Program Planning and Assessment (PPA) for Academic Programs Comprehensive Review, Annual Review & Action Plan Spring 2014 The purpose of Program Planning and Assessment at Hartnell College is to obtain an honest and authentic view of a program and to assess its strengths, opportunities, needs, and connection to the mission and goals of the college. The process is based on the premise that each academic program reviews assessment data and uses these data to plan for improvement. The results of these annual cycles provide data for a periodic (every five years) comprehensive review that shows evidence of improvement and outlines long-range goals. The Program Planning and Assessment process will improve and increase the flow of information about student learning, student success and student behavior at Hartnell College. The result of the process will also improve institutional effectiveness. Program/ Discipline Psychology Date Completed (must be in final form by 3/31/14)* March 31, 2014 Date Submitted to Dean March 31, 2014 *Please note that you should work with your colleagues and dean to ensure that this report is completed, revised as needed, in its final form and submitted no later than the end of March. List of Contributors, including Title/Position Yoshiko Matsushita-Arao, Psychology Instructor Carol Kimbrough, Psychology Instructor This PPA report is organized in 3 sections and 11 subsections as follows: I. Comprehensive Review – a. Overall Program Effectiveness, b. Instructional Staffing, c. CTE Programs – Labor Market & Achievement, and d. Program Goals. II. Annual Review – a. Course Data & Trends, b. Teaching Modality, c. Curriculum, d. Outcomes, and e. Previously Scheduled Activities. III. Annual Action Plan – a. New Activities and b. Resource Requests. INSTRUCTIONS For programs/disciplines scheduled for comprehensive review in spring 2014, please complete Sections I, II, and III. For programs/disciplines scheduled for annual review, please complete Sections II and III. I. COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW Please complete this section for programs/disciplines scheduled for comprehensive review in spring 2014. Go to Section II for programs/disciplines scheduled for annual review in spring 2014. A. OVERALL PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS 1. Describe your program in terms of its overall effectiveness over the past several years. Please consider the questions below in describing your program/discipline/area. How are students/employees served by the program? What are the unique aspects of the program? How does the program relate to the needs of the community? How does the program interface/collaborate with other programs on campus?) What is working well in the program/discipline? If there is a sequence of courses in your program, what process or framework is used to ensure alignment? How is consistency maintained between/among multiple sections of a single course? Has the program explored alternative scheduling approaches? Do prerequisites, co-requisites and strongly recommended skills continue to meet program needs? Are there special considerations regarding capabilities of incoming students? What professional activities have faculty recently (last three years) participated in? [Begin response here] N/A as we are doing an Annual Review and not the Comprehensive Review for this year. 2|Page B. INSTRUCTIONAL STAFFING 1. In the table below enter the number of sections offered and the number of full time and adjunct faculty in your program/discipline by term over the past several years. Term No. of Active Sections Full-time Faculty Adjunct Faculty N/A 2. What staffing factors/challenges have influenced the effectiveness of the program? [Begin response here] N/A as we are doing an Annual Review and not the Comprehensive Review for this year. 3|Page C. CTE PROGRAMS – LABOR MARKET & ACHIEVEMENT Please complete this section if the program is Career Technical Education (CTE). Go to subsection D if the program is not CTE. 1. Describe the demonstrated effectiveness on the program over the past several years with levels and trends of achievement data, including degree/certificate completions (awards) and employment statistics. [Begin response here] N/A as we are not a CTE program. 2. Describe the number of, activities of, and recommendations resulting from advisory committee meetings that have occurred over the past two years. What information and/or data were presented that required or currently require changes to be made to your program? (Please attach copies of meeting minutes over the past two years and a list of committee members and their respective industries/areas.) [Begin response here] N/A as we are not a CTE program. 3. Does labor market data and/or the need for additional education indicate that changes should be made to your program? Does the program (continue to) meet a labor market demand and/or fulfill an important step toward higher/additional education? [Begin response here] N/A as we are not a CTE program. 4|Page D. PROGRAM GOALS 1. List and describe program/disciplinary goals for the next comprehensive review cycle—Fall 2014 through Fall 2018. Be sure to highlight innovative, unique, or other especially noteworthy aspects. A new mission and vision is currently before the board for approval in February. In considering your program’s future goals, please review the proposed new mission and vision statements. VISION STATEMENT Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. MISSION STATEMENT Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. [List and describe program goals here] 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) N/A as we are doing an Annual Review and not the Comprehensive Review for this year. 5|Page II. ANNUAL REVIEW This section must be completed for ALL academic programs, including those scheduled for a comprehensive review in spring 2014. A. COURSE DATA & TRENDS 1. Please evaluate the 3-year trend of enrollment and success of courses in your program/discipline. Identify the courses you are choosing to examine this current year in the list below. You do NOT need to evaluate trends for each course every year. Course Number PSY-41 PSY-42 Course Name Psychology of Human Relations Psychology of Women Does the course have any DE (online or hybrid) sections? No No Please use the data that have been provided. Analyze trends that you observe with respect to the data for the identified courses and answer the following questions. ENROLLMENT 2. Review the enrollment data. Describe and analyze any patterns or anomalies that you notice. What do you make of these patterns or anomalies? What actions should be taken to ensure continuous improvement? In reviewing the enrollment data for the past 3 years (2009-2010; 2010-2011; 20112012) for PSY-41 (Psychology of Human Relations) the following occurred: Semester # of students enrolled # of sections offered Fall 2009 48 1 Spring 2010 87 2 Fall 2010 48 1 Spring 2011 93 2 Fall 2011 40 1 Spring 2012 90 2 One can see that the enrollment figures are higher in the spring semesters, but that is because we offer two sections of the course instead of one. The second item to notice is the numbers are consistently quite high, with the exception of Fall 2011. The average number of students per class is 45.1. No action needs to be taken for this PSY-41 course as it consistently attracts students to enroll in it. As this is an elective course, we do not need to offer more sections than we are already doing. 6|Page The enrollment data for the past 3 years (2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012) for PSY-42 (Psychology of Women) are harder to evaluate as we have less data to work with. Here is the information: Semester # of students enrolled # of sections offered Fall 2009 0 0 Spring 2010 0 0 Fall 2010 44 1 Spring 2011 0 0 Fall 2011 33 1 Spring 2012 0 0 One can see that this course has only been offered twice in the past 3 years and not since then as the adjunct faculty member who was instrumental in its co-creation and who taught the course for us retired. It is unclear why the enrollment for Fall 2011 was lower than the enrollment for Fall 2010, but it may have been due to the competing number of PSY courses we offered that semester which resulted in pulling students away into other PSY courses instead. Our total enrollments for PSY in Fall 2011 was 1588 students (our second highest in the 3 year span). The average number of students per class is 38.5. Two actions are recommended to assist PSY-42. First, we need to find another excellent instructor to commit to teach this course. We do have a possible person who has expressed interest. However as our offerings have been cut back in the most recent years, we have not pursued this option very hard. Second, we need to work to attract a greater audience to this course as it tends to fill more slowly than our other PSY courses. This may happen if we offer it at a more popular time (rather than in the evenings) during the day. SUCCESS 3. Review the success data. Describe and analyze any patterns or anomalies that you notice. What do you make of these patterns or anomalies? What actions should be taken to ensure continuous improvement? In reviewing the success data for the past 3 years (2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012) for PSY-41 (Psychology of Human Relations) the following was found: PSY-41 College Semester Success Rate Success Rate # of sections offered Fall 2009 90% 69% 1 Spring 2010 69% 66% 2 Fall 2010 90% 71% 1 Spring 2011 60% 70% 2 Fall 2011 68% 69% 1 Spring 2012 86% 67% 2 The range of success rate for PSY-41 is very wide (from 68-90%) in comparison to the success rate of the College overall (from 66-71%). In 2 out of 3 semesters, the times we offered 2 sections of the course had the lowest success rates (60 & 69%). This may be due to the addition of the evening section where students generally do not perform as well. When we offer a single section only, it is offered during the morning time. Another reason the numbers may vary so greatly is there was a different instructor for the day versus the evening sections. One possible suggestion to ensure continuous improvement is to have the day instructor also teach the evening section. This would allow greater consistency 7|Page throughout the course. The second interesting piece of data is that in 4 out of 6 semesters, PSY-41’s success rate was higher than the Colleges and in 3 out of those 4 the rates were significantly higher (90% vs. 69%; 90% vs. 71%; and 86% vs. 67%). With greater consistency in instruction, it is predicted the success rate will continue to exceed the Colleges’. In reviewing the success data for the past 3 years (2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012) for PSY-42 (Psychology of Women) the following can be reported: PSY-42 College Semester Success Rate Success Rate # of sections offered Fall 2010 77% 71% 1 Fall 2011 64% 69% 1 Again with less data, it is harder to interpret the findings. In Fall 2010, the success rate for PSY-42 exceeded the Colleges’ (77% vs. 71%), but for Fall 2011, it fell below the Colleges (64% vs. 69%). Both of these sections were offered in the evening and it will be interesting to see if the results might be higher if we offered the course during the daytime instead. Once the new instructor comes aboard, it will be easier to make comparisons. DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES 4. Describe the demonstrated effectiveness of the program over the past several years with levels and trends of achievement data, such as degree and certificate completions/awards. For the past 3 years, the number of A.A. degrees earned in Psychology has been impressive and we are very proud of this trend. When compared against our entire college for A.A. degrees with a single majors (for example, excluding Liberal Studies), we rank #1 out of 15 other majors. This reflects the high interest in Psychology as a major across the U.S. as well as the strength of our own program and faculty. This is the summary of the data from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO): Academic Year # of A.A. Psychology Graduates 2010-2011 40 2011-2012 38 2012-2013 29 Total is 107 graduates It is unclear why the numbers of graduates have been going down in this 3 year trend (very slightly between 2010-2011 vs. 2011-21012; but more substantially the foll0wing year). Although we did create an A.A.-T Psychology degree that may now be competing with our A.A. degree that may explain the discrepancy. As the A.A.-T psychology degree is so new, we have not had anyone graduate with that degree yet, however it is anticipated that this will be a more popular choice as the requirements are fewer and most of our Hartnell College graduates tend to transfer to the California State University system, rather than the University of California system. Our first class of graduates who may earn the A.A.-T degree in Psychology will be in 2013-2014. It will be interesting to examine the next 3 years of graduation rates with this in mind. We may also consider those with a Liberal Studies degree with an emphasis on Psychology as benefitting from our program. However as the Liberal studies degree is presented as an entire whole and is not broken down by emphases, we are unable to discern how many exactly are from Psychology. Although it is likely a large number of them based on what is announced verbally annually at each Hartnell College Commencement ceremony. At this time, there are no recommendations for improvement as we have an excellent program that is at the #1 ranking overall for the A.A. degree in the single major category. 8|Page B. TEACHING MODALITY Not Applicable (N/A). Neither PSY-41 nor PSY-42 are taught as Distance Education courses. They are only offered as face to face classes at this time. 1. Enter the number of Distance Education Courses, both fully online and hybrid sections, along with the number of full-time and adjunct faculty. Term No. of DE/ Online Sections No of Hybrid Sections Fulltime Faculty Adjunct Faculty 2. Compare student success in the DE teaching environment with success in the faceto-face teaching environment in the same course. Are there differences? To what do you ascribe the differences in your program? Discuss any other relevant factors regarding diverse teaching modalities and environments, such as specific locations. [Begin response here] N/A 3. Describe the process to change and improve student success in DE courses/sections in your program, and any other relevant factors regarding diverse teaching modalities and environments, such as specific locations. [Begin response here] N/A 9|Page C. CURRICULUM Complete the following tables pertaining to courses scheduled for review. Courses scheduled for review during AY 201314 as previously specified Faculty member(s) responsible for coordinating (a) Was the course reviewed and (b) taken through the curriculum process? Date of approval (or anticipated approval) by Curriculum Committee PSY-14 PSY-41 PSY-42 Carol Kimbrough Carol Kimbrough Yoshiko MatsushitaArao Yes Yes Yes February 20, 2014 February 20, 2014 February 20, 2014 Courses scheduled for review during AY 201415 PSY-6 PSY-8 PSY-12 10 | P a g e Faculty member(s) responsible for coordinating Yoshiko MatsushitaArao (Lyn Lanka) Yoshiko MatsushitaArao (Lyn Lanka) Carol Kimbrough (Patrizia Ahlers) Target semester and year—Fa 2014 or Sp 2015 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Fall 2014 D. OUTCOMES Use your Program Outcome Maps to assist you in this subsection. As you plan your course assessments, keep the higher level program outcome in mind. While course level assessment serves the purpose of examining the teaching and learning for that particular course, it also provides the data that will be viewed collectively for assessment of the associated program level outcomes. PROGRAM LEVEL OUTCOMES 1. Please complete the following tables. List Program level outcome(s) scheduled for assessment as previously specified PLO #1 (for AA-T): Differentiate between scientifically derived knowledge vs. pseudoscience within the field of psychology What changes have occurred in the program/discipline as a result of dialogue? Will change our PLOs so both the A.A. and A.A.-T degree programs match. List Program level outcome(s) scheduled for assessment in AY 14-15 Have your course level SLOs needed for this program level outcome been assessed or scheduled for assessment? They have been assessed and will be re-assessed. PLO #2: Apply knowledge of basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretation. Was the Program Outcome Assessment Summary completed? Yes. 2. Describe how program level outcomes were specifically addressed by the program/discipline during the past year. For example, were data gathered at the course level? Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the discipline faculty engage in discussion? Were any interventions conducted? Are there any plans to make changes to certificate/degree programs or improvements in teaching and student learning? 11 | P a g e The Program Learning Outcome #1 for the AA-T degree was assessed using the PSY-8 (Research Methods in Psychology) course by adjunct faculty member, Mrs. Lyn Lanka. Data was gathered at the course level as this is a single section course. A comprehensive summary of the results, analysis, and recommendations have been placed on the ‘R’ drive at (R:\Student Learning Outcomes\Program Level Assessment Reports\Social and Behavioral Sciences\Psychology) and can be found in the PDF file named “PSY-8, PLO #1 (Spring 2014)”. However as we are going to change the PLOs for our AA-T degree program to match the ones from our AA degree program, this particular PLO will be deleted. The 4 PLOs from our AA degree that we will use instead from now on include the following: PLO #1: Demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology. PLO #2: Apply knowledge of basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretation. PLO #3: Use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and the scientific approach to solving problems related to behavioral and mental processes. PLO #4: Apply psychological principles to personal, social, and organizational issues. 12 | P a g e CORE COMPETENCIES 3. Describe how Core Competencies were specifically addressed by the program/discipline during the past year. For example, were data gathered at the course level? Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the discipline faculty engage in discussion? Were any interventions conducted? Are there any plans to make changes to courses or improvements in teaching and student learning? The Core Competency that relates most closely to our discipline is the Critical Thinking (CT) competency. None of the other competencies seem to match with our area. We will be gathering data from some of our courses to support this competency. Data has not been compiled yet, but this is in progress. COURSE LEVEL STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 4. Please complete the following tables. List courses scheduled for SLO assessment as previously specified PSY-6 PSY-15 PSY-14 PSY-25 In what term was the course assessed? Fall 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall ’13 & Spring 2014 Was the Course Assessment Summary Report completed? Yes Yes In progress In progress PSY-41 Fall ’13 & Spring ‘14 In progress List courses scheduled for SLO assessment in AY 2014-15 PSY-8 PSY-12 PSY-22 PSY-30 Faculty member(s) responsible for coordinating Yoshiko & Lyn L. Carol & Patrizia A. Yoshiko & Carol Yoshiko & Jeff K Target semester and year—Fa 2014 or Sp 2015 Fall 2014 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2015 5. Describe course level assessments results and how they will influence your plans moving forward. For PSY-6 (Social Psychology) the first assessment of SLOs was conducted in Fall 2013. The results clearly show that the students were able to recall information which was recently covered, but were unable to recall material covered towards the start of the semester. This would suggest that students would benefit from more rigorous content reinforcement and perhaps more frequent examinations. For PSY-15 (Human Sexuality) we collectively agreed to do an intervention in Fall 2013 with all of 5 our class sections and re-assess using the same quiz we used in Spring 2011 to see if 13 | P a g e there would be any differences in the results. The intervention was to conduct a class exercise where we break students up into groups to research the 6 areas that were most challenging on the first assessment measure (quiz). The students would then summarize and orally present the information to the whole class. Students were given the topic areas, not the specific questions. After the oral presentations, the original quiz was administered. For even more information, please refer to the data for PSY-6 and PSY-15 SLOs located on the R drive. As we are currently completing assessments and results for PSY-14 (Child Psychology), PSY-25 (Developmental Psychology: Lifespan), and PSY-41 (Psychology of Human Relations), it is premature to make any recommendations. 6. Describe assessment activities that need to be strengthened or improved. What are the challenges to achieving these improvements? For PSY-6 (Social Psychology) the assessment activities suggest that further evaluative techniques could benefit the students in their learning outcomes. More specifically, it was recommended that area content which had been covered at the start of the semester was more difficult for the students to recall. Therefore further efforts towards revisiting topics and greater exam review would help the students to perform a higher level in the future. The results for PSY-15 were somewhat useful and meaningful as our students' are performing better than they were before. However, we still need to discuss how to make them perform even better. A second issue is we are aware that we are comparing scores from students in 2 completely different semesters, so it is impossible to determine if the intervention was truly successful or if the Fall 2013 students were brighter or more prepared than those in Spring 2011. A third issue could be the difference in instructors. We have 1 instructor who did not teach for us in Spring 2011, and she currently teaches 2 of the sections. We also lost 1 instructor due to medical leave. Because of the above, it is unclear how successful this intervention really was. The recommendation we made was to continue to use the intervention but do it next time within the same semester to better measure a pre-test vs. post-test result. We will in the future, conduct a pre-test early in the semester, target the challenging areas, conduct an intervention, and re-assess using the same test within the same semester. As there are several sections of PSY-15 offered every semester, staying consistent can be an issue. There may be a move as a department to standardize some chapter quizzes for us all to use in every class to help gain some internal consistency. As we are currently completing assessments and result for PSY-14 (Child Psychology), PSY-25 (Developmental Psychology: Lifespan), and PSY-41 (Psychology of Human Relations), it is premature to make any recommendations on what areas need to be strengthened or improved yet. 14 | P a g e E. PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES This subsection focuses on activities that were previously scheduled. An activity can address many different aspects of your program/discipline, and ultimately is undertaken to improve or enhance your program/discipline, and keep it current. Activity scheduled What success has been achieved to date on this activity? What challenges existed or continues to exist? Will activity continue into AY 14-15? Will activity continue into AY 15-16?* 1. 2. 3. * For each activity that will continue into AY 2015-16 and that requires resources, submit a separate resource request in Section III. 1. Evaluate the success of each activity scheduled, including activities completed and those in progress. What measurable outcomes were achieved? Did the activities and subsequent dialogue lead to significant change in student learning or program success? Not applicable. No previously scheduled activities were planned other than what we have stated above for our discipline. 15 | P a g e III. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN This section must be completed for ALL academic programs, whether scheduled for annual or comprehensive review in spring 2014. A. NEW ACTIVITIES This subsection addresses new activities for, and continuing new activities into, AY 2015-16. An activity can address many different aspects of your program/discipline, and ultimately is undertaken to improve, enhance, and or keep your program/discipline area current. A new activity may or may not require additional resources. Activities can include but are not limited to: NEW CURRICULUM FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROGRAM OR SERVICE GRANT DEVELOPMENT AND PROPOSALS FACULTY AND STAFF TRAINING MARKETING/OUTREACH ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPPORT OPERATIONS FACILITIES 1. List information concerning new projects or activities planned. Please keep in mind that resources needed, if funded, would not be approved until spring 2015 and provided until FY 2015-16. Ongoing activities involving resources that will no longer be available from grant funds starting FY 2015-16 must be planned for appropriately. Activity 1. 3 faculty meetings with those working on SLOs, PLOs, etc. Strategic Plan Goal(s) No. & Letter (e.g., 5A)* 5A Innovatio n& Relevanc e for Programs & Services Related Courses, SLOs, PLOs, or goals Desired Outcome(s) Resources Needed Person Responsible Dependent on the courses that are being assessed Increase communicat ion & completion of tasks on a timely basis Minimum of 3 hours faculty time; possibly paper for assessment ; scantron & item analyses for results Yoshiko &/or Carol 2. 3. 4. 5. * See Appendix A for a list of the 11 goals in the college’s Strategic Plan. 16 | P a g e Estimated Date of Completion (can be more than one year in length) Each semester as needed Comments *** Please complete this page for each new activity. *** 2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the program/discipline. Consider: Faculty Other staffing Facilities Equipment (non-expendable, greater than $5,000), supplies (expendable, valued at less than $5,000), Software Hardware Outside services Training Travel Library materials Science laboratory materials a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support. We are continuing to advocate for the hiring of 1 full-time Psychology and Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) instructor who can teach in both disciplines and serve as the program supervisor for AOD. There is clearly a need in both disciplines (PSY and AOD) for full-time faculty to be responsible for more of the load in both programs. PSY has one of the highest enrollment and retention rates of any discipline at the College so we generate a great deal of FTES. In PSY this semester, only 17% of our courses are taught by a full-time faculty member, while in AOD, 0% of the courses are taught by a full-time faculty member. One of our full-time faculty members due to having other important College responsibilities (examples: Curriculum Committee chair, supervisor of the Crisis Counseling Service, and likely Academic Senate President) may not get to teach any of the courses in PSY for the next 2 years. This would mean that we would only have 1 full-time faculty member teaching. Having full-time faculty members allows for greater stability and consistency for our disciplines and there is greater contribution to the College and community as a whole. b) Describe how this activity supports any of the following: 1) Core Competency 2) Program level Outcome 3) Course level Outcome 4) Program/Discipline Goal 5) Strategic Priority Goal As our adjunct faculty members have not always been compensated for their work in assessing these outcomes, there is sometimes little incentive to do them. Full-time faculty members are held responsible and accountable for this work getting done. With the large number of courses as well as sections we offer in PSY and AOD, we would have greater consistency if we had more of the courses taught by a full-time faculty member who could share the load. 17 | P a g e c) Does this activity span multiple academic years? YES NO If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity. No, not once we successfully hire the faculty member. Time frame for hiring is recommended within this academic year 2014-2015 so the new faculty member can begin teaching by Fall 2015. d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success. Greater amount of assessments can be conducted with the addition of another faculty member. We will also keep track of how our enrollment, retention, and success rates change (we anticipate improve) as well as graduation numbers in PSY. e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity? The main barrier is the College not deeming this as a priority and therefore not funding our recommendation even though our data clearly supports it. 18 | P a g e B. RESOURCE REQUESTS If new/additional resources are needed for your program/discipline, it is important that you identify them and project their cost, and that these resources and costs be considered through the College’s integrated planning (governance, budget development, funding decision making, and resource allocation) processes. A resource is likely to be something needed to support an activity that you have identified in IIIA. above, in which case you must link the resource with a specific activity number (first column below). ). All resource requests completed in the various columns of a specific row must be linked to the new or continuing activity numbered on the first column of that Activity No. 1. Hiring of FT PSY & AOD Instructor Personnel Classified Staff/ Faculty (C/F/M)* Faculty Supplies/ Equipment (S/E)** Technology Hardware/ Software (H/S)*** Contract Services Training Travel Library Materials Science Labs Projected Costs $75, 000 (estimate) salary 2. 3. 4. 5. same row. A resource could also be something necessary for your program/discipline to function properly to improve student learning, such as updated equipment in a classroom; in such case be sure to note that the resource is NOT tied to a specific activity. * Personnel: Include a C, F, or M after the amount to indicate Classified Staff, Faculty, or Manager. ** S for Supplies, E for Equipment. If additional supplies, for example, are needed for ongoing activities, this should be requested through the budget rollover process. *** H for Hardware, S for Software. 19 | P a g e APPENDIX A. Strategic Priorities & Goals (from Hartnell College Strategic Plan 2013-2018) Priority 1: Student Access Goal 1A: Hartnell College will provide higher education, workforce development, and lifelong learning opportunities—with seamless pathways—to all of the college’s present and prospective constituent individuals and groups. Priority 2: Student Success Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success. Goal 2B: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment that addresses and meets the diverse learning needs of students. Priority 3: Employee Diversity and Development Goal 3A: Hartnell College is committed to 1) increasing diversity among its employees; 2) providing an environment that is safe for and inviting to diverse persons, groups, and communities; and 3) becoming a model institution of higher education whose respect for diversity is easily seen and is fully integrated throughout its policies, practices, facilities, signage, curricula, and other reflections of life at the college. Goal 3B: To attract and retain highly qualified employees, Hartnell College is committed to providing and supporting relevant, substantial professional development opportunities. Priority 4: Effective Utilization of Resources Goal 4A: To support its mission, Hartnell College is committed to the effective utilization of its human resources. Goal 4B: Hartnell College is committed to having its physical plant, furnishings, and grounds maintained and replaced in a planned and scheduled way to support learning, safety, security, and access. Goal 4C: Hartnell College will maintain a current, user-friendly technological infrastructure that serves the needs of students and employees. Goal 4D: Hartnell College is committed to maximizing the use and value of capital assets, managing financial resources, minimizing costs, and engaging in fiscally sound planning for future maintenance, space, and technology needs. 20 | P a g e Priority 5: Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services Goal 5A: Hartnell College will provide programs and services that are relevant to the realworld needs of its diverse student population, while also developing and employing a culture of innovation that will lead to improved institutional effectiveness and student learning. Priority 6: Partnership with Industry, Business Agencies and Education Goal 6A: Hartnell College is committed to strengthening and furthering its current partnerships, in order to secure lasting, mutually beneficial relationships between the college and the community that the college serves. 21 | P a g e