FEBRUARY 2015 66 Main Street South, Brampton, Ontario L6W 2C6

66 Main Street South, Brampton, Ontario L6W 2C6
Telephone: 905-451 - 1020 Fax: 905-451-0161
Paul Roul
A. Magalhaes
Council Chair:
D. Medeiros
Sue Steer
(905) 890-1221
Trustee: Ward 3
Anna Podesta– da
(905) 890-1221
(905) 706-5679
Parish: St. Mary
Catholic Church
66A Main Street, South
Brampton, Ontario L6W
2C6 (905) 451 - 2300
Fr. Liborio Amaral,
Fr. Vargas Lara
(Associate Pastor)
Fr. Augustine Chan
(Associate Pastor)
Then go to Elementary
Schools and click on St.
Mary Catholic School
Lent Prayer
Blessed are you, Lord our God,
Creator of the universe
and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ:
In obedience to his command and his example,
we begin this time of penance and of prayer.
Let these ashes from Ash Wednesday be a sign that we are turning
away from sin
and that we are ready to live
a new life with Jesus and with you.
Destroy the power of sin in our lives,
and bring us ever closer to you.
Blessed and praised are you,
God of Mercy
through Jesus Christ your Son
in the love of your Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever.
Our Liturgical Season of Lent begins with the
distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday
(Wednesday, February 18th) and continues until
Easter. This is a time of remembering Christ’s
love and His giving of Himself for us. During
our six weeks, the morning readings encourage
us to say “yes” to God and “no” to our own
selfishness. We can make a fresh start too, and
try to keep in touch with God, to be less selfish
and more generous. What Lenten promises will
you and your child(ren) try to follow? The
emphasis should be on doing things for Jesus,
rather than simply on giving things up.
Our school community will once again continue
the important commitment to our Catholic
charity of Share Life and encourage everyone to
support our activities (i.e. Cupid-A-Thon) as best
as they can. We look forward to our Lenten
journey together, a strengthened and renewed
faith in God’s will.
May the Holy Spirit bless you and your family
during this Lenten season.
The month of February will focus on the
virtue of RESPECT. God has given us the virtues
of friends and companions to keep us company
and to help us out along the way.
Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God
– and so every person is our brother or sister
through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who
share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God.
We all deserve to be shown courtesy,
consideration, sensitivity and thoughtfulness,
which are different ways of saying respect.
That respect should come first and foremost from
ourselves. We have to respect our selves and
then we will be able to respect others. We should
also be able to expect to be treated with respect
by everyone we meet – our brothers and sisters in
Through prayer and concentration, we can get
better at respecting ourselves as well as
respecting those around us.
A respectful person …
 Treats himself/herself and everyone else
with equal consideration and courtesy
 Avoids swearing, name-calling, putdowns, and inappropriate gestures
 Uses a positive tone of voice and body
 Says “Excuse me”, “Please”, “Pardon
 Avoids gossip
Monday, February 16, 2015 is a holiday and there
are schools are closed for the holiday
Celebrating Black History
February marks the beginning of Black History
Month. The Ontario Black History Society
(OBHS) is the organization in Canada that
successfully initiated the formal celebration of
February as Black History Month with the City
of Toronto (1979), the Province of Ontario in
1993, and the entire country passed in December
1995, effective February 1996. Classroom
activities will focus on the recognition,
preservation and promotion of the contributions
of Black peoples and their collective histories
through education, research and cooperation.
We look forward to enlightening the students as
we continue to treasure the diverse individuals
who have graced the pages of our history
throughout the world.
Spirit of God
In the month of appreciating
The Gift of your children of African descent
May we be inspired to see your kingdom’s
In the facet of the jewel
Of our Human Family’s descent.
Fr. Clarence Williams, CFFS
Valentine Card Sales:
This year we will be selling Valentine cards at the
cost of 10 cents each. Sales will begin on
Wednesday, February 4th and continue until
Tuesday, February 10th. Students can purchase
Valentine cards for family members, friends and
staff. Valentine cards will be delivered to the
classrooms on Friday, February 13th.
St. Mary Catholic School will host a Share Life
Cupid-A-Thon on Friday, February 13th. Students
are asked to contribute at least a $2 donation for
the Cupid-A-Thon. These donations will be collected
daily from Wednesday, February 4th until Thursday,
February 12th.
PJ Day – March 5th, 2015
The St Mary annual PJ Day will be held on
Thursday, March 5th 2015. This literacy event
will focus on the importance of reading on a
regular basis for pleasure. The students are
encouraged to wear their PJ’s to school on that
day, ensuring to stay warm and prepared for
outside recess, to celebrate literacy. All classes
will visit the library for a story, read by a guest
speaker, and have an opportunity to share a
cookie and hot chocolate with friends. We are
looking forward to this exciting event.
Pizza slices are available for purchase every
Wednesday for $1.50. All orders must be in with
attendance, if your child is late on Wednesday,
please make sure they have a lunch as additional
slices will not necessarily be ordered. The School
Council uses the profits for a variety of school
related activities.
We still have students arriving at the school prior
to supervision time. Please note that teachers are
on supervision duty 15 minutes before the start of
the school day. For safety reasons we ask that
DO NOT drop your child off at the
school prior to 8:15 a.m. Students are not
allowed in the school prior to 8:15 a.m. or after
3:00 p.m. unless they are under the direct
supervision of a teacher.
Now that the cold months have arrived and snow
and ice are plentiful, a reminder of our safety
policy is warranted. Throwing snowballs and
sliding on ice are NOT allowed. We have had
several injuries this past month simply because
these rules are not being followed.
As much fun as snow and ice are, they can also be
very dangerous when there are many people in one
area. Most student injuries happen during the
winter months. In order for our school to be as safe
as possible, the school rule must be that snow
stays on the ground – no snowballs, kicking
snow or any other activity with snow and ice that
could be harmful. Please take a few moments to
reinforce these important safety rules with your
Teachers, students and parents can visit this site for
web links and other online support for Nelson
Mathematics K-8 at www.nelson.com
Indoor Shoes
Winter is upon us! To keep students warm and
comfortable, please ensure your child has a
pair of “indoor shoes”. This is also a safety
request. In the event of a fire alarm, all
occupants must vacate the building regardless
of the weather (without time to put on boots or
outdoor shoes).
School Safety….
We continue to remind our students about school
safety. Students are reminded on a regular basis
that there is to be no physical contact, i.e.
pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking and punching.
What can be viewed as playing can result in
students getting hurt. We realize that in most
cases, children do not mean to hurt other
children; however, because of physical contact,
students can get seriously hurt.
continuous reminders, we are trying to prevent
this from happening. We ask for your continued
support to remind your children to play with
others without physical contact.
Bus Cancellations/School Closing Due To Bad
During the winter months inclement weather
may cause disruption of bus transportation and
regular school operations. A decision to cancel
school transportation and/or close schools is
usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced
on various radio and television stations – please
see information below.
Please Note: When buses are cancelled in the
morning the buses are cancelled for the entire
day. No buses will be picking up students after
school if buses have been cancelled earlier in
the day.
Virgin Radio FM 99.9 CFNY Fm 102.1/AM640
FM Z103.5
CHIN FM 100.7/AM1540
FM Q107
School Council meeting
The St. Mary Catholic School Council Meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday February 11, 2014 in
the Library. All parents are encouraged to attend.
Dates for School Council Meetings – 2014-2015:
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2014
Feb 3rd – Report Cards go home
Feb 5th – National Sweater Day
Feb 5th – Interview night
Feb 6th – Interview Day – No School for students
Feb 13th – Cupid-A-Thon
Feb 13th – Hot Dog Day
Feb 16th – Family Day (No School)
Feb 17th – Shrove Tuesday
Feb 18th – Ash Wednesday
March 5th – PJ Day
March 16-20 – March Break (No School)
 Math Insert
 Thank you letter