92 BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHARLES STEWART MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE OFFICIAL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 28, 2011 VOLUME 42 SCHEDULED MEETING: 7:30 p.m. BOARD CONFERENCE ROOM: Room 1301 Regional Technology Center TRUSTEES PRESENT: Lenore Croudy Andrew (Andy) Everman Pamela M. Faris Sally Shaheen Joseph Albert J. Koegel John L. Snell, Jr. TRUSTEES ABSENT: PRESIDING OFFICER: Lenore Croudy, Chairperson Regular Board Meeting: 7:30 p.m. to 8:56 p.m. Certified As Correct: ___________________________________ Lenore Croudy, Chairperson __________________________________ Sally Shaheen Joseph, Secretary 92a BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHARLES STEWART MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Regular Meeting, February 28, 2011 Volume 42 Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 28, 2011 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SESSION: Chair Croudy began the Committee of the Whole Session by calling on President Shaink. Dr. Shaink talked about the many things to celebrate at the College, one of which was a source of local and national pride— the 20th anniversary of Mott Middle College. He introduced Scott Jenkins, Vice President for Student & Administrative Services and Dr. Chery Wagonlander, Principal, Mott Middle College, who delivered a presentation highlighting exactly what a Middle/Early College is, its benefits and defining characteristics, and design principles. They provided historical background on MMC’s creation, citing that it was one of the first five in the nation, and also provided data pertaining to student outcomes, changes in grade point averages, dual enrollment, and accumulated credits, among other facts. They also discussed student growth (academically and emotionally), and new developments at both a local and national level. Following a brief question and answer period, the session concluded at 7:20 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Croudy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. She then requested a moment of silence on behalf of Public Safety Officer Donald Bailey, Faculty member Thomas Nuzum, and Trustee Celia Turner. There was no objection. A moment of silence was held in their honor. II. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Vice-Chair Snell moved that Item 1.27, Nomination and Appointment of Board Secretary, be placed at the top of Individual Items. Trustee Faris seconded the motion. There was no objection. Trustee Everman moved that Item 1.22, Resolution to Approve Naming Requests, and Item 1.23, Confirmation of Chief Financial Officer, be moved from the Consent Agenda to Individual Items. Trustee Joseph seconded the motion. There was no objection. There were no further additions to the agenda. III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Trustee Everman moved that the agenda be adopted with changes. Trustee Faris seconded the motion. ALL PRESENT VOTED AYE. MOTION PASSED. IV. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Chair Croudy then called on President Shaink, who introduced Dr. Amy Fugate, Vice President for Academic Affairs, who facilitated a presentation of recent student awards from various competitions throughout the year. She first introduced Dean Mary Cusack, Fine Arts and Social Sciences Divisions, who presented several students from the Graphic Design program who received ADDY Awards, presented by the American Advertising Federation. Dean Cusack introduced Mara Fulmer, Graphic Design Coordinator, 92b Fine Arts Division, who announced that there were six winners and 11 awards received by MCC students, including a scholarship award. In addition, Jim Shurter, Fine Arts Faculty member (and an MCC alumnus) won an award in the Professional category. Ms. Fulmer showed some of the students’ work, and most of the students were in attendance to be recognized. Those students honored include Angelia LambrixCaballero, Jason Jerke, Sarah Elysia Fulmer, Leigha Rankin, Jessica Janda, and Kyle Rogowski. A brief photo opportunity with the Board and award winners took place. Dr. Fugate then called on Heather Sisto, Faculty, Humanities Division. Ms. Sisto discussed the statewide organization LAND (Liberal Arts Network for Development) as well as their annual conference and creative writing contest, announcing that MCC student John Hartranft was awarded first place in the fiction category for his short story The Toast. Mr. Hartranft was in attendance with Ms. Sisto and briefly explained the background and inspiration for this story. Ms. Sisto also mentioned that she presented at the conference with the assistance of two other MCC students. A brief photo opportunity with the Board and Mr. Hartranft took place. V. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications. VI. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Theo Gantos, 34 Mason Street, Mount Morris, appeared before the Board, speaking as a student, on the feasibility of the College instituting a ride-share program to help students cut transportation costs. VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES TRUSTEE JOSEPH MOVED THAT THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 24, 2011 BE APPROVED. TRUSTEE FARIS SECONDED THE MOTION. Chair Croudy called for a vote to approve the minutes of January 24, 2011. ALL PRESENT VOTED AYE. MOTION PASSED. VIII. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS Acceptance of Standing Board Committee Reports: 1. Personnel (Joseph, Faris): Trustee Joseph reported that the Personnel Committee met on February 23, 2011. Notes from that meeting appear as Attachment A. 2. Finance/Audit (Koegel, Everman, Snell): Treasurer Koegel reported that the Finance/Audit Committee met on February 23, 2011. Notes from that meeting appear as Attachment B. Other Reports: 1. ACCT National Legislative Summit (Croudy, Joseph, Shaink): Chair Croudy, Trustee Joseph, and President Shaink gave a brief report on the ACCT National Legislative Summit. Dr. Shaink distributed a report on top federal legislative priorities as determined by the ACCT. 92c Trustee Faris inquired whether individual letters from Trustees to out-district legislators regarding specific issues could help; President Shaink said he would check with the Michigan Community College Association for their opinion. IX. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no unfinished business. X. NEW BUSINESS Consent Agenda: Chair Croudy called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. MOVED BY VICE-CHAIR SNELL, SECONDED BY TRUSTEE JOSEPH THAT THE BOARD APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Chair Croudy called for a vote on the Consent Agenda, Item 1.21, Treasurer’s Report for January 2011 and Item 1.24, Approval of Sabbaticals. Individual Items: ALL PRESENT VOTED AYE. MOTION PASSED. Chair Croudy called for a motion to approve Item 1.22, Resolution to Approve Naming Requests. Trustee Everman moved that the resolution not be approved. Treasurer Koegel seconded the motion. The Assistant Secretary explained that motions are not typically made in the negative. Trustee Everman and Treasurer Koegel withdrew their motion and second, respectively. MOVED BY VICE-CHAIR SNELL, SECONDED BY SECRETARY JOSEPH THAT ITEM 1.22 BE APPROVED. Chair Croudy called for the vote on Item 1.22. FOUR AYES, TWO NAYS (EVERMAN KOEGEL). MOTION PASSED. TRUSTEE EVERMAN REQUESTED AN AFFIRMATION OF THE VOTE VIA ROLL CALL. THE VOTE WAS AS FOLLOWS: SNELL – AYE FARIS – AYE KOEGEL – NAY JOSEPH – AYE EVERMAN – NAY CROUDY – AYE Trustee Everman requested information on the costs associated with the room and the hall. Chair Croudy called for a motion to approve Item 1.23 Confirmation of Chief Financial Officer. MOVED BY TREASURER KOEGEL, SECONDED BY VICE-CHAIR SNELL THAT ITEM 1.23 BE APPROVED. Chair Croudy called for the vote on Item 1.23. 92d ALL PRESENT VOTED AYE. MOTION PASSED. Chair Croudy opened nominations from the floor for Board Secretary. Vice-Chair Snell nominated Trustee Joseph for Board Secretary. Trustee Faris seconded the nomination. There were no further nominations. Chair Croudy closed nominations and called for a vote to appoint Trustee Joseph Board Secretary. FIVE AYES, ONE NAY (EVERMAN). TRUSTEE JOSEPH WAS APPOINTED BOARD SECRETARY. At this time, Chair Croudy announced that she was appointing Secretary Joseph Personnel Committee Chair. Chair Croudy called for a motion to approve Item 1.25, Wagner Building Boiler Replacement – Purchase Award. MOVED BY SECRETARY JOSEPH, SECONDED BY TRUSTEE FARIS THAT ITEM 1.25 BE APPROVED. Chair Croudy called for the vote on Item 1.25. ALL PRESENT VOTED AYE. MOTION PASSED. Chair Croudy called for a motion to approve Item 1.26, Dissolution of Home-Based Child Care Interlocal Agreement. MOVED BY SECRETARY JOSEPH, SECONDED BY VICE-CHAIR SNELL THAT ITEM 1.26 BE APPROVED. Chair Croudy called for the vote on Item 1.26. FOUR AYES, ZERO NAYS. MOTION PASSED. TRUSTEE FARIS ABSTAINED FROM VOTING DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST. XI. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS President’s Report: President Shaink distributed the Executive Summary, and highlighted upcoming dates, including the Board committee and regular meetings for March, the Genesee County Association of School Board Members Spring Dinner, the Distinguished Alumni and Outstanding Retiree Awards, and the Tribute to Chair Croudy. Dr. Shaink called on Lennetta Coney, Executive Director, College and Community Development, to provide an update on activities sponsored or co-sponsored by the Foundation for Mott Community College. President Shaink congratulated the Men’s Basketball team on winning the MCCAA Championship and announced that the College would be hosting the Regional Championship tournament. President Shaink thanked Vice President Jenkins and Dr. Wagonlander for their workshop presentation on the Mott Middle/Early College, praising the positive outcomes that have come from the program over the past 20 years. He praised all the award recipients and positive things happening to the students and departments, and thanked Dr. Fugate and Dean Cusack for their presentation. 92e Dr. Shaink then made comments about the loss of Donald Bailey and Tom Nuzum, and then discussed the loss of Celia Turner, offering condolences on behalf of his family and all employees. XII. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS (Item 4.07): Secretary Joseph commented on how much she will miss Celia Turner, and later added that she would not be in attendance for the March 23 Personnel Committee meeting, and thanked the Board for their faith in her. Treasurer Koegel inquired whether or not a new Trustee could be chosen from the list of prospective candidates following a Trustee vacancy last year. Trustee Everman commented that former Trustee Turner was a nice person and offered his condolences. He then talked about attending Mr. Nuzum and Mr. Bailey’s funerals, highlighting Vice President Jenkins and the Department of Public Safety for their work in helping honor Mr. Bailey. Trustee Everman congratulated Women’s Basketball team member Beth Kozar for receiving the state Distinguished AllAcademic Award. He then praised a program put on by the Music Department and announced a forum on the Earned Income Tax Credit. Finally, he expressed his desire for the Board to meet prior to Trustee candidate interviews in order to discuss what to look for in a new Trustee. Treasurer Faris congratulated the student award winners, and said she considered herself a better person for having known Mrs. Turner. Vice-Chair Snell discussed the good news and sad news of the day, commending the presentation on the Middle College and the student awards, and made comments in honor of Mrs. Turner. Chair Croudy thanked everyone for a wonderful job, especially the students. She expressed how much she would miss Mrs. Turner, and commented on how she had received calls from people throughout the state and nation offering their sympathies. She then read a letter of condolence from Southwestern Michigan Community College Trustee Fred Matthews. She then offered an update on the Turner family and gave early details on funeral arrangements. XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no Executive Session. XIV. ADJOURNMENT Chair Croudy declared the meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Minutes submitted by Michael Simon, Assistant Secretary, Mott Community College Board of Trustees. A copy of the official meeting minutes and a compact disc recording of the meeting in its entirety are available for public viewing/listening in the Mott Library, main campus. 92f ATTACHMENT A PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 4:00 p.m., CM 1019 Present: Joseph, Faris Absent: Turner The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Trustee Joseph. Consent Agenda Resolution to Approve Naming Requests: A copy of the resolution was included for review. Dr. Amy Fugate, Vice President of Academic Affairs provided background and rationale for the resolution, while President Shaink gave an overview of the naming process established as per Board policy. Larry Koehler, Executive Director, Physical Plant, showed renderings of how the room and hallway would be decorated. The resolution will be presented Monday as part of the Consent Agenda. Treasurer’s Report for January 2011: Mike Frawley, Interim Chief Financial Officer, detailed the Treasurer’s Report for January 2011, reporting that total revenues for the period ended January 31 were approximately $51.7 million, representing 68.7% of the annual budget, which is 0.3% lower than last year at this time. Expenditures year-to-date were at $38.3 million, representing 50.9% of the annual budget. Tuition and fee revenues were $30.4 million, and property taxes were $14.1 million. Confirmation of Chief Financial Officer: A copy of the resolution was provided for review. Mark Kennedy, Chief Human Resources Officer, provided history and background on the resolution. President Shaink commended Mr. Frawley for all the work he has done during the interim period. The resolution will be presented Monday as part of the Consent Agenda. Approval of Sabbaticals: A copy of the resolution was provided for review. Mr. Kennedy explained that the Board already approved sabbaticals as part of the collective bargaining agreement, and that the resolution was to authenticate what was already approved in the agreement, as required by the Michigan Public School Employees’ Retirement System (MPSERS). The resolution will be presented Monday as part of the Consent Agenda. Individual Items Wagner Building Boiler Replacement – Purchase Award: A copy of the resolution was provided for review. Scott Jenkins, Vice President for Student & Administrative Services, provided history on the Wagner Building and explained the need to replace the boiler. The resolution will be presented for approval at Monday’s meeting. Dissolution of Home-Based Child Care Interlocal Agreement: A copy of the resolution was included for review. President Shaink, along with Jim Delaney, Board Attorney, gave history and background on the creation of the Michigan Home-Based Child Care Council, as well as the decision by the Michigan Department of Human Services to cease the Council’s funding, and their subsequent request of the College to jointly dissolve the agreement. The resolution will be presented for approval at Monday’s meeting. Other Staffing Transaction Report: Mark Kennedy, Chief Human Resources Officer, presented the Staffing Transaction Report for January 2011. Trustee Joseph adjourned the meeting at 5:13 p.m. 92g ATTACHMENT B FINANCE/AUDIT COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 12:00 p.m., CM 1019 Present: Koegel, Everman, Snell The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Trustee Koegel. Consent Agenda Resolution to Approve Naming Requests: A copy of the resolution was included for review. Dr. Amy Fugate, Vice President of Academic Affairs provided background and rationale for the resolution, while President Shaink gave an overview of the naming process established as per Board policy. Larry Koehler, Executive Director, Physical Plant, showed renderings of how the room and hallway would be decorated. The resolution will be presented Monday as part of the Consent Agenda. Treasurer’s Report for January 2011: Mike Frawley, Interim Chief Financial Officer, detailed the Treasurer’s Report for January 2011, reporting that total revenues for the period ended January 31 were approximately $51.7 million, representing 68.7% of the annual budget, which is 0.3% lower than last year at this time. Expenditures year-to-date were at $38.3 million, representing 50.9% of the annual budget. Tuition and fee revenues were $30.4 million, and property taxes were $14.1 million. Confirmation of Chief Financial Officer: A copy of the resolution was provided for review. Mark Kennedy, Chief Human Resources Officer, provided history and background on the resolution. President Shaink commended Mr. Frawley for all the work he has done during the interim period. The resolution will be presented Monday as part of the Consent Agenda. Approval of Sabbaticals: A copy of the resolution was provided for review. Mr. Kennedy explained that the Board already approved sabbaticals as part of the collective bargaining agreement, and that the resolution was to authenticate what was already approved in the agreement, as required by the Michigan Public School Employees’ Retirement System (MPSERS). The resolution will be presented Monday as part of the Consent Agenda. Individual Items Wagner Building Boiler Replacement – Purchase Award: A copy of the resolution was provided for review. Scott Jenkins, Vice President for Student & Administrative Services, provided history on the Wagner Building and explained the need to replace the boiler. The resolution will be presented for approval at Monday’s meeting. Dissolution of Home-Based Child Care Interlocal Agreement: A copy of the resolution was included for review. President Shaink, along with Jim Delaney, Board Attorney, gave history and background on the creation of the Michigan Home-Based Child Care Council, as well as the decision by the Michigan Department of Human Services to cease the Council’s funding, and their subsequent request of the College to jointly dissolve the agreement. The resolution will be presented for approval at Monday’s meeting. Other Staffing Transaction Report: Mark Kennedy, Chief Human Resources Officer, presented the Staffing Transaction Report for January 2011. Trustee Koegel adjourned the meeting at 1:01 p.m.