San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School 100 Barondale Drive Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 3R1 Phone (905) 501-0400 Fax (905) 501-9275 SEPTEMBER Part 2 2015 Principal M. Harrison Vice-Principal A. Sodhi Secretaries N. Hajdinjak B. Cameron Parish St. Francis Xavier Parish The New San Lorenzo Ruiz Eco-Classroom Pastor Msgr. Edgardo Pan (905) 890-5290 RE-ORGANIZATION NEWS Trustee Many Thanks to the community for their patience with the recent re-organization. Due to higher than anticipated enrollment at San Lorenzo we were able to create a new Grade 3/4 combined classroom. This in turn allowed us to relieve class size pressures in some of our primary and lower junior classes. The result is a better distribution of students and an enhanced learning environment. We were pleased to be able to hire Ms A. Coccimiglio to take this new class. Welcome to San Lorenzo ! With the busy-ness of re-organization behind us, we look forward to focusing on the best parts about the year ahead– namely quality instruction, diverse extracurricular offerings, and creating & sustaining welcoming & nurturing learning environments for our students. T. Thomas (905) 890-1221 Superintendent L. Papaloni School Council Chair S. Rinaldi Attendance Verification Line (905) 501-0400 Press #1 Pope Francis calls us to a Jubilee year, celebrating the gift of mercy. In the year ahead, we look forward to working towards creating a more merciful and forgiving place here at San Lorenzo, where we rejoice in our diversity and learn from our mistakes. Dufferin-Peel is now on Twitter! Follow us: @DPCDSBSchools or @SLRuizSchool LUNCH TIME New: 11:10—12:10 If you are taking your child out for lunch, please be aware that you or your designate must come in to the front foyer to meet the child. Children cannot wait outside for pickup. Students must be signed out and into school via the binder in the main office if entry or exit times are different from regular school hours. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday Evening 5:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. Tues-Fri. 9:00 a.m.– 9:00 p.m. Sat. 3:30— 6 p.m. Sun. Before/After Masses A YEAR OF VIRTUES IN A SAFE, CARING and INCLUSIVE SAN LORENZO RUIZ SCHOOL COMMUNITY The notion of virtue is deeply rooted in Catholic Christian tradition. It is in a community of caring, committed partners that we find the space and time to become our best selves. The main thing to remember is that virtue is increased by two things: practice and prayer. By practicing the virtues, we develop habits of goodness. Practicing virtue also gets us ready to contribute to the good of all people. In a school community, virtue formation contributes to a healthy positive learning environment by fostering a climate in which all members feel safe, confident and hope-filled about themselves, their relationships and their future. By praying, we receive the grace of God to continue to concentrate on finding ways to follow Jesus’ example in all that we say and do. Each month we will focus on developing one of these virtues: SCHOOL COUNCIL The date of the first Catholic School Advisory Council meeting is Tuesday, October 6th at 6:45 pm. THE VIRTUE OF FAITH In the month of September, we celebrate the virtue of Faith. We recognize that God made us to live together as a family community. People of faith look for ways to involve God in their lives and turn to God in both good times and difficult times. As we build our school community this year, may our faith help us to be generous, compassionate and forgiving as we work together to build the kingdom of God each day! San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School SCHOOL HOURS 2015-2016 LITURGICAL DATES We encourage and welcome parents and family members to celebrate our school’s faith life on the following dates. Supervision begins in school yard: 8:00 Entry: 8:15 Recess: 10:15 – 10:30 Lunch: 11:10 – 12:10 ** NEW Recess: 1:50 – 2:05 Dismissal: 2:45 Community Masses: Oct. 7 Dec. 10 Feb. 26 June 21 School Mass Advent Mass Lenten Mass Year End Mass 9am at school 9am at school 10:15 am at church 9am at school For the safety of your child(ren), we ask that you DO NOT drop your child off at school prior to 8:00 am and arrange for pick-up PROMPTLY at 2:45 pm LATES SCHOOL WIDE Reconciliation (gr 3-8) Feb. 16 at school Sacraments: Reconciliation (grade 2 only) Oct. 8 Parent Meeting for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion 7pm at church Jan. 27 First Reconciliation 9:30 am church First Holy Communion ( grade 2 only) Oct. 8 Parent Meeting for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion 7pm at church Nov. 8 Inscription Mass 12pm at church Jan 24 & Feb 7 Preparation Mass 12pm at church April 23 FHC Mass 10am at church Confirmation (** grade 7 and 8) Nov. 4 Confirmation Parent Meeting Dec. 6 Confirmation Inscription Mass Jan. 28 Confirmation Prep Mass April 14 Grade 7 & 8 Confirmation 7pm at church 12pm at church 7pm at church 7pm at church PASTORAL PLANS In Dufferin-Peel, it is our work that rooted in our motto that “Extraordinary Lives Start With a Great Catholic Education.” We strive to continue to strengthen our community partnerships with home, school and parish connection. All elementary schools are in the process of developing pastoral plans that will provide important information on the faith development, liturgical celebrations and other various spiritual activities. The pastoral plans will be shared with the community this coming fall. The School Administration would like to ask for your help regarding the continued attention to the issue of lateness. Many of our students come to school late. On some days, the number is between 10 and 15% of the school population. This places an extreme burden on the office and disrupts the beginning of the day. Students miss the prayer, anthem and important announcements not to mention instructional time. We have been in the practice of consequencing students with recess detentions, but we are aware that, particularly for the younger students, lateness is a ‘family’ matter and families are in the best position to remedy the problem. I remind you that supervision starts at 8:00 a.m. in the school yard and that the school day starts at 8:15 a.m.. If necessary, please make adjustments in your routine to ensure that your children arrive at school on time and ready to learn. Now is a great time to set positive routines and habits in place for the year ahead. STUDENT ATTENDANCE As in past years, we ask that parents continue to notify/ call the school in the event of a student absence or late. This greatly assists our safe arrival program. The attendance line is available 24 hours a day to report absences. Please call 905 501-0400 Press #1. Leave the following information on the voicemail: Date of absence Student’s full name Grade and Teacher Reason Date of return When a student is late to school, they must report to the office to Sign-in prior to going to class IMPORTANT DATES: OPEN HOUSE: September 24 6:30-7:30 pm PICTURE DAY: September 25 SLR FEAST DAY: September 28 PIZZA DAY: September 28 FIRE DRILL: September 29 SUBWAY LUNCH: September 29 TERRY FOX WALK: September 30th LEAVING DURING THE SCHOOL DAY VOLUNTEERING IN OUR SCHOOLS Parents are asked to send a note to the teacher stating the time your child is to meet you in the office area. Please be aware that no child is allowed to leave the school unattended, without a signed and dated note from the parent. Any individual who works as an employee of the Board or volunteers to assist with our programs MUST have a Criminal Reference Check (CRC) completed by the Peel Regional Police. For volunteers, CRC’s are free of charge. Forms are provided through the office. EMERGENCY INFORMATION It is important that we are able to contact you during school hours. We have on record telephone numbers for home, work and an emergency contact person. In order to keep our records up-to-date, please update the Student Verification Sheet. EMERGENCY INCIDENT POLICY We have a detailed fire/emergency evacuation and lock-down policy. We will be practicing many times over the course of the school year. You need to know that in case we have to evacuate the school, our evacuation site is Barondale Public School. A REMINDER: Students must wear shoes in the school building at all times. If the fire alarm goes off, students will not be permitted to stop to put on shoes, coats, hats etc. Their safety is our first priority. Please ensure that your child has an extra pair of shoes at school during the winter months. EXCURSIONS AND FIELD TRIPS Educational trips which extend learning opportunities in curriculum areas do take place. Teachers need to follow appropriate Board procedures. A limited number of trips may be planned by teachers. BY LAW the school must have on file permission forms which must be signed by the parents/guardians. If on the day of the excursion your child did not return his/her form, and the parents/guardians cannot come into the school to sign the permission forms, the student will remain at the school. VERBAL TELEPHONE PERMISSION IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE. Please note that in keeping with the Safe Schools Act, volunteers will not be allowed to assist with supervision on trips/ excursions unless they have the criminal reference checks done, nor will they be allowed to assist with in-school events. VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL AND SIGNIN PROCEDURES For safety reasons we are reminding the school community that all visitors must report to the office and sign in. The sign-in book is located in the office. Please do not go into the school yard or to your child’s classroom without signing in first and receiving approval. Remember, to your child you are a the other students, you are a stranger. Students must sign in and out when they are late arriving to school in the morning or afternoon and they must have a note from parents asking the school to dismiss them early for appointments. No student is to be dismissed directly from the classroom or picked up at the classroom by parents/guardians. All must come to the office to sign in or out. CUSTODY OF CHILDREN On rare occasions, we are faced with difficult situations in which non-custodial parents/guardians arrive at school asking to visit a student or sign them out. We are best able to serve and protect our students when we are made aware of legal custody arrangements, visitation rights and other special circumstances. Please inform the main office of these issues as soon as possible and we will ensure your San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School KISS & RIDE We need volunteers to help with the Kiss and Ride program from 8:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. daily. If you can help on one or two days per week, we would like to hear from you. Please call the office at (905) 501-0400. REMINDER OF THE KISS & RIDE PROCESS There are 3 lanes each with a designated purpose. LANE 1: is closest to the school building and is the Bus Lane. This lane should be used by the school buses only either dropping off or picking up students. NO CARS should be stopping or parking in this lane please. It is the emergency lane for emergency vehicles as well. LANE 2: is the middle lane and is the lane parents or guardians use to drive in to drop off or pick up their child. Drivers are asked to stop beside the parent volunteer at the east end of the parking lot. Students should exit from the passenger side of the vehicle only. The vehicle door will be opened from the outside by a parent volunteer. PARENTS CANNOT LEAVE THE VEHICLE AT ANY TIME. Enforcement officers randomly will come to spot check and tickets may be issued. LANE 3: is closest to the street and is a drive through lane. Students should NOT be exiting from their vehicles from this lane as other drivers are not anticipating this unsafe behaviour. Please DO NOT block the entrance to our school Kiss and Ride—busses and emergency vehicles must have quick and easy access to our school at all times. Please continue to use the ‘Kiss and Ride’ Lane to drop off and pick up your children. Thank you for your assistance and co-operation. Please do not drop off your child in the staff parking lot. Help us to keep our children safe. CROSSING GUARD: Location: Barondale Dr and Cortina Cr Hours: 7:45-8:15 am / 11:00—11:15 am / 11:30— 12:00 / 2:45– 3:15 pm TRANSPORTATION, STOPR AND COURTESY SEATS All bus information for the current school year is posted on the front windows of the school. Transportation eligibility is determined via the Board Bus policy. Information regarding this policy as well as current route information is available through the STOPR website: You may also contact the Transportation Department via the following contact numbers: Transportation: 905-890-6000 Special Education Transportation: 905-890-6362 To determine if your son or daughter is eligible for transportation, please visit Courtesy Seat requests will not be processed until mid October and are based on seat availability. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT DUE TO THE INCREASE OF ENROLMENT OF NEW STUDENTS THIS YEAR A LIMITED NUMBER OF COURTESY SEATS ARE AVAILABLE. BUS SAFETY Ensuring student safety is a very important goal to all working with students. You are asked to review carefully the following rules for students while riding the school bus. Students are required to: -be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes before the pickup time. -listen to the driver when getting on or off the bus, especially when a road must be crossed. -go directly to their seat and stay seated until they are let off the bus. -follow all instructions from the bus driver -not eat or drink, fight, swear or engage in other types of poor behavior -not open or close windows unless the driver permits -keep all belongings inside the bus -keep arms, hands, heads etc. inside the bus -not damage the bus seats (students will be held responsible) -respect private property When improper conduct is reported: On the FIRST occasion, the Principal/Vice-Principal will speak to the student. On the SECOND occasion, a letter or phone call will be made to the parents. Please note, bus privileges may be suspended or restricted ! DISTRIBUTION OF MEDICATION Please be advised that for safety reasons, no child should bring any form of medication to school without prior approval from the office. There is a Board policy on the storage and administration of medication. Where a student is required to take any type of medication at school (i.e., Ventolin), medication forms must be completed by you and your physician prior to the storage and administration of any prescribed medication by the school. Forms are available in the main office. It is crucial that you notify the office in writing if your child has any serious health concerns. The storage and administration such an Epi-Pens and Puffers requires additional forms to be completed by physicians. The forms are available from the school. Please return these completed forms with your child’s medication as soon as possible. ANAPHYLACTIC INFORMATION As we begin a new school year we would like to inform you that San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School, is an ALLERGEN- AWARE school. There are pupils in attendance who suffer from severe and life-threatening allergies to certain foods, such as peanut and nut products. Exposure to the smallest quantities can cause severe life-threatening reactions. Anaphylaxis is a severe and life threatening allergic reaction. The most common allergen triggers are food, insect stings, medications, exercise and latex. An anaphylactic reaction involves symptoms from two or more body systems. We would appreciate the cooperation of the entire school community by NOT sending any lunches or snacks that contain nuts, nut oils or derivatives (e.g. peanut butter, peanuts, or peanut oil ) which could potentially harm a pupil. Please see the following page for a more detailed list of foods that could cause an anaphylactic reaction and make sure that all of your children’s caregivers are aware of the food restrictions. Imitation peanut products cannot be sent to school. These products can cause undue anxiety for any child who is anaphylactic and is not able to determine the difference between an allergen and an imitation product. The presence of imitation products can create a false sense of security and increases the potential for a mistake to be made. Please do not send food for birthday or special occasions. There are many alternatives such as stickers and pencils. If you have any questions please talk to your child’s teacher or to the school’s administration. FOODS THAT MAY CAUSE AN ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION Any food can cause a reaction to someone. Anyone can be or become anaphylactic to ANY food at anytime throughout their lifetime. The ten most common food allergens are: peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, seeds, fish, shellfish, soybean, and sulphite. The following lists are some alternative names that may be found on labels. PEANUT cold-pressed peanut oil ground nuts nut meats mandelonas arachis oil goober nuts nu-nuts TREE NUT walnut almonds brazil nuts cashews chestnuts pecans hazelnuts pine nuts shea nuts macadamia nuts pistachios hickory nuts Pinion WHEAT couscous gluten farina durum wheat wheat bran wheat germ graham flour bulgar semolina spelt kamut EGG ovalbumin globulin lecithin (from egg) albumin conalbumin lysozayme ovomucin vitellin ovovitelin vomucoid Livetin MILK whey curds casein caseinates milk ingredients milk solids modified milk ingredients lactbumin lacto globin - lactos is a milk sugar not a milk protein SOYBEAN soya hydrolyzed soy protein soy protein tofu soja SHELLFISH crab crayfish shrimps prawns lobster snails oysters octopus scallops squid abalone cockle conch mussels clams FISH tuna bass bluefish carp anchovy catfish cod eel flounder haddock halibut herring macherel marlin perch/pickerel SEEDS sesame/tahini/tachini cottonseed caraway mustard flaxseed poppy seed psllium psyllium pike salmon sardine sole snapper smelt swordfish trout whitefish NOTE: These lists may change and are in no way complete. SULPHITE (is a preservative added to many foods which causes chemical reaction) sodium dithionite sodium metabisulplite sodium sulphite potassium bisulphite potassium metabisulphite sodium bisulphite sulphur dioxide sulphurous acid HEPATITIS B./HPV INOCULATIONS MEDIC ALERT: NO CHILD WITHOUT The No Child Without Program offers a free Medic Alert membership to students who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 up to their 14th birthday. If your child has a medical condition, allergy, or is required to take medication on a regular basis, then you should consider a Medic Alert membership- Your child’s voice in an emergency. Medic Alert membership: Gives emergency first responders immediate access to your child’s medical information on their Medic Alert bracelet or necklet. Enables first responders to quickly obtain up-to-date medical information by means of the child’s Electronic Health Record through the 24 Hour Emergency Hotline. Communicates with the parent or emergency contact upon activation of the hotline. Allows free updates of the child’s medical record as needed. Peel Health will continue to offer free immunization against Hepatitis B for students in Grade 7 and HPV for girls in Gr. 8. They are given as a series of two injections over a period of six months. If you have any questions please call the Peel Health Department at 905-799-7700. Peel Health staff will be at the school on Friday November 10 for the first set of injections. PEDICULOSIS (Head Lice) Pediculosis is a problem which occurs from time to time each year in schools. If cases are found we inform all parents of the class involved by letter. If a child is infected, we request that she/he be kept out of school until she/he has been treated with the correct medicated shampoo. Please keep us informed if this happens to your child. STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE Old Republic Insurance Group was awarded the student accident insurance contract this year. The school has distributed brochures to all students. As For further information, visit required by the Education Act and the Ministry of If your child is already Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School part of the No Child Without program and there Board annually provides parents with information have been changes to their medical condition, about cost-effective student accident insurance medications, emergency contact information call coverage via student courier. Although enrolment is Medic Alert at 1-866-679-3220 ext #1 to update voluntary, the board encourages parents to take your child’s file. advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their child/children participate in sports, HEAD INJURIES It is a requirement of the DPCDSB that should your child excursions/field trips or if parents do not have dental receive any type of head injury during the school day, the insurance coverage. office staff will contact you and inform you of the injury. If the injury is minor in nature, a message will be left on your home or cell phone number; if the injury requires your immediate attention, a phone call will be made to your workplace number in order to speak to you directly. PLASP Child Care Services Before and After School Program PLASP Child Care Services operates Before and After School Programs at San Lorenzo Ruiz School. The ‘Before School’ Program begins at 7:30 a.m. until school start. The ‘After School’ Program runs from the end of the school day until 6:00 p.m. Children participate in recreational activities, are served a nutritious snack daily and have time for homework. Register Today! Fee assistance is available for those who qualify. To register your child, visit the PLASP Program Director, Mrs. DaCosta, after school. For further information, call (905) 890—1711 or visit the website at ECOSCHOOLS We are a certified SILVER eco-school. We will continue a number of initiatives throughout the year to promote an eco-friendly school. Please sign up to be part of our email community! (found on Student Verification sheet) Newsletters and other important notices will be emailed directly to you. Always check out our school website to find the latest school information: EXTENDED FRENCH ONLINE TUTORING DPCDSB has obtained a one-year subscription with This is a FREE Online Homework Help in French available Monday to Thursday from 5—8 p.m. Welcome back! I hope you have all had a restful summer break filled with adventures that I can’t wait to hear about. I had the opportunity to meet a few of you during the last school year and look forward to meet as many of you as possible this year. If you are not already aware, I will be the Neighbourhood Policing Officer (NPO) for San Lorenzo Ruiz for the next couple of years so please feel free to engage with me with any questions or concerns that you may have. I am a strong proponent of volunteering and look forward to arranging opportunities, to encourage the students to give back to their community. I also aim to be more engaged within the school community and in the community at large. I will be at the school almost on a daily basis, so it is more than likely going to be my police car that you see parked out front so please don’t be alarmed. As social media seems to be a large part of our lives these days, I encourage you to follow me on Twitter using the handle @OfficerMooken. I find this method one of the best to engage with the community and also use this venue to share important information that may affect the community as well as crime prevention tips. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me through the school or email me at and I will do my best to address them as soon as possible. The vision of Peel Regional Police is, ‘A Safer Community Together’ and I truly believe that we can certainly work together to achieve a community that is safe for all. Cst. A. Mooken #3183 12 Division / Neighbourhood Policing Unit From Your Catholic School Trustee: Thomas Thomas Dear Lord, please bless us as we begin this new school year and guide us to be your beacons of light on earth. Welcome to everyone including our new students and their families. To our Full Day Kindergarten parents who are joining us for the first time, we thank you for choosing a Catholic education for your child or children. We endeavor to give all our students the desire to learn so as to understand better God's world in a respectful, non-threatening environment. This is fundamental to our philosophy of Catholic education. A special welcome to our grade nine students who are now on a new adventure. Your four years will fly by. Take advantage of all the great opportunities that are offered to you. We are very proud of our Link Crew and Get Ready for Secondary School programs. Never be afraid to ask questions. We hope that you have a Link Crew Leader to help you along the way. To our grade twelve students - we wish you all the best in your last year of Catholic secondary school. You will be thinking about college, university, apprenticeships or the world of work. This is the time you have been waiting for –senior students! We hope you make the best of this exciting year. Your Board of Trustees has approved a balanced operating budget of $922, 901,010 with 89.7 % of this budget going to salaries and benefits. We have 149 schools, 84,000 students and 10,000 employees. We are the second largest Catholic school board in the province. We have very strong links to our parishes so we will see our priests visit our schools as well as many of our students will visit our parishes for Mass and the sacraments. We are blessed that our priests make a special effort to visit with our students. If you have transportation questions please remember you can call STOPR at 905-890-6000 or 1-800-6681140 or check our web site at Click on schools and then student transportation. Transportation was removed from the trustees’ purview under Bill 177 several years ago. Parents please support and join your Catholic School Council. It is a great opportunity for input and better understanding of what is happening in education both locally and provincially. You will be amazed at how much you will learn and how much you can contribute to your child’s school. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We wish you the very best for this school year and always. May the good Lord always hold you in the palm of His hand. The Catholic School Council Resource Handbook has been updated to bring it in line with Ont. Reg. 612/00, Ont. Reg. 298 and with Board Policy 4.01, Catholic School Councils (February 24th, 2015). The updated document, Catholic School Council Procedures and By-Laws, is now housed on the Dufferin-Peel website. All copies of the Catholic School Council Resource Handbook must be discarded as it is no longer valid. Below is the path to access the updated Catholic School Council Procedures and By-Laws: ↓ Catholic Communities ↓ Central Committee for Catholic School Councils ↓ CSC Procedures & Bylaws (top toolbar) The electronic binder has been set-up using the same section numbers and titles as the handbook. An interactive index in each section will take a searcher straight to the information being sought. Fillable forms have been created to use for Catholic school council elections and to complete the Catholic School Council Annual Report and the Catholic School Council Annual Survey SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS An active and enthusiastic School Council is essential to the success of any school. Sincere appreciation is extended to all those parents who participated in the School Council last year. Your efforts have contributed to the education and development of all of our students here at San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School. Elections and/or the selection of executive positions for the 2015-2016 School Council will be conducted at the first council meeting of this year on Tuesday, October 6th at 6:45 p.m. in the Conference Room. Forms will be available in the office during the period of September 21 to September 29th—for anyone interested in being part of the School Council executive for the school year 2015-2016. The deadline for submission of these forms is 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 29th. Please mark these dates down in your calendars and plan to come out and participate! FROM THE 2014-2015 SLR CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL Last year was another busy year at San Lorenzo Ruiz. The 2014-2015 Catholic School Council of San Lorenzo Ruiz would like to give a heart-felt thank you to the parents, staff and students for all their valuable contributions, whether it was helping by volunteering in the school or donating to the school’s fundraising efforts. Last year's School Council organized the following fundraising events: Annual Spook-a-thon Dance Fundraiser – raised $7,788 thanks to the generous support of our parents and community and corporate sponsors Fun Lunch Pizza days (offered Once/month and Twice/month programs) raised $8,305 Fun Lunch Mr Sub days (offered Once/month) raised $1,677 Fun Lunch Pita Pit trial days (3 days) raised $435 Bake Sales (February Parent/Teacher interviews and May Dance performance evenings) raised $3,190 Carassauga passport sales raised $250 These funds were used to support staff initiatives and programs throughout the school including the following items: Dance Maxx fees for the entire school FDK equipment needs Athletic equipment Various technology purchases (e.g. proximas, video camera) Scientists in the School visits and History presentations Literacy and math programs (e.g. RAZ Kids, books, manipulatives) Catholicity items (e.g. church busing, Grade 2 communion commemorative gifts) In total, the school community was able to support $16,552 in activities, events, equipment and programs to augment the curriculum experiences for students. In anticipation of future technology purchases, council has set aside $3400.. In addition, council has carried forward a balance of approx $1,500 for future needs and upcoming expenses in September/October 2015. In consultation with the principal, we look forward to implementing these resources according to DPCDSB policy. It is an amazing accomplishment and a testament to the school community’s generosity and commitment to our students and their achievement. As we look ahead to this new school year, please consider coming out to the School Council meetings, even if you only have time for one or two. It really does give you a better understanding of the workings of the school, the projects that are happening throughout the year as well as developing an awareness of the role of the School Council supporting the principal. SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR 2015 - 2016 School Year C School Holidays for the 2015-2016 School Year Every Saturday and Sunday Labour Day Monday, September 7, 2015 Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 12, 2015 Christmas Break (inclusive) Monday, December 21, 2015 to Friday, January 1, 2016 Family Day Monday, February 15, 2016 Mid-Winter Break Monday, March 14, 2016 to Friday, March 18, 2016 (inclusive) Good Friday Friday, March 25, 2016 Easter Monday Monday, March 28, 2016 Victoria Day Monday, May 23, 2016 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Elementary Schools – Professional Activity Days Thursday, September 3, 2015 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Friday, September 18, 2015 Principal’s Day: Re-organization/Faith Development Monday, January 18, 2016 Term 1 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress Friday, February 5, 2016 Reporting to Parents Friday, May 13, 2016 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Monday, June 13, 2016 Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress St. Sofia Only – Professional Activity Days 1. Thursday, September 3, 2015 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context 2. Thursday, January 7, 2016 Curriculum/Faith Development 3. Friday, February 5, 2016 Reporting to Parents 4. Friday, April 29, 2016 Curriculum/Faith Development 5. Friday, May 13, 2016 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context 6. Monday, June 13, 2016 Term 2 Assessment and Evaluation of Pupil Progress Secondary Schools – Professional Activity Days 1. Thursday, September 3, 2015 2. Friday, September 18, 2015 3. Wednesday, February 3, 2016 4. Tuesday, June 28, 2016 5. Wednesday, June 29, 2016 6. Thursday, June 30, 2016 Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Provincial Priorities in a Catholic Context Principal’s Day: Semester Turnaround Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities Principal’s Day: Year End Reporting and Activities *Semester and year end evaluations and school wide promotion meetings; contact parents with summer school recommendations, OSR and report card preparation; inventory management of books, equipment, learning materials; curriculum development for new course outlines; goal setting for the upcoming school year. INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES PROGRAMELEMENTARY ARAMAIC ARABIC CANTONESE CROATIAN GERMAN GREEK HEBREW HINDI HUNGARIAN IGBO ITALIAN KOREAN MALAYALAM MANDARIN POLISH PORTUGUESE PUNJABI RUSSIAN SLOVAK SPANISH TAGALOG TAMIL THELUNGA TURKISH UKRAINIAN URDU VIETNAMESE BOLTON St. John the Baptist BRAMPTON St. Kevin Pauline Vanier St. Francis Xavier St. Isaac Jogues MISSISSAUGA Bishop Scalabrini Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Elementary International Language Classes are available to students in grades JK to 8. Please register at the IL sites (listed below) on Saturdays. Day schools do not accept registrations. Call 905-8919263. There is continuous enrolment. For more information please visit & services/languages/ international languages MISSISSAUGA Divine Mercy Father Daniel Zanon Mary Fix Metropolitan Andrei St. Bernadette St. Bernard of Clairvaux St. Clare St. Herbert (Sunday classes) St. Jude Sts. Peter & Paul Sts. Martha & Mary