08 May 2016

08 May 2016
Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the
branches. . .” John 15:5
Our Youth
*** LifeTeen/EDGE Programs***
Upcoming Events:
*** Last Call – registration forms in the office or contact
Yolanda at: paduayouth@gmail.com Retreat includes lunch,
dinner, door prizes, music and lots of fun!
Steubenville TO-2016 (July 22-24) Registration will be closing
soon. If hesitating, don’t delay this awesome experience.
Grades 9-12 contact Yolanda at: paduayouth@gmail.com
Edge Nights: Fridays, 6:30-8:30pm. Come join us.
St. Joseph’s Room at St. Anthony’s
Saturdays, 5-9pm. It’s never too late to join.
Starting with 5pm Mass, then St. Joseph’s Room
Wed., May 18th is our first Ultimate Frisbee practice from 6:30-8:30pm in the
field behind St. Anthony’s School. Grade 9’s starting in Sept., can join us.
Tutoring Program:
Every Saturday, from 3:00PM to 4:00PM. Please have your children come.
Note: More Volunteer teachers are always needed – please see Fr. Joseph.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Ascension of the Lord
8:15a.m. people of St. Anthony Parish
Maria Santos
11:00a.m. Angela Anastasi & Maria Sena
Rosina Bartucci
Monday, May 9, 2016
Norberto C. Tan
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
9:00a.m. Bridget & Stephen O’Sullivan
Norah Mount
Jerome Peddle
Candido delaCruz
Duarte Henriques
St. Anthony – in Thanksgiving
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Working wonders for boys with a unique camping
Having completed his teaching degree, Francis is still involved at
Camp Ozanam, where he is presently the Director of
Counselors. “I still love working here - most of my best friends have
come from this community and it’s great to introduce my students to
Ozanam and see them falling in love with it the way I did. As a
former camper and staff member, I feel like I have a complete
picture of the camp, and try to make sure today’s campers and staff
enjoy the same formative experiences that I went through.” Last
year, ShareLife-supported Camp Ozanam provided a unique
camping experience for 600 boys from underprivileged homes
in the GTA.
Helen Kaleta
Sydney Butcher
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Sts. Nereus & Achilleus; St. Pancras
9:00a.m. St. Anthony in thanksgiving - the
Crow family
Friday, May 13, 2016
Our Lady of Fatima
9:00 a.m. Caterina & Eugenio Moscon
Saturday, May 14, 2016
St. Matthias
9:00a.m. Fr. Lewis 41st anni – thanksgiving
Madan David
Next ShareLife Sunday is May 29, 2016
Please give generously. You can work wonders!
Pray for the sick:
Knights of Columbus – Rose for Life campaign
Weekend of May 14/15 – Pick a rose lapel pin after Mass and
show your support for life. Donations accepted.
PLEASE! Obey the Fire/Emergency Route and the One Way
designation on church property.
Peter Ramos
Paul Lyttle
Fareeda Mongrue
Maria Luigia Facchini
Baby Kaeden Steele
Christopher Anam
Lenny Naluz
Edwina Fraser
Leona King
Maria Ancona
Ron Mattison
David Anam
baby Kaeden
The Catholic Women’s League at St. Anthony’s invites all ladies of the parish to join us
on May 9th for a Tocara Jewelry Show following our regular meeting at 7 pm.
This is an opportunity to get to meet other ladies in the parish, and purchase some jewelry for you or
for gifts. Also the Tocara representative is a parishioner, so we’ll be supporting her as well.
Refreshments will be served. We hope to have many of you join us. Feel free to invite your friends.
May is the month of devotion to the Blessed
Virgin Mary. Please pray the Rosary with your
family. Pray for peace in the world and pray for
St. Anthony of Padua parish.
Feast of St. Anthony of Padua ….
and our 40th Anniversary of our parish!
Sunday 12 June 2016 12:30pm Mass
Our parish will have the outdoor Mass and procession
with the statue of St. Anthony of Padua around the church
grounds. Free lunch will be served after the Mass.
Thursday June 16, 2016 at 7:00pm
Parish Mission
By Father Thomas Rosica, C.S.B.
Fr. Thomas Rosica, C.S.B. is a Canadian Catholic priest and
he is the Chief Executive Officer of Canada’s Catholic
Salt+Light Television network, and frequent national
newspaper columnist. He holds advanced degrees in
Theology and Sacred Scripture from Regis College at the
Toronto School of Theology, the Pontifical Biblical Institute in
Rome and the Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Francaise de
Fr. Rosica will come to St. Anthony of Padua Church on June
16th to give a Parish Mission on the Holy Year of Mercy. All
are welcome!!
Birthright Brampton wishes all mothers a
very Happy Mother’s Day! Our organization
does not receive any government funding
because of our Pro-Life status. Please give
generously so that we can continue to help mothers and save babies. “It is the
right of every pregnant woman to give birth…and the right of every child to
be born.”
Adoration Lamps
Tuesday, May 10th
Carl Mendes
Cost of lamps $20
in remembrance
The Holy Family statue will
be welcomed in the home
of Rose Gomez and family
for the upcoming week.
The statue must be
returned to the church by
noon on the following Saturday. For
St. Anthony of Padua parishioners to
receive the Holy Family statue in your
home, please call the church office.
Totus Tuus is coming!
All young people of the
parish are invited to join us
for Totus Tuus (Latin for
Totally Yours) this summer
from August 7-12, 2016.
Totus Tuus is an archdiocesan program
whereby seminarians and college students
travel throughout the summer spreading
the Good News of our Lord through
confession, songs, games and more! The
grade school program, for children
entering grades 1-6 (JK and SK are also
invited), runs from Monday - Friday from
9 a.m.–2:30 p.m., and the junior high/high
school program runs
Sunday-Thursday from
7–9 p.m. The cost is only
$65.00 for the day program
and $15.00 for the evening
**Please note that extended childcare is
available at no additional cost.
Church Property Committee
Fr. Joseph is looking for parishioners
who have experience with
construction, engineering,
architecture, maintenance, project
management, etc. to form a
committee who can offer advice. Our
church building is now almost 40
years old and repairs are inevitable.
Please contact Fr. Joseph directly at