Program Planning and Assessment (PPA) for Academic Programs Comprehensive Review, Annual Review & Action Plan Spring 2015 The purpose of Program Planning and Assessment at Hartnell College is to obtain an honest and authentic view of a program and to assess its strengths, opportunities, needs, and connection to the mission and goals of the college. The process is based on the premise that each academic program reviews assessment data and uses these data to plan for improvement. The results of these annual cycles provide data for a periodic (every five years) comprehensive review that shows evidence of improvement and outlines long-range goals. The Program Planning and Assessment process will improve and increase the flow of information about student learning, student success and student behavior at Hartnell College. The result of the process will also improve institutional effectiveness. Program/ Discipline History Date Completed (must be in final form by 3/31/14)* 3/31/15 Date Submitted to Dean 3/31/15 *Please note that you should work with your colleagues and dean to ensure that this report is completed, revised as needed, in its final form and submitted no later than the end of March. List of Contributors, including Title/Position Ann DeJesus Riley Instructor History Sam Pacheco Instructor History Dean’s Comments (required): Kudos for the special attention given to PLO assessment in 14-15 for the completion of the AA-T and for the significant amount of curriculum review that took place this year. I also appreciate the special attention given to using functions available through Etudes to support assessment via statistical report on assignments to support improvement of learning outcomes and the efforts to improve student retention in online classes. ______ Celine Pinet ____ _____5-12-2015____ Typed Name of Area Dean Date _____________________ _________ VPAA Comments (required for comprehensive reviews): _______________________ Typed Name of VPAA _________ Date This PPA report is organized in 3 sections and 11 subsections as follows: Comprehensive Review – a. Overall Program Effectiveness, b. Instructional Staffing, c. CTE Programs – Labor Market & Achievement, and d. Program Goals. Annual Review – a. Course Data & Trends, b. Teaching Modality, c. Curriculum, d. Outcomes, and e. Previously Scheduled Activities. Annual Action Plan – a. New Activities and b. Resource Requests. I. II. III. INSTRUCTIONS For programs/disciplines scheduled for comprehensive review in spring 2014, please complete Sections I, II, and III. For programs/disciplines scheduled for annual review, please complete Sections II and III. I. COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW Please complete this section for programs/disciplines scheduled for comprehensive review in spring 2014. Go to Section II for programs/disciplines scheduled for annual review in spring 2014. A. OVERALL PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS 1. Describe your program in terms of its overall effectiveness over the past several years. History is required for Associates Program Please consider the questions below in describing your program/discipline/area. • • • • • • • • • • 2|Page How are students/employees served by the program? What are the unique aspects of the program? How does the program relate to the needs of the community? How does the program interface/collaborate with other programs on campus?) What is working well in the program/discipline? If there is a sequence of courses in your program, what process or framework is used to ensure alignment? How is consistency maintained between/among multiple sections of a single course? Has the program explored alternative scheduling approaches? Do prerequisites, co-requisites and strongly recommended skills continue to meet program needs? Are there special considerations regarding capabilities of incoming students? What professional activities have faculty recently (last three years) participated in? All History Courses at Hartnell College meet AA/AS GE requirements as well as IGETC/CSU GE Requirements. Students can earn an AA Degree in History and an AA-T in History. AA-T was approved in the Fall of 2014. History is the study of the human experience combining the arts, humanities, and the social sciences. The History program provides students with the study of local, state, national, and global cultures, histories, and experiences. All transfer students and many AA degrees require History 17A or 17B. Both courses offer a multicultural perspective of United States History focusing on the experiences of Chicanos/Latinos, women, and gay/lesbian/transgender. These groups form the largest social groups on campus and special attention is given to their histories and experiences. The courses also examine how race, class, and gender affect historical experiences and understanding. The multicultural approach serves to not only explain the histories of the United States but to develop an understanding of the unique contributions of these groups, including discussions of immigration, poverty, and social class. The twenty page writing requirement for successful completion of all History courses meets the CSU and UC articulation requirements and prepares students for conducting university level history writing upon transfer. Courses also require critical thinking and primary source research, which are often characteristic of university level courses. The close collaboration of History faculty at Hartnell with CSUMB faculty guarantees our students have a smoother transition transferring to CSUMB. The courses emphasize an activist perspective designed to empower students to bring social and political change to their local communities with the intent to empower the community itself. The courses also explain the causes of oppression and discrimination while discussing popular resistance to oppressive institutions. The History Department continues to limit textbook costs to a maximum of $50 per class. This has been a challenge since textbooks have become so expensive yet with one or two exceptions in Western Civilization and World History courses we have achieved this goal. Many History courses use online textbooks which are available to students at no cost. The on-line platform, Etudes, enables instructors to post articles, primary source materials, current events and multimedia presentations on-line for students. History is interdisciplinary and incorporates elements from many other disciplines including, but not limited to: Psychology, Political Science, Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, Chicano Studies, Literature courses, Art and Art History, Geography, and Sociology. Chicano History 49A and B are core requirements for the Chicano Studies AA and History 10 is required for many multi subject teachers working on their credentials. History 17A and 17B are modeled after the US Histories University Learning Requirements at CSUMB. History 17A and 17B, and the History of California HIS10, are regularly scheduled online as part of the Fast Track Degree. History 17A and 17B, History of California, and Western Civilization A and B are offered online as well as face to face. In 2014 the college offered History 17B as Hybrid courses with students completing half the class on Etudes. One of the successes of the program is the integration of online resources. Etudes is used by many History adjunct to help assess Student Learning Outcomes. History faculty collaborated to create universal assessments online which will enable faculty to easily share data. The universal assessments data for History 17A was not used by all adjunct teaching 17A but the data provided by the assessments test corroborated the data provided by history faculty. In the academic year 2014/2015 Hartnell hired a full time temporary history position. Long-term adjunct, Sam Pacheco, has been an asset to the History program. In the past there was only one full time History faculty responsible for the entire program and four qualified adjunct. Sam has been able to represent the History department in the Academic Senate, Student Affairs Council, participated in a hiring committee for the English 3|Page department and part of a group of faculty that is working to establish Service Learning at Hartnell College. Sam has also worked with Hartnell College students to establish a History Club at Hartnell College. Due to the extra hire the history department was able to get 2 new courses (History of Colonial Latin America and Modern Latin America) through curriculum. The Chicano History course 49B was revised through curriculum. A course on Native American History is under development. The adjunct faculty often have difficulty meeting all the demands of the program because they have full time employment and some live an hour or more away from the campus. One faculty can only teach one class per semester in the evening and another can only teach evenings or online, that has left only three adjunct faculty to meet the needs of daytime instruction on the main campus as well as the King City Campus. This makes it very difficult for faculty to meet and create processes to align sequences. Two full time faculty has made it much easier to staff classes. Sam Pacheco taught 6 classes in Fall 2014 and 7 in Spring 2015 and Ann DeJesus Riley taught 6 in Fall 2014 and 6 Spring 2015. The additional courses were necessary since Hartnell has had difficulties finding qualified adjuncts in History. The burden of teaching overload semester after semester has limited the ability of History faculty to more fully participate in the life of the college. In the Fall of 2015 the History program originally scheduled two new classes, HIS55 and HIS8A. Both of these courses had to be removed from the schedule because there were not enough adjunct to cover the courses required for transfer and the History AA-T. There will be 28 sections of History offered on the main campus and the Alisal campus. The department currently has 4 adjunct, one of whom is thoroughly unqualified to teach History at Hartnell. The department is forced to give this person classes because we simply do not have enough faculty. In the Fall we will be up to 6 adjunct and based on their scheduling requirements we will have still have 6 classes without faculty. Should we get another full time position all the courses could be filled. Of course, it is assumed that one of the full time faculty will, again, teach overload. The King City Campus does not coordinate information regarding the schedule or adjunct faculty needs, although the Dean did send an email asking for recommendations for an adjunct. The difficulty of finding faculty in King City has led to unique scheduling which might not serve the needs of students in South County. The lack of information has made this difficult to determine. It has been easier to coordinate with adjunct with two full time faculty. The addition of a full time faculty has enabled the department to keep up with regular campus obligations including updating curriculum, outcomes assessment and represent History on shared governance and campus committees. In the Fall of 2014 the History department had several meetings. These meetings were very productive and led to a continuation of the department policies and approaches. The program has been successful with alternate scheduling approaches. History is offered on all three campuses as well as online, FastTrack, hybrid and face-to-face. Classes are offered in the evening and during the day. Courses have had limited offerings in the afternoon and none at all on the weekends because we do not have enough faculty to meet the needs of the department and the college. While planning for the Fall 2015 schedule the department was not able to comply with the Dean’s request to expand the program because we simply do not have enough faculty. Ann DeJesus Riley has taken online courses for best practices for online learning and Drupal training. Sam Pacheco did the Elumen training. Ann DeJesus Riley and Sam Pacheco both attended diversity hiring practices. 4|Page 5|Page B. INSTRUCTIONAL STAFFING 1. In the table below enter the number of sections offered and the number of full time and adjunct faculty in your program/discipline by term over the past several years. Term F/11 – S/14 SU 1114 No. of Active Sections 17 approx. 10 approx. Full-time Faculty Adjunct Faculty 1 4 1 2 2. What staffing have influenced the effectiveness of the program? factors/challenges The history program has been challenged by the absence of qualified adjunct instructors. In the past History was taught by adjunct without Master’s degrees in History or a credible equivalent. This diminished the quality and standards of the program. During 13/14 academic year the program continued to employ an adjunct whose pedagogy and compliance with department demands were questionable. The shortage of available adjunct led the Dean to hire him anyway. Approximately 17 courses were regularly taught in the Fall/Spring Semester in the past three years (Fall/13 through Spring/14) and 10 courses were taught over the summer in the same period. With the addition of a new full time temporary position the History department offered 20 courses in Fall 2014, 8 in Summer 2014 and 25 in Spring 2015. With two full time faculty inthis means out of 55 sections offered each year, only 28 were taught by a full time faculty and 25 classes were taught by adjunct who often do not keep office hours or contribute to the program in a meaningful way. Some adjunct do not travel to the main campus and some have not completed the required Outcomes Assessments. Many begin teaching without a Course Outline to guide their course preparation. With so many different sections offered the program desperately needs an additional three full time faculty experienced in teaching a variety of courses. There are 15 different sections regularly offered of these 10 courses are A/B sequences which meet require consistency in scheduling and sequence alignment. If the college does not hire another full time position before Fall 2015 the department will be in crisis with 28 courses in the Fall, 28 in the Spring and 9 over the Summer 2015. The department will be offering 64 courses and only 18 will be taught by full a time faculty. 80% of History courses will be taught by adjunct faculty. This is unacceptable for courses which are required for transfer by most programs and all Associate of Arts for Transfer degrees. If Hartnell does not hire at least two more full time faculty, for a total of three, the college will not be able to meet student demand. If the program added two additional faculty the program could teach 30 sections under full time instruction with adjunct teaching the remaining 34 courses. This would allow the program to add a greater variety of courses and multiple sections. It would also better serve the college by providing access to courses required for degree programs and transfer. It would also enable the department to only hire qualified adjunct instead of our current practice of hiring whoever can be in the classroom. History teaches the 4th largest number of FTES at Hartnell College. (Math, English and Psychology are 1, 2 and 3) Despite the challenges of multiple adjunct, some unqualified to be in the classroom, History has maintained high enrollments and is essential to the educational and financial success of the college. Most classes have classrooms of 53 students and the demands on one full time faculty with SLOs, PPAs, Outcomes Assessments, Scheduling, Department meetings, Faculty Development, regular overload (some semesters the full time faculty teach 8 sections overload) and committee participation, makes the task of managing the department 6|Page overwhelming. If the campus decides to have faculty chairs these problems will be unmanageable. The increasing responsibilities for one full time faculty will not be reasonable. 7|Page C. CTE PROGRAMS – LABOR MARKET & ACHIEVEMENT Please complete this section if the program is Career Technical Education (CTE). Go to subsection D if the program is not CTE. 1. Describe the demonstrated effectiveness on the program over the past several years with levels and trends of achievement data, including degree/certificate completions (awards) and employment statistics. [Begin response here] 2. Describe the number of, activities of, and recommendations resulting from advisory committee meetings that have occurred over the past two years. What information and/or data were presented that required or currently require changes to be made to your program? (Please attach copies of meeting minutes over the past two years and a list of committee members and their respective industries/areas.) [Begin response here] 3. Does labor market data and/or the need for additional education indicate that changes should be made to your program? Does the program (continue to) meet a labor market demand and/or fulfill an important step toward higher/additional education? [Begin response here] 8|Page D. PROGRAM GOALS 1. List and describe program/disciplinary goals for the next comprehensive review cycle—Fall 2014 through Fall 2018. Be sure to highlight innovative, unique, or other especially noteworthy aspects. A new mission and vision is currently before the board for approval in February. In considering your program’s future goals, please review the proposed new mission and vision statements. VISION STATEMENT Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. MISSION STATEMENT Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. [List and describe program goals here] 1) The goals of the program are to prepare students for personal, academic and career success by providing them with History courses addressing the unique needs of the community. 2) The History program has a commitment to serving the diverse needs of our students. Each class places special emphasis on the diverse students of the college. Each course places special emphasis on the three largest groups on campus: women, Chicanos/Mexicanos and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students. 3) All history courses transfer to the UC and CSU. 4) The program needs to expand local and regional history into existing sections and expand the curriculum to offer courses in the History of the Salinas Valley, the History of the Monterey Bay, the History of Agriculture and Agribusiness, and the History of the Missions. 5) The program needs to expand technological innovation for teaching face to face, hybrid, and distance education courses. This should expand online resources, videos highlighting local history and resources, as well as personal histories and regional histories. 6) The program should also explore collaborating with other disciplines to form learning communities to facilitate student success. 7) The program needs to collaborate with the Hartnell College Foundation to explore grants for local history projects, interdisciplinary projects and expanding technological innovation. 8) The program needs to hire new faculty who can expand the program to meet the increasing global needs of local industries and businesses, specifically Global Studies 9) The program needs to advertise the AA-T in History. 10) The program needs to hire two additional full time faculty to assist with goals 1-9. 9|Page 10 | P a g e II. ANNUAL REVIEW This section must be completed for ALL academic programs, including those scheduled for a comprehensive review in spring 2014. A. COURSE DATA & TRENDS 1. Please evaluate the 3-year trend of enrollment and success of courses in your program/discipline. Identify the courses you are choosing to examine this current year in the list below. You do NOT need to evaluate trends for each course every year. Course Number HIS 10 HIS 17A HIS 17B Course Name History of California U.S. History U.S. History Does the course have any DE (online or hybrid) sections? Yes Yes Yes Please use the data that have been provided. Analyze trends that you observe with respect to the data for the identified courses and answer the following questions. ENROLLMENT 2. Review the enrollment data. Describe and analyze any patterns or anomalies that you notice. What do you make of these patterns or anomalies? What actions should be taken to ensure continuous improvement? HIS 10 –From Fall 13 through Spring 14 enrollments remained steady HIS 17A – Again, there was an increase in enrollment for HIS 17A between Spring 11 and Fall 11 of 48%. My thoughts are that in Fall 11 more sections were offered but I do not have access to this type of data. For the remaining semesters, the enrollments were very steady. HIS 17B – Enrollment for HIS 17B is consistent over the 3 year period with numbers higher in the Fall and lower in the Spring. SUCCESS 3. Review the success data. Describe and analyze any patterns or anomalies that you notice. What do you make of these patterns or anomalies? What actions should be taken to ensure continuous improvement? HIS 10 – Success rates increased over a 3-year period. The reason for this spike is unknown. It could be due to instructor assignment for that semester. Textbooks are typically not available within the first week due to inefficient ordering through the bookstore. This places students at a huge disadvantage. In addition, with the absence of support for online students as well as the absence of support in the form of a writing center success rates are affected. Success rates for Spring 13 and Fall 14 are significantly higher 11 | P a g e than previous semesters. This could be due to the elimination of textbooks and the transfer of all course material to Etudes. HIS 17A - Success rates varied over a 3-year period. There was definitely one semester – Fall 12 – that had a large spike in success rates jumping from 56% in Spring 12 to 77% in the Fall. The reason for this spike is unknown. It could be due to instructor assignment for that semester. One consideration is sections that are scheduled for the ADJ fast track program. These sections are taught in 6 weeks. Textbooks are typically not available within the first week due to inefficient ordering through the bookstore. This places students at a huge disadvantage. In addition, with the absence of support for online students as well as the absence of support in the form of a writing center success rates are affected. HIS17B Success rates remained steady over the 3 year period. DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES 4. Describe the demonstrated effectiveness of the program over the past several years with levels and trends of achievement data, such as degree and certificate completions/awards. This information is not available. I did not encourage students to get degrees in History because an AA in History does not transfer to the UC or CSU. Also, an AA in History has little value for local employment. The AATransfer in History was approved in the Spring of 2015 and now the degree can be promoted and students can be recruited. If the college does not hire another two full time History faculty it will be difficult to promote the program and the degree. This has hindered the program and program effectiveness in the past. Students need access to more full time faculty, who keep office hours and participate in the development of curriculum and outcomes, to assist them in navigating the program. Two additional full time faculty can also promote the program more effectively. 12 | P a g e B. TEACHING MODALITY 1. Enter the number of Distance Education Courses, both fully online and hybrid sections, along with the number of full-time and adjunct faculty. Term S12 F12 S13 F13 S14 No. of DE/ Online Sections 4 3 3 4 6 No of Hybrid Sections 0 0 0 0 0 Fulltime Faculty 1 1 1 1 1 Adjunct Faculty 1 1 1 1 1 2. Compare student success in the DE teaching environment with success in the faceto-face teaching environment in the same course. Are there differences? To what do you ascribe the differences in your program? Discuss any other relevant factors regarding diverse teaching modalities and environments, such as specific locations. Student success in online courses are lower than face to face courses. There are many reasons for this difference including: 1. The absence of support for online students. Statistically, the students most likely to succeed in online learning have access to a computer and the internet. Many Hartnell students come from poverty and do not have the internet or a computer at home. Some can only take the class using public computers or their smart phones. Cutbacks in lab hours and other support programs have made it very difficult for at risk students to succeed. 2. The Hartnell College schedule of classes can be confusing for students and many do not know they actually enrolled in an online course. 3. Many students who enroll in online courses have no understanding of how to navigate the Etudes learning platform. Many students drop because of the confusing nature of the platform. 4. Many students do not possess basic internet skills including navigating the internet, downloading files and installing necessary programs such as Adobe Acrobat. 5. The bookstore consistently fails to order enough textbooks to meet student needs. This is a common problem that the bookstore refuses to address. 6. FastTrack courses are a special problem for retention and success because many students are unaware they have enrolled in a 6 week long course. 7. The Hartnell email system is another problem for online students. Many don’t have a Hartnell account or even know about Hartnell email so they miss crucial information at the beginning of the semester. This problem has been exacerbated by the new campus policy that forbids faculty from responding to non campus email from students. 8. The absence of full time history faculty makes it difficult to keep up the quality of online learning. 3. Describe the process to change and improve student success in DE courses/sections in your program, and any other relevant factors regarding diverse teaching modalities and environments, such as specific locations. 13 | P a g e I have tried a variety of approaches to help students succeed in DE courses. In response to the Bookstore’s failure to order enough books I have moved all my courses to fully online sources. There is a down side to fully online sources if students have difficulty reading online and must print their sources. The cost of printing can be prohibitive. I have begun using the Statistics function in Etudes to assess assignment. This data has helped me identify assignments or assessments that need to be improved or changed. During History meetings other faculty were encouraged to evaluate their assessments using this function. Sam Pacheco is the only other instructor at Hartnell College that teaches DE courses. I have collaborated closely with him, how we can improve our DE retention. Sam teaches an average of one DE course a semester. 14 | P a g e C. CURRICULUM Complete the following tables pertaining to courses scheduled for review. Courses scheduled for review during AY 201314 as previously specified Faculty member(s) responsible for coordinating (a) Was the course reviewed and (b) taken through the curriculum process? Date of approval (or anticipated approval) by Curriculum Committee History 46A History 46B History 10 History 8A History 8B History 47 History 40 Ann DeJesus Riley Ann DeJesus Riley Ann DeJesus Riley Sam Pacheco Sam Pacheco Ann DeJesus Riley Ann DeJesus Riley Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5/15/2014 5/15/2014 5/15/2014 12/2015 12/2015 5/15/2014 5/15/2014 Courses scheduled for review during AY 2014HIS17A HIS17B HIS10 HIS47 15 | P a g e Faculty member(s) responsible for coordinating DeJesus Riley DeJesus Riley DeJesus Riley Adjunct Unknown Target semester and year—Fa 2014 or Sp 2015 Fall 14 Spring 15 Spring 15 Spring 15 D. OUTCOMES Use your Program Outcome Maps to assist you in this subsection. As you plan your course assessments, keep the higher level program outcome in mind. While course level assessment serves the purpose of examining the teaching and learning for that particular course, it also provides the data that will be viewed collectively for assessment of the associated program level outcomes. PROGRAM LEVEL OUTCOMES 1. Please complete the following tables. List Program level outcome(s) scheduled for assessment as previously specified • apply critical thinking skills in reading, comprehending, and interpreting historical scholarship. What changes have occurred in the program/discipline as a result of dialogue? Faculty discussed standardized assessments for all History courses. List Program level outcome(s) scheduled for assessment in AY 14-15 Have your course level SLOs needed for this program level outcome been assessed or scheduled for assessment? Yes. The date will be determined when faculty meet in the fall. • demonstrate an understanding of the processes, peoples and events in the multicultural histories of the United States. Was the Program Outcome Assessment Summary completed? Yes with the exception of an adjunct who did not submit data for a class that he alone taught. 2. Describe how program level outcomes were specifically addressed by the program/discipline during the past year. 16 | P a g e For example, were data gathered at the course level? Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the discipline faculty engage in discussion? Were any interventions conducted? Are there any plans to make changes to certificate/degree programs or improvements in teaching and student learning? [Begin response here] Full time and some adjunct faculty have met to create a standardized assessment for outcomes. While most adjunct have cooperated with this effort this has not been adopted across the discipline. The reluctance of some adjunct to cooperate will be addressed over the summer. The program is exploring the creation of a MOOC which will be used by all history courses to facilitate the collection of data for assessments at the course and program level. The addition of two full time history faculty will make this more attainable. The program has submitted an AA-Transfer in History to curriculum. The AA-Transfer in History should be approved at the next curriculum meeting on 5/15/2014. The AA-T in History is a dramatic improvement over the AA in History which did not transfer to the CSU system. A new course History Through Film and Video (HIS51) was approved by curriculum. Sam Pacheco, temporary full time, has submitted two courses through curriculum, Latin American History A and B and updated Chicano History 49B. 17 | P a g e CORE COMPETENCIES 3. Describe how Core Competencies were specifically addressed by the program/discipline during the past year. For example, were data gathered at the course level? Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the discipline faculty engage in discussion? Were any interventions conducted? Are there any plans to mak 4. e changes to courses or improvements in teaching and student learning? All course SLOs were assessed for classes taught in Fall 13 except for HIS 47 (lack of participation from adjunct). Each course assessed had an element of critical thinking as an SLO and is mapped to the core competency. This data was used to examine the program level SLO that speaks to critical thinking. Review and analysis occurred at the flex day in January 14. ADD BLAH BLAH FOR MOR FAC COURSE LEVEL STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 5. Please complete the following tables. List courses scheduled for SLO assessment as previously specified All courses that were taught in Fall 13 were assessed except for HIS 47. HIS 49B HIS 5B HIS 47 HIS 46B In what term was the course assessed? Fall 13 List courses scheduled for SLO assessment in AY 2014-15 HIS 10 HIS 17A HIS 17B HIS 47 Faculty member(s) responsible for coordinating Sam Pacheco DeJesus Riley DeJesus Riley Sam Pacheco Was the Course Assessment Summary Report completed? Yes and placed on the R: drive. J. Oliverez K. Holland S. Shore DeJesus Riley Target semester and year—Fa 2014 or Sp 2015 Sp 15 F 14 Sp 15 Sp 15 6. Describe course level assessments results and how they will influence your plans moving forward. The discussion of course level assessments resulted in the creation of an assessment that can be used in all History courses with slight modification for course content. 7. Describe assessment activities that need to be strengthened or improved. What are the challenges to achieving these improvements? 18 | P a g e It is extremely difficult to discuss activities across the discipline because of the high number of adjunct teaching History courses. In my courses I have utilized the Statistics function in Etudes to evaluate all my assessment and gather data to improve quizzes and discussions. At the end of every semester I ask students what I should keep and what should go. Students are brutally honest in their comments. Sam Pacheco has students submit their comments regarding the class anonymously. We discuss these at an end of the semester meeting to determine which approaches are working. It is virtually impossible to rely on adjunct for accurate information regarding their courses and outcomes. Many adjunct feel they are evaluated solely on success and retention and are afraid to adopt rigorous assessments if they affect retention and success. The absence of accountability has created an adjunct culture of ignoring outcomes and course outlines. Some adjunct do not create syllabi with required information nor do they provide meaningful data when asked to contribute to the assessment process. Without the addition of two more full time faculty in History it is very difficult to work on discipline wide changes. 19 | P a g e E. PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES This subsection focuses on activities that were previously scheduled. An activity can address many different aspects of your program/discipline, and ultimately is undertaken to improve or enhance your program/discipline, and keep it current. Activity scheduled What success has been achieved to date on this activity? Will activity What challenges existed or continue continue into AY 14-15? to exist? Will activity continue into AY 15-16?* 1. Creation of collaborative Mission project iPad acquired Meetings to discuss travel to the Mission. Funding for travel and the ability to teach a semester fully online to travel to missions If funding and teaching fully online are available. 2. If funding and teaching fully online are available. 3. * For each activity that will continue into AY 2015-16 and that requires resources, submit a separate resource request in Section III. 1. Evaluate the success of each activity scheduled, including activities completed and those in progress. What measurable outcomes were achieved? Did the activities and subsequent dialogue lead to significant change in student learning or program success? The project to create a interdisciplinary California Mission project requires Jorge Sanchez and I to teach fully online so we can travel to the missions. The campus will not allow me to teach fully online so the project has stalled. Jorge and I are discussing a local mission project but this will also require the campus to give us more control over our schedules. The addition of two full time History faculty would make this possible. 20 | P a g e III. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN This section must be completed for ALL academic programs, whether scheduled for annual or comprehensive review in spring 2014. A. NEW ACTIVITIES This subsection addresses new activities for, and continuing new activities into, AY 2015-16. An activity can address many different aspects of your program/discipline, and ultimately is undertaken to improve, enhance, and or keep your program/discipline area current. A new activity may or may not require additional resources. Activities can include but are not limited to: • • • • • • • • • • NEW CURRICULUM FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROGRAM OR SERVICE GRANT DEVELOPMENT AND PROPOSALS FACULTY AND STAFF TRAINING MARKETING/OUTREACH ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPPORT OPERATIONS FACILITIES 1. List information concerning new projects or activities planned. Please keep in mind that resources needed, if funded, would not be approved until spring 2015 and provided until FY 2015-16. Ongoing activities involving resources that will no longer be available from grant funds starting FY 2015-16 must be planned for appropriately. Activity 1. Curriculum and Course Development 21 | P a g e Strategic Plan Goal(s) No. & Letter (e.g., 5A)* 2A, 5A Related Courses, SLOs, PLOs, or goals Desired Outcome(s) Resources Needed Person Responsible US History 17A, History of California HIS10, History of Mexico HIS6, Chicano History 49A and 49B Incorporate local History into courses Wide angle lens, funds for travel, fully online instruction for one to two semesters. Two additional history faculty will be needed Ann DeJesus Riley Estimated Date of Completion (can be more than one year in length) Fall 2012 Comments 2. History Club 3. Recruit Hartnell Students to History Club Students from all History sections and other disciplines Students become more involved in their communities and the department can recruit students for the AA-T in History on with experience teaching History of California, History of Mexico and Chicano History. Club will be responsible for own funds through the ICC Sam Pacheco 4. 5. * See Appendix A for a list of the 11 goals in the college’s Strategic Plan. 22 | P a g e Spring 2015 Club has been recognized by Hartnell ICC SP/15 *** Please complete this page for each new activity. *** 2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the program/discipline. Consider: • Faculty • Other staffing • Facilities • Equipment (non-expendable, greater than $5,000), supplies (expendable, valued at less than $5,000), • Software • Hardware • Outside services • Training • Travel • Library materials • Science laboratory materials a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support. In 2013 the History program proposed the creation of an interdisciplinary course on the History of the California Missions. This course would feature videos and images from the various missions and include video lectures on site. The course could also give students the opportunity to visit the two missions in the Hartnell College District. b) Describe how this activity supports any of the following: 1) Core Competency 2) Program level Outcome 3) Course level Outcome 4) Program/Discipline Goal 5) Strategic Priority Goal Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success. The course will be an innovative course with video lectures and primary source images which will allow students to experience the missions. This digital tour of the missions will include history, anthropology, archeology and ethnic studies approaches. Dr. Ruben Mendoza at CSUMB will be asked to help with access to research and resources. Goal 5A: Hartnell College will provide programs and services that are relevant to the real-world needs of its diverse student population, while also developing and employing a culture of innovation that will lead to improved institutional effectiveness and student learning. Many local students have little awareness of local history, especially the contributions of the California missions to the political, social and economic development of the Salinas Valley. Exploring the missions will give students access to primary source research and help them understand historical and anthropological perspectives and approaches. 23 | P a g e As this course expands we expect to look at more local histories including the history of the Salinas Valley, Salinas and Steinbeck, and the history of agriculture and agribusiness. The course could be featured as a non credit Community Education class or, perhaps, a faculty development opportunity. PROGRAM GOAL 4, 5 AND 6 c) Does this activity span multiple academic years? YES If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity. If funding and scheduling are available the course should be offered in the Spring of 2017. Curriculum approval may determine the year the course can be offered. d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the unique histories and cultures of the California Missions including their political, economic, and social contributions to the history of California. Online discussions and essays. Students will utilize primary and secondary sources for research and scholarship. Research papers. Students will utilize critical thinking in historical scholarship. Online discussions, essays and comprehensive final. e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity? Funding for travel, cameras and lens, and the ability for faculty teach face to face during the process of creating the course. 24 | P a g e B. RESOURCE REQUESTS If new/additional resources are needed for your program/discipline, it is important that you identify them and project their cost, and that these resources and costs be considered through the College’s integrated planning (governance, budget development, funding decision making, and resource allocation) processes. A resource is likely to be something needed to support an activity that you have identified in IIIA above, in which case you must link the resource with a specific activity number (first column below). ). All resource requests completed in the various columns of a specific row must be linked to the new or continuing activity numbered on the first column of that same row. A resource could also be something necessary for your program/discipline to function properly to improve student learning, such as updated equipment in a classroom; in such case be sure to note that the resource is NOT tied to a specific activity. 0 1. Hiring 2 new Full time faculty 2. Wide angle lens 3.Travel to Missions Personnel Classified Staff/ Faculty (C/F/M)* Faculty 4.Digital Camera Supplies/ Equipment (S/E)** Technology Hardware/ Software (H/S)*** Contract Services Training Travel Library Materials Science Labs Varies Equipment 1500.00 Travel Equipment 5. * Personnel: Include a C, F, or M after the amount to indicate Classified Staff, Faculty, or Manager. ** S for Supplies, E for Equipment. If additional supplies, for example, are needed for ongoing activities, this should be requested through the budget rollover process. *** H for Hardware, S for Software. 25 | P a g e Projected Costs 1500 3,000 APPENDIX A. Strategic Priorities & Goals (from Hartnell College Strategic Plan 2013-2018) Priority 1: Student Access Goal 1A: Hartnell College will provide higher education, workforce development, and lifelong learning opportunities—with seamless pathways—to all of the college’s present and prospective constituent individuals and groups. Priority 2: Student Success Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success. Goal 2B: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment that addresses and meets the diverse learning needs of students. Priority 3: Employee Diversity and Development Goal 3A: Hartnell College is committed to 1) increasing diversity among its employees; 2) providing an environment that is safe for and inviting to diverse persons, groups, and communities; and 3) becoming a model institution of higher education whose respect for diversity is easily seen and is fully integrated throughout its policies, practices, facilities, signage, curricula, and other reflections of life at the college. Goal 3B: To attract and retain highly qualified employees, Hartnell College is committed to providing and supporting relevant, substantial professional development opportunities. Priority 4: Effective Utilization of Resources Goal 4A: To support its mission, Hartnell College is committed to the effective utilization of its human resources. Goal 4B: Hartnell College is committed to having its physical plant, furnishings, and grounds maintained and replaced in a planned and scheduled way to support learning, safety, security, and access. Goal 4C: Hartnell College will maintain a current, user-friendly technological infrastructure that serves the needs of students and employees. Goal 4D: Hartnell College is committed to maximizing the use and value of capital assets, managing financial resources, minimizing costs, and engaging in fiscally sound planning for future maintenance, space, and technology needs. Priority 5: 26 | P a g e Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services Goal 5A: Hartnell College will provide programs and services that are relevant to the realworld needs of its diverse student population, while also developing and employing a culture of innovation that will lead to improved institutional effectiveness and student learning. Priority 6: Partnership with Industry, Business Agencies and Education Goal 6A: Hartnell College is committed to strengthening and furthering its current partnerships, in order to secure lasting, mutually beneficial relationships between the college and the community that the college serves. 27 | P a g e