Version 1.0 L E V E L SOCIAL STUDIES Kentucky Academic Expectations and Learning Goals Kentucky Academic Expectations 2.14 - Students understand the democratic principles of justice, equality, responsibility, and freedom and apply them to real-life situations. Core Content SS-08-1.1.2 - Students will describe and give examples to support how democratic government in the United States prior to Reconstruction functioned to preserve and protect the rights (e.g. voting), liberty and property of their citizens by making, enacting and enforcing appropriate rules and laws (e.g. constitutions, laws, statues). SS-08-1.3.2 - Students will explain and give examples of how, in order for the US government to function as a democracy, citizens must assume responsibilities (e.g. participating in community activities, voting in elections) and duties (e.g. obeying law. paying taxes, serving on a jury, registering for the military.) THE SCENARIO Many students today feel like the BCMS school dress code is unfair and violates their first amendment Constitutional rights. School K E N T U C K Y Version 1.0 THE HOOK * In the Barren County Middle School Student Handbook, dress code number 13 states that "any clothing and accessories (jewelry, belt buckles, necklaces, etc.) with obscene pictures, music groups or performers, confederate flags or sayings alluding to drugs, death (this includes pictures of skulls, skulls and crossbones, etc.), alcohol, tobacco, sex or violence (including wrestling) are not permitted at Barren County Middle School. ANY STUDENT WEARING ATTIRE PERTAINING TO ANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS WILL BE ASKED TO CHANGE CLOTHING AND ALC MAY FOLLOW." * The five freedoms of the first amendment of the United States Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." MASTERY TASK INTERPERSONAL TASK Summarize the five freedoms of the first amendment. Give examples of each as they relate to you or this school. V L S M B P I N Discuss the controversy surrounding the school's dress code prohibiting band and wrestling shirts. V L S M B P I UNDERSTANDING TASK N Even though you're given the right to a free education there are rules and regulations put into place for your safety and for a positive school environment. If you had the opportunity to start your own school what would be the five most important rules for your school? Explain why you chose those rules. V L S M B P I N Create a political cartoon representing one of the five freedoms of the first amendment. V L S M B P I SELF-EXPRESSIVE TASK Authors 8th grade Social Studies teachers Matt Gardner, Derek Atkinson, and Delenia Alls Barren County Middle School Silver Strong & Associates / Thoughtful Education Press 1.800.962.4432 ©2002. N