Dates to Remember: January 2011

St. Julia Catholic Elementary School
6770 Historic Trail, Mississauga, Ontario L5W 1J3 905-795-2706 or fax: 905-795-9096
Volume: 5
Issue: January 11, 2011
Dates to Remember: January 2011
P. Nichols
Vice Principal
T. De Vellis Carino
C. Child
S. Fragomeni-Jones
Mississauga Brampton
L. Kazimowicz
Trustee Ward 6 & 11
P. Ferreira
St. Joseph Church
5440 Durie Road
Fr. Marc-Andre Campbell
School Hours
Start: 8:45 a.m.
Lunch: 11:45 to 12:45
Dismissal: 3:15 p.m.
Attendance Verification
905-795-2706 press 1
School Council Meeting 7:00 pm
All Welcome
Babysitting course begins for 7 weeks
during lunch hour in the Library
French Immersion (Gr. 1) & Extended
French (Gr. 5) Info meetings—see inside
for full details
PA Day—No School
Information Meeting on 1st Reconciliation
for Parents of Grade 2 students at
St. Joseph Church 7:30 p.m.
CCSAC Meeting at 7:00
Gr. 8 Parent Evening at St. Marcellinus
Virtue of Self-Control
Dear God,
You have done such a marvelous job of
creating us and the world around us.
Sometimes life is easy … sometimes life is
We know that you do not want us to
We come to you now asking for the grace 20
and strength to keep a sense of self-control.
We hope that by remaining calm in the mid- 25
dle of difficult situations, we can contribute
to making our school a safer, more caring 26
and more inclusive community.
May your virtue of self-control help us to
make decisions that serve the good of all
your People—in our families, neighborhoods
and school community.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, your son,
who lived to show us your way.
A person with self-control …
Is patient
Knows how to wait his/her turn
Can calm him/herself down and think
before reacting to situations
Knows how to avoid physical aggression
(hitting, kicking, pushing, fighting etc.)
Can think things through and do what is
best for everyone
Junior Hockey Tournament @ Erin Mills
Twin Rinks
School Council Presents Michael Reist How
Boys and Girls Learn Differently
Swiss Chalet Celebrity Server Evening
Family Literacy Day
February 2011
1st Term Reports go home with Conference
times confirmation notes
Grade 8 Grad Photos—Lifetouch
Interview Evening
PA Day—No school
K Registration—see inside for details
Snow date for K Registration
K Registration during the day
K-Gr. 3 Little Red Theatre Presentation
School Council Meeting 7:00—all welcome!
Gr. 6-8 Free the Children Presentation
Family Day—No school
Junior Science Olympics at San Lorenzo
Safety at St. Julia School
First Term Report Cards and Reporting
We consistently remind students of safety in the yard during
our public announcements and through our assemblies. Students are well aware that rough play, contact games, shoving
and pushing, ice/snowball throwing, kicking snow at students
and sliding down hills or snow bank are not permitted in the
school yard. It is greatly appreciated if you could spend some
time discussing the seriousness of these activities with your
Report cards will be send home with all students in grades 1 to 8 on
Tuesday, February 1. Junior and Senior Kindergarten students do
not receive a formal report card at this time. A request for
Teacher/Parent/Students conferences will be sent home to all
parents of students in Junior Kindergarten to grade 8. Parents
are asked to complete and send the conference form back to the
classroom teacher so an interview time can be arranged. You will
receive confirmation of the schedules interview with the report
card. Interview times have been set aside for the evening of
Thursday, February 3 and all day Friday, February 4. We look forward to discussing your child's progress with you.
It is important that students come to school on time on a daily
basis. Yard supervision begins at 8:30 and the bell rings at
8:45. Students who are late for school need to get a late slip
from the office.
Anaphylactic Shock
Visitors/Parents in the school must report to the office and
sign in. We ask that all volunteers and visitors to the school
wear a visitor/volunteer sticker so they can easily be identified by staff and students.
Please inform the school office if your address or phone numbers have changed. It is important that we always have an up
to date list of all emergency phones number in the event we
need to contact you. Also, it is greatly appreciated when you
make a call to the school 905-795-2706 press #1 to let us
know that your son/daughter is absent or late.
Phone calls during school time
The office often gets requests from students to make phone
calls home to ask parents to bring forgotten items such as
running shoes, agendas or textbooks/homework. We are reinforcing with students that it is their responsibility to bring all
necessary items to school and to arrange in advance their out
of school activities. Students will not be given permission to
use the phone to make such calls. Also, please make after
school arrangements with your children prior to school. We
make every attempt to minimize interruptions to classes.
Dates to mark on your calendar:
Friday, January 14 – P.A. Day
Teachers will be working on Term 1 Assessment
and Evaluation of pupil progress.
Friday, February 4—P.A. Day
Monday, February 21—Family Day
No school on these days
Farewell and Welcome
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing
Trustee, Luz del Rosario for her four years of service to the
St. Julia community. Her dedication and commitment to Catholic Education was evident in her continued support of our many
events. We wish Luz all the best in her future endeavors. A
warm welcome to Peter Ferreira our newly elected Trustee.
We look forward to working with Peter and building a strong
Please be aware that there are several pupils in school with a severe
life-threatening food allergy (anaphylaxis) to peanuts and nuts.
This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to certain
allergens and can result in death within minutes. Although this may
or may not affect your child’s class directly, please send foods with
your child to school that are free from peanuts or nut products.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Internet Safety
Many students use the Internet as a communication tool. They are
using ―hot mail‖ to send and receive messages. At times, students
receive messages that are lewd or are sent with an intent to harass or
threaten. Listed below are some online Internet safety tips that you
may want to refer to when discussing Internet use at home with your
Get to know the Internet and any services your child uses. If
you don’t know how to log on, get your child to show you. Have
your child show you what he or she does online and become familiar with all the things that you can do online.
Set reasonable rules and guidelines for computer use by your
children. Discuss these rules and post them near the computer
as a reminder. Remember to monitor your children’s compliance
with these rules, especially when it comes to the amount of time
your children spend on the computer.
Be sure to make this a family activity. Consider keeping the computer in a family room rather than the child’s bedroom. Get to
know their ―online friends‖ just as you get to know all of their
other friends.
Helpful website
The Door that’s not Locked website is a comprehensive, easy-to-use
website that raises awareness about all the things kids are doing
online, the risks associated, as well as tips and safety strategies to
keep them safe. Based on the results of a nationwide parent survey, presents the information parents are
All-Star Reading
We are currently looking for All Star Reading coaches to work one on one with students. If you are able to help students during the
day, on a regular basis with flexible times that work for you we would like to hear from you, please call the school office at your earliest convenience.
School Council Presents …
Boys and Girls Learn Differently.
Parents please mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 25 at 7 p.m. Parenting expert Michael Reist, a
teacher with over 27 years experience in the classroom, will be talking to us about how boys and girls learn differently. He is a frequent speaker at local parent groups and education conferences
across Canada where his workshops on gender differences and learning have drawn large crowds and enthusiastic responses.
Michael’s work has been featured on CBC, TV Ontario, Today’s Parent Magazine, The National Post and the Toronto Star. This
is a FREE event for parents paid for by our Pro Grant money from
the Ministry. Please let the front office know if you plan to attend
Reading—Lunch hour drop-in in the Library
On Tuesdays and Thursdays students may use their reading pass provided
from the Classroom Teacher to spend 20 minutes reading quietly in the
library during the lunch hour.
Reading—D.E.A.R. Drop Everything and Read
To further encourage the love of reading at St. Julia all students will
participate in DEAR during January and February.
8:45 to 9:05
12:45 to 1:05
2:25 to 2:45
(announcements to follow)
Extended French Information Meeting
so we can set out chairs and refreshments.
Grade 4 parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5
Extended French class for September 2011 are invited to attend an information meeting at St. Therese of the Child Jesus, 6930 Forest Park
Drive on Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
French Immersion Information Meeting
Intramurals is starting at St. Julia School! Students in the Primary
and Junior grades who have signed up will have the opportunity to play
indoor Soccer during lunch recess. Intermediate students are able to
drop in and participate from 11:45-12:05 or help coach the younger
students. The schedule is as follows:
Monday & Friday Primary Soccer
Wednesday Junior Soccer
SK parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 1 French
Immersion class for September 2011 are invited to attend an information
meeting at St. Gertrude School, 815 Ceremonial Drive on Thursday,
January 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Please note: at the present time, the above mentioned schools are the
designated centre for our area. More details information will be available
at the meetings.
Swiss Chalet
We are excited to present our new partnership with Swiss Chalet Restaurant at 6970 Financial Drive by participating in the CELEBRITY
SERVER EVENT. On Wednesday, January 26 students in Mrs. Laratta’s class will have the opportunity to be our first CELEBRITY SERVERS. They
will follow the Swiss Chalet server and help serve the guests, clean table and most importantly serve their own family and friends! All St. Julia families are welcome to enjoy dinner from 6-8 pm. Come and join us if you can and help make this a great evening for all! We hope to extend this event to
each class in the Junior and Intermediate divisions during this and the coming years.
Don’t forget to bring in your Swiss Chalet sale receipts and place them in the box which is located in the front hallway. 10% of all the sale
receipts collected from the Financial Drive location will be donated back to the school.
2011-2012 Kindergarten Registration
There will be an information session for parents of children with special needs such as vision, hearing, physical, developmental or autism who are
entering JK or SK in September 2011. The information session will be held at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board—Catholic Education
Centre Room 301 on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 from 7:00-8:30. Parents are also reminded to register their child here as our school office
as soon as possible in order to plan a successful entry for September 2011.
2011-2012 School year will be held at all Dufferin-Peel Catholic Elementary Schools on the following dates:
Monday, February 7, 2011—7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Snow date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011—7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
February 9, 10 and 11 from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. & 1:00—3:00 P.M.
Parents/Guardians should bring the following documents when registering their child:
Proof of age of the child (birth certificate or passport)
2. Original Roman Catholic Certificate (for parent/guardian and child) or Baptismal Certificate of other rites in communion with the Holy See of
Rome (if the child has not been baptized, a letter of counseling with the parish priest, to complete the process will be accepted).
3. Update immunization records
4. Proof of Canadian Citizenship or Landed Immigrant status
5. Proof of home address (utility bill, bank or credit card statement).
Thank you to those parents/guardians who have signed up to have their
Newsletter delivered electronically. (ONE FORM PER FAMILY)
I would like to have the Newsletter e-mailed to me at the following:
Current e-mail address: ____________________________________________________________
Parent Name: ________________________Child(ren) name(s):_______________________________________
Grade 2—1st Reconciliation
Reminder: Information Evening on Reconciliation for Parents of Grade 2 students at St. Joseph Church on January 18 or 25 at 7:30
PM (It is mandatory that you attend one meeting if your child will be making their 1st Holy Communion this year.
Bus Cancellation due to Inclement
When weather conditions are bad, parents are asked to listen to
the local radio stations for announcements of transportation services being withdrawn and/or possible school closures. Announcements can be heard on CFRB, CHUM, CKFM, CHWD, CHIN, CFNY,
CHAY, CKHW, CFTR, CJCL, CJMR, CBC. The message usually
takes the following form: “all buses for the Peel District School
Board and the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board have been
If the announcement states that it is only the Dufferin Section of our board, then this does not apply to our area.
Listen for ―Peel District” which is our area. Dufferin County
and Caledon are not our areas.
Students dropped off by parents must be picked up by parents or have other arrangements in place for their return
trip home at 3:15 p.m.
There are 2 websites you can check for up-to-the-moment
bus cancellations:
Healthy Tips
Head Lice
Head lice are tiny (1/8 of an inch) dark coloured insects that crawl
quickly but do not fly or jump. They live on the hair, eyebrows and
eyelashes of humans. Head lice cannot be spread between animals or
pets and humans.
Head lice are NOT a health hazard as they do not transmit disease
or illness. Anyone can get head lice. It has nothing to do with being
dirty or clean.
You may notice your child itching or scratching their head and neck.
Check for tiny white or grey coloured eggs called nits.
Nits may look like dandruff stuck to the hair shaft however, they
are difficult to remove.
Notify any close contacts and your child’s school if you find live lice.
Information about chemical treatments are available from your pharmacist, doctor, and the Region of Peel – Public Health.
Only treat your child if you can see live head lice.
Historical Understanding of Catholic Education
You can choose to remove nits from the hair after treating, though
this is not necessary.
What sacrifices did Catholics have to make to send their
children to separate schools?
Do a second treatment 7 days after the first one to make sure any
newly hatched lice are also killed.
Because the United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West
roughly had consisted of member advocating non-denominational
common school and half were in favor of them, separate school legislation, for about fifteen years, contained 4 obstacles to their
A) Catholics could establish and support a separate school, but
had to continue paying common school taxes. Thus, they paid
tuition for their children in the separate school;
B) The separate school had no permanence of existence. If the
local common school board hired a Catholic as one of its teachers, then the separate school ceased to exist. Separate
schools kept opening and closing in the early years;
C) In the cities the separate school board required the permission
of the common school board to open a new or an additional
separate school. Sometimes the permission was not forthcoming.
D) The legislation required twelve Catholic heads of family resident within a city, town or township common school section.
The townships’ common school sections were so small that often there were not twelve resident Catholic families.
Were these four obstacles removed?
Yes. The United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West in
1853, 1855 and 1863 removed all four hindrances. There was no
more double taxation. It did not matter if there was a Catholic
teaching in the common school. The separate school board did not
need the permission of the common school board to open a new or
additional separate school. The number of Catholic heads of family
to establish a separate school was lowered from twelve to five. As
a result, the number of separate schools grew considerably.
Tips for parents
Be sensitive to your child’s feelings. Many parents and children may
feel embarrassed.
Avoid sharing combs, brushes, hair accessories or helmets.
Tie back long hair. Head lice are transmitted from one person to
another by head to head ( hair to hair) contact.
The Green Team
Mr. Pritchard's Grade 5 class has assumed the role of Green
Team this year at St. Julia. They are responsible for the monitoring and collection of the recycled materials in the classroom.
The students are educating their peers about the recycling
programs in Mississauga, and trying to encourage St. Julia students, staff and community to be conscientious about what we
buy and bring to school. Thanks to the School Council for the
Green Team T-shirts. They look great! The team is planning an
informational assembly in the second term and an event for the
spring around Arbor Day. As we move towards becoming an ecoschool in the coming years, please consider using reusable containers for lunch and a BPA free reusable water bottle.
Interesting Fact: 75% of all recycled plastic bottles end up
in the landfill because the lids are left on. Please remember to
remove the lid before putting a water bottle in the blue bin.