Exploring Standard Form Quadratic Equations in Geometer’s Sketchpad

Exploring Standard Form Quadratic Equations in
Geometer’s Sketchpad
Start Up Directions:
1.) Graph | Define Coordinate System
2.) Graph | New Parameter. Label the new parameter a. OK.
3.) Graph | New Parameter. Label the new parameter b. OK.
4.) Graph | New Parameter. Label the new parameter c. OK.
5.) Graph | Plot New Function. Click the parameters
in the sketch to enter them (a=, b=, c=). Enter a * x 2 + b * x + c .
Select parameter a only. Change its value by pressing the + and – keys.
Describe the TWO things that happen to the graph as you change parameter a ?
1.) __________________________________________________________
2.) __________________________________________________________
What special property does the graph have when a = 0 ? ___________________
Select parameter b only. Change its value by pressing the + and – keys.
What happens to the graph as you change parameter b ? _______________________
What special property does the graph have when b = 0 ? ________________________
Select parameter c only. Change its value by pressing the + and – keys.
What happens to the graph as you change parameter c ? _______________________