1. Chapter Five Learning Disabilities  Largest Disability Category

1. Chapter Five Learning Disabilities
 Largest Disability Category
– Label is less offensive
– Increased number of students who are unable to participate and succeed in
the general education curriculum
2. LD
 Student with LD do not learn the same way or as efficiently as those without
the disability
 Possess normal intelligence
 Perform below their classmates academically
 There is no single explanation the cause of how it might be corrected
3. History
 Term first coined in 1963 by Sam Kirk
 Programs were first started for elementary age students
 Secondary programs did not begin until the end of the 1970s
4. Prevalence
 Since 1977 the prevalence of LD has increased dramatically and the
prevalence of speech or language impairments and mental retardation have
decreased substantially
5. Questions
 Are children without disabilities being identified
 Are underachievers being identified as having LD
 Is the label less offensive than other SPED labels
 Why are so many students being referred
 Why are so many students failing general ed?
6. Definitions
 Two are commonly used (p.162)
– Federal Law
– National Institutes of Health
7. Types of LD
General Unexpected Underachievement
Reading Disabilities
8. Causes
– Problems exist across the life span
– Fad and unproven theories
 Brain damage
 Genetic
 Connection between LD and SES
9. Causes
 Presumed CNS dysfunction
 Assumption of brain injury
 Heredity
 Chronic otitis media while language is developing
 Poor instruction
 Inadequate learning strategies
 Improper selective attention
10. LD Inquiry
 Strong relationship between poor language development and LD
 Early intervention programs that emphasize language and cognitive
development reduce the probability of later LD identification
 Learning how to learn improves academic performance and success in
general education classes
11. General (VERY) Characteristics
3 Areas
Behavioral Style
Table 5.2 P. 164
12. Learning Characteristics
Lack of motivation or poor attributions
Inability to generalize
Faulty information processing
Insufficient Problem Solving Skills
13. Assessment
 Early Identification
 Response to Intervention
– OLD WAY- -Discrepancy formulas (gap between a student’s achievement
and his/her potential. Typically measured by IQ score and standardized
achievement test
– IDEA’04 NEW WAY- -RTI: filters children through many states of
intervention. “A multitiered pre-referral method of increasingly intensive
interventions; used to identify “nonresponders”, or students with LD”
14. RTI Advantages
 No delay in receiving intervention
 Reduces inappropriate referrals
 Poor teaching not a reason
 Assessment leads to intervention
 No stigma
 Low achievement is distinguished from LD
15. Five Main Ways In Which Emotional Concern and LD Interact
 LD may lead to emotional distress
 LD may raise or exacerbate existing emotions concerns
 Emotional issues may mask a child’s learning disability
 Emotional health my exacerbate learning disabilities
 Emotional health can actually enhance the performance of children with
learning disabilities.
16. Evidence Based Practices
 Outcomes improve
– With proven procedures
– Skills of concern directly
– Strategies to organize, comprehend, and remember complex material and
– Under conditions of frequent evaluation
17. Types of Instructional Methods
 Direct Instruction
 Concrete examples
 Task Analysis
 CBA and CBI
 Strategy Training
 P. 182 Accommodating for Inclusive Environments
18. Instructional Support
 Provide structure and standard set of expectations
 Adjust instructional materials and activities
 Give students feedback and reinforcement for success
 Make tasks more interesting
19. Instructional Methods
 Pictorial Mnemonics
 Individualized Instruction
 Phonics Instruction
 Carefully planned homework
20. Student Needs
 Professional and Specialists who can meet their unique learning needs
 Supports
 Curricular options
 Placements
21. LD Outcomes
 High dropout rate
 Only about half of this population is able to live independently
 The majority are not self-supporting
22. Skills of Successful Adults
 Possess compensatory skills
 Ask for assistance and accommodations
 Monitor their work carefully for errors
 Received counseling or therapy when necessary
 Have strong support from their families
23. Tips
 Engage students in active learning processes
 Teach comprehension strategies
 Teach thinking and problem solving skills
 Help students focus attention on relevant features of a task
24. Tips
 Use self-management skills in daily activities
 Individualize instruction
 Teach students the relationship between effort and success
 Have students predict consequences for their behavior
 Use concrete examples
 Refer students in need of specialized instruction
25. Inclusive Education
 Collaboration
– Communication is open and ongoing
– Participation is voluntary
– Parity exists in the relationship
– Goals are shared
– Evaluation of student performance is continual
– Decision making is done as a team
– Resources are pooled
– Trust and respect are the basis of the partnership
– Planning time is scheduled
26. Transition through Adulthood
 Postsecondary options
– College accommodations
 Alternative exam formats
 Extended time
 Alternative access to oral and written material
 Tutors
 Readers, classroom notetakers, or scribes
 Registration assistance, course substitution
Adaptive equipment and technology
Textbooks on tapes
Course waivers
27. Family Involvement
 Home/School contact
 Homework
28. Technology
 Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
– Reading, writing, spelling, organization, speech, calculation, daily life, study
skills, researching topics, remembering