December 2011
K.J. Carey
T. Crayden
C. Blanchard
Fr. E. D‟Souza
M. Pascucci
Mississauga Wards 1 & 3
(905) 302-3096
(905) 890-0708, x20161
Fax: (905) 890-0888
Congratulations to Trustee
Celebrating Advent
School Council Corner
Advent Prayers for family
Award for Excellence
Safe & Healthy Schools
Inclement Weather
Family Advent Mass
Invitation (Dec. 13)
Catholic School
1760 Bough Beeches Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2B9
A Christmas Prayer
O God, Whose mighty Son was born in Bethlehem
those days long ago,
lead us to that same poor place,
where Mary laid her tiny Child.
And as we look on in wonder and praise,
make us welcome Him in all new life,
see Him in the poor,
and care for His handiwork, the earth, the sky and the sea.
O God, bless us again in Your great love.
We pray for this through Christ our Lord.
For Advent prayers and liturgies please visit:
In December we celebrate the virtue
of hope. We believe that God comes
to us as a small fragile baby who
shows us that even the smallest and
poorest can make a profound
difference in the world.
God has given us this Advent season
year after year in order to focus our
minds and our hearts on the good all
around us. During this time of hope,
we are reminded that God chose to
send his Son to us because we are
worth it. God knows how great we
can be when we all come together.
When we look at the
world through the eyes
of God we know that the
message of hope in
Jesus‟ second coming
will be and is fulfilled,
because Jesus‟ love lives
in us every day.
People of Hope…
Keep up a positive attitude
Can bounce back from tough
Set and stick to their goals
See the good in others even
when they make mistakes
Work to include others
Let others know that they are
good people
The students of the Primary Division
wish to invite their
relatives and friends to an
“Advent Concert” in the
gymnasium at 1:30 and
7:00 pm on Tuesday
December 20, 2011.
The Sts. Martha and Mary school community will celebrate an
Advent Mass on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. at Sts.
Martha & Mary church. The offering of the mass provides an
opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist together as a school and
parish community. Please join us for a fellowship social hosted by
School Council immediately following mass.
The season of Advent begins with the fourth Sunday before
Christmas. This year, the liturgical season of Advent began
Sunday, November 27, 2011. “Advent” is a Latin word meaning
“the coming”. During the season of Advent, Christians across the
world prepare for the celebration of the coming of the Lord into
the world through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Advent is a
time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness, as symbolized best
by the Advent Wreath.
At Sts. Martha and Mary we emphasize the
implications of the birth of our Saviour through
our Christian actions. We ensure that Advent
is a time where we emphasize charity and
social justice. It is a time to prepare the way, to
make God real each and every day through
prayer, charity and social justice. The following activities provide
a small window into how the staff and students at Sts. Martha and
Mary are the arms, legs, and hands of God.
This initiative is to encourage Catholic elementary school students
in the Intermediate grades to live out our baptismal call to become
Fully Alive in the Lord Jesus Christ through care for themselves
and others. The role of the Youth Ambassador is to become an
active Christian through the knowledge of God‟s word, deepening
their own faith development and bettering their communities
through service. Here at the school, Youth Ambassadors are
associated with our Student Leader program. Mrs. Bellini-Kavals
and 15 Intermediate student representatives attended a
commissioning mass and celebration at Cristo Rei Church on
Tuesday, November 15, 2011. Rev. Carlos T. Macatangga, who
presided over the mass, shared that November 18th is the feast day
of Saints Peter and Paul, the first ambassadors for Christ. He
defined the role of the Faith Ambassadors for the students and
encouraged them to be role models of faith and of the virtues. He
told the students that we should never compromise our faith to just
“belong”, that we need to do what is right and not always what is
popular. The students will share their experience as ambassadors
throughout the year and create opportunities for becoming active
witnesses in our school and community.
Throughout the year, it seems that I
am always fielding questions and
giving advice on the foods that we
should stay away from to maintain
our health! We are often very hard
on ourselves when it comes to our
guilty food “sins” so for this Nutrition
Nuggets, my message to families is to
embrace the season and to refrain
from feeling guilty from enjoying a
few of the indulgences that it offers.
(Note that in my requirement to
remain true to my profession, “few”
is the operative word in that last
Some tricks of the trade to maintain
that svelte waistline throughout the
holidays are as follows:
You can save yourself a lot of
calories by drinking water
between every alcoholic
beverage consumed.
2) Stick to wine and drinks mixed
with soda water over those with
creamy liqueurs and caloric
3) Snack on vegetables and
antipasto dishes over rich hors
d’oeuvres. Remember that the
older and softer the cheese, the
higher the fat content!
4) Don’t “nibble” as you often
forget how much you have
actually consumed until after
the damage has been done.
Commit to one small dish of
appetizers, one plate for a meal
and one dessert choice in place
of grazing with calorie-dense
tidbits from the buffet table!
Here‟s a recipe for traditional
pumpkin pie that has been “lightened
up” in calories, sugar and fat but not
in taste or texture!
Nutrition: 180kcal per slice
2/3 cup
2/3 cup
1/2 tsp
1/3 cup
4 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tsp
150 mL
150 mL
2 mL
75 mL
60 mL
15 mL
5 mL
all-purpose flour
whole wheat flour
Becel Buttery Taste margarine
ice water
plain yogurt, preferably 1%
white vinegar
398 mL
250 mL
75 mL
10 mL
7 mL
2 mL
can unsweetened pure pumpkin
evaporated milk, preferably 1%
egg whites
brown sugar
each ground nutmeg and ginger
Pinch each of allspice and salt
14 oz
1 cup
1/3 cup
2 tsp
1 ½ tsp
½ tsp
1. In a medium bowl, stir flour with salt. Using your finger tips or
pastry cutter, mix in Becel just until large crumbs begin to form.
Whisk water with yogurt and vinegar. While stirring flour mixture
with a fork, gradually add just enough water mixture for dough to
come together. Gather into a ball and place on a large piece of
plastic wrap. Fold plastic wrap overtop, then use plastic to flatten
dough into a disc. Seal with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 30
2. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, whisk pumpkin with evaporated
milk, egg, egg whites, sugar, vanilla, spices and salt until evenly
3. Set oven rack on bottom shelf of oven. Preheat oven to 400ºF
(200ºC). Roll dough between large pieces of plastic wrap to form
a circle measuring about 12 inches (30 cm). Discard top piece of
plastic and ease dough into pie plate. If dough is a little sticky,
brush with flour. Trim dough so only ½ inch (1 cm) of dough
overhangs pie plate. Then fold overhanging dough so it meets
edge of pie plate. Crimp edges.
Spoon in filling, smoothing surface. Bake 15 minutes, then reduce
oven temperature to 350ºF (180ºC) and continue to bake until
centre of pie is just set when wiggled, 20 to 30 minutes. Cool
To mark the beginning of
advent, School Council
funded the purchase of a
beautiful new Christmas
tree that was set up in the
front foyer on November 28, 2011.
The Christmas Giving Tree is
awaiting hats, scarves, mittens and
gifts to adorn it! Please help to
celebrate the season of hope and
giving by either decorating the tree
with new hats, scarves and mittens or
by taking a tag from the tree and
purchasing a gift for a child in need in
our community. Gifts should be left
unwrapped, placed in a gift bag and
delivered to the school by December
15, 2011. The Dixie Bloor Centre
will distribute the donated clothing
and gifts to families in need in our
community. This is a wonderful
opportunity to bring excitement to a
child who may otherwise not
experience this joy on Christmas
School Council is delighted to invite
families to our annual advent mass at
Sts. Martha and Mary Catholic
Church on December 13, 2011 at
7pm. This gathering is a wonderful
way for families to celebrate joy and
our connection to the community
during this most important spiritual
time of the year. All are invited to
attend the refreshment social hosted
by School Council that will follow
the mass where goodies and
beverages will be served. In an
attempt to prepare for the event and
ensure that we order enough
refreshments, please make sure that
you return the form that will be sent
home with your children related to
this event!
This year, the Ontario Government is again encouraging the
community to nominate teachers who have contributed to the
excellence of our school. The nominations deadline is January 31,
2012. To learn more about this prestigious award and to nominate a
teacher, please visit
The minutes from Council‟s meeting on October 18, 2011 are posted
on the bulletin board located outside the school library. November‟s
minutes will be approved at the upcoming Council meeting in
January. Anybody interested in reviewing archives of past school
council meeting minutes are invited to visit and click on the “School Council” tab in
the menu bar.
All parents are welcome to join us at our next School Council
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 7pm in the
school library.
Many of our grade 4 and 5 students have volunteered to act as Peace
Pals to our younger students. Peace Pals are leaders within the school.
They foster safe, fun, co-operative and active play during school
recesses. Our staff representative, Mrs. Yawney, has worked to provide
training to these young individuals. Thank you Peace Pals for being
such virtuous role models!
Mrs. Bellini-Kavals and her group of student leaders would like to
express their appreciation to everyone who sent in milk bags this past
month to help support their Milk Bag Mattress Project for children in
Haiti. Students meet regularly during recess and often take home the
mattresses to work on them. Twenty students are usually busy
crocheting and many others enthusiastically cutting the bags into strips.
Remember that it takes anywhere from 500-600 milk bags to make one
mattress, so please continue to collect and send in washed and dried
outer milk bags. Presently, the students have completed ten milk bag
mattresses, with more in the works.
Two Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools shortlisted for Award for
Excellence in Education
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is proud to announce
that two of its schools, Our Lady of Good Voyage Catholic Elementary
School and Sts. Martha & Mary Catholic Elementary School, will be
recognized as Schools of Distinction at the annual Awards for
Excellence in Education celebration on November 24 in Toronto.
Based on analysis of data from The Fraser Institute‟s Report Card on
Ontario’s Elementary Schools, up to 30 schools across Ontario are
shortlisted in each of the award
categories: Improvement in Academics,
Excellence in Language Arts, and
Excellence in Mathematics.
Our Lady of Good Voyage Catholic
Elementary School was shortlisted for an
Award for Excellence in Education in the
Improvement in Academics category,
which recognizes school teams whose
overall academic rating has experienced
the fastest, most consistent improvement
over the last five years.
Sts. Martha & Mary Catholic Elementary
School was shortlisted for an Award for
Excellence in Education in the
Excellence in Language Arts category,
which recognizes school teams whose
students have achieved ongoing success
in the acquisition of reading and writing
Overall, 2,733 schools were analyzed,
and the schools shortlisted represent the
top one per cent of Ontario elementary
schools in their respective category.
Formerly known as the Garfield Weston
Awards for Excellence in Education,
these awards were established in 2005 in
Ontario and they acknowledge school
teams whose skill, hard work,
perseverance, and enthusiasm have
significantly contributed to students‟
academic performance at the school.
“I‟d like to congratulate the staff,
students, parents, and entire school
communities of Our Lady of Good
Voyage and Sts. Martha & Mary,” said
John Kostoff, director of education. “We
know that to achieve these types of
results there are a number of successful
collaborations that take place. This
recognition exemplifies our board‟s
commitment to student success and is a
celebration of the dedication and hard
work of these school teams.”
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board is one of largest and most
diverse school districts in Ontario, with
approximately 85,000 students in 146
Catholic schools throughout Mississauga,
Brampton, Caledon and Orangeville.
With over 10,000 employees, the board
is also one of the largest employers in the region.
Thank you to everyone who supported our
school‟s „Operation Christmas Child‟ shoebox
campaign this year. We are proud to announce
that through the generosity of classes, teachers,
individual students and their families 100
shoeboxes were made and distributed to various
third world countries through Samaritan‟s Purse. Our school
community offers great support and thanks to our student leaders and
to Ms. De Simone, Mrs. Hammond, Miss Daly and Mrs. BelliniKavals for their contribution in supporting this very important event.
Through the support of our Student Leaders, we are
hosting a food drive again this year. Nonperishable food items are being collected until
Thursday December 15, 2011. Boxes to
collect these items can be found in front of the
Kindergarten classrooms at the entrance of the
school. Items collected as part of our Christmas food drive will be
donated to St. Vincent de Paul society. Our fall collection was a
tremendous success overwhelming the society volunteers who
came to collect the food. Your generosity and message through
action help the students better understand what it means to „give‟.
We have had a tremendous number of Intermediate boys come out
for basketball tryouts this month. Mrs. Sim and Ms. Prajza have
been working with 26 students, assessing skills and will be selecting
the team in the near future. Coaches look forward to working with
the team to develop skills and prepare for upcoming Mississauga
family of schools games.
Coaches, Mrs. Ford and Ms. De Simone have been conducting
practices and developing both players‟ skills and team work. This
year‟s team includes:
Ania N.
Erin C.
Cassandra R. Emily A.
Alex C.
Bianca F.
Amanda A.
Melanie C.
Juliana R.
Dana C.
Sara V.
Alexa C.
Jessica M.
Our Scholastic Book Fair,
organized by Ms. Osmak,
our teacher librarian, and
a team of parent
volunteers coordinated by parent,
Mrs. Smith-Loeters, successfully
made $1,200.00 profit to purchase
new books for the library and school
Information and Registration
Information Meeting for Extended
French Program (Gr. 5) will be take
place on January 19, 2012 at St.
Thomas More School at 7:00 p.m.
Senior Kindergarten
parent(s)/guardian(s) may wish to
consider the French Immersion
program as a possibility for Grade 1
in September. More detailed
information will be available at
parent/guardian meeting at St.
Gertrude School, 815 Ceremonial
Drive, Mississauga at 7:00 p.m. on
January 12, 2012. Completed
applications will be accepted at the
French Immersion school office until
February 8, 2012 to a deadline of
2:00 p.m.
Registration for Junior and Senior
Kindergarten for the 2012-13 school
year, will take place, at school, on the
following days:
Monday, February 6, 2012* 7:009:00 p.m. *Snow Date: Tuesday,
February 7, 2012 - 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday,
February 8, 9 & 10, 2012 9:00-11:00
a.m. 1:00- 3:00 p.m. For more
information, call or visit
Healthy School mandate is to promote a
healthy lifestyle including activities and
nutrition based upon Canada‟s food guide. As a means of promoting
positive eating habits, our Healthy School initiatives includes
encouraging students to bring fruits and/or vegetables in their
lunches, and becoming more physically active every day. Is your
son/daughter getting at least 60 minutes of activity per day? Studies
show that active children are happier, healthier and smarter. So
encourage your son/daughter to get outside and get active – you‟ll
see the benefits at home, on the field and in the classroom.
For more ways to encourage your son/daughter to become active
Please ensure that your child keeps a pair of
running shoes or other appropriate footwear at
school so that his/her feet remain dry and clean
at all times. As well, because so many areas of
our schoolyard can be quite muddy at certain times of the year, this
would really help in keeping mud and dirt out of the classroom.
Thank you for your efforts in striving to ensure that
our school is a safe environment during arrival and
dismissal times. Overall, visitors to our school,
driving vehicles onto the school grounds, follow
the expectations to keep fluid movement of traffic.
However, we would like to review a few items that require your
attention so that the safety of children and visitors to our school is
not being compromised.
This is a reminder that the school Kiss & Ride service is only
available from 8:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. During this time, teachers
are on duty to support the safe arrival of students. They provide
supervision of students exiting vehicles and entering the school
property but are not able to open doors. If your child requires
assistance to unbuckle his/her seatbelt and/or open a door, please
consider parking along Bough Beeches Boulevard, just east of the
exit driveway, rather than stopping in the drive through lanes.
Please note that the area of Bough Beeches Boulevard directly
in front of the school is designated as a “no parking zone” by
the City of Mississauga.
During the noon hour dismissal, 1:00 p.m. arrival times and at
3:30 p.m. dismissal, parents are welcome to access any available
parking spots in front of the school;
however extra caution is advised due
to the high volume of traffic during
these times. If there are no parking
spots available in front of the school,
parents are asked to park their
vehicles on the street, just east of the
school exit and walk their child to
class. Cars should not be parked in
the driveways in front of the school
(Drive Thru, Kiss & Ride, Bus
Loading/Designated Fire Route) at
any time. As noted on the posted
signage at the entrance of the school,
vehicles parked in the driveway are
parking in a designated Fire Route
and can be towed.
Your continued cooperation in
supporting our school parking
expectations is appreciated.
Read from the Letter
of Paul to Titus 3:47 from the Family
Lord our God,
We praise you for the light of
creation: the sun, the moon, and the
stars of the night.
We praise you for the light of Israel:
the Law, and the prophets, and the
wisdom of the Scriptures.
We praise you for Jesus Christ, your
He is Emmanuel, God-with-us, the
Prince of Peace, who fills us with the
wonder of your love.
Lord God,
Let your blessing come upon us as
we light this tree.
May the light and cheer it gives be a
sign of the joy that fills our hearts.
May all who delight in this tree come
to the knowledge and joy of
salvation.We ask this through Christ
our Lord. AMEN. [light the tree]
Read from the Gospel of Luke 2:1-8
God of every nation and people, from the
very beginning of creation you have made
known your love:
When our need for a Saviour was great
you sent your Son to be born of the Virgin
To our lives he brings joy and peace, justice, mercy, and love.
Lord, bless all who look upon this manger; may it remind us of
the humble birth of Jesus,
and raise up our thoughts to him, who is God-with-us and Saviour
of all,
and who lives and reigns forever and ever.
A decision to cancel school transportation and/or
close schools, due to inclement weather, is usually made by 6:00
AM. Only the Director of Education has the authority to cancel
transportation and/or close schools. Please listen for DUFFERINPEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL
Announcements are made on the following
radio stations:
CJCL – 590 AM
CHIN FM 100.7
CFTR - 680 AM
EZ ROCK 97.3
FM 93.1
CHUM AM 1050
Announcements are made on the following TV stations:
News Release
December 6, 2011
At the annual organizational
meeting held Tuesday, December 6,
trustees elected Mississauga Wards
1 & 3 trustee, Mario Pascucci as
chair of the 11-member DufferinPeel Catholic District School Board.
During his 28 years as a trustee, Mr.
Pascucci has served in various
leadership capacities, including one
previous term as chair of the board,
chair of Administration and Finance
Committee, Audit, and Faith and
Program Committees.
Linda Zanella, trustee for Brampton
West, Wards 2, 5 & 6 was elected
vice-chair. Ms. Zanella has also
served in various leadership
capacities in the past including chair
and vice chair of the Faith and
Program Committee, chair of the
Policy and By-Laws Committee and
Special Education Advisory
Committee (SEAC) and vice chair
of the Administration and Finance
“Dufferin-Peel is seen across the
province as a leader in Catholic
education and this is due, in no
small part to the cohesiveness of the
board and the collaborative efforts
of trustees and staff,” said Mario
Pascucci. “As chair, I look forward
to continuing to share the good
news of Catholic education
whenever and wherever I can and to
ensure that we, as a board, always
strive to live up to the standard of
excellence that is our hallmark.”
The meeting opened with the annual
address to the board by the Director
of Education. Director John Kostoff recognized and thanked
system partners, including employee groups, trustees and staff at
all levels for their commitment and dedication to Catholic
Director Kostoff outlined a successful year, recounting a list of
achievements and accomplishments including continuously
increasing levels of student achievement, implementation of new
policies and a sustained focus on the Catholic nature of DufferinPeel schools. “We have been successful because of the support of
Catholic education by our parents and guardians, our clergy and
our rate-payers, many of whom no longer have children in our
system but believe strongly in the value of what a distinctive
Catholic education offers,” he said. “Combine this strong level of
community engagement with a focused and committed team of
faculty, staff, administrators, senior management and trustees and
you have a formula for success.”
The meeting was preceded by a Eucharistic celebration held in the
Catholic Education Centre chapel, celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop
John Boissonneau.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is one of the
largest school boards in Ontario with approximately 85,000
students in 146 schools located throughout Mississauga,
Brampton, Caledon and Orangeville. The board is also one of the
largest employers in the region with approximately 10,000
Lord Jesus,
In the peace of this season our spirits are joyful:
We thank you for all you have given us. The gift of life, of family,
and friends and food that strengthens and nourishes us.
You loved us so much that you sent your Son Jesus to become
part of our lives, to forgive us and save us and show us your care
for us.
By your coming may the hungry be filled with good things,
and may our table and home be blessed.
Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts,
which we are about to receive from Thy bounty
through Christ our Lord, Amen
dedication of our students to return to
school to acquire forgotten materials,
we ask your assistance in making this
a rare rather than regular occurrence.
Access to the school at any time is
highly monitored and after school
hours is no exception. Our custodial
staff are directed not to allow students
and parents to enter classrooms for
the purpose of picking up forgotten
books or homework. This is to ensure
the safekeeping of student, teacher
and school property.
In rare
circumstances, where an important
item is needed, please seek the
assistance of the classroom teacher,
Dec.1 – Dec. 15: Christmas Food Drive
Dec.1 – Dec. 15: School Council „Giving Tree‟
December 13: 7:00 p.m. Sts. Martha and Mary Family Advent Mass
December 20: 1 p.m. & 7 p.m. Primary Advent Concert in the gym
December 23: Last day of classes, Christmas Break
December 25: Merry Christmas Everyone!
December 24 – Jan. 8: Christmas Break
January 9: Welcome Back – classes resume
January 12: 7 p.m. French Immersion Meeting for SK students at St.
Gertrude Catholic School
January 16: Professional Activity Day; no school for students
January 19: 7 p.m. Extended French Meeting for parents of grade 4
students at St. Thomas More Catholic School
January 24: Toronto Marlies‟ Bullying assembly
January 24: School Council 7 p.m.
January 28: Toronto Marlies‟ Hockey Game and Family Skate
February 6: 7 – 9 p.m. Junior & new Senior Kindergarten Registration
February 7: 7 – 9 p.m. Snow Date J.K. Registration
February 8: French Immersion forms due for parents of SK
February 8-10: 9-11a.m.; 1-3 p.m. JK Registration
February 20: Family Day (no classes)
February 21: School Council meeting 7 p.m.
March 12-16: March Break
If you are a Catholic ratepayer, we
urge you to check your property tax
bill to ensure that your support is
directed to your local Catholic school
board, in our case, the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board. If
you are a tenant, you can verify your
support by contacting our Admissions
Department at (905) 890-0708,
ext. 24511, 24512, or 24519, or your
local municipal office. By ensuring
that you are accurately recorded as
a Catholic school supporter, you can
help deliver a powerful message to
the government about the level of
support for publically-funded
Catholic education in Ontario. Also,
in order to be eligible to vote for your
local Catholic school board trustee,
you must be registered as a separate
school supporter.
Saturday December 24th
Vigil of Christmas - 8:00 p.m.
Midnight Mass – 12:00 a.m
Sunday December 25th
Christmas Day - 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. and 11:30
Monday December 30th
Holy Family - 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Saturday December 31st
Weekday Mass – 9:00 a.m.
New Year's Eve Mass - 4:30 p.m.
New Year's Mass - 12:00 a.m.
Sunday January 1st
Feast of Our Lady Mother of God - 8:30 a.m.,
10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
Sat. Dec. 17th – from 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. and
3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Mon. Dec. 19th – from 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Wed. Dec. 21st – from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Sat. Dec. 24th – from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
From the Staff of Sts. Martha and Mary
Catholic School
May your Christmas be of great joy
And may the miracle of Christmas continue to shine within your heart all year.
K.J. Carey
L. Rossi, J. Ford
M. Prajza
T. Crayden, S. Tannus
L. Sim, D. Copas
C. O’Connell
A. Criminale, M. Mandarino
L. De Simone, C. Godin, L. Ciccolini, B. Massis
A. Loncarich
A. Bellini Kavals, A. Gardiman
F. Mason, T. Jenkins, S. Monid
M. Maxymiw, D. Boots
A. Slaney, L. Yawney, F. C. Almeida
M. Osmak, A. Daly, F. Sanfilippo, J. Ritchie
K. Hammond, L. Medeiros, M. Marinuzzo, M. Wasserman
Have a Blessed Christmas
the most prosperous of New Years.