Upcoming Easter Schedule at Holy Family Church Safety First

Upcoming Easter Schedule at Holy Family Church
Passion Sunday April 17
Saturday April 16 5:00 p.m.
Sunday April 17 8:15 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 pm
Holy Thurs. April 21st Mass of the Lord's Supper 8:00 p.m.
Good Friday April 22nd Celebration of the Lord's Passion
12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m.
Good Friday April 22nd Dramatic Presentation of the
Stations of the Cross, led by LifeTeen at 7:30 p.m.
Holy Saturday April 23rd 12:00 p.m. Midday Prayer and
Blessing of Easter Baskets
Easter Vigil April 23rd 9:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday April 24 8:15 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
Safety First
A safety reminder to all our students that
bikes, scooters and roller blades are to be
walked both on and off the school property.
Bikes are to be locked at the side of the
school. We do not have facilities to store or secure roller
blades or scooters, so there is an added risk of damage or
theft and they are not encouraged to be brought to school.
The school is not responsible for these items. Your
cooperation is appreciated.
Holy Family On-line
Holy Family Church has created a Parish website. The site
www.holyfamilybolton.ca All families are invited to visit
the new church website.
Forest of Reading
All Forest of Reading programs are up and running in the
All primary classes have already read 7 of the 10 nominated
titles. We have over 90 participants enrolled in Silver Birch
and Silver Birch Express programs. There are over 24 Red
Maple Readers. Many participants are already eligible to
vote the week of April 18th. Way to go readers!
Earth Week
Earth Day is Friday, April 22 (Good
Friday). The week leading up to Earth
day is Holy Week, but the School Green
Team will be supporting the school with
various initiatives. At home we encourage
families to reduce, reuse and recycle. As the warmer
weather approaches, we ask that students walk to school,
that cars not be idle in the parking lot and that we reduce
the litter during school lunches.
Placements for September 2011
A reminder once again that soon we will begin work on next
year’s class lists. If you are planning for your child(ren) to
attend Pope John Paul II School next year and there are
any learning needs that you think we need to consider in
making up classes (this does not include requests for
specific teachers), please include this information in a
letter to the principal. Educational reasons will be factored
into the decisions which will be made by teachers, resource
staff and the school administration.
It’s Showtime!!!
The school is buzzing with the excitement of the musical
production. Times of public performances will be Tuesday,
April 5 at 9:00 a.m., and 7:00 p.m., Wednesday April 6 at
7:00 p.m. and Thursday April 7 at 7:00 p.m. Special thanks
to all the staff who have contributed so many extra hours
to support the students in this production.
Chalice supports the initiatives of the local people working
for the common good of their community through the care
of children and elderly in need. As we proceed through
Lent, your support is appreciated. We would like to remind
you that the Chalice containers will be collected by Parent
Group volunteers after Easter, on Tuesday, April 26.
April is Reading Month
We are looking forward to April which will be our month of
Reading! Guest reader week is April 4- 8. Thanks to the
many community members who have agreed to spend time
sharing their love of reading with the students.
addition, Grades 4, 5, and 6 students will be having a Used
Book Swap again this year. Only books appropriate for
those grades will be accepted. Students in Grades 7 & 8
who have books they don’t mind passing down are welcome
to donate to the swap.
Letters must be signed and submitted to the Principal
prior to April 21, 2011. We cannot guarantee your
request but we will consider your concerns and reasons
along with all other factors.
Eco-School Activities
Our Grade 5 Green team are anxious to get started on
some new initiatives. We are planning to improve our
efforts at recycling and energy conservation. We are
planning a litterless lunch day and we are also looking
forward to Fresh Fruit Fridays. Now that we have better
weather, hopefully we can encourage Walking Wednesdays.
More information to come.
Kindergarten Placements
Junior Kindergarten students from this year will be
notified of any changes in either a.m. or p.m. program by
June 2011 . If there are any students currently attending
the morning Junior Kindergarten class, but the family would
prefer an afternoon placement, please let us know at the
office as there are other families who would like a morning
placement. As always, class placements will be tentative
until the end of the second week of September when our
staffing is confirmed. Your assistance in helping your
children understand this process is greatly appreciated.
The school board’s bus transportation services are
operated by Student Transportation of Peel Region
(STOPR). This is a consortium, or partnership, between the
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Peel
District School Board. The Ministry of Education requires
school board bus transportation consortiums to improve
One initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education, that
is designed to improve efficiency is known as integrated
ridership. In integrated ridership, students from both
Dufferin-Peel and Peel schools will ride on the same buses,
where feasible. A number of school boards across the
province have successfully implemented integrated
ridership. All eligible students continue to be transported
on runs where integrated ridership is implemented.
Integrated ridership is designed to create a more
effective and efficient operation of service, is more
environmentally friendly and reduces traffic in our
communities. Integrated ridership may also result in higher
transportation funding levels for school boards.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has
approved the implementation of integrated ridership,
where feasible, starting September, 2011. Integrated
ridership works best in situations where schools are
located close to one another and the number of students
involved helps achieve better organized bus runs. STOPR
staff is currently assessing areas where integrated
ridership would work best. Some minor adjustments to
start and dismissal times may be required at schools
selected for integrated ridership. It should be noted that
integrated ridership does not work well in all areas and, as a
result, there may be only a few areas that will have this
STOPR is also in the process of revising policies and
procedures to reflect integrated ridership services at
some schools.
For example, procedures related to
behavioural issues on buses have been reviewed and
principals will continue to be responsible for students from
their school.
STOPR will provide additional information regarding the
selection of schools where integrated ridership will be
STOPR will keep you informed through
regular updates in school newsletters over the upcoming
Library - Happy Spring from the library!
Pope John Paul II School library will be
hosting our final Book Fair of the year from
May 24 to May 31. Further details will be sent out shortly.
Our students involved in the Forest of Reading will be
voting on April 20, 2011. Author Kathy Kacer will be visiting
on May 16. Her books will be available to purchase after
her presentations.
All books are due back to the library by June 10. As you do
any spring cleaning, please keep an eye out for any of our
library resources. They can come home anytime.
Junior Boy’s Basketball Team
Congratulations to all the Boy’s who tried out for our Junior
Team. Great enthusiasm was demonstrated by all. Those
students who are now training and working to prepare for
our April 14 Tournament include: Nicholas B., Michael C.,
Jordan D., Ryan K., Connor M., Michael T., Daniel B., Joseph
C., Daniel D., Michael M., Jared P. and Aidan W. Mrs.
Andrews is the coach with the help of Matthew D.. They
have been working with this team and their dedication is
Junior Girl’s Basketball Team
Shout outs to all the girls who tried out for the team!
Wonderful school spirit was demonstrated by all who came
to give their all. Representing the school at the Bolton
Tournament on April 14 will be, Xena A., Jocelyn C., Alana
C., Zoe A., Sydney B., Alex G., Makana M., Deanna D.,
Natalie L., Hannah T., Katrina B. and Amanda F., Thanks to
Mrs. Merrick and Mr. Pusztai for their work with this team.
Weather Update
As we go into the wet spring season parents are
reminded that children should be cautious of high water
levels and to stay clear of these areas. In addition, we are
likely to have rapid shifts in weather temperatures from
warm to very cool. Students are to dress appropriately for
the weather of the day and they must be prepared for
outdoor recesses.
Changes of emergency numbers
Throughout the school year there may be any number of
changes which occur at home. There are a few families who
have not left us with emergency contacts. Please help us
ensure that we always have current home numbers, work
numbers and emergency contact numbers. In addition, it is
important that you have a network of support for your
children as a back-up in case you cannot be reached. Cell
phones, family and local friends are all good contacts for us
to have on file.
Personal Electronic Devices
Cell phones, MP3 players, IPODS, digital cameras are not to
be used on school property. It is against School and Board
policy to have these devices at school.
Central Committee for Catholic Schools Councils
The CCCSC Annual In-Service Conference and Vendor
Marketplace is being held on Saturday, April 9th, 2011 at
St. Joseph Secondary School. All parents are welcome to
attend. The keynote Speaker will focus his talk on the
importance of engaging the Catholic community in the
ongoing discussions about our faith and publicly funded
Catholic Education in Ontario. Topics include homework
help, Diversity and Inclusive Education, our new Growing
Success document, Cyber Safety and Special Education.
Literacy Tips for home:
Did You Know?
School/Community Connection:
Primary: Brainstorm a list of words that describe spring
and have your child:
1. Roll out some play dough. Print the words in the
dough using a sharp pencil or form the letter in
each word by rolling out the dough.
2. Create a riddle for some of the spring words and
have other family members guess the answer. E.g.,
It is a four letter word. It begins with an “r”. It
ends with an “n”. It is wet. It is a weather word.
Junior: Acronyms are popular means of communication
today. For example, a.s.a.p. stands for “as soon as possible.”
Create a list of popular acronyms, identifying the word that
is represented by each letter in the acronym. Some popular
acronyms include: LOL, TGIF, BFF.
Parking Enforcement
Please be advised that the front of the school where buses
drop off students is a designated “fire route”. Local
parking enforcement officers have been present at the
school and have been issuing fines. They have authority to
come on to the property to enforce fire routes and
handicapped parking. Kiss and Ride is provided on the west
side of the school for students being dropped off before
school. Parents should not be dropping off students in this
fire route/bus drop off lane.
Good Ole Hockey Game
Thank you for all who supported our Sharelife Good Ole
Hockey Game on the Friday before the March Break. The
adult team was supported by, Fr. Larry, Mr. Barnett, Mr.
Gallant, Mrs. Mangiapane, Mrs. Pennella, Mrs. McDonnell,
Mrs. Arbic, Mr. D’Agostino, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Fusco, Mr.
Esteves, Mr. Stapleton, Mr. Coulombe, Mr. Rochester and
Mr. Diebert., The student team included, Drake A.,
Nicholas B., Jordan B., Justin D., Luca D., Anthony E., Daniel
F., Francesco L., Alexander M., Christopher R., Jeremy R.,
Shane S., Liam W., Franco Z., Ernesto C., Michael K.,
Nicholas A., Brenden H., Sam M., Hunter O. and Michael S,
Special thanks to coach, Mr. Maiolino. Our Grade 4 to
Grade 8 students vocally supported their favourite team.
We are especially grateful to the parent volunteers who
accompanied the classes to the game. It was great fun for
Facebook Presentation
Thanks to all the parents who joined us to hear Chris
Vollum present information about Facebook. As promised
please see attached information tips to protect your
Each year Grade 3 and 6 students in Ontario are assessed
in reading, writing and mathematics for a period of five
days. This year the dates for this assessment are: May 30
to June 10, 2011. Please keep this in mind when booking
appointments. Thank you.
Fire Drill and Lockdown Procedures
Throughout the year safety procedures are reviewed with
students on a number of topics. Emergency evacuation
drills are conducted to ensure that everyone is aware of
the procedures to follow in order to exit the building
safely. In the event of an unforeseen emergency situation,
students and staff will evacuate to St. Michael’s Secondary
School. In the near future, students and staff will also
discuss and practice procedures that will be implemented in
the event of an emergency lockdown situation.
Rough Play
While outside during recess, students sometimes find
themselves engaging in inappropriate activities that involve
rough play. Although some forms of rough play may be
considered acceptable at home by some parents, pushing,
shoving, tackling, play fighting and wrestling are activities
that compromise student safety when carried out at school.
Please help us to help your child remain safe by reinforcing
the dangers of rough play even when the intent is fun.
Students are reminded not to bring valuables, items of
importance or money to school. The school does not accept
responsibility for the above. Treasures, with a monetary
value or sentimental value, should not be brought to school.
Student clothing and play items should be clearly marked
with your child’s name.
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is committed
to a safe and healthy environment for staff, students and
visitors. In recognition of the medical evidence that the
health of some people is affected by scented products, the
Board encourages staff, students, and visitors to avoid use
of scented personal care products.
Indoor Soccer
We have two teams of indoor soccer. Our girl’s team
consists of Kennedy B., Alana S., Stephanie G., Chloe H.,
Daphne C., Jocelyn C., Yasmin G., Lexie H-P., Maya A. and
Alyssa M. They are being coached by Mr. MacNeil and Mrs.
Our Boy’s Intermediate Indoor Soccer Team includes, Evan
K., Justin D., Alessandro C., Marcus R., Brendan M., Marco
M., Dominic W., William B., Alexander M. and Anthony M.
Their coaches are Mrs. Condotta and Mr. MacNeil. Good
luck at your Tournament, April 28, 2011