Program Planning and Assessment (PPA) for Academic Programs

Program Planning and Assessment (PPA)
for Academic Programs
Comprehensive Review, Annual Review & Action Plan
Spring 2015
The purpose of Program Planning and Assessment at Hartnell College is to obtain an honest and authentic view of a program and to
assess its strengths, opportunities, needs, and connection to the mission and goals of the college. The process is based on the premise
that each academic program reviews assessment data and uses these data to plan for improvement. The results of these annual cycles
provide data for a periodic comprehensive review that shows evidence of improvement and outlines long-range goals.
The Program Planning and Assessment process improves and increases the flow of information about student learning, student success
and student behavior at Hartnell College. The result of the process also improves institutional effectiveness.
Date Completed (must be in final
form by 3/27/15)*
Date Submitted to Dean
Kinesiology and Athletics
*Please note that you should work with your colleagues and dean to ensure that this report is completed, revised as needed, in its
final form and submitted no later than the end of March.
List of Contributors, including Title/Position
David Beymer
Matt Collins
Daniel Ortega
Andrew Vasher
Andy Watt
Chris Zepeda
Instructor/Athletic Trainer
Instructor/Football Coach
Instructor/Men’s Soccer Coach
Instructor/Men’s Basketball Coach
Instructor/Softball Coach
Instructor/Track and Cross Country
Larry Mankins
Dan Teresa
Joanne Trevino
Joanne Venegas
Athletic Director
Program Assistant II
Administrative Assistant
Dean’s Comments (required):
The Kinesiology Department, which encompasses Physical Education, Health Education, Family & Consumer Studies, and Athletics, is performing at an
above-average level on the academic side of its functions. We experience the biggest growth in our Kinesiology core courses and degree. The PETH-1Introduction to Kinesiology course offerings doubled and the number of students majoring in Kinesiology increased. In response, we brought back more
PETH courses through curriculum, specifically PETH-3, Concepts of Fitness and PETH-4, Sport in Society to add more depth and options to the program. The
PETH-3, Concepts of Fitness was also included in the Theater Arts TMC, something we had not experienced in several years, but also demonstrating
growth and program significance. However, we did realize that we needed to modify a couple of classes in our TMC. We included PETH intercollegiate
courses to the program degree, for example PETH-10, Theory and Analysis of Football, but realized that our program is tailored more to the athletic side,
however, there are other kinesiology positions such as Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Athletic Training, Wellness and Exercise Science where the students
do not necessarily have to be student/athletes.
We are completely caught up in terms of curriculum and SLO’s in terms of what is required. We hope to add more lecture type courses and change the PE
courses to Kinesiology in name in the next few years. Statistically (retention and success) in the classroom we are also above average except for our
fitness center courses. In response to the well below average retention in these courses, we have changed them from “open labs” to hybrids that have a
set time to meet with instructors (2/3 of meeting time) and some open lab time (1/3 of meeting time). Our hope is that this will bring our retention level
up to an acceptable level. In going through the Curriculum in our Kinesiology Department, we feel it would be a good idea to bring back HED 7- Women’s
Health, add a sports nutrition course to the FCS Discipline and develop new activity courses such as futsal soccer given our demographics and community.
Reviewing the needs of and maintaining our athletic programs are major needs for our department through the PPA planning process. Our requests
generally fall under the categories of repair/replacement of old or outdated equipment, facilities, new equipment or facilities to grow or improve our
programs, and improve funding streams for our programs. Over the years, we have been able to establish our programs. For our budget requests we feel
as a department it is better for us to tie all of our requests to the Mission, Vision and Values of the district and our own department goals rather than to
follow the SLO model. Some of the biggest needs in our plan are having additional staff and budget for our athletic training room, changing football/track
practice field from natural grass to turf for safety reasons, and reestablishing a budget for athletic uniforms. In the upcoming years, we want to
communicate with local schools to determine which sports which would be best for us to add such as men’s and women’s swimming, sand volleyball, and
water polo.
__Dan Teresa ________________
Typed Name of Area Dean
VPAA Comments (required for comprehensive reviews):
This department has made some adjustments to their course offerings, creating new courses and updating others. The demand for classes is
increasing, therefore additional equipment, supplies and staff will be necessary.
__Lori Kildal______________ _8-12-15______
Typed Name of VPAA
This PPA report is organized in 3 sections and 11 subsections as follows:
Comprehensive Review – a. Overall Program Effectiveness, b. Instructional Staffing, c. CTE Programs – Labor Market &
Achievement, and d. Program Goals.
Annual Review – a. Course Data & Trends, b. Teaching Modality, c. Curriculum,
d. Outcomes, and e. Previously Scheduled Activities.
Annual Action Plan – a. New Activities and b. Resource Requests.
 For programs/disciplines scheduled for comprehensive review in spring
2015, please complete Sections I, II, and III.
 For programs/disciplines scheduled for annual review, please complete
Sections II and III.
This section must be completed for ALL academic programs, including those scheduled for a
comprehensive review in spring 2015.
Please evaluate the 3-year trend of enrollment and success of courses in your program/discipline. Identify
the courses you are choosing to examine this current year in the list below. You do NOT need to evaluate
trends for each course every year.
Course Number
Course Name
Multicultural Health Beliefs
Aerobic Strength Conditioning
Swim Fitness
Intercollegiate Soccer
Introduction to Kinesiology
Does the course have any DE (online or
hybrid) sections?
Please use the data that have been provided. Analyze trends that you observe with respect to the data for the identified courses
and answer the following questions.
2. Review the enrollment data. Describe and analyze any patterns or anomalies that you notice. What do you
make of these patterns or anomalies? What actions should be taken to ensure continuous improvement?
When analyzing the data for our division over the past three years there are two distinct trends. First of all, the lecture courses
and athletic courses are following the trends of the institution and even growing some. The increases that we are seeing are tied to
the formation of the AA-T in Kinesiology. The degree is focusing students on the courses they need, which has increased our
enrollments. Secondly, our activity courses showed a steep decrease in enrollment for the 2013-14 academic year. The main
reason for the decreases is the chancellor’s office reduction in repeatability. In the past, we always had a core group of students
who would max out the repeatability for each course in the course families (take each class 4 times with at least 3 classes in each
family), but now the students are limited to taking each family of courses a maximum of 4 times. We are currently cleaning up the
curriculum to better define the families so that our students have more options for activity courses in our division.
3. Review the success data. Describe and analyze any patterns or anomalies that you notice. What do you make
of these patterns or anomalies? What actions should be taken to ensure continuous improvement?
When you analyze most of our courses, our division is at or above the average for the college. The one family of courses that hurts
our overall number is our fitness center classes. These classes traditionally have had low success numbers which we attribute to
the current “open lab” format. In order to increase this for this family of classes, we are in the process of updating the curriculum
for all the fitness center classes to include set time with an instructor for the section that the student is enrolled in. We are
confident that having a set instructor will decrease the number of drops and increase the success of the students enrolled in these
4. Describe the demonstrated effectiveness of the program over the past several years with levels and trends of
achievement data, such as degree and certificate completions/awards.
Because of the AA-T in Kinesiology, we are seeing great growth in Kinesiology majors which will increase the number graduates.
Because the degree was approved in 2013-14, we did not have any graduates in that program over the past three years. With our
general degree, we did have four degrees awarded over the past three years, with three of those being in the 2013-14 year. The
three in 2013-14 is more than the previous ten years combined which shows and increase in the interest of the program.
The students in on our athletic teams do very well in the classroom. For the 2013-14 academic year, 60% of our sophomore
athletes transferred to a 4-year college with 42% of them receiving some form of athletic scholarship. We also have a 89%
retention rate within the program.
1. Enter the number of Distance Education Courses, both fully online and hybrid sections, along with the
number of full-time and adjunct faculty.
Fall 2010
No. of DE/Online
No of Hybrid
Adjunct Faculty
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
2. Compare student success in the DE teaching environment with success in the face-to-face teaching environment in
the same course. Are there differences? To what do you ascribe the differences in your program?
The success rates for our face-to-face sections (all average 70% or higher) are much higher than our DE sections (average in 5060% range). The difference is common across our campus. The reasons for better numbers in the face-to face sections is the bond
that students and instructors build by being in the same room and because instructors can reinforce assignments and concepts
easier in person than in the DE format.
3. Describe the process to change and improve student success in DE courses/sections in your program.
What we hope will improve our success numbers is teacher evaluations. Since we have a limited number of DE sections, we have
been able to evaluate our primary 2 instructors for the first time since they were hired. In both cases we were able to point out
some weaknesses in the courses. We have also had one of our full-time instructors teach a course which may help our numbers.
4. Compare student retention in the DE teaching environment with retention in the face-to-face teaching
environment in the same course. Are there differences? To what do you ascribe the differences in your program?
The retention rates between our DE and face-to-face has some differences. For the first half of the data, the DE courses had
significantly lower retention rates than our face-to-face and the college. For the second half of the data, our retention rates for the
DE are almost the same as our face-to-face sections (which is higher than the school average). The increase in retention with the
DE sections can be contributed to experience with our instructors (they haven’t been teaching within DE very long) and that
students are becoming more savvy in realizing what it means/takes to complete a DE course.
5. Describe the process to change and improve student retention in DE courses/sections in your program.
Besides what was mentioned regarding success, some changes made by the college have helped with retention. With all DE
courses having a standard catalog disclaimer regarding logging in, the students are entering the process with their eyes open and
are more ready to perform in the courses.
6. Describe any other relevant factors regarding diverse teaching modalities and environments, such as specific
The evaluation process has helped diversify our DE classes. During the evaluation, we realized that the instructors were presenting the material
as if it was a strait lecture. Through the process, we were able to provide guidance to these instructors on different modalities that could be used
to make the material more interesting and engage the students better. Also, having a full-time instructor in the system has improved everyone
because of the mandatory flex activities that he has to complete for his position. The knowledge he has gained is being spread to the other
instructors and should improve their instruction too.
Complete the following tables pertaining to courses scheduled for review.
Courses scheduled for review
during AY 2014-15 as previously
Faculty member(s) responsible for (a) Was the course reviewed
and (b) taken through the
curriculum process?
Date of approval (or anticipated
approval) by Curriculum
PEAC 43 Strength Training
PEAC 46 Circuit Endurance
PEAC 49 Aerobic Strength
PEAC 50 Power Lifting
PEAC 55 Soccer
PEAC 69 Introduction to
Weight Training
Daniel Ortega
Daniel Ortega
Daniel Ortega
Daniel Ortega
Daniel Ortega
Daniel Ortega
Yes, Yes
Yes, Yes
Yes, Yes
Yes, Yes
Yes, Yes
Yes, Yes
HED 2 Individual Health
PEAD 84 Adaptive Circuit
PEAC 59 Intermediate Tennis
PEAC 58 Beginning Tennis
PEAC 36 Yoga
PEAC 74 Advance Volleyball
PETH 5 Sports in Society
PEAC 52 Volleyball
Daniel Ortega
Daniel Ortega
Chris Zepeda
Chris Zepeda
Jaime Pedroza
Jaime Pedroza
Jaime Pedroza
Jaime Pedroza
Yes, Yes
Yes, Yes
Yes, No
Yes, No
No, No
Yes, No
Yes, No
Yes, No
PEAC 40 Speed Training and
PETH 10 Theory & Anaysis of Football
PETH 4 Mental Skills for Sports
PEAC 61 Beginning Swimming
PEAC 62 Intermediate Swimming
PEAC 63 Advanced Swimming
PETH 3 Concepts of Fitness
PEAC 70 Basketball
Matt Collins
Yes, No
Matt Collins
Matt Collins
Mary Ann Toney
Mary Ann Toney
Mary Ann Toney
David Beymer
Andrew Vasher
Yes, No
Yes, No
No, No
No, No
No, No
No, No
No, No
Courses scheduled for review during AY
Faculty member(s) responsible for
Target semester and year—Fa 2015 or Sp
We will be up to date on all our curriculum
Use your Program Outcome Maps to assist you in this subsection. As you plan your course assessments, keep the higher level
program outcome in mind. While course level assessment serves the purpose of examining the teaching and learning for that
particular course, it also provides the data that will be viewed collectively for assessment of the associated program level
1. Please complete the following tables.
List Program level outcome(s) scheduled for What changes have occurred in the
assessment as previously specified
program/discipline as a result of dialogue?
Kinesiology Outcome #2
As a department we agreed to change the format of Not formally.
Our fitness center courses to include a set schedule
Of hours with faculty. Which would help us
Complete this PLO on a broader basis.
List Program level outcome(s) scheduled for assessment in AY 15-16
Kinesiology Outcome #4
Was the Program Outcome
Assessment Summary completed?
Have your course level SLOs needed for this program
level outcome been assessed or scheduled for
We need to better align our SLO mapping so that we are
Assessing the correct courses before we need to assess
2. Describe how program level outcomes were specifically addressed by the program/discipline during the
past year.
For example, were data gathered at the course level? Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the discipline faculty
engage in discussion? Were any interventions conducted? Are there any plans to make changes to certificate/degree programs or
improvements in teaching and student learning?
At a recent meeting, we discussed that we need to add the component in to more of our courses since it is a PLO. As a result of this,
we are changing the format of our fitness center courses from open lab to a set class time. This will allow us to reach all enrolled
students with this information instead of the ones who asked. We also discussed adding more “theory” classes to our curriculum in
order to teach this concept on a broader basis. In looking at the courses that were assessed under this PLO, we discovered that we
do this very well (over 80% of the assessments either exceeded or met the assessment standard). The only change that we
discussed was to add SLO’s that would point to this PLO to some of the courses where it is covered, but there is not a SLO that
addresses it.
3. Describe how Core Competencies (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem
Solving, Global Awareness, Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility) were specifically
addressed by the program/discipline during the past year. For example, were data gathered at the course level?
Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the discipline faculty engage in discussion? Were any
interventions conducted? Are there any plans to make changes to courses or improvements in teaching and
student learning?
For our discipline, the CC that we address the most is Personal Growth and Responsibility. We do have some courses that include
other though (Communication Skills, Information Skills and Critical Thinking). We have not formally done anything with the
CC’s, but the concepts of Personal Growth and Responsibility are part of the core for every course that we teach.
4. Please complete the following tables.
List courses scheduled for SLO assessment as
previously specified
HED 2, #1
HED 6, #2
PEAC 58, #1
PEAC 59, #2
PEAC 60, #2
PEAC 52, #2
PEAC 55, #2
PEAC 61, #1
PEAC 62, #1
PEAC 64, #2
In what term was the course
SP 15
SP 15
F 14
F 14
F 14
SP 15
SP 15
F 14
F 14
SU 15
SP 15
SP 15
Was the Course Assessment
Summary Report completed?
In Progress, moved to Spring 15
In Progress, moved to Spring 15
In Progress, moved to Spring 15
In progress
In progress
In Progress, moved to Spring 15
In Progress, moved to Spring 15
In progress
In progress
In progress
PETH 1, #2
PETH 2, #1
PETH 4, #2
List courses scheduled for SLO assessment in
AY 2015-16
HED 55
SP 15
F 14
SP 15
In progress
Faculty member(s) responsible
for coordinating
Target semester and year—Fa
2015 or Sp 2016
F 15
F 15
SP 16
F 15
F 15
F 15
F 15
F 15
F 15
F 15
SP 16
SP 16
SP 16
SP 16
SP 16
F 15
F 15
F 15
F 15
F 15
F 15
SP 16
SP 16
SP 16
F 15
F 15
F 15
F 15
F 15
SP 16
SP 16
SP 16
SP 16
5. Describe course level assessments results and how they will influence your plans moving forward.
Bases on the assessments that were completed since our last PPA, we are confident that we are meeting the goal of teaching to the
SLO’s. The few assessments that were below the standard (75% exceeding or meeting the standard) are things that plans have
been created to improve the numbers.
6. Describe assessment activities that need to be strengthened or improved. What are the challenges to achieving
these improvements?
The activities that need to be strengthened have to do with specific topics in courses. Most did show improvement from previous
assessments. We are confident that the numbers will continue to improve as our instructors figure out how to better present the
This subsection focuses on activities that were previously scheduled. An activity can address many different aspects of your
program/discipline, and ultimately is undertaken to improve or enhance your program/discipline, and keep it current.
Activity scheduled
1.Change department name
formally to Kinesiology
2.Incorporate seminars into
the fitness center courses
What challenges
existed or
continue to
Changing all the
Nothing since last report
sections at once in
We have decided to change the format of the course to mostly Changing the
curriculum. In
set course times.
What success has been achieved to date on this
3.Increase staffing within the We are in the process of hiring a new Adaptive PE Specialist
who may also coach a women’s sport. We have also hired a
Will activity
continue into
AY 15-16?
Will activity
continue into
AY 16-17?*
part-time fund raiser who will work with the Foundation.
4. Athletic Hall of Fame
To date, we have inducted 2 classes into the Hall of Fame. A
wall in the gym (H building) has been transformed into a
display for the members enshrined.
5. Improve and maintain
equipment and facilities for
We have been able to do some small projects through capital Funding
outlay. We are in the process of purchasing a new whirlpool jet
and ice machine for the athletic training room, a new filming
tower for football, computers for the study hall, and some new
equipment for the fitness center.
6. Create a study hall for
We are in the process of purchasing computers.
Yes (on-going but
Yes (continuous)
Finding a justified Yes
7. Improve Staffing, services This situation is getting worse. With the implementation of
and equipment in the athletic “nontraditional seasons” for athletics, the work load has
training room.
8. Expand the Fitness Center We need to create a plan for this to happen
9. Improve locker room for
male staff
10. Improve/maintain the
equipment in the fitness
center and other activity
We have been able to do some things with capital outlay funds, Funding
but there is always something that needs to be fixed or
replaced and new equipment that would benefit the students
is always coming out.
We are in need of new manikins for the first aid class.
Special equipment is needed for these students and it has not Funding
been addressed by capital outlay funds recently.
11. Equipment for Health
12. Improve/maintain
equipment and services for
adaptive PE students
13. New Golf Facility
Low priority.
It is part of our department facility master plan.
Funding and
* For each activity that will continue into AY 2016-17 and that requires resources, submit a separate resource request in Section III.
1. Evaluate the success of each activity scheduled, including activities completed and those in progress. What
measurable outcomes were achieved? Did the activities and subsequent dialogue lead to significant change in
student learning or program success?
Then only complete success from our previous plan was the display wall for the “Athletic Hall of Fame”. The new wall was
completed just in time for the new class’s enshrinement. The overall feedback on the wall has been outstanding and it serves and a
permanent display showing the great success of the department. A second initial success is that we were able to hire a fund raiser in
conjunction with the foundation. We are also in process of changing the way we teach classes in the fitness center. We are switching
the course offerings back towards individual courses after years of open lab. We have completed the changes to the curriculum. We
cannot report out any outcomes yet, but the process in moving. We have also had some minor successes. Since the last report, we
have been able to hire a new fund-raiser who will bridge the gap between athletics and the Foundation. We are in process of
purchasing some new equipment for PE and athletics (ice machine, whirlpool jets, filming tower for football, fitness center
equipment, and laptops for a study hall ).
This section must be completed for ALL academic programs, whether scheduled for annual or
comprehensive review in spring 2015.
This subsection addresses new activities for, and continuing new activities into, AY 2015-16. An activity can address many
different aspects of your program/discipline, and ultimately is undertaken to improve, enhance, and or keep your program/discipline
area current. A new activity may or may not require additional resources. Activities can include but are not limited to:
1. List information concerning new projects or activities planned. The first activity listed should be the most important; the second
activity listed the second most important, etc. Please keep in mind that resources needed, if funded, would not be approved
until spring 2016 and provided until FY 2016-17. Ongoing activities involving resources that will no longer be available
from grant funds starting FY 2016-17 must be planned for appropriately.
No. &
Letter (e.g.,
Courses, SLOs,
or goals
Date of
(can be more than
one year in length)
1.Increase the annual
budgets for all athletic
1A, 2A, 4B, 5A Improve and
To be able to
Funding $50,000 Athletic Director ASAP
provide our
athletes with safe,
equipment for
practices and
2.Place text books for all
theory courses in library
for student use.
1A, 1B, 2A, 5A
So students who Funding. $3,000 Individual
cannot afford
books can have
access to them.
3.Purchase a new sound
system for the swimming
1A, 2A, 4B, 6A Improve and
To be able to play Funding $2,000 Athletic Director Sp 2016
music during
classes and
announce events.
4.Reactivate/start aquatic
sports teams
1A, 2A, 2B, 4B, Athletic skills
4D, 5A
To better utilize
our pool, we can
men’s and
swimming and
men’s and
women’s water
Athletic Director
($25,000 for
each water polo
and $50,000 for
both swimming
This will become an
ongoing cost.
Sp 2016
Fall 2015 for both These will have onwater polo’s and going cost.
Sp 16 for both
5. Start a sand volleyball
1A, 2A, 2B, 4B, Athletic skills
4D, 5A
Better balance our Funding $25,000 Athletic Director Sp 2016
* See Appendix A for a list of the 11 goals in the college’s Strategic Plan.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
• Faculty
• Other staffing
• Facilities
• Equipment (non-expendable, greater than $5,000), supplies (expendable, valued at less than $5,000)
• Software
This activity will have
on-going cost
Outside services
Library materials
Science laboratory materials
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
Our current budgets for athletics are well below what is needed to support the teams. We are sometimes forced to use outdated
equipment that can be unsafe, athletes are sometimes expected to purchase their own equipment for their sport, and sometimes our
athletes have to go without equipment that would improve their performance. Our sport budgets have actually shrunk over the past
20 years. With increased cost (inflation), we have a hard time properly supporting our student athletes. In most cases, current
budgets would need to be doubled to meet the standards set by our adjacent schools. Estimated additional on-going cost of $50,000.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This activity fits under our discipline goal of improving and maintaining equipment for our athletic programs. It also would fit under
the strategic plan goals of student access (1A - opportunities), student success (2A – learning environment), resources (4B –
maintenance of equipment) and innovation and relevance (5A – needs of students within program).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This project will be completed once all sports budgets are up to acceptable levels.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Increased funding is needed to complete this activity.
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
• Faculty
• Other staffing
• Facilities
• Equipment (non-expendable, greater than $5,000), supplies (expendable, valued at less than $5,000)
• Software
• Hardware
• Outside services
• Training
• Travel
• Library materials
• Science laboratory materials
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
We would like to provide copies of our text books to the library so that students without the financial resources to purchase books can
have access to them. Estimated cost is $2,000.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This activity address the core competency of information skills (finding relevant information) . Under the strategic plans, student
access (1A – opportunity), student success (2A – learning environment and 2B – diverse needs), and Relevance for programs (5A –
relevant needs of the students).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This will be an continuous activity because text for classes may change or new courses may be offered. Instructors will need to secure
copies for the library when changes are made or when new courses are offered.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The activity will be successful when we have the text for every course in our discipline available in the library.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the largest barrier to this activity. Hopefully, we can offset the cost by asking for an extra desk copy when ordering a text.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to purchase a new sound system for the swimming pool. Our current system shorts out and does not allow for
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This activity fits under our program goal of improving our facilities. It would also fit under the strategic priorities for student access
(more pleasurable experience while working out), student success (learning environment), utilization of resources (better for renting
out), and partnerships (because we have groups already using the facility that have asked for an upgrade).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This activity will be successful when it is installed and being used.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the barrier for the activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to restart/create men’s and women’s swimming teams and men’s and women’s water polo teams that will compete
against other community colleges under the CCCAA.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
The activity fits under the program level outcome for skill development (swimming and game skills). It would also fit
under our program goal of offering a wide variety of sports to meet the students’ needs. This activity would also address
many strategic plans like student access (we haven’t had swimming or water polo teams for a long time), student success
(new learning environment and supportive learning environment), utilization of resources (we need to use the pool more
ourselves vs. renting it out), and relevance for programs (both are popular sports).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This activity will have on-going cost and that needs to be accounted for.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This activity will be successful when it is each of the teams competes for the college
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the barrier for the activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to create a women’s sand volleyball team that will compete against other community colleges under the CCCAA.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
The activity fits under the program level outcome for skill development (playing the sport). It would also fit under our
program goal of offering a wide variety of sports to meet the students’ needs. This activity would also address many
strategic plans like student access (very popular sport), student success (new learning environment and supportive
learning environment), utilization of resources (we are also asking for a set of sand volleyball courts), and relevance for
programs (popular sport).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This activity will have on-going cost and that needs to be accounted for. We will not be able to start the program until we have courts
to play on.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This activity will be successful when we first field a team.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the barrier for the activity.
If new/additional resources are needed for your program/discipline, it is important that you identify them and project their cost,
and that these resources and costs be considered through the College’s integrated planning (governance, budget development,
funding decision making, and resource allocation) processes. A resource is likely to be something needed to support an activity that
you have identified in IIIA above, in which case you must link the resource with a specific activity number (first column below). All
resource requests completed in the various columns of a specific row must be linked to the new or continuing
activity numbered on the first column of that same row. The first activity listed should be the most important; the second activity
listed the second most important, etc. A resource could also be something necessary for your program/discipline to function properly to
improve student learning, such as updated equipment in a classroom; in such case be sure to note that the resource is NOT tied to
a specific activity.
3. Increase staffing in
5. Football
5. Soccer
Classified Staff/
Training Travel Library
e.g., Science
Increase hours for
2 C, 1 new C and 1
new F.
Helmets $5,000$20,000
Turf on Practice
Field $1,000,000
Shoulder pads
Increase size of
storage area
Goal Nets $600
Shelters $15,000
Fence Topper
Balls $1,750
Wireless PA
system $1,000
Camera $500
Storage Sheds
Re-paint tower
5. Cross Country and
Assistant Head
Women’s Track
Coach $7,000
Hurdles (40)
Wireless PA
system $1,000
cage netting
Steeple barriers
Finish Lynch
Timing System
Pole Vault
standards $6,200
Pole Vault
Landing system
New backboards
5. Baseball
Replace portable
batting cage
Fence Topper
Cover/roof for
batting cage
Pitching Machine
5. Softball
Cage Repair
Fence Topper
Pitching Machine
Cover/roof for
batting cage
5. Volleyball
Nets and Poles
New Sand Courts
5. All Sports
Uniform rotating
budget (ongoing)
Lights for soccer,
baseball and
softball $500,000
Facility to house
25 passenger bus
6. Study Hall for Athletes
7. Athletic Training Room 2 New C $180,000 Tables $2,000
Carts $900
Increased Budget
8. Expand Fitness Center
Expand into
adjacent hallway
9. Men’s staff locker room
Expand or move
10. Equipment for fitness
center and other activity
Nets (tennis,
basketball $3,000
Shelters $5,000
11. Health Education
CPR Manikins
Posters for
classroom $500
12. Adaptive PE
Bike/step $4,000
BP cuffs $100
Posters $200
13. Golf Facility
Enclosed Driving
range, pitching and
putting areas
* Personnel: Include a C, F, or M after the amount to indicate Classified Staff, Faculty, or Manager.
** S for Supplies, E for Equipment. If additional supplies, for example, are needed for ongoing activities, this should be requested through
the budget rollover process.
*** H for Hardware, S for Software.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
Increase the length of the contract for the Equipment Manager from 10 months to 11 months.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This activity would address the athletic program goal of all teams being successful by extending services into the summer. With all teams
now having a “non-traditional” season, there will more need for equipment and laundry services during the summer. This activity would also
address Strategic Priorities 4A because it would be a better utilization of an employee and it the extended time would better serve the student
needs during a time that there hasn’t been a need before. Finally, this activity would address the second Value Statement of “Academic and
Service Excellence.” This activity would provide a needed service to students during a time when it is usually not available.
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This will be a permanent change which will need to be accounted for.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
First would be the extension of the current employee’s contract. Secondly, it would be the availability of services for the athletes/teams
prior to the start of their regular seasons.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
The only barrier to the completion of this request is the additional funding needed to extend the contract.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
Increase the hours of the departments administrative assistant from 30 hours per week to 40 hours per week.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This activity would address Strategic Priority 4A in that it would be a better utilization of a human resource. Currently, our lead person
(who is 40 hours a week) is spending over half her time performing duties for the office of instruction. This has placed an increased work load
on our second person who only works 30 hours a week. This activity would also address the second Value Statement of “Academic and Service
Excellence.” This activity would provide a needed service to students, staff and the public during times when it is usually not available.
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This will be a permanent change which will need to be accounted for.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
First would be the extension of the current employee’s contract. Second would be an extension of hours that the Kinesiology/Athletics office
would be open.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
The only barrier to doing this activity is funding.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity would be to hire a new position for the division. This person would spend about half their time as a “sports information
director” and the other half maintaining the web site for the athletic department.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This position has been a desire for the athletic department for a long time. It would meet Strategic Priority 5A in that it would be an
innovative way to increase the visibility of the athletic department and also greatly assist in the recruitment of students. This activity would
also address the Mission Statement because it would create an environment that would publicize our students achievement and success.
Finally, it would address the “students first” and the “academic and service excellence” value statements because it would provide a service to
the students that would assist them in furthering their schooling by advertising their successes which would increase their opportunities for
getting a scholarship at the next level.
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This is a new position that will need to be funded permanently.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
First, the position needs to be hired. Secondly, success would be measured by increased publicity of the athletic department in the local
media. Finally, a new and constantly maintained web site would be another measure of success.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
It has been the goal of the division to add another full-time faculty position for a long time. The person would need to teach either
Kinesiology or Health Education and act as a coach in the athletic department.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This position would address all of the Program Level Outcomes for the division because it would allow us to teach more courses. This
would also lead to addressing the core competency “personal growth and responsibility.” This position could also address most of the strategic
priorities in that it would increase student access and success, it could help with employee diversity and development, and it could lead to
innovation and make a program more relevant. The new position would address the mission statement by creating an environment that
would lead to student achievement and success. Finally, it would address the value statements by putting the needs of students first,
improving our services to excellent, and providing opportunity for leadership and empowerment. These are all bi-products of having a full
time coach available for our athletic department.
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This is a permanent position that will need to be accounted for.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
First would be the hiring of the position. Secondly, would be improvement of the sport the person would coach. Thirdly could be a more
balance Title 9 report. Finally would be more students transferring from the specific sport.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding of the position is the only barrier.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase a new football helmets for the football program. Football helmets only have a life of 5 seasons before they must
be discarded. The cost of replacement is well above the budget for the sport.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our equipment to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (so all students who want to play football will have a helmet), Student Success (students need to practice to get better and succeed) and
effective Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission
Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This is an annual expense or it could be a one-time expense every five years. This accounts for the cost range on the chart.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase of the helmets along with their initial use along with the better production on the field of
the student athletes because of the ability for everyone to practice.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase a new shoulder pads for the football program. Shoulder pads only have a life of 5-10 seasons before they must
be discarded. The cost of replacement is well above the budget for the sport.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our equipment to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (so all students who want to play football will properly fitting shoulder pads), Student Success (students need to practice to get better
and succeed) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports
the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This expense will be repeated because of the limited life span of the shoulder pads.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase of the shoulder pads along with their initial use along with the better production on the
field of the student athletes because of the ability for everyone to practice.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to replace the grass on the inside of the track with field turf. The football team currently plays all their home games on turf
and usually most of its road games. The grass is also breaks down each season because of the heavy usage during the football season which
makes it hazardous to practice on.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (a safe place to practice that is like the game surface), Student Success (if they are used to turf, they will perform better on it) and
effective Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain and improve what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the
Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
The length of this activity depends on the timing of getting the field completed. It may also take time to accumulate enough capital to
perform this task.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the installation of the turf along with its initial use along with the better production on the field of the
student athletes are accustomed to it.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to increase the storage space for the football program at their practice field. The program is currently using the old
hurdle shed and there is not enough room to store the equipment (pads, etc.) that is used on a daily basis for practice.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (to the equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice) and effective Utilization of Resources (improvement of a
situation) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic
and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This activity may take more than one year because it is changing/expanding a current structure.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This activity will be a success when it is completed and being used.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Getting approval to change/expand a structure and funding are barriers to this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase new nets for the soccer field goals. The current nets are left on throughout most of the year and between use
and exposure to the elements and use, are starting to break down.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (so we can have multiple goals going during practice situations), Student Success (increased performance because of increased practice
opportunities) and Effective Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports
the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase of the nets along with their initial use along with the better production on the field of the
student athletes because of the facility.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase new balls for both the men’s and women’s soccer teams. New research on concussions has determined that old
balls (which tend to harden) contribute to concussions. This is a safety issue.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our equipment at the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (so we can have safer practices), Student Success (fewer injuries lead to more success) and Effective Utilization of Resources (we need
to maintain what we have at a safer level) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements
(Students First and Academic, Service Excellence and Stewardship of Resources).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
The average life span of a soccer ball is 2 years, so this is a continuing cost.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase of the balls along with their initial use along with the better production on the field of the
student athletes because of the equipment.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase a new video camera for the soccer program (which could also be used by other sports). A camera is needed to
film practices and games. The coaches are currently using their own equipment (which is old and worn).
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support one of the course level outcomes for soccer (learning strategies of the game). The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (so students can have film of their activity which is common practice), Student Success (as a teaching tool, the film will increase their
performance) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports
the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase of the camera along with its initial use along with the better production on the field of the
student athletes because of the film study.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase a new bench shelters for the soccer program. The current shelters are old and are starting to rust and fall apart.
They are needed to protect the athletes from the weather during games.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (so students can stay warmer and drier during games), Student Success (if healthy, they will succeed) and effective Utilization of
Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision
Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase of the shelters along with its initial use along with the better production on the field of the
student athletes because of the shelter.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to place a fence topper around the goal areas of the soccer field. Currently, if a ball hits the fence at the top, the top of the
fence will damage the ball.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (maintain the equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to
maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First
and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the topper along with its initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
The purpose of this activity is to re-paint the filming tower that is used for soccer. It was not painted properly initially (no primmer
was used) so the paint is falling off. We are concerned that it will rust and have to be replaced much sooner than usually necessary
because of instability.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support one of the course level outcomes for soccer (learning strategies of the game because of studying film). The
Strategic Priorities of Student Access (so students can have film of their activity which is common practice), Student Success (as a teaching
tool, the film will increase their performance) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The
same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
When the tower is repainted.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase and install a wireless PA system for the soccer field. We currently have to check out the portable system
from the AV department. Because it is on wheels and is wired, the system is on the opposite side of the scoring table and is not as
functional as it could be. A justified system would allow us to announce the players before every game and play the national anthem
before every game.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (publicity), Student Success (better environment) and effective Utilization of Resources (wear and tear on the portable system) are all
supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
When the new system is installed and functional.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to place storage sheds (2) for the soccer program. Currently, the students must carry equipment from the main shed to the
field. With less transportation, we will be better able to keep control of inventory and prevent loss (potential savings) and save time.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (to the equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice) and effective Utilization of Resources (improvement of a
situation) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic
and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the shed along with its initial use. There would also be a savings due to
not having to replace missing equipment.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase new steeple barriers for the track. The current barriers are extremely old and almost impossible to adjust the
height (different for men and women). The wood around the bases is starting to rot (the new ones are made of artificial materials that
won’t rot).
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities/equipment to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of
Student Access (maintain the facilities/equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice and compete) and effective
Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and
Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the barriers along with its initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase new hurdles for the track. The current hurdles are extremely old and are hard to adjust the height (different for
men and women). We have also had some stolen and barely have enough for our races during meets.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities/equipment to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of
Student Access (maintain the facilities/equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice and compete) and effective
Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and
Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the barriers along with its initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase new nets for the hammer through/discus ring. The current nets are left on throughout most of the year and
between use and exposure to the elements and use, are starting to break down. With any further damage, the nets will become unsafe.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (safety), Student Success (increased performance because of increased practice opportunities) and Effective Utilization of Resources
(we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements
(Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
When the new net is installed on the ring.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase a new landing system for the pole vault. The system is exposed to the elements during practice every day and is
starting to break down. With any further damage, the mats will become unsafe. The current system is also over 20 years old.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (safety), Student Success (increased performance because of increased practice opportunities) and Effective Utilization of Resources
(we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements
(Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
When the new system is installed.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase new standards (what the cross bar is placed on for the event) for the pole vault. The system is exposed to the
elements during practice every day and is starting to break down. The current standards are falling apart and have to be taped together in
order to function during a meet or practice. The current system is also over 30 years old.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (safety), Student Success (increased performance because of increased practice opportunities) and Effective Utilization of Resources
(we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements
(Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
When the new system is installed.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase a new Finish Lynch timing system for the track and cross country programs. We currently have to pay
someone else from the outside to time our meets. Having our own system would save money in the long run.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our equipment to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access and Success (increased performance because of increased opportunities) and Effective Utilization of Resources (buying vs. renting) are
all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
When we are able to purchase and use the new system.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
We would like to add a new position of Assistant Head Women’s Track Coach. Currently, there is only one head coach for the men’s
and women’s track and field programs. Because of the numbers (usually over 70 athletes between the men and the women), we think
that it is justified to have another position to supervise the women’s track program separately from the men’s program.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This position does address most of the Strategic Priorities: Student Access (female athletes), Student Success (female athltes), Employee
Diversity and Development, Effective Utilization of Resources (safety), and Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services (we need
separate supervisor for the women’s program).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
Hiring the position.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase and install a wireless PA system for the track area. We currently have to check out the portable system
from the AV department. Because it is on wheels and is wired, the system is on the opposite side of the scoring table and is not as
functional as it could be. A justified system would allow us to announce the athletes before every event and play the national anthem
before every event.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (publicity), Student Success (better environment) and effective Utilization of Resources (wear and tear on the portable system) are all
supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
When the new system is installed and functional.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to replace the scoreboards in the main gymnasium. The current scoreboards are about 20 years old and the wiring is
starting to short out on a regular basis.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (need equipment in order to practice and have games), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice and have games) and
effective Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission
Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the scoreboards along with their initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to place a fence topper around the baseball field. Currently, if a ball hits the fence at the top, the top of the fence will damage
the ball. And, if a player is trying to catch a ball at the top of the fence, the sharp edges can injure them.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (maintain the equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice and safety) and effective Utilization of Resources (we
need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students
First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the topper along with its initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to repair or replace the portable batting cage for the baseball field. The current cage is old and doesn’t function as designed
any more.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (maintain the equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to
maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First
and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase/repair of the cage along with its initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to place a cover or roof on the permanent batting cages on the baseball field. This would allow the cages to be used
while it is raining.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (more available), Student Success (able to practice more) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have and
it make it more usable) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and
Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This will allow more use of the facility, especially during rainy weather. It will be successful when completed and then used on a
rainy day.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier to this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to replace the pitching machine that is used by the baseball program. The current machine is extremely old and does
not wok consistently. The current machine is also being used more than in the past because of the new “non-traditional” season.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our equipment to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (Need for practice), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice) and effective Utilization of Resources (need equipment that
works) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and
Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
When the pitching machine is purchase and is used in a practice.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to place a fence topper around the softball field. Currently, if a ball hits the fence at the top, the top of the fence will damage
the ball. And, if a player is trying to catch a ball at the top of the fence, the sharp edges can injure them.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (maintain the equipment and safety), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice/games and safety) and effective Utilization
of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision
Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the topper along with its initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to repair the batting cages at the softball field.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (maintain the equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to
maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First
and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the repair of the cages along with its initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to replace the pitching machine that is used by the softball program. The current machine is extremely old and does
not wok consistently. The current machine is also being used more than in the past because of the new “non-traditional” season.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
2) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our equipment to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (Need for practice), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice) and effective Utilization of Resources (need equipment that
works) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and
Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
When the pitching machine is purchase and is used in a practice.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to place a cover or roof on the permanent batting cages on the softball field. This would allow the cages to be used
while it is raining.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (more available), Student Success (able to practice more) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to maintain what we have and
it make it more usable) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First and
Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This will allow more use of the facility, especially during rainy weather. It will be successful when completed and then used on a
rainy day.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier to this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to replace the volleyball standards for the main gymnasium. The current se t is very old and very hard to put up.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (maintain the equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to
maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First
and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the poles along with their initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to replace the volleyball nets for the main gymnasium. The current set is very old.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (maintain the equipment), Student Success (need equipment in order to practice) and effective Utilization of Resources (we need to
maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First
and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the nets along with their initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to build a new beach volleyball sand court. Beach volleyball has just been sanctioned as a sport by the CCCAA and is very
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project would support the first PLO of skill development by offering a new skill to our students. This project will support our program
goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student Access (new activity), Student Success (new
activity), Innovation (new sport) and effective Utilization of Resources (this is in our master plans for the fields) are all supported. The same
reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students First, Innovation and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
The initial step for this project is to see if our original location (in the plan) is still viable or if we need to find a different location. This
project may also have to be combined with another building project (golf).
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of sand courts along with their initial use. Additionally, the creation of a
sand specific volleyball class would indicate success.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Logistics of location and funding are the barriers to achieving this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to create a new budget category for athletic uniforms. It is our intent to create a 4-year rotation for our athletic teams (each
team would get new uniforms from this fund once every 4 years). Currently teams have to fund raise to purchase their uniforms.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our equipment to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (great recruiting tool), Student Success (teams with comfortable uniforms will produce better) and effective Utilization of Resources
(we don’t want teams representing the college in shabby uniforms) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement
and Vision Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
A rotation will be set up so that every team will have the funding to purchase uniforms once every four years.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success will be the implementation of this program. It will be successful once every team has been through a cycle.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to place lights for night play around the soccer, baseball and softball fields.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (more opportunity for games and practices), Student Success (because of the opportunities) and effective Utilization of Resources (we
could use the facilities more) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (Students
First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
The district may need to get approval of the neighbors before placing the lights. Also, because of the cost, it may have to be done in phases.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase and placement of the lights along with its initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding and community approval are barriers to the activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to purchase 25 passenger bus for the athletic department and the college. When more than 10 are traveling, we have to
rent additional vans for the trip. The cost of the larger vehicle would be offset by the savings on the rental of vans for athletic road
games and other group travel.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
The primary support for this activity is safety (we have a hard time finding qualified drivers). It would also support our program
goal of providing the best services for our athletes (buses have better seats and more room than vans). Under the strategic priorities,
student access (more could travel), student success (easier travel could improve performance), effective utilization of resources (ours
vs. rental), innovation (could be used by other groups), and partnerships (could we find a sponsor?).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
There will be maintenance cost associated with the vehicle. We may also need to hire a driver for trips when there is not someone
with a class B drivers license.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This activity will be a success when we have purchased the vehicle and it is being used.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the largest barrier to achieving this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
We need to hire 2 classified athletic trainers to support the athletic department. The current athletic trainer (who is faculty) cannot cover
all the activities (which are expanding because of the non-traditional seasons) in the athletic department and keep the athletic training
room open. Additional staff would allow rehabilitation of injuries to occur through the department. According to the CCCAA, we should
have 4.5 athletic trainers on staff.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
These positions has been a priority for our department for a long time. It does address most of the Strategic Priorities: Student Access
(training room not always open), Student Success (injured athletes cannot participate), Employee Diversity and Development, Effective
Utilization of Resources (safety), and Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services (we cannot currently service the sports that are in
their “non-traditional season”).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This would be an on-going position.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
These positions would allow for expanded hours in the athletic training room, an increase in rehabilitation services, and the ability to treat
all athletes.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding for the position is the only barrier.
Coast Conference AT Staffing Spring 2015
San Jose
San Mateo
West Valley
1 FT Classified
1 PT Classified
1 FT Classified
1 FT Certificated
1 FT Classified
1 FT Classified
¾ Classified
2 FT Classified
1 Per Diem
1 FT Certificated
1 FT Classified
1 Graduate Assistant
1 FT Certificated
1 Per Diem
1 FT Certificated
1 PT Certificated (0.2)
1 FT Classified
1 FT Classified
1 Graduate Assistant
1 FT Certificated
1 Graduate Assistant
Hiring FT Classified
1 FT Classified
1 Per Diem
1 FT Classified
1 50% Classified (trying
to make FT)
1 FT Classified
1 PT Classified (750
hours total)
1 FT Certificated
1 FT Classified
12 (FB)
# Sports
6 (no FB)
16 (FB)
13 (FB)
19 (FB)
12 (FB)
7 (FB)
12 (FB)
6 (No FB)
12 (FB)
11 (No FB)
11 (FB)
11 (FB)
8 (No FB)
12 (No FB)
# Athletes
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to finish stocking the new athletic training room (P building) with 2 new tables. They are needed to be able to treat and tape
athletes at the facility (currently only 1 table).
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project would be completing a division goal of having a functional athletic training room in the P building. It also fits under 3 of the
Strategic Priorities: Student Access (needed for facility to be functional), Student Success (will help students stay healthy) and Effective
Utilization of Resources (room needs to be functional). Finally, it address the Mission Statement and some Value Statements (Students First
and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
Purchasing the tables and being able to use the room on a daily basis.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
The purpose of this project is to purchase carts to move and hold water coolers in the main gymnasium. Currently, the coolers (which
when full weigh over 75 pounds each) have to be carried up stairs into the gym from the athletic training room and are placed on boxes for
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This is primarily a safety and aesthetics request. It may fit under the Strategic Priority for Effective Utilization of Resources.
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
Using the carts to transport and hold water coolers during games in the gymnasium.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to increase the annual athletic training budget by $5,000. The current budget is less than it was 20 years ago. The increase
would restore the buying power to what it was 20 years ago. Also, with the athletic department practicing year round (a new nontraditional season), more supplies are being used.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support our program goal of maintaining our facilities to the highest level possible. The Strategic Priorities of Student
Access (students can get the treatment that they need), Student Success (increased performance from being healthy) and effective Utilization
of Resources (we need to maintain what we have) are all supported. The same reasoning also supports the Mission Statement and Vision
Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This will be an annual increase to the budget.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be when the budget is augmented. An indicator of success would be the athletic trainer not having to ask
for more money to purchase necessary supplies during the school year.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to enter into a contract with a company that maintains (calibrates) therapeutic modalities. The machines in H 06 (the
athletic training room) have not been serviced according to the manufacture’s recommendations (annually). We would also need to prove
the machines are up to date if we would like to become a clinical sight for student athletic trainers.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project does support the Strategic Priorities Effective Utilization of Resources (because we need to maintain what we have), Student
Access (student athletes need machines to bet healthy) and Student Success (student athletes need to be healthy to be successful). The Mission
Statement is also supported (supporting student success) along with two Vision Statements: Students First (machines needed to treat injured
students) and Academic and Service Excellence (machines are needed to be a good facility).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This activity needs to be done on an annual basis.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This activity will be a success when all the modalities are properly calibrated.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
The only barrier to this activity is funding.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to expand the Fitness Center (F) into the seldom used hallway in the building.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project would support the Core Competency of Personal Growth and Responsibility by providing a better facility for
students to improve their physical well-being. This project is also fits under the long term division goal of maintaining and
expanding the fitness center the fitness center so that it will be one of the best facilities in the county. Under the Strategic
Priorities and Goals, Student Access (better opportunity), Student Success (better facility would lead to more success, Effective
Utilization of Resources (maintaining what we have), and Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services (Making
something better for the students) would be supported. And, for the same reasons as the Strategic Priorities and Goals, the
Mission and Vision Statements (Students First, Academic and Service Excellence, Stewardship of Resources and Innovation)
would be supported.
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
First, the feasibility and logistics of the plan needs to be determined by the college’s architects. Secondly, funding has to be secured.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success for this next year would be the development of a plan to get this done. Overall, it would be the completion of the
project which would lead to larger enrollments in the fitness center courses.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
The first barrier to this project is upper administration support because it is a new idea. The second barrier would be the actual
feasibility of the change. The final would be funding.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project would be to expand or move the current men’s staff locker room. More room is needed because some staff members have
lockers in the “visiting team/soccer/track” locker room which creates problems with access.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project would address the Strategic Priorities and Goals of Student Access (the students who use the room would not have to compete
for space with staff members) and Effective Utilization of Resources (athletes and staff should not have to share a space). The reasons would
also support the Mission and Vision Statements (Students First and Stewardship of Resources).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
First, the feasibility and logistics of the plan needs to be determined by the college’s architects. Secondly, funding has to be secured.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success for this next year would be the development of a plan to get this done.
Overall, it would be completion of the project.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
The first barrier to this project is upper administration support because it is a new idea. The second barrier would be the actual
feasibility of the change. The final would be funding.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase/replace equipment in the Fitness Center classroom (F building).
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project supports the Personal Growth and Responsibility Core Competency because the facility promotes physical well-being.
Maintaining this facility is a discipline goal. Many of the Strategic Priorities would also support this project: Student Access (lifelong
learning), Student Success (need functional equipment and latest equipment), and Innovation and Relevance (specific machines are needed
for certain student needs). These rationales also cover the Mission Statement and Value Statements (Students First, Academic and Service
Excellence and Innovation).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
This will need to be an annual augmentation/addition to the budget.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The only outcome and indicator of success would be increased student access and success because of the new machines.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to replace the nets on the tennis courts, basketball rims and on the PE volleyball sets
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This activity would support the Core Competency of Personal Growth and Responsibility by providing students a better opportunity to
enhance their physical well-being. The replacement of the old equipment would also help the students meet the goals of the Course Level
Outcomes and Program Level Outcomes. Under Strategic Priorities and Goals, this project would support Student Access (because the
equipment would be functional), Student Success (because they would be using safer equipment) and Effective Utilization of Resources (we
need to maintain what we have). For the same reasons, the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (students first and Academic and
Service Excellence) would be supported.
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
We expect to have a better looking facility after the tennis nets are installed which would increase the use of the facility. Success would be
indicated by larger enrollments in our tennis, basketball and volleyball courses.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase shelters that can be used for outside activities (to provide shade, wind protection or rain protection) for PE or
Athletic activities.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will contribute to the Core Competencies or Student Access and Student Success by providing a more comfortable
environment during bad weather. For the same reasons, the Mission Statement and Value Statements (Students First and Academic and
Service Excellence), would be addressed.
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
The indicator of success would be the purchase of the shelters along with their initial use.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to replace the old CPR manikins that are needed to teach HED 55.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
These projects will support Core Competency Critical Thinking and Problem Solving by providing functional manikins for the students to
learn CPR of and provide visual learning opportunities for students in the classroom. These projects will also address the all PLO’s and SLO’s
for all the HED classes taught in F 136. Under the Strategic Priorities, Student Access and Success will be addressed because the purchases
will give the students more opportunities to learn and a higher chance of success in the classroom. These reasons also support the college’s
Mission Statement and Value Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
Once these items are purchased, the students score higher when SLO’s are evaluated.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activities.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to update the posters in F 136 for the Health Education Courses taught is the classroom.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
These projects will support Core Competency Critical Thinking and Problem Solving by providing functional manikins for the students to
learn CPR of and provide visual learning opportunities for students in the classroom. These projects will also address the all PLO’s and SLO’s
for all the HED classes taught in F 136. Under the Strategic Priorities, Student Access and Success will be addressed because the purchases
will give the students more opportunities to learn and a higher chance of success in the classroom. These reasons also support the college’s
Mission Statement and Value Statements (Students First and Academic and Service Excellence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
Once these items are purchased, the students score higher when SLO’s are evaluated.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activities.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase an Eccentron training machine for the adaptive students in the Fitness Center.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support the Core Competency Personal Growth and Responsibility by providing the adaptive students a new way to
increase their physical well-being in a safer manner. This project would also address the SLO’s for the adaptive PE course. Under the Strategic
Priorities, Student Access and Student Success are covered because the machine would provide a safer exercise option for the adaptive
students and allow them to meet their fitness goals. Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services would also be supported because the
machine requested is a new and better way for these students to exercise. The reasons used for the strategic priorities would also justify
comparison to the Mission Statement and Value Statements (Students First, Academic and Service Excellence and Innovation).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This project will be successful when the machine is in use and students are showing increased fitness levels.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase smaller equipment (Blood pressure cuffs) and supplies (posters) for the Adaptive Physical Education Program
that cannot be purchased normally.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support the Core Competency Personal Growth and Responsibility by providing the adaptive students a new ways to
increase their physical well-being in a safer manner. This project would also address the SLO’s for the adaptive PE course. Under the Strategic
Priorities, Student Access and Student Success are covered because the machine would provide a safer exercise options for the adaptive
students and allow them to meet their fitness goals. Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services would also be supported because the
equipment and supplies requested is a new and better way for these students to exercise. The reasons used for the strategic priorities would
also justify comparison to the Mission Statement and Value Statements (Students First, Academic and Service Excellence and Innovation).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This project will be successful when the equipment and supplies are in use and students are showing increased fitness levels.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This project is to purchase new cardiovascular equipment (a bike and a step trainer) for the adaptive students in the Fitness Center.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project will support the Core Competency Personal Growth and Responsibility by providing the adaptive students a new way to
increase their physical well-being in a safer manner. This project would also address the SLO’s for the adaptive PE course. Under the Strategic
Priorities, Student Access and Student Success are covered because the machine would provide a safer exercise option for the adaptive
students and allow them to meet their fitness goals. Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services would also be supported because the
machine requested is a new and better way for these students to exercise. The reasons used for the strategic priorities would also justify
comparison to the Mission Statement and Value Statements (Students First, Academic and Service Excellence and Innovation).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This project will be successful when the machines are in use and students are showing increased fitness levels.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier for completing this activity.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
We would like a golf teaching facility with a driving range. This project was part of our master plan for the fields.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This project does address the core competency regarding Personal Growth and Responsibility because golf is an activity that promotes
physical and mental well-being. The project also addresses our first PLO about skill related behaviors. The project would also address the
course level outcomes for all our golf classes. It also would create a better teaching environment because we could teach the classes on campus
instead of traveling to the local golf courses for a driving range. This project is part of our field master plan and is the last phase. The Strategic
Priorities that are addressed are Student Access (lifelong learning), Student Success (learning environment), Effective Utilization of Resources
(area not being used now), and Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services (following through on our plan). Finally, the project will
address the Mission Statement (environment for student learning) and the Value Statement Students First (another learning opportunity for
our students) and Academic and Service Excellence (developing personal competence).
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☐ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
Initially, the project needs to be reviewed by the facilities committees on campus to make sure the space is adequate for what we need.
Then we would need to finalize a design. Finally we would have to get the funding to start the building process.
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
First of all, we need to complete the project. Secondly would be the teaching of classes at the facility. Finally, needing more classes would
indicate the success of the project.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
The biggest barriers to the projects will be finding the exact location and funding.
*** Please complete this page for each new activity. ***
2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the
a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support.
This activity is to replace all of the basketball backboard in the gymnasiums (G and H). The current backboards are very old (some
are original to the buildings) and some are falling apart.
b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply:
1) Core Competency (Communication Skills, Information Skills, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Global Awareness,
Aesthetic Appreciation, Personal Growth and Responsibility)
2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program outcome)
3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome)
4) Program/Discipline Goal (list applicable program/discipline goal)
5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan goal)
This activity would support the Core Competency of Personal Growth and Responsibility by providing students a better opportunity to
enhance their physical well-being. The replacement of the old equipment would also help the students meet the goals of the Course Level
Outcomes and Program Level Outcomes. Under Strategic Priorities and Goals, this project would support Student Access (because the
equipment would be functional), Student Success (because they would be using safer equipment) and Effective Utilization of Resources (we
need to maintain what we have). For the same reasons, the Mission Statement and Vision Statements (students first and Academic and
Service Excellence) would be supported.
c) Does this activity span multiple academic years?
☒ NO
If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity.
[Begin response here]
d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success.
This activity will be a success when the backboards are installed and used.
e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity?
Funding is the only barrier to this activity.
APPENDIX A. Strategic Priorities & Goals
(from Hartnell College Strategic Plan 2013-2018)
Priority 1: Student Access
Goal 1A: Hartnell College will provide higher education, workforce development, and lifelong
learning opportunities—with seamless pathways—to all of the college’s present and prospective
constituent individuals and groups.
Priority 2: Student Success
Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning
environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success.
Goal 2B: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning
environment that addresses and meets the diverse learning needs of students.
Priority 3: Employee
Diversity and Development
Goal 3A: Hartnell College is committed to 1) increasing diversity among its employees; 2)
providing an environment that is safe for and inviting to diverse persons, groups, and
communities; and 3) becoming a model institution of higher education whose respect for
diversity is easily seen and is fully integrated throughout its policies, practices, facilities, signage,
curricula, and other reflections of life at the college.
Goal 3B: To attract and retain highly qualified employees, Hartnell College is committed to
providing and supporting relevant, substantial professional development opportunities.
Priority 4:
Effective Utilization of Resources
Goal 4A: To support its mission, Hartnell College is committed to the effective utilization of
its human resources.
Goal 4B: Hartnell College is committed to having its physical plant, furnishings, and grounds
maintained and replaced in a planned and scheduled way to support learning, safety, security,
and access.
Goal 4C: Hartnell College will maintain a current, user-friendly technological infrastructure
that serves the needs of students and employees.
Goal 4D: Hartnell College is committed to maximizing the use and value of capital assets,
managing financial resources, minimizing costs, and engaging in fiscally sound planning for
future maintenance, space, and technology needs.
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Priority 5:
Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services
Goal 5A: Hartnell College will provide programs and services that are relevant to the realworld needs of its diverse student population, while also developing and employing a culture of
innovation that will lead to improved institutional effectiveness and student learning.
Priority 6: Partnership with
Industry, Business Agencies and Education
Goal 6A: Hartnell College is committed to strengthening and furthering its current
partnerships, in order to secure lasting, mutually beneficial relationships between the college
and the community that the college serves.
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