St. Julia Update PD DAY Reminder Monday, April 11

St. Julia Update
Week of April 4-15, 2016
Upcoming Events
Lunch Moms every Monday & Thursday
Pizza lunches every Tuesday
Sub lunches every Friday
** New Sub orders start April 1, 2016
Monday, April 4- Junior Hockey Tournament @ St. Timothy
Monday, April 4- Grade 7 & 8 Confirmation classes @ 9 am
Tuesday, April 5- Grade 7 Ballroom dancing
Tuesday, April 5- School Council meeting @ 7 pm. All parents
are welcome to attend.
Wednesday, April 6- Youth Ed officer visits classrooms
Thursday, April 7- The Incredible speediness of Jamie
Cavanaugh presentation for Grades 5-8 in pm
Friday, April 8-Rosary Apostolates visit classrooms
Monday, April 11-PA DAY, no classes for students
Tuesday, April 12- Grade 7 Ballroom dancing
Wednesday, April 13- Year End Mass @ St. Joseph’s Parish @
10 am
Friday, April 15- Virtue of Love assembly @ 2:30 pm
On Thursday, March 31, 2016, the St. Julia Chess Team
participated in the Mississauga Brampton Central Chess
Tournament at St. Gertrude School. Five students were chosen
from the Primary and Junior divisions to participate in this
competition. The students showed enthusiasm and great
school spirit throughout the entire tournament. Ms. Kerrigan
and Ms. Cicak would like to thank all team members for their
hard work and dedication. Congratulations on a job well done!
Team members are: Andrew L., Nonso A., Patrick D., Stephen Z.,
Lukasz B., William L., Matthew G., Braeden T., Ricky N., and
Ikenna A.
PD DAY Reminder
Monday, April 11th
No classes for students
Easter Prayer
God of hope,
Resurrected Christ,
Spirit of new beginnings,
May we be blessed by the touch of Spring:
Rain falling from the heavens,
Washing us clean,
Telling us that life is sacred.
May we be blessed by the sight of Spring:
Flowers breaking through Winter’s crust,
Telling us that life is beautiful.
May we be blessed by the sound of children
Playing in the garden,
Shouting with happiness,
Telling us that life is joyful.
May we be blessed by the taste of Easter eggs,
Hidden and then found,
Telling us that life is sweet.
May we be blessed by memory
This Easter time:
Of loved ones,
Of loved places,
Telling us that your love is always here.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus.
The health department has sent out notices to all
students whose immunizations is not up to date. If you
received a letter from the health department, please
ensure that you provide them with all the updated
information by the end of May.
Our energetic Walking Crew is ready to greet our lovely
spring weather each morning and all those students
who make the effort to walk to school. You will be
greeted by music, cheers and even get a stamp for your
walking card so you can be entered into our draw for
great prizes such as water bottles and t-shirts. It was a
long winter so let’s get out there and enjoy our
beautiful spring especially by walking to school or
walking to your bus!!
As the warm weather approaches we would like to remind
students that they are expected to dress in a manner and
attire suitable for the occasion and appropriate to the
school environment. Students must wear full length T-shirts
with a sleeve (no muscle shirts or cut off T-shirts are allowed
for regular classes or gym wear) and logos that promote a
positive school climate are allowed. Shorts are allowed
provided they are modest.
In the interest of student safety, pupils are asked not
to bring the following items into the school yard:
skateboards, roller blades, scooters, baseball bats and
hard utility balls. Also, we remind students about safe
practices during recess times such as: no contact sports
or play fighting, soccer playing on asphalt using soft
utility balls only and reporting problems to teachers
rather than taking matters into their own hands.
Encouraging Growth Mindset
Changing your words can change your mindset…
Do Say
Don’t Say
I can’t do it yet, but I will!
I can’t do this!
What can I do to improve my work?
My work is fine the way it is.
I’m going to try my best!
I’m going to get a bad mark.
This is going to take some time.
This is too hard!