ME 2570 Mechanics of Materials Fall 2015 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Time: Room: M,W,F D 115 Textbook: R.C. Hibbeler, Mechanics of Materials, 9th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2013 Prerequisite: ME 2560 Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Office Phone: e-mail: Dr. Dennis VandenBrink F 247 M,W, F 10:30 a.m.-11:20 a.m., 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. 276-3440 Grading: 4 Tests @ 19% = 76% Attendance = 5% Final Exam = 19% Total = 100% 92.5% - 100% 87.5% - 92.5% 82.5% - 87.5% 77.5% - 82.5% 72.5% - 77.5% A BA B CB C 67.5% - 72.5% 60.0% - 67.5% 0.0% - 60.0% DC D E Class Rules: All necessary diagrams and calculations must be clearly shown on all graded work in order to receive full credit. No makeup exams will be given. If you know that you will miss an exam for reasons beyond your control, let me know and I may give you an exam early. If you miss an exam for reasons beyond your control, those points will be added to the final exam. Homework assignments for each lecture are given on the schedule sheet. You are responsible for working these problems. I will take questions about the homework at the beginning of each class period, but no homework will be collected. Attendance will be taken each day using a seating chart. The seat that you take on the second day of class will be your seat for the entire semester. I will give each student one unexcused absence, then you will lose one percentage point for each day you are absent without an excuse. If you know of days that you will be absent for an acceptable reason, please let me know ahead of time. If you miss class due to sickness, please notify me as soon as possible. These notifications should be made via email and may be subject to verification. If there is a question about the grading of any problem, you must raise the issue before the next class period after receiving the grade. The final exam will be comprehensive. You are responsible for making yourself aware of and understanding the University policies and procedures that pertain to Academic Honesty. These policies include cheating, fabrication, falsification and forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity and computer misuse. (The academic policies addressing Student Rights and Responsibilities can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog at and the Graduate Catalog at If there is reason to believe you have been involved in academic dishonesty, you will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. You will be given the opportunity to review the charge(s) and if you believe you are not responsible, you will have the opportunity for a hearing. You should consult with your instructor if you are uncertain about an issue of academic honesty prior to the submission of an assignment or test. In addition, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Conduct, the Registrar’s Office or Disability Services for Students to access the Code of Honor and general academic policies on such issues as diversity, religious observance, student disabilities, etc. ME 2570 Mechanics of Materials R.C. Hibbeler, Mechanics of Materials, 9th Edition, 2013 Lecture Chapter Sections Homework Topic 1 1 1,2 1-6,9,15,25 Method of Sections, Internal Forces 2 1 3,4,5 1-36,43,51,62 Stress, Stress from Axial Load, Direct shear 3 1 6 1-71,72,78,84 Factor of Safety, Allowable Stress, Design 4 2 1,2 2-4,13,18,29 Normal and Shear Strain 5 3 1,2,3,4,6,7 3-10,11,24,26 Mechanical Properties of Materials 6 4 1,2 4-2,3,7,14 Stress & Deformation of axially loaded members 7 4 4 4-33,36,43,47 Statically indeterminant axial members 8 4 6 4-68,76,81,119 Thermal effects on axial members 9 5 1,2,3 5-8,15,19,31 Shear stress in cylindrical torsion members 10 5 4 5-51,53,59,72 Angle of Twist 11 5 5 5-78,81,86,88 Statically indeterminant torsion members 12 5 6,7 5-104,114,116,118 Torsion of noncircular and thin walled sections 13 6 1 6-5,6,8,18 Shear and Moment diagrams 14 6 2 6-19,34,39,40 Shear and Moment diagrams 15 A 1,2,3 Handout #1 Centroid and Moment of Inertia 16 A 4 Handout #2 Principal moments of inertia 17 6 3,4 6-49,50,54,59 Bending stress in beams 18 6 5 6-109,114,116 Unsymmetric bending 19 7 1,2 7-2,10,21,24 Shear stress in beams 20 7 3 7-38,39,42,47 Shear flow in built up cross sections 21 8 1 8-1,4,8,12 Thin wall pressure vessels 22 8 2 8-22,38,62,68 State of stress for combined loading - 2D 23 8 2 8-42,49,57,63 State of stress for combined loading - 3D 24 9 1,2,3 9-7,8,15,17 State of stress transformation equations 25 9 4 9-52,54,59,64 Mohr's circle 26 9 4 9-65,66,74,76 Combined state of stress & Mohr's circle 27 9 5 9-79,83,88,91 Mohr's circle for 3D states of stress 28 11 1,2 11-2,7,9,13 Design of Beams 29 12 1,2 F12-3,12-10,27 Deflection in beams by integration 30 12 1,2 F12-1(f),12-6,18,20 Deflection in beams by integration 31 12 5 12-84,86,87,89 Deflection in beams by superposition 32 12 9 12-118,119,122,124 Statically indeterminant beams - superpostion 33 12 9 12-123,125,130,131 Statically indeterminant beams - superpostion 34 13 1,2,3 13-19,24,26,38 Buckling of elastic columns, Euler's Formula