Child and Adolescent In-Take Child Identifying Information Name: Date: ___/___/___ Ethnicity/National Origin: Gender: Male Age: Birthdate:___/___/___ Birth Place: Child’s School: Grade: Parent Identifying Information Father’s Name: Father’s Address: Phone: Place of Business: Occupation: Mother’s Name: Mother’s Address: Phone: Place of Business: Occupation: Household Information Child Lives With: If parents are divorced are separated, how old was child at the time?: If natural parents are deceased, how old was child at the time?: How did the child react to either of the above?: Are languages other than English regularly spoken in the child’s household?: Yes Has the family moved during the child’s life?: Yes No From: To: No What language(s)?: Please list: Child’s Age Grade Female List the name(s) of the child’s brother(s) and sister(s): Brothers’ Name: Age: Grade: Step/Half: Sisters’ Name: Grade: Step/Half: Age: Who is the child closest to: List below others who live with the family or who have lived with the family during the child’s lifetime: Name: Age: Relationship: Social Adjustment of Child Describe the child’s relationship with mother and father: Does the child have behavior issues at home?: Is the child more or less of a problem than brother(s) or sister(s)? More Less Check the items below which describe disciplining of child: Strict More strict than that used with other siblings Lenient More lenient than that used with other siblings Generally, how does the child respond to discipline?: Does the child participate in any children’s groups? Yes No Brownies or Cub Scouts Religious Groups Scouts Community Activities 4-H Other Sports (List: ) Check the child’s present major interests: Listening to radio or iPod Watching television Books or magazines Collecting things Internet or computer Taking care of pets Other (List: Telling stories/jokes Building or making things Drawing or coloring pictures Playing video games Playing by him/herself Playing with others ) On the basis of your observation, check any of the following which best describe your child: Talks constantly Dislikes meals Active Curious Easily upset Easily discouraged Healthy Good humored Selfish Slow of movement Patient Learns slowly Seldom completes a task Helps at home Not much help at home Imaginative Learns easily Finishes tasks Upset by criticism Takes criticism Enjoys his/her meals Feels inferior Prone to fight with playmates Easily injured Shows concern over his/her personal safety Restless, overactive Never talks to others Gets along with playmates Looks forward to going to school Talks only when necessary Resists going to bed Dreads going to school Aggressive, hostile Wants his/her own way Cannot control temper Can dress and care for him/herself Lacks self confidence Has child attended any sort of camp or spent vacations away from parents?: Yes Describe the child’s behavior: What hobbies has the child had?: What are his/her favorite TV programs?: Health History Were there complications with pregnancy?: Yes Were there complications with birth?: Yes No Explain: No Explain: During infancy did child experience any of the following?: Allergies Difficulty in digesting solid food Frequent crying Poor sleep habits No At any stage has the child appeared awkward, clumsy, or otherwise uncoordinated?: Which hand does the child prefer?: Right Yes No Explain: Left List any childhood diseases and serious injuries the child received and ages at which these occurred: Disease/injuries: Age: Yes Does child have any physical disabilities that might interfere with his/her learning, playing, etc? No Explain: Does child have any difficulty in speaking (such as mispronouncing words, stuttering, etc.)?: Yes No Explain: Does child have any hearing difficulties?: Yes No Does child have a vision problem?: Yes No Check any of the following experiences of your child now or in the past: Upset stomach Seizures Nightmares Bed wetting Other (List: ) List any medications the child is taking: List any previous counseling your child has received: School History Pre-school?: Yes No Has child changed schools frequently? : Kindergarten?: Yes Yes No Has child been absent from school for long periods?: Yes No Age when entered 1st grade: In what grades?: No In what grades?: Reasons: Yes No Any problems in reading?: Yes No Explain: Yes No Explain: Failed any grades?: Any problems in math?: Which grades?: Describe your child’s attitude toward school: What school activities does your child like the most?: What school activities does your child like the least?: Does he/she enjoy reading?: Yes No What types of books does he/she read?: General Information Describe any major difficulties the child is having now: At home: At school: With other children: When were you aware that the child difficulties?: Other comments: Intake Completed By: ___________________________________ Date: ____________