1. SPED 3700/5700 Chapter 1 3. 27

SPED 3700/5700
Chapter 1
Definitions and Characteristics
27th Annual Report
U.S. Department of ED (2007)
Number of Children Ages 6-21 (Fall, 2003)
27th Annual Report
U.S. Department of ED (2007)
Percentage of Students served by Race/Ethnicity for ED
27th Annual Report
U.S. Department of ED (2007)
% of Children Ages 6-21 Served in Different Educational Environments
Pull-in/Pull-out Regular Class/Regular School
26th Annual Report Michigan 90.62%
27th Annual Report Michigan 95.97%
26th Annual Report United States 81.94%
27th Annual Report United States 96.07%
Separate Facilities
26th Annual Report Michigan 9.37%
27 Annual Report Michigan 4.03%
26th Annual Report United States 18.13%
27th Annual Report United States 3.92%
Children with Mental Illness (2001)
From the Surgeon General
1 in 10 children suffers from Mental Illness
Fewer than 1 in 5 children receive treatment
Overtreatment vs. Under
Long Waits to see Professional
Average age of treatment is 10
2/3 of youths in Juvenile Detention Centers have a psychiatric disorder
E/BD Facts
4x more males than females
Girls more likely to be underidentified
Girls more likely to warrant services outside of school
High rate of teen pregnancies
High rate of failing classes/grades
Lower reading levels
Fail competency exams at a higher rate
High drop-out rate-low age out
High absenteeism
High rate of substance abuse
Higher rate of living with a single parent
E/BD Characteristics
Poor peer relationships
Low academic achievement
SPED 3700/5700 Chapter 1 Notes
Short attention span
14. A Historical Perspective
Deviance Defined
15. Political and Social Issues
Services Provided
16. Political and Social Issues
Variation of individuals’ tolerance ranges for behavior
Differences in the theoretical models from which professional operate
Differences in terminology associated with emotional problems
Sociological parameters of behavior
Concomitant Disorders
Definition (Federal)
1. A condition exhibiting one or more to the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a
marked degree, which adversely affects educational performance:
a. An inability to learn which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors
b. An inability to build and maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers
c. Inappropriate types of behavior and feelings under normal circumstances
d. A general pervasive mood of unhappiness of depression; or
e. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal and school problems.
2. The term includes children who are schizophrenic. The term does not include children who are socially
maladjusted unless it is determined that they are emotionally impaired.
Proposed Changes
E/BD are identified when the behavioral or emotional responses of the individual are so different from his or
her generally accepted, age-appropriate, ethnic, or cultural norms as to result in significant impairments in
self-care, social relationships, educational progress, classroom, behavior, or work adjustment
Learners with depression, anxiety disorders, ADHD, or other sustained disturbances of conduct or adjustment
are all included in E/BD
E/BD are more than a transient, anticipated response to stressors in the individual’s environment and persist
despite individualized intervention and/or modification in the educational environment.
Multiple sources of data must be used to determine eligibility. The disorder must be exhibited in at least two
different settings and at least one of which is educational
Internalizing and Externalizing
What difference does it make?
Table 1.1 Variables of Disordered Behavior (p. 15)
Students identified EBD are predominantly male, likely to be African American, between 8-17, and with a
family annual income under $12,000 a year
15-25% of the population is female
Half of all lifetime mental illnesses begin by age 14
Parent report problems by age 6 or 7
Early identification is considered 8 or 9
Social and Behavioral Characteristics
Multiple Problems
Extensive history with multiple service agencies
20-50% incarcerated juvenile offenders have a mental disorder
Intellectual and Academic Functioning
Majority fall within the low-average range on intelligence measures
School Failure
SPED 3700/5700 Chapter 1 Notes
All Areas
Teacher survey-17% of students with EBD had little or no academic curriculum and 33% given general
education curriculum with minor modifications and 50% with some modifications
Language Characteristics
Language performance measures are not an integrated part of the comprehensive assessment process for
students with EBD
American Institute of Research suggested 50% of all children with EBD have a coexisting language disorders
(language processing and pragmatics)
Post-School Outcomes
Over 60% of students identified with EB D drop out of high school
70% will be arrested within 3 yrs of leaving school
Three years post school-unemployed, have been arrested, and do not live independently
15% live in jails or mental health facilities
“Students with EBD who are not effectively educated pose personal, social, and financial costs not only to
themselves but also to their families and society in general” p. 22
EBD Teachers
Teachers of students with EBD are among the least qualified special education teachers
Lack of preparation
Greater Stress
High teacher turnover
Demographically-more males greater racial diversity, younger, and less experienced
Table 1.2
SPED 3700/5700 Chapter 1 Notes