St. Nicholas School Council Peter MacDonald

St. Nicholas School Council
Minutes of the Meeting Held Thurs November 19, 2009
Mary DeAmicis
Brenda Gawlik
Joyce Nielsen
Cheryl Santarossa
Tina Macri
John Gatti
KerryAnna Lisozzi
Mr. Fischer
Naomia D’Emilio
Rosemarie Didio
Grace Pilolli
Milly Sarri
Theresa Sunseri
Michael Tyrell
Andria Mazzota
Shelley Nicoletta
Tanya Romasco
Bev Demers
Peter MacDonald
Riley Beazley
Sierra Amico
Jessica Howlett
Angela MacDonald
Josie Pelayo
Angie Ilijasic
Lynda Moore
Rita Piersanti
Cathy O’Rega
Jonelle Gullis
Emmy Coantonio
Rocco Amico
Vince Mattacchine
Noemia D’Emilio
Nadia Rollo
Joanne Franco
Georgina Maloney
Chrestina Tolfo
Meeting was called to order at 7:10
Mary welcomed everyone and a special welcome to our 4 representatives from the
student council along with their parents.
Opening prayer
Agenda Approval;
Mary added two items to the Agenda
Advent Celebration - Dec 14th
Mary asked everyone to review the agenda for approval.
Motion made by Joyce Nielsen to accept agenda as written with the two additions.
Introductions of Student Parliament Members:
Peter MacDonald - Prime Minister and Riley Beazley - Director of Finance. Both spoke
about ideas to improve our school and school spirit. They addressed many issues and
have asked council to consider assisting them with these items:
Spirit Week - possible activities - Baby Picture contest of teachers baby photos, Celebrity
Day, Elderly Day, Blast from 60's/70's/80's, Multiplicity Day
They have done some surveys, etc and have brought to our attention the following items
they feel would improve our school:
Mirrors in girls change rooms
Paper towels in washrooms
Electric sharpeners in each classroom
More coat hooks in classrooms
Snack Machine
Grass for soccer field
Colored ink printers
School Mascot
Intermediate pep rally
Paint our school mascot on back wall of gym
Some classrooms do not have curtains.
They are seeking councils help with spirit week to help offset the cost of some prizes, etc.
Sierra Amico - Director of Communications and Athletic Council along with Jessica
Howlett - Athletic Council asked for consideration on the following items to improve and
develop our athletics in our school for all levels.
Shelving unit for storage room
Balls - all kinds
New nets as the ones we have are damaged
Soccer mesh
Badminton poles & nets
Softball equipment including helmets, safety bag, etc
They want to incorporate floor hockey - need of equipment for that sport
Track & Field sand pits, relay batons, high-up poles, etc
Hoola Hoops
Pylons and pennies
More sports jerseys
We have asked the athletic council to prioritize these items for us to review at a future
Someone asked about Corporate sponsorship, if it was allowed – Mr. Fisher said that yes
this was allowed in our school.
Athletic Council is working on games for different age groups for the intramural program
which will be up and running very shortly.
It was mentioned that the school will accept donations of balls etc.
Mary thanked the Students for their wonderful presentation and their time.
We agreed that even though we were running over the time frame set aside, we would
move forward
Mary then asked if anyone was opposed to move forward and “draft our objectives”
based on our Needs Assessments that was handed out by Mary? No one objected.
The following discussions surrounded the Needs Assessments:
Needs Assessment - Re-classified Data
Student Engagement:
Needs reviewed
Objective: to support school efforts to increase student engagement
Motion; to accept this objective.
Kerry Anna/Theresa
Our Faith Community:
KerryAnna asked if there is any money from the board for “Faith” development. Mr.
Fischer explained that the board provides $114. Per child in our school. That money is
allocation by the school administration for books, furniture, faith, athletics, etc. It is a real
balancing act to try to cover all the needs with $114. Needs were reviewed.
Objective: to support the enrichment of our faith with the school community
Motion: to accept this objective.
Teachers Needs:
Needs were reviewed.
Objective: to provide support to the teachers of St.Nicholas School to enhance the
learning experience of our students.
Motion: to accept this objective.
Michael/Grace P
Parent Involvement:
Needs were reviewed. Objective was amended slightly.
Objective: to ensure parent concerns and views are represented through Council
decisions by improving parent involvement and input/communications.
Motion: to accept this objective
Parent Council:
Mr. Fischer pointed out that the council has to understand that sometimes the members
have to agree to disagree and we should be respectful of others opinions and decisions.
Objective: to improve council effectiveness
Motion: to accept this objective.
Priorities for funding:
Student Agendas for next year
Artist In School
Life Skills
All Star Program
Community Advent Celebration
Agenda’s: There was some discussion around this and Mr. Fischer pointed out that this is
a primary communication tool between school and home and all students will have
agendas from grade 1 -8. If we do not pay, the parents will have to. Those parents who
can not or choose not to pay, the money would come out of the school budget.
Motion was made for $4000 for student agendas.
Life Skills Program
Motion was made for $1000 for life skills program.
Advent Social
Motion was made for a budget of $500 for this function.
We agreed to table the further allocations of funds for a later meeting.
Secretary Report:
Cheryl asked everyone to review the minutes from our previous meeting. Asked if any
changes or omissions.
Motion to accept the minutes as written
Treasurers Report
Joyce reviewed our current financial statement handed out at our meeting. She advised
that at this point with paid expenses and money deposited - we actually made $14,769.06.
On the Halloween Dance a-thon. The two pizza lunches collected $3,081.05, expenses
for first lunch totaled $951.37 we are anticipating a similar expense for the upcoming
Dec 2nd pizza lunch so we should net approx $1,100 . The Santa Photos were a great
success. Netting us $256.
A copy of our current Statement of Receipts and Expenditures was handed out to all.
Motion to accept the treasurers report as presented.
Principals Update
Mr. Fischer kept this brief due to our time limitations, he provided me with a copy of his
report to include in these minutes.
The month began with an All Saints day Celebration & a Remembrance Day Celebration.
He talked about the Dance a-thon and spirit week as well as the Santa Photos. He
commented on how well they were organized and supported
Presentations this past month in our school include:
Milk marketing board - grade 1
Fire fighters - grade 3
Kortright Centre - grade 2
Orangeville Theatre - Grade 1
Queens Park - Grade 5
Mad Science has been in the school
JK/PM involved in the Move & Groove
Fitness for Success trip grade 7 & 8
Kindergartens - craft days
Student Activities this past month
Pals is up and running
Jr Boys & Girls Volleyball almost completed
Advent Community Choir brought an interest of approx. 70 students
Intramural set to move ahead next week
Student try outs for dance team coming up next week
Looking ahead:
Virtue assembly
Grade 6 to Albion Hills
Report Cards home on Dec 1
Reporting interviews Dec 3rd & 4th
Bruce the Christmas Moose - grad K - 3
Community Advent Celebration - Dec 14th
Kindergarten Christmas Celebration - Dec 16th
Virtue Assembly - Dec 18th
Chair Update
Mary asked if their were any volunteers to take over the lunch committee, both Theresa
and Cheryl have resigned, agreeing to finish off the 2 pizza lunches started with one left
on Dec 2nd. Please talk to Mary if interested.
CCCSC - meeting update. Mary attended this meeting and advised that this organization
has reminded us that we need to be cognizant of our economic environment when
initiating school activities and fund raising.
Suzy from YMCA has agreed to provide a child mind service on our meeting nights.
St. Michaels High School building is moving forward. Mary included a letter from Frank
DiCosola our Trustee which indicated that the board is going to stick to their decision to
open the school with only grade 9 & 10 the first year and then move forward. It was
suggested that we invite Frank to one of our meetings in the near future.
Mr. Fischer advised Mary that the tax receipts for the Dance a thon will be directed to
Brenda advised that she will be looking for help with the Advent Celebration on Dec 14th.
Fundraising Report:
Tina advised that we took 128 photos at the Santa photo night. Total raised $256.00
New Business:
Next meeting is December 10th and Brenda is asking if perhaps we can do a pot luck prior
to meeting starting. Brenda to email everyone about this.
Milk Survey: Mary reported 201 responded which is approximately 40% of our school
population. Of that 40% the following results were shared
76 people wanted milk everyday
70 people wanted it 2 - 3 x per week
16 once a week
39 - do not want.
Theresa to look into cost breakdown for next meeting. Theresa also to confirm that this
company is board tendered. This will be added to agenda for next meeting.
Motion to adjourn the meeting.