St. Julia Update Week of February 15-26, 2015

St. Julia Update
Week of February 15-26, 2015
Upcoming Events
Lunch Moms every Monday & Thursday
Pizza lunches every Tuesday
Sub lunches every Friday
Monday, February 15 - Family Day, No classes
Tuesday, February 16 – Grade 6 RAID presentations
Wednesday, February 17- Grade 7 Ballroom dancing
Thursday, February 18- Grade 6 RAID presentation
Thursday, February 18 – Jr. Girls bball tournament @ St.
Friday, February 19 – Jr. Boys bball tournament @ St.
**Saturday, February 20- Family Skate Day
Tuesday, February 23- School mass @ 10 a.m.
Tuesday, February 23 – School Council meeting at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, February 24 – Wear Pink Day for Anti
Bullying Awareness
Thursday, February 25 – Math Mania @ Our Lady of Peace
This Lent...........
Give up complaining.....focus on gratitude.
Give up pessimism...become an optimist.
Give up harsh judgments...think kind thoughts.
Give up Divine Providence.
Give up full of hope.
Give up bitterness......turn to forgiveness.
Give up hatred.....return good for evil.
Give up positive.
Give up more patient.
Give up pettiness.....become more mature.
Give up gloom.....enjoy the beauty that is all around you.
Give up jealousy....pray for trust.
Give up gossiping.....control your tongue.
Give up sin.....turn to virtue.
Give up giving up....hang in there!!!!!
During the month of February students at St. Julia will discuss, learn about and recognize the many
valuable contributions made by African Canadians and African Americans. St. Julia students will be made
aware of individuals such as Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks.
Our Intermediate hockey team participated in the 8th annual All Saints’ hockey tournament. The
team demonstrated great team work and excitement throughout the two day tournament.
Congratulations to the team for finishing in second place! Thank you to the coaches, Mr.
Monahan & Mr. Turner
On Tuesday, February 2 our Youth Faith Ambassadors represented St. Julia at The Mississauga Brampton
Central Family of Schools retreat. They were commissioned in their role as Youth Faith Ambassadors, in
a very special Eucharistic Celebration and Commissioning Ceremony. The mass took place at St. Francis
Xavier Secondary School. The students participated in faith filled activities throughout the day. The
mission of the Youth Faith Ambassadors is to give honor and glory to God through service. Students
continue to better their own faith development by bettering their communities through service and an
active, living faith. Thank you to all who participated.
The office often gets requests from students to make phone calls home to ask parents to bring forgotten
items such as running shoes, agendas or textbooks/homework. We are reinforcing with students that
it is their responsibility to bring all necessary items to school and to arrange in advance their out of
school activities. Students will not be given permission to use the phone to make such calls. Also, please
make after school arrangements with your children prior to school. We make every attempt to minimize
interruptions to classes
Please continue to abide by the speed and traffic signs around the school area. Many students walk
home from school and it is important that cars are always aware that students are walking on the
sidewalk or crossing the road. Thank you for working with the school to put student safety first.
Just a reminder that that there are pupils in school with a severe life threatening food allergy
(anaphylaxis). Please do not send any food products to school for sharing.
Congratulations to the Science Olympics team who took first place in Bridge Building at the MBC
Science Olympics competition. A special thank you to Mr. Morrice. Congratulations to our engineers
in the making!
RAID tips:
Positive ways to handle stress:
Talk to someone
if you have a problem bottled up inside, the stress builds up.
Organize your time
use your agenda to help you
Get adequate sleep
you need 8-10 hours of sleep for your body to recharge
Watch what you eat
try more fruit, vegetables and healthy snacks, avoid sugar and caffeine
Learn to relax
swim, read a book, deep breathing exercise, take a nap, walk your pet, take a bath. Discover what
relaxes you!
Tips from the Gr 6 RAID Peel Regional Police Officer
Pancake Tuesday Thank-You
Pancake Tuesday was a big success this past Tuesday. A BIG thank you to everyone who supported the event,
 Bobby’s Hideaway for providing the batter to us at cost and mixing it up for us too.
 The Manning family for sponsoring the cost of the batter.
 The Fabrizi family for picking up the batter, returning the containers at the the end of the day and running
home to mix up some extra batter when we were running out.
 The Menezes, Romanelli and Zaffino families for donating the supplies needed such as foil trays, tin foil and
cooking spray.
 Our anonymous donor for supplying all of the utensils, plates, napkins and syrup for the pancakes.
 All of the volunteers who helped flip pancakes and lent their griddles for use that day, namely: Mr. Jarvis,
Ms. Cortez, Mr. Cinapri, Ms. Vilarinho, Ms. Horska, Ms. DiGiovine, Ms. Vertolli, Ms. Chiera, Ms. Selva, Ms.
Romanelli, Ms. Fabrizi, Ms. Secnik, Ms. Flores, Mr. Pisani, Ms. Vivilecchia, Ms. Menezes, Ms. Bersinic, Mr.
Ferrao and Ms. Runstedler.
 And to the office staff for the many things they coordinated including setting up the stations, parking for
volunteers and providing coffee.
 Thanks to the students, $777.75 was collected and will be donated to Share Life.