour, b) second hour, c) third hour. To: EXSC 342 a,b,c Practicum in Lifespan Motor Development. (3) (Prereq: EXSC 303) Supervised practicum in a clinical setting in lifespan motor development. Change in title From: EXSC 482 Practicum in Motor Development. (9) To: EXSC 482 Internship in Lifespan Motor Development. (9) Change in curriculum, University Bulletin, pages 199-200 Proposed Curent OVERVIEW The mission of the Department of Exercise Science is to expand and disseminate the body of knowledge concerning the relationship between exercise participation and human health. Programs of Study The undergraduate program in Exercise Science is a rigorous science-based program designed primarily to prepare students for entry into post baccalaureate/graduate programs in healthrelated fields. Courses are offered in three major tracks: health fitness, life span motor development, and scientific foundations. The health fitness track focuses on mastery of knowledge/techniques related to programming for enhancement of health through physical activity. The motor development track prepares students to analyze/diagnose motor deficiencies and to prescribe physical activities to improve motor function in individuals across the life span. The scientific foundations track provides an in-depth study in the basic sciences related to human physiology and physical activity. The undergraduate program in Exercise Science is a science-based program designed primarily to prepare students for entry into post baccalaureate/graduate programs in health-related fields. A departmental core curriculum provides comprehensive mastery of exercise science. Students select one of four cognates: Scientific Foundations, Health Fitness, Motor Development, or Public Health. Entrance Requirements New freshman who meet university admissions standards are eligible for admission to the degree program offered by the Department of Exercise Science. Transfer admission requires department approval as well as prerequisites. Transfer Admission 1. Students enrolled in other colleges on the Columbia campus must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and must have at least 12 USC credit hours. 2. Students from other USC campuses must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and must have taken at least 12 USC credit hours. 5 . Additionally, students from other USC campuses who have fewer than 30 semester hours must also meet Columbia campus freshman admission requirements. 3. Transfer students from regionally accredited institutions must present a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on all college work taken. Students who have fewer than 30 semester hours of college work must also meet Columbia campus freshman admission requirements. Retention and Progression Standards 1. If the semester, yearly, or cumulative grade point average of a student is below 2.00, the student will be notified in writing. 2. A student in exercise science must have an overall C average and complete the following courses with a grade of C or better before enrolling in ANY course in Exercise Science: ENGL 101, ENGL 102, BIOL 101/101L, BIOL 102/102L, CHEM 111, and MATH 141. 2. A student in exercise science must have an overall C average and complete the following courses with a grade of C or better before enrolling in any course in Exercise Science with a prefix number of 200 or greater: ENGL 101, ENGL 102, BIOL 101/101L, BIOL 102/102L, CHEM 111, and MATH 141. 3. A student in Exercise Science must earn a grade of C or higher in all departmental course work (EXSC), in cognate courses and in PHYS 201/201L, PHYS 202/202L, and CHEM 112. 3. A student in Exercise Science must earn a grade of C or higher in all departmental course work (EXSC), in required cognate courses and in PHYS 201/201L, PHYS 202/202L, and CHEM 112, CHEM 333/331L and CHEM 334/332L. 4. An exercise science major may attempt an EXSC course and the courses listed in paragraph three above a maximum of two times to fulfill the requirement. A grade of “W” will be included as an attempt. 5. An exercise science major may repeat a maximum of three EXSC courses. 6. An exercise science major must receive a grade of C or higher in any course in order for it to serve as a prerequisite. Attendance Requirements Students enrolled in the Department of Exercise Science are subject to attendance regulations of the University described elsewhere in the bulletin. When a student enrolls in a particular course, the student is obligated for all the work which may be assigned. Punctual and regular attendance is vital to the discharge of this obligation. The student is responsible for all assigned work in a course, and absences, excused or not, do not absolve the student of this responsibility. Degree Requirements in Exercise Science 1. General Education Requirements (47 hours) 1. General Education Requirements (54 hours) Language Arts (ENGL 101 and 102 and THSP 140 or one of ENGL 283, 285, 287, 288, or 289) (9 hours) Language Arts (ENGL 101 and 102 and THSP 140 or one of ENGL 283, 285, 287, 288, or 289) (9 hours) 6 . Natural Sciences (BIOL 101 & 101L, BIOL 102 & 102L, CHEM 111, PHYS 201 & 201L) (16 hours) Natural Sciences (BIOL 101 & 101L, BIOL 102 & 102L, CHEM 111, PHYS 201 & 201L and either CHEM 112 or PHYS 202 & 202L) (20 hours) Quantitative (MATH 141 and STAT 201) (7 hours) Quantitative (MATH 141 and STAT 201) (7 hours) Liberal Arts (PSYC 101, SOCY 101, history elective plus an additional social science elective) (12 hours) Liberal Arts (PSYC 101, SOCY 101, history elective plus an additional social science elective) (12 hours) ARTE 360 (3 hours) ARTE 360 (3 hours CSCE 102 (3 hours) Foreign Languages: Demonstration of proficiency in one foreign language equivalent to the minimal passing grade in the 110 course. Foreign Languages: Demonstration of proficiency in one foreign language equivalent to the minimal passing grade in the 110 course. 2. Exercise Science Core Requirements (30 hours) 2. Exercise Science Core Requirements (21 hours) CSCE 101 or 102, UNIV 101, EXSC 191, 223, 224, 351, 530, 530L, 531, 535. UNIV 101, EXSC 191, 223, 224, 351, 530, 530L, First Aid Certificate 3. Track Requirements 3. Cognate Requirements Health Fitness (46 hours) CHEM 112 or PHYS 202 & 202L (4 hours) EXSC 341 (3 hours total), 410, 454, 481, (18 hours), HPRE 502 or EXSC 507 (3 hours) Health Fitness (45 hours) EXSC 531 Adult Fitness Program (3) HPRE 502 Applied Aspects of Human Nutrition or EXSC 507 Exercise, Sport, and Nutrition (3) PSYC 420 or 523 or EXSC 563 (3 hours) SPTA 325 (3 hours) EXSC 341 EXSC 481 TOTAL (123 hours) Selectives* (15 hours) Electives** (14 hours) Health Fitness Practicums (1) Practicum in Community Fitness Programs (9) TOTAL (120 hours) PSYC 420 or 523 (3 hours) PEDU 141 or 142 (1 hour) Motor Development (45 hours) EXSC 303 Perceptual-Motor Development (4) Practicum in Lifespan EXSC 342 Motor-Development Practicum (3) EXSC 482 Internship in Lifespan Motor Development (9) EXSC 563 Physical Activity and the Physical Dimensions of Aging (3) Cognate* (9 hours) Electives* (6 hours) Selectives* (15 hours) Electives** (15 hours) Total (127 hours) TOTAL (120 hours) Motor Development (50 hours) CHEM 112 or PHYS 202 & 202L (4 hours) EXSC 303, 342 (3 hours total), 410, 482, 562, 563 (24 hours) HPRE 502 or EXSC 507 (3 hours) Move CSCE 102 to General Ed Core Scientific Foundations (45 hours) BIOL 302/L Cell and Molecular Biology (4) PHYS 202/L Gen Physics II (4) CHEM 112/L Gen Chemistry II (4) Scientific Foundations (45 hours) BIOL 302, 302L, CHEM 112, 333, 331L, 334, 332L, PHYS 202, 202L (20 hours) CHEM 550, 550L or BIOL 541, 541L (4 hours) 7 . CHEM 333/331L Organic Chemistry I (4) CHEM 334/334L Organic Chemistry II (4) EXSC 499 Independent Study (3) EXSC 395 (3 hours) EXSC 499 (3 hours) PSYC 460 or EXSC 410 or 563 (3 hours) Electives* (12 hours) Selectives* (11 hours) Electives** (11 hours) TOTAL (122 hours) TOTAL (120 hours) *Advisor approved. Public Health (45 hours) EXSC 410 Psychology of Physical Activity (3) HPRE 221 Personal and Community Health (3) HPRE 553 Community Health Problems (3) GINT 374 Public Policy (3) PSYC 465 Health Psychology (3) Selectives* (15 hours) Electives** (15 hours) TOTAL (120 hours) *Courses selected from cognate-specific list designated in department undergraduate program manual. **Advisor approved. Minors Students majoring in Exercise Science may pursue minors as offered by other units. In completing minors students may apply advisor approved courses to both the minor and the block of elective credits required in the Exercise Science cognates. VII. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS A. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Change in prerequisite and description From: CHEM 102 Fundamental Chemistry II. (4) (Prereq: CHEM 101 or 111) Three lecture, one recitation, and two laboratory hours per week. Continuation of CHEM 101 surveying organic and biochemistry. To: CHEM 102 Fundamental Chemistry II. (4) (Prereq: 1-year high school chemistry, CHEM 101, 111, or equivalent) Three lecture, one recitation, and two laboratory hours per week. An introductory survey of organic and biochemistry. B. Department of Geological Sciences Change in description From: GEOL 103 Environment of the Earth. (4) Analysis of basic energy cycles of the earth. The interaction of human activity with earth processes to affect 8 . To: GEOL 103 the environment. Three lectures and three laboratory hours each week. Environment of the Earth. (4) Analysis of basic energy cycles of the earth. Interaction of human activity with earth processes to affect the environment. Three lectures and three laboratory hours each week. Field trips required. C. Department of Physics and Astronomy Change in prerequisites From: ASTR 320 Introduction to Radio Astronomy. (3) (Prereq: ASTR 112 and MATH 115 or equivalent; PHYS 202 or PHYS 212) To: ASTR 320 Introduction to Radio Astronomy. (3) (Prereq: ASTR 211, MATH 115 or equivalent, and PHYS 202, 207, or 212) From: ASTR 340 To: ASTR 340 From: PHYS 340 To: PHYS 340 Introduction to Relativistic Astrophysics. [=PHYS 340] (3) (Prereq: ASTR 112 and MATH 115 or equivalent; PHYS 202, PHYS 212, or consent of instructor) Introduction to Relativistic Astrophysics. [=PHYS 340] (3) (Prereq: ASTR 211, MATH 115 or equivalent, and PHYS 202, 207, or 212) Introduction to Relativistic Astrophysics. [=ASTR 340] (3) (Prereq: ASTR 112 and MATH 115 or equivalent; PHYS 202, PHYS 212, or consent of instructor) Introduction to Relativistic Astrophysics. [=ASTR 340] (3) (Prereq: ASTR 211, MATH 115 or equivalent, and PHYS 202, 207, or 212) C. Department of Statistics Change in curriculum, University Bulletin, page 223 Current Proposed 1. General Education Requirements (44-53 hours) 1. General Education Requirements (44-53 hours) The following courses may fulfill some of the The following courses may fulfill some of the general education or cognate requirements, general education or cognate requirements, and must be passed with a C or higher (in at and must be passed with a C or higher (in at most two attempts) for a B.S. degree in most two attempts) for a B.S. degree in Statistics: MATH 141, 142, 241, 526 (or Statistics: MATH 141, 142, 241, 526 (or 544), 550; CSCE 1145 or 206; ENGL 462. 544), 550; CSCE 1145 or 206; ENGL 462 or For an outline of other general education 463. For an outline of other general educatio requirements, see “College of Science and requirements, see “College of Science and Mathematics.” Mathematics.” 9