Sustainability Task Force Meeting Sarah Kelly, Sustainability Program Manager

Sustainability Task
Force Meeting
Sarah Kelly,
Sustainability Program Manager
Fall 2015, October 23
UH Affiliation (Student, Faculty, Staff)
STF Affiliation (Voting member, ex-officio, staff)
Major or Title
What are your major interests in sustainability?
What would you like the Sustainability Task Force to accomplish during
your term?
•  What’s the most beautiful place or moment you’ve experienced, and what
made it the most beautiful?
About the Office of Sustainability
•  Facilitate collaboration: campus and
•  Collect institutional sustainability data
•  Lead communications, outreach and events
•  Question UH processes
•  Recommend sustainability improvements
•  Direct student sustainability team
•  Support sustainability committees
•  Manage selected programs and projects
Sustainability Snapshot
•  History, reporting and governance
•  Buildings, water and energy
•  Academics and research
•  Campus as a living laboratory
•  Natural spaces
•  Engagement
•  Waste minimization
•  Transportation
•  Dining
Reporting & Governance
•  History
•  Campus Sustainability Policy
•  The Association for the Advancement of
Sustainability in Higher Education
•  Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating
•  Sustainability Task Force
•  SGA, Faculty Senate, Staff Council
•  Subcommittees
•  New committee
Recent developments
& ongoing projects
•  AASHE conference
•  New structure and policy for STF
•  Princeton Review Green Guide
•  Campus Sustainability Plan
Buildings, Water & Energy
•  LEED building
•  Energy metering and retrofits
•  Water-saving measures
•  Central Plant
•  Solar array
•  Energy saving
Buildings, water & energy
From 2005 to 2013,
UH energy use was
reduced by 36% while
building square footage
has increased by 71%.
Recent developments
& ongoing projects
•  Integrating sustainability into campus master plan
•  Including more sustainability items in building design guidelines:
•  Rainwater management
•  Bike rack requirement
•  Calculating water refills and filter maintenance
Academics & Research
•  Energy & Sustainability minor
•  Technology
•  Natural sciences
•  Air quality monitoring
•  Biodiversity
•  Architecture: LEED & biomimcry
•  Engineering
•  Energy Research: Wind, Diesel, Solar, Natural Gas, Biofuels,
•  Center for Environmental Sustainability And Resiliency
•  Hotel & Restaurant Management
•  Food security and safety
•  Law Center for Environment, Energy & Natural
Academics & research
The University offers
a minor in Energy &
Sustainability that is
open to ALL
Campus as a Living
•  Greenhouse gas emissions
•  HVAC and living campus
•  Algorithms to control buildings
•  User input through apps and social media
•  Cooling tower
•  Wind-powered turbine
•  Archimedes Spiral Blade
Campus as a living laboratory
Recent developments
& ongoing projects
•  Improve collaboration with UH Energy and Energy & Sustainability
•  Permanent project: Greenhouse gas inventory
•  Offering guest lectures & presentations to classes and student
•  Garden improvement project with College of Architecture Students
•  Identifying potential list of projects and better publicizing it to faculty
Natural Spaces
•  Campus Community Garden
•  Established in 2009
•  All-organic vegetables, fruit and herbs
•  Focus on crop rotation, experiments to create a
closed-loop system
•  Tree Campus U.S.A.
•  Houston’s only sloped green roof
•  UH Coastal Center
•  300 acres of prairie
Natural spaces
In 2014, 808 pounds of
produce was grown in
the campus garden and
donated to food pantries
in low-income areas
surrounding UH.
Recent developments
& ongoing projects
•  Pocket Prairie Project
•  Campus Orchard, Leek Street Lots
•  Tree Campus U.S.A.
•  Campus Community Garden
•  Help with funding projects
•  Social media
•  Newsletter:
•  Blog:
•  Website:
•  Events and in-person outreach
•  Sustainability Meetup, RecycleMania, Earth Week,
Sustainability Fest, Clean Up Day, Rock the Campus,
BYOBottle, Bike to UH Day, volunteering, orientations
•  Community partners
•  TRACS, City of Houston, Bike Houston, etc.
Recent developments
& ongoing projects
•  Sustainability Fest, Nov. 17, 11:30 to 1:30, Lynn
Eusan Park
•  State of Sustainability, Jan. 25, 11:30 to 1:30, Rockwell Pavilion
•  Sustainable Coog Certification, Sustainability Champions, Office
•  Potential partnerships:
•  Building coordinators, Harbach Ripley, NCAA Final Four, Green
Alliance Sports Summit
Sustainability Fest - RecycleMania
Earth Week - Bike to UH Day
Sustainability Fest
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 17
Lynn Eusan Park
Waste minimization
•  Outdoor recycling in 2009
•  In house staff
•  2013: Single-stream recycling
•  Big Belly solar compacting units
•  Grounds waste
•  Hazardous waste
•  Composting pilot project
•  Indoor recycling
Waste minimization
What can you recycle on campus?
Recent developments
& ongoing projects
•  Big Belly solar compacting units redesign
•  Adding Recycle bin request to FAMIS; 96 gal. vs. small office size
•  Streamline event request for bins
•  Optometry School waste minimization project
•  Indoor recycling improvements
•  Food waste diversion
•  Partnership with Athletics/Venue Works
•  BYOBottle to the Stadium
Transportation & Dining
Styrofoam has been
eliminated in the campus
dining halls, diverting
90,000 boxes from the
landfill annually.
•  Parking
•  Single-rider cars
•  Campus fleet
•  Public transportation
•  Shuttles
•  Bike program
•  Vanpools
•  Incentives
Recent developments
& ongoing projects
•  EV solar charge stations
•  Bike advisory committee
•  Bike survey, report and recommendations
•  Abandon bike reporting system
•  Suggested bike routes, safety maps
•  Vegan, vegetarian, halal, gluten-free options
•  Eliminating Styrofoam
•  Reusable containers
•  Recycled-content napkins
•  Tray-less dining
•  Recycled cooking oil
•  Fair trade coffee and fair trade campaign
2015-2016 Sustainability
Task Force Goals
STF 2015-2016 Goals: Restructuring and
renaming the Sustainability Task Force
•  Campus Sustainability Committee
•  Task force v. Committee v. Council
•  Additional members?
•  How do we improve campus and community
•  Adding alumni and community component
•  Sustainability Champions
STF 2015-2016 Goals: New Campus
Sustainability Policy
•  Current policy:
•  What all should it include?
•  Scope of office vs. committee
•  Keep it general
•  Distribute new draft of policy
STF 2015-2016 Goals: Other
•  Establishing leadership
•  Meeting frequency and structure
•  Campus feedback and recommendations to
Open forum and other items
Does anyone have any other
issues or ideas to discuss?
STF action items
•  Identify projects you’d like to work on
•  Review new Campus Sustainability Policy
•  Review other university committee/council
•  Provide feedback on proposed UH structure
changes to STF
•  Participate in upcoming events and assist
with identified projects
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