Mott Community College Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole Meeting June 23, 2008 BUDGET RESOLUTIONS RELEVANT BOARD POLICIES: 3100 Budget Adoption. “Budget revisions will be brought forward for Board action as necessary, but not less than twice per year in January and June.” 3920,3930 Financial Stability, Fiscal Reserves. “The College will designate and set aside appropriate fund reserves to support plans for long-term capital and operating commitments.” 5100 Compensation Philosophy. “The Board has determined based on long-term budget projections, and other related budget data, that total compensation/ benefits should not exceed 77% of the total operating budget.” 2 STRATEGIC PLAN 7-0. Budget\Finance 7-1 Focus on controllable revenues and costs to sustain our current reputation and facilities and provide funding for strategic priorities 7-2 Establish short and long-term budget and finance priorities that provide a balanced approach to the needs of a learning organization with the flexibility to realign resources 7-3 Implement a comprehensive strategy to address the long-term deficit which enables us to continue to provide affordable high quality education 3 FINAL FY07-08 AMENDED BUDGET: General Fund 4 FINAL FY07-08 General Fund BUDGET REVENUES: •Tuition & Fees +$801 thousand, +3.2% adj. –credit-side enrollment up for Winter and Spring 2008 •Property Taxes and State Aid no change Other Revenue -$121 thousand (rental revenue and indirect cost recovery revenue down slightly) =Overall upward amendment to revenue is +$.7 million +.97% change from January 2008 amendment 5 FINAL FY07-08 General Fund BUDGET EXPENDITURES: • Amended upward by $700 thousand, .9% change: •Salaries & Wages and Fringe Benefits --updated salary projections and closer to actual figures on benefits •Non-salary related expenses -- lower heating costs, release of contracted services contingencies, offsetting adjustments between categories •Transfers -- additional contribution to Maintenance & Replacement Fund to help 07-08 6 Transfers are comprised of…. Fund 02 Designated Scholarships Grant Matching Fund 78 Building & Site Reserve Fund 02 Rainy Day Fund 72 Maintenance & Replacement Lapeer Site (Capital Outlay) Total $ 423,297 5,500 250,000 200,000 4,955,000 65,000 $ 5,898,797 7 FINAL FY07-08 General Fund BUDGET NET RESULTS OF AMENDMENT: FUND BALANCE : $46K or .71% better than January Amended Budget 6/30/08 projected to end with $229,000 surplus, for total of $6.5 million 8 FINAL FY07-08 General Fund BUDGET Summary Revenues Expenditures Excess Revenues Over Expenditures Fund Balance - Beginning Fund Balance - Ending Fund Balance Percent $ 06-07 07-08 Actual Amend #1 64,191,247 $ 70,455,169 $ 63,952,477 70,271,468 $ 238,770 $ 183,701 $ $ 6,050,801 6,289,571 $ 9.83% 6,289,571 6,473,272 $ 9.21% 07-08 Amend #2 71,135,526 70,906,155 229,371 6,289,571 6,518,942 9.19% Target = 5% - 10% of Expenditure budget 9 Reserves as Required by Board Policy #3930 General Operating (01) Reserve Requires 5-10% of annual operating expenses. 07-08 Amend Budget shows reserve of 9.2% Maintenance & Replacement Fund (72) Requires 1-3% of College depreciated assets or $3 M 07-08 Amended Budget shows $1 M Additional amount needed to fully fund $2 M Building/Site Fund (78) 1-3% of depreciated assets Requires 1-3% of College depreciated assets or $3 M 07-08 Amended Budget shows $1.4 M Additional amount needed to fully fund $1.6 M 10 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET 11 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET No Change in Budget Principles, uncertainty still remains. 1. Budget must support Strategic Plans 2. Minimize/Offset Impact on Students 3. Avoid Overall Reduction in Staffing 4. Maintain Fund Balance/Reserves 12 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET KEY ASSUMPTIONS - REVENUES TUITION & FEES •3.2% (inflation-level) rate increases on credit side included in budget coupled with 2% enrollment decrease netting a 1% overall increase in tuition and fee revenue. 13 In i 20 07 06 05 04 03 82 00 9 00 8 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 -2 0 07 -2 ge t2 00 ge t lB ud lB ud tia Fi na 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 Tuition and Fees $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $- 14 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET KEY ASSUMPTIONS - REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES • Down $60 thousand from 07-08 due to property tax value decreases—this trend is expected to worsen. • Millage Rate is not rolled back by Headlee this year and stays at 1.9896 15 Property Taxes $26,000,000 $24,000,000 $22,000,000 $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 00 9 ge t2 00 Bu d iti al In Fi na lB ud ge t 20 20 06 07 -2 82 00 8 07 -2 0 06 20 05 -2 0 05 20 04 -2 0 04 -2 0 20 03 20 02 -2 0 03 $- 16 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET KEY ASSUMPTIONS - REVENUES •STATE APPROPRIATIONS – • 2.9% increase approved by House & Senate •State still faces budget uncertainties for FY08-09 • MCC budget assumes 2.9% increase from adjusted prior year appropriation or $15.1 million •Mid-year budget adjustments possible 17 MCC State Appropriation Revenue 17,000,000 16,500,000 16,278,400 16,000,000 15,848,900 15,500,000 14,894,743 15,000,000 15,159,600 14,429,785 14,500,000 14,000,000 14,183,727 13,500,000 13,000,000 12,497,749 12,500,000 Data as of June 2008; Source – MCC Audited Financial Statements and Budgets Initial Budget 2008-2009 Final Budget 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 12,000,000 18 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET KEY ASSUMPTIONS - REVENUE Total Revenues for 08-09 are projected to be $70.3 million, a decrease of 1.2% from the final 07-08 budget 19 MCC Total General Fund Revenue $75,000,000 $70,000,000 $65,000,000 $60,000,000 $55,000,000 00 9 ge t2 00 lB ud tia In i Fi na lB ud ge t 20 20 06 07 -2 82 00 8 07 -2 0 06 20 05 -2 0 05 20 04 -2 0 04 -2 0 20 03 20 02 -2 0 03 $50,000,000 20 MCC General Fund Revenue Trends $28,000,000 $26,000,000 $24,000,000 $22,000,000 $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 Tuition and Fees 2005-2006 Property Taxes 2006-2007 State Appropriations Final Budget 2007-2008 Initial Budget 2008-2009 Grants and Other 21 GENERAL FUND REVENUE SOURCES General Fund Revenue Proportions 110% 100% 3% 5% 6% 6% 7% 6% 6% 27% 24% 24% 23% 19% 23% 21% 90% 80% 70% 60% 33% 34% 35% 36% 34% 34% 35% 37% 37% 35% 37% 37% 37% 38% 50% Grants and Other State Appropriations Property Taxes Tuition and Fees 40% 30% 20% 00 9 ge t2 00 Bu d In iti al Fi na l Bu d ge t2 00 72 82 00 8 07 20 06 -2 0 06 20 05 -2 0 05 20 04 -2 0 04 20 03 -2 0 20 02 -2 0 03 10% 22 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET KEY ASSUMPTIONS-- EXPENDITURES: Overall decrease of $.8 million or 1.1% over the final 07-08 budget. • Salaries & Wages and Fringe Benefits: Only slight increases (.2%) as 4 employee groups are in the process of bargaining and costs are uncertain. Contingencies have been built into the 08-09 budget to account for these expenditures. •Total compensation = 74%, within Board Policy •Non-Salary: decrease of 5.2% due to necessary spending restraints to maintain a balanced budget 23 Initial General Fund Budget 2008-2009: Expenditures by Activity Utilities and Insurance 4% Operations/ Communications 8% Facilities Rent 0% Transfers 5% Capital Outlay 0% Materials and Supplies 3% Contracted Services 6% Salaries and Wages 53% Fringe Benefits 21% 24 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET BUDGET BALANCING STEPS= COST CONTAINMENT Continued holds on filling vacant positions Total non-salary related expenses reduced during budgeting process by $1.0M (including transfers) Contingencies needed for employee group bargaining cost uncertainty 25 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET: General Fund SUMMARY 06-07 Actual Revenues Expenditures Excess Revenues Over Expenditures Fund Balance - Beginning Fund Balance - Ending Fund Balance Percent 07-08 Amend #2 08-09 Initial $ 64,191,247 $ 63,952,477 71,135,526 $ 70,906,155 70,296,316 70,143,266 $ 238,770 $ 229,371 $ 153,050 $ 6,050,801 6,289,571 $ 6,289,571 6,518,942 $ 6,518,942 6,671,992 9.83% 9.19% Target = 5% - 10% of Expenditure budget 9.51% 26 PROPOSED FY08-09 BUDGET Planned Results: Balanced budget, with small surplus in general fund Continued commitment from General Fund to cover capital needs in maintenance & replacement fund No Reduction in Force Short-term savings achieved through position vacancies Intentional constraint on non-salary (discretionary) spending base Strategic Goals (AQIP process) and 7-year impact considered throughout process 27 PROPOSED “OTHER FUNDS” FY08-09 BUDGETS Main Point is Impact on Operating Budget: •Designated Fund—$2.4 million revenue budget (Scholarships, Student Enrichment, Copy Machines, Paid Parking, Designated Technology Fee) •$423,000 funded with General Fund budget (expense) •Auxiliary Enterprise Fund--$603,000 budget (Catering, Vending, Bookstore, Computer Lab Printing, Lapeer Campus Auxiliary) •$312,000 net “profit” supplements General Fund (revenue) 28 PROPOSED “OTHER FUNDS” FY08-09 BUDGETS Main Point is Impact on Operating Budget: •Debt Retirement Fund—no General Fund impact •Millage Rate stays same, at 0.69 mill; Property taxes restricted •Capital Funds—repair, upgrade of buildings, equipment, technology, vehicles ($100 million in net value) •Instructional Technology Fee = $1.2 Million per year •$1.6 million per year planned transfer from General Fund. •$15 million in Series 2008 Bond Proceeds will fund projects through FY09-10 29 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES FOR 08-09: LINKED TO BUDGET PROCESS and to AQIP METHODOLOGY 30 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES FOR 08-09 • Allocation for 08-09 is $200,000, including both AQIP and department level projects •Department/Division level planning produces requests for annual funding •Top Three AQIP Action Projects : •1) Provide on-going, cross-functional training to develop all employees' professional skills. 2) Cooperative education and experiential learning. 3) Advising for degree completion and transfer students. 31 7-YEAR FORECAST 32 7-YEAR FORECAST Key Assumptions – Revenue Tuition and fee revenue increases between 2.4% and 4% each year (impact of rates and enrollment) Property tax revenue decreases for 3 years with slight increases thereafter 0.6410 Mill Voted Operating Millage is renewed for 10 years starting with FY08-09 State appropriations increase by 1.5% each year Other revenues increase by 2% each year Total revenue increases by avg. of 1.7% each year 33 7-YEAR FORECAST Key Assumptions - Expenses Salaries and wages increase by avg. of 2.5% each year Fringe benefits increase by avg. of 5.5% each year Other expenses increase by avg. of 4.5% each year Total expenses increase by avg. of 3.7% each year 34 7-YEAR FORECAST Summary Projected General Fund Deficit would be $31 Million at end of FY14-15, if current trends continued (Revenue growth of 1.7% vs. expenditure growth of 3.7%) Based on an average projected gap of $6.3 million per year to be filled with budget-balancing solutions Short-term savings and flexibility continues to be key Long-term strategy of reducing compensation costs continues as focus has to be on controllables 35 7-YEAR OPERATING FORECAST (in millions), as of June 2008 Forecasts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amended Proposed Budget 07- Budget 08 08-09 Revenues Tuition and Fees Property Taxes State Appropriations All Others Total Revenue: Revenue Increases:>>> Expenditures Salaries Fringe Benefits All Others Total Expend.: Expend. Increases:>>> Surplus/(Deficit): Fund Balance - End: 26.2 24.5 16.3 4.1 71.1 36.4 15.0 19.5 70.9 0.2 6.5 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 26.4 24.4 15.2 4.3 70.3 27.0 23.6 15.4 4.4 70.4 27.7 23.0 15.6 4.5 70.8 28.8 22.8 15.9 4.5 72.0 30.0 23.2 16.1 4.6 73.9 31.2 23.7 16.3 4.7 75.9 32.4 24.2 16.6 4.8 78.0 -1.2% 0.1% 0.5% 1.7% 2.7% 2.7% 2.7% 36.8 14.8 18.5 70.1 -1.1% 0.2 6.7 37.7 15.6 19.3 72.6 3.6% (2.2) 4.2 38.7 16.5 20.1 75.3 3.7% (4.5) (0.4) 39.6 17.4 21.1 78.1 3.7% (6.1) (6.6) 40.6 18.4 22.0 81.0 3.7% (7.1) (13.7) 41.6 19.4 23.0 84.0 3.7% (8.1) (21.8) 42.7 20.4 24.1 87.2 3.7% (9.2) (31.0) Note: the forecast illustrates pro forma data if current trends were to continue. The college is obligated to balance its budget each year and will take necessary steps to do so. 36 CAPITAL FUNDING Capital Funding Funding Sources : $45 M Voted Bond Authority Passed June 2004 -$15 M Series 2004 was spent from 2004-2006 -$15 M Series 2006 was spent by April 2008 $15 M Series 2008 to be spent by April 2010 +$18 M Commitment of Operating Funds +$ 8 M projected from Student Tech. Fees =$41M Secured from now through 2011 $4 M pending approval from State Capital Outlay Future needs will require ongoing deferral and continued requests for voted bond authority and state capital outlay assistance 38 FUTURE OUTLOOK: Next Steps and Key Issues for Consideration 39 FUTURE OUTLOOK: Key Issues 1. Containing Compensation costs – Long-term budget challenge remains to control rising expenditure levels 2. Property Tax values have decreased and are expected to decline over the next several years 3. Maintaining Sufficient reserves – Supporting the Strategic Plan and ensuring financial health 4. State’s budget – continues to be uncertain at this point 5. 2007-2012 Strategic Planning through AQIP requires continuous improvement methods 40 FY08-09 BUDGET Next Board Actions… FY07-08 Audit Acceptance: Oct/Nov’08 FY08-09 Budget Amendment: Winter’09 41 MCC Board of Trustees Committee of the Whole Meeting June 23, 2008 Questions or Comments? For More Information: Details and Provided with Board Resolutions 1.54 and 1.56 Larry Gawthrop, Interim Chief Financial Officer 810-762-0525, Larry