Document 14318944

St. Kevin School
Through Him, with Him, in Him, we Learn …..
103 Malta Avenue
Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4C8
Phone: 905-450-0571
Fax: 905-450-1113
St. Mary’s Church
Pastor: Fr. L. Amaral
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Pastor: Fr. A. Chilmon
Newsletter #2
October 11, 2012
Prayer for Thanksgiving
O God of Love
We thank you for what you have given us to enjoy
October 2012
For healthy minds and bodies,
For love, for family, for friendship, for every gift of happiness.
We praise you for those that help us by their example and encouragement,
Especially those who dedicate their lives to the cause of peace and love.
St. Mary
Our Lady of Fatima
Sat. 5 PM,
10:00 & 12:00
8 Thanksgiving 9
Pizza Day
Virtue Assembly
We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Avril Metivier
Zina Venditti
Principal’s Message
Rekindle in the hearts of all people the longing for peace
Sat. 6 PM ,Sun. 8,
10:30 & 12:15 AM
Sun. 8:30 AM,
by the way we live our lives in loving others.
And the courage to build it into our lives.
Help us to make their sacrifice worthwhile
26 Pizza Day 27
Thank you to staff, parents and students in making the month of September
go by smoothly. Currently we have 337 students at St. Kevin. Our Open
House/BBQ was a huge success. Thank you to all who attended. A special
thank you to our School Council who organized the event. Our Opening
School Mass, celebrated by Father Liborio, was on September 26th. Our
first Virtues assembly will be on October 5th; Mrs. Limarzi’s class will present
the virtue of Empathy. A reminder that if you have not registered your child
for First Communion or Confirmation, contact St. Mary’s Church as soon as
possible. Our Intermediate Volleyball teams and our Cross Country team
are practicing for their upcoming tournaments. Our Breakfast Club will continue to run on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning October 16th at 8:10
a.m. All are welcome. The staff at St. Kevin value your involvement in your
child’s education. Please communicate with your child’s teacher and check
the agenda daily. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me
at school.
Liz Kazimowicz
Anna da Silva
Brampton Wards 1,3,4
(905)890-0708 Ext 20154
Heather Strati
School Council Chair
Father Liborio Amaral
Parish Priest
Movie Night
Picture Re-Take
Day –November 6
Catholic District
School Board
Page 2
The Virtue for October is Empathy
People of Empathy…
Can understand and name their feelings
Care about other’s feelings
Listen carefully to others
Listen for clues in tone of voice
Watch expressions and body gestures for
Notice when someone is upset
Can see and respect how others look at things
Know that others may feel differently about
things than they do
Respond generously to help others
Student Safety / Security:
For the safety of all, students are not permitted to
return to the school or to their classrooms after
dismissal at the end of the day. After hours entry
to the school is by Board-approved permit only.
The night Custodians cannot allow parents and/or
students into the building.
Page 3
Medical Alert-Anaphylactic Shock – Peanut
Terry Fox
Fire Drills / Lockdown
This year, as in the past, we continue to have
some students with severe life threatening food
allergies to NUTS (PEANUTS). This is a medical
condition that causes a severe reaction to certain
allergens and can result in death within minutes.
Although this may or may not affect your child’s
class directly, please send foods with your child to
school that are free from peanuts or nut products.
We strive to keep all our students safe. Please
feel free to contact your child’s teacher if you have
any concerns or questions. We thank you for your
co-operation and attention to this health watch.
On September 28, 2012, we had our Terry Fox
walk. St. Kevin, along with many other schools in
Dufferin-Peel, have helped keep Terry’s dream
alive. Thank you to Mme. Maamari for organizing
the event and to the students and staff for their
Throughout the year, school personnel review
safety procedures with students on a number of
topics. Emergency evacuation drills are conducted
to ensure that everyone is aware of the procedures to follow in order to exit the building safely.
In the event of an unforeseen emergency situation, students and staff will evacuate to Fletcher’s
Creek Senior Public School.
Picture Re-take Day
All students are expected to dress appropriately
for weather conditions and to go outdoors for recess. Please ensure that your child has a pair of
boots for the winter months. For many children, a
spare pair of socks, gloves or clothing may save
you a trip to the school. In the event of inclement
weather or extreme cold temperatures, students
will be kept indoors. During recess, supervision is
restricted to the playground areas. If your child is
not well enough to participate in outdoor recess,
they may not be well enough to be at school. During the lunch hour, all students who stay for lunch
are expected to remain at school, and all students
who go home for lunch are expected to go home
every day. If there is a change in the regular lunch
hour procedure for your child, parent/guardians
are asked to provide the teacher with a note explaining the change. A consistent procedure will
make the lunch hour less confusing for your child.
Picture Day will be Friday, November 6, 2012.
School Council
Co-Secretary-Grace Tesolin
Our St. Kevin Hallowe’en tradition is Black
and Orange day. Costumes may be worn
to school on that day; however, they must
be appropriate. Costumes should be worn
over regular clothes. Face masks, play
swords, lasers and other items that may be
considered dangerous are not allowed.
Please do not bring food items to
school. Have fun and enjoy the day.
Treasurer-Terri Cormier
Report Cards
Co-Treasurer-Stephanie Rowe
Progress report cards will go home on Tuesday,
November 6th.
Interviews will be held (as
needed) on Thursday, November 8th. First term
report cards will go home Tuesday, February 5th,
2013 with interviews on Thursday, February 7th in
the evening. Final reports will go home on Tuesday, June 26, 2013.
School Agendas
As you know organizational skills are imperative to
the success of a child in school. To assist in this
process, school agendas were handed out to children in Grades 1-8. Your child is responsible to
record their homework , important dates, teacher
notices and so on in their agendas. The agenda
is also an excellent communication tool between
the teacher and the parent. We are asking that
you, as a parent, check your child’s agenda on a
daily basis and initial.
We ask that you drop your children off in the
church parking lot. Please drive slowly and be
careful of students crossing. Cars may not enter
the school property from 8:15 to 8:30 AM and from
2:45 to 3:15 PM, as they pose a danger to staff
and students entering and leaving school. Please
share this information with others who may be
dropping off or picking up your children.
Please make sure $5.00 has been submitted.
Entry and Exit
Chair-Heather Strati
Teachers will be reviewing with their students
which doors to enter and exit. Students are asked
to use the assigned doors for their entry and exit.
We ask that parents meet their children outside
the fenced area.
Secretary-Jenifer Gouvis
The Lunch Bench
OAPCE Rep-Cathy Rice
Please place your child’s lunch on the bench and
record the name and grade on the clipboard.
Please ensure that your child’s name is on the
lunch container. We are encouraging healthy
lunches. To limit the number of students in the hall
unsupervised, the office will call down the students to pick up their lunch.
Newsletter #2
Newsletter #2
Our first council meeting was held on Monday,
September 24th. At this meeting, the following positions were filled:
Parish and Community Rep-Marian Jayasundra
Teacher Rep-Teresa Ricciuto
Non-teacher Rep-Jay Thomas
Congratulations to all. Our next council meeting is
Thursday, October 25th at 6:30.
Movie Night
Join us in the gym to watch “Brave” on Friday,
Oct. 26th! Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Show begins
at 6:15 p.m.
In the near future, students and staff will discuss
and practice procedures that will be implemented
in the event of an emergency lockdown situation.
We will have 3 fire drills in the fall, 3 in the spring
and 1 lockdown drill in the fall and 1 in the spring.
Book Challenge
Our grade two class is having a 200 Book Challenge. Mrs. Giesen and her students are going to
read 200 books each by Christmas! Join us in our
exciting challenge!
Student Insurance
As required by the Education Act
and the Ministry of Education, the
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board annually provides
parents with information about costeffective student insurance coverage via student courier. Although enrolment is
voluntary, the Board encourages parents to take
advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage
especially if your child participates in sports, excursions/field trips, or if parents do not have dental
insurance coverage. Enrolment in writing is required. Parents alone have the right to insure their
Birthdays are announced each day and students
come down to the office to be congratulated and
receive a special pencil. We are unable to host
birthday lunches and/or classroom parties. As
indicated previously, we ask that you not send
food items to school.
Medical Concerns
If your child has any medical concerns, please
make sure you have completed the REACT form.