SummaryofCPSCActions April 26, 2013 Action/Effective Date Associate Degree Revision Sign Language Interpreter Education Approved as Amended The revision removes the Grade 13 Reading Level requierment at the program level, updates course descriptions and outcomes, adds ENGL-100 as a related requirement course, and adds 3 recommended elective courses. BUSN2 General Business Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Adding BUSN-294 and BHSR-110. Deleting COMI-160 and OISY-120. This revision meets requirements for accreditation by adding a capstone course. CADD2 CAD and Design Summer 2013 Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Summer 2013 Revised course CADD-205 COMT2 Communications Technology Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Changing name to Digital Technology Media Design. Adding BUSN-108, COMG-165m COMW-100 and COMW-163. Deleting COMT-220, COMV-141, MAET-200, MAET-210, BCST-161, PHOT-183, PHOT-190, PHOT-192, and modified General Education requirements. MGMT2 Business Management Summer 2013 Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Adding BUSN-294 and deleting RDNG-020, any PEAC course, COMG-153, COMI-160, ECON-125, ENGL-100, GEOG-145 (all electives). This revision meets the requirements of accreditation by adding in a capstone course. MKTG2 Marketing Management Summer 2013 Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Adding BUSN-294 and deleting OISY-120. This revision meets the requirements for accreditation by adding a capstone course. SBM2 Small Business Management Summer 2013 Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Adding BUSN-294 and deleting OISY-120. This revision meets the requirments of accreditation by adding in a capstone course. Summer 2013 Action/Effective Date Bracket Program CNAD2 Computer Network Administration Withdrawn Action/Effective Date Certificate Revision CNTC1 Computer Networking Technology Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Summer 2013 Adding COMN-128. Summary of CPSC Actions Fall 2013 April 26, 2013 Page 1 of 3 COMT1 Communications Technology Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Changing name to Digital Technology Media Design. Adding BUSN-108, COMG-165, COMW-100 and COMW-163. Deleting COMT-220, COMV-141, MAET-200, MAET-210, BCST-161, PHOT-183, PHOT-190, and PHOT-192. Summer 2013 Action/Effective Date Committee Report April DLAS Received for Information March ACS Received for Information Action/Effective Date Course Revision Developmental Writing Courses Approved Course description change to ENGL-095. Course title changes to ENGL-098 and ENGL-099. CADD Courses Pre‐requisite/Co‐requisite Clean Up Winter 2013 Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Winter 2014 ASL.‐101 American Sign Language I Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Course content remains the same - revision of course descriptions and outcomes to better reflect what is done in class. ASL.‐102 American Sign Language II Approved Course content remains the same - Revision of course description and outcomes to better reflect what is done in class. CADD‐205 CADD Tool & Design Application Fall 2013 Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Winter 2014 Course objectives are being modified. COMT‐120 Digital Media Production Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Change pre-requisite to: COMG-153 or COMT-110 ENGL‐099 Basic Writing 2 Winter 2014 Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Winter 2014 New course title, description and objectives. SLIE‐255 Interpreters Certification Prep. Approved The course change its focus from the Michigan Quality Assurance certification test (which is no longer offered) to the current state level interpreting certification exam (MI-BEI Michigan Board for Evaluating Interpreters). The course will aslo cover the state required K-12 interpreter certification exam (EIPA) and the national level interpreter exam (NIC). Fall 2013 Action/Effective Date Minutes Summary of CPSC Actions Fall 2013 April 26, 2013 Page 2 of 3 March Minutes Minutes Action/Effective Date New Certificate Web Development for Graphic Designers‐Post Degree Certificate This post-degree certificate is designed specifically for students who have already completed a graphic design degree from Mott or elsewhere and who seek to increase their marketability in web development for businesses. Students will gain skills and experience in web programming, scripting languages, and databases, as well as augment their skills in designing for the web interface. Interested students should meet with either the Technology or Graphic Design program coordinator prior to enrollment. Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee Summer 2013 Action/Effective Date New Course ECON‐101 Financial Literacy Forwarded to Curriculum Subcommittee This course provides an overview of the basic principles of personal finance, with a focus on the use of financial data to make personal financial decisions and achieve personal finacial goals. Topics include financial planning, taxes, saving, credit, purchases, financing automobiles, and life insurance. Winter 2014 Action/Effective Date No Report April Academic Affairs Subcommittee ‐ Did not meet No Report Action/Effective Date Policy Revision Current College Withdraw Deadline Policy Forwarded to Academic Affairs Subcommittee Fall 2014 Action/Effective Date Seminar ‐ 1st offering ECON‐101 Financial Literacy Seminar To Be Offered; Received for Information This course provides an overview of the basic principles of personal finance, with a focus on the use of financial data to make personal financial decisions and achieve personal finacial goals. Topics include financial planning, taxes, saving, credit, purchases, financing automobiles, and life insurance. PHOT‐208 Introduction to Fine Art Photography Students will gain an increased understanding of the conceptual interpretation of photographic subjects. Students will practice capturing ultimate image quality, refining digital files beyond the camera, creating gallery-quality prints, and preparing work to gallery standards. Marketing and business practices will also be covered. Summary of CPSC Actions April 26, 2013 Fall 2013 Seminar To Be Offered; Received for Information Fall 2013 Page 3 of 3