Summary of CPSC Actions Action Item

Summary of CPSC Actions
October 23, 2015
Action Item
HIST-112 & HIST 113 Course Numbering Change
HIST-112 History of East Asia to 1600 and HIST-113 History of East Asia 1600 to
Present be renumbered as HIST-212 and HIST-213, respectively.
Action/Effective Date
Summer 2016
Literature Course Objectives
Forwarded to Curriculum
Music Program Math requirement change
Forwarded to Curriculum
Delete the MATH 115 Foundations of Mathematics II from the AFA-Music.
Students should complete MATH-130 College Algebra or higher.
Nursing Program Revision to Math Eligibility Requirements
Forwarded to Curriculum
PHOT-183 Intro to Commercial Studio Photography Prerequisite
Forwarded to Curriculum
PHOT-180 with a minimum 2.0
Associate Degree Revision
Action/Effective Date
Summer 2016
Committee Report
Action/Effective Date
Received for Information
Academic Computing Subcommittee
Distance Learning Advisory Subcommittee
Course Revision
Action/Effective Date
ACCT-213 Intermediate Accounting I
Reduction in credit hours - from 5 to 4
Fall 2016
ACCT-214 Cost Accounting
Reduction in credits hours - from 5 to 4
Summary of CPSC Actions
Received for Information
Fall 2016
October 23, 2015
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ACCT-215 Individual Income Tax Accounting
Reduction in credit hours - from 5 to 4
Fall 2016
ACCT-223 Intermediate Accounting II
Reduction in credit hours from 5 to 4
Fall 2016
COMM-210 Persuasion
Update COMM-132: Course title change, pre-req update and course objectives.
Meets the English Composition/Communication General Education requirement.
HREL-100 Human Relations Skills
Winter 2016
Replaces current course, HREL-101, Interpersonal Communications
Course approval has been tabled to the January 2016 CPSC meeting, at which point
it will be revisited.
Memorandum Unbracketing International Business Courses
Memorandum Bracketing Broadcasting couses
Action/Effective Date
Received for Information
Received for Information
Courses to be bracketed: BCST-161, -162, -171, -172, and -173
Memorandum Bracketing MATH-100 Math Approaches for
Paraprofessionals course
Received for Information
MUS.180 Music Appreciation Course Description Change
Received for Information
New Certificate
Action/Effective Date
Professional Baking Certificate
Provides the student with a milestone completion to increase employability and
serves as the first year of the 2-year program
Professional Cooking Certificate program
Provides the student with a milestone completion to increase employability and
serves as the first year of the 2-year program.
New Course
COMM-140 Principles of Interpersonal Communication
Examines interpersonal communications by focusing on relationships through an
understanding of self and others.
Meets the English Composition/Communication General Education requirement.
Summary of CPSC Actions
Summer 2016
October 23, 2015
Summer 2016
Action/Effective Date
Fall 2016
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COMM-220 Intercultural Communication
Examines intercultural communication by focusing on theories and methods that
relate to the various dimensions of culture and how they impact effective verbal and
non-verbal communication.
Meets the English Composition/Communication General Education requirement.
CULA-100 Orientation to Food Services
Winter 2016
Course updated to introduce student to Food Service Industry as well as the Culinary
Arts, Baking and Pasty and Food Service Management programs.
Winter 2016
Replaces FMG.-101 which is to be bracketed.
Program Revision
Action/Effective Date
Business Management AAS
Update as a result of the Degree Pathways initiative
Dental Hygiene AAS Math requirement
Summer 2016
Summer 2016
Change math requirement to: Demonstrate math proficiency by succesful
completion of MATH-120 with a 2.0 or higher OR by placing into MATH-130 or
higher on the Accuplacer placement test OR by scoring 25 or higher on the math
portion of the ACT.
General Business AAS to Business Administration AAS
Change current General Business AAS program to Business Adminstration
Marketing Management AAS
Summer 2016
Update to align with Degree Pathways initiative
Respiratory Therapy AAS Math requirement
Fall 2016
Summer 2016
Change math requirement to: Demonstrate math proficiency by succesful
completion of MATH-120 with a 2.0 or higher OR by placing into MATH-130 or
higher on the Accuplacer placement test OR by scoring 25 or higher on the math
portion of the ACT.
Summary of CPSC Actions
October 23, 2015
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