PREPARING FOR THE OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test) WELCOME TO A SUPPORT PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE YOU WITH SKILLS YOU WILL NEED AS YOU PREPARE TO WRITE THE LITERACY TEST ON MARCH 31, 2016 FOR THE FIRST SESSION Please turn to a Section 1: Reading in your OSSLT Preparation Workbook For Section 1 of the Literacy Test, you will be reading a passage and answering questions based upon the reading SOME TIPS BEFORE YOU BEGIN Prepare in advance by reading ALL the Multiple Choice questions and the Written Answer questions Have a highlighter ready to mark important information as you read the passage GETTING IT RIGHT After you have read the passage and highlighted it, re-read the multiple choice questions and answer them carefully Once you have decided on your answer, go back to the story and, where possible, highlight or put a check mark where you got your answer THE WRITTEN ANSWERS Repeat part of the question in your opening sentence. Turn the question into a statement. For example, What evidence can you find in this selection that shows that Vickie and her husband tried to minimize their risks? Becomes: There is evidence in the selection which shows that Vickie and her husband tried to minimize their risks. For example, Use information in this selection and your own ideas to explain why Vickie and her husband would be considered entrepreneurs. Becomes: Vickie and her husband could be considered entrepreneurs for several reasons. You should NOT start to give your reasons, examples, or proofs in your opening sentence. THE WRITE STUFF Use the Rough Notes section at the bottom of the page to organize your ideas Try to fill up the lines provided but do not go over After your opening statement, try to include three (3) reasons, examples, or ideas to support your answer Re-read your answers carefully. Remember that your target audience is an adult marking your response Check for possible spelling, punctuation, or other grammatical errors Take pride in your answer! SOME EXAMPLES TO GUIDE YOU THE FOLLOWING SAMPLES SHOW THREE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF MARKED RESPONSES FROM A RANGE OF 10 10-30 20 30 NOW THAT YOU HAVE COMPLETED A SECTION 1 PRACTICE SESSION, LET’S MOVE ON TO SECTION 2: WRITING SECTION 2: THE SHORT WRITING TASK These tasks give you the opportunity to use your knowledge and personal experience while demonstrating your writing skills. Read and reread the question carefully. Think of links between the topic and your knowledge and personal experiences. Answer the question using specific details and relevant information. Reread your response and correct any errors you notice. Review previous tips for short answers. THE WRITE STUFF Use the Rough Notes section at the bottom of the page to organize your ideas Try to fill up the lines provided but do not go over After your opening statement, try to include three (3) reasons, examples, or ideas to support your answer Re-read your answers carefully. Remember that your target audience is an adult marking your response Check for possible spelling, punctuation, or other grammatical errors Take pride in your answer! EXAMPLE Question 1: Do you prefer to work alone or with a group? Becomes: I prefer to work with a group for several reasons. I find that being in a group helps me to discover new ideas. I also like to share my thoughts with others. Finally, being in a group is a great way to meet new people. Sometimes in can be useful to THINK of writing this expression at the start of your paragraph – IN THIS PARAGRAPH, I AM GOING TO PROVE THAT… However, do NOT actually write this at the start of your paragraph. FINALLY... When giving proof from the passage, be careful not to copy the wording exactly as it appears. This would be considered simply copying the ideas. Try to summarize the points in your own words.