Program Planning and Assessment (PPA) for Services, Offices & Non-Instructional Programs Comprehensive Review, Annual Review & Action Plan Spring 2015 The purpose of Program Planning and Assessment at Hartnell College is to obtain an honest and authentic view of a service/office/program and to assess its strengths, opportunities, needs, and connection to the mission and goals of the college. The process is based on the premise that each area reviews assessment data and uses these data to plan for improvement. The results of these annual cycles provide data for a periodic comprehensive review that shows evidence of improvement and outlines long-range goals. The Program Planning and Assessment process improves and increases the flow of information and data at Hartnell College. The result of the process also improves institutional effectiveness. Service/Office/ Non-Instructional Program Date Completed (must be in final form by 3/27/15)* 3/31/15** Date Submitted to Superintendent/President 3/31/15 Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness *Please note that you should work with your colleagues and supervisor/director/dean to ensure that this report is completed, revised as needed, in its final form and submitted no later than the end of March. **A meeting to bring together all IPE staff for the purpose of finalizing this report was not possible; an iterative process was therefore undertaken consisting of holding two meetings (on 3/20 & 3/30) with overlapping staff members to obtain input in finalizing specific document sections. List of Contributors, including Title/Position Name Dr. Brian Lofman Wade Grant Dr. Layheng Ting Cristina Zavala Title/Position Dean of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Institutional Data Analyst Institutional Research Analyst Administrative Assistant Superintendent/President’s Comments (required): I find the plans, strategies, and outcomes identified in the Annual Review to be complete and comprehensive. The resource allocation requests are linked to an assessment of the effectiveness of the Office of IPE. The challenge will be to allocate the resources needed to implement the plans and strategies that are outlined in an environment where there are tremendous resource needs across the institution. Willard Lewallen Typed Name of Superintendent/President 2015-05-01 Date This PPA report is organized in 3 sections and 9 subsections as follows: I. II. III. Comprehensive Review – a. Overall Service/Office/Program Effectiveness, b. Staffing Profile, and c. Service/Office/Program Goals. Annual Review – a. Data & Trends, b. Service/Program Modality, c. Outcomes, and d. Previously Scheduled Activities. Annual Action Plan – a. New Activities and b. Resource Requests. INSTRUCTIONS For services/offices/non-instructional programs scheduled for comprehensive review in spring 2015, please complete Sections I, II, and III. For services/offices/non-instructional programs scheduled for annual review, please complete Sections II and III. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning is scheduled for an annual review in spring 2015. Section I has therefore not been completed, except for III.C.1 Office Goals. 2|Page I. COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW Please complete this section for services/offices/non-instructional programs scheduled for comprehensive review in spring 2015. Go to Section II for services/offices/non-instructional programs scheduled for annual review in spring 2015. A. OVERALL SERVICE/OFFICE/PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS 1. Describe your service/office/non-instructional program in terms of its overall effectiveness over the past several years. Please consider the questions below in describing your area. What are your area’s primary functions? How are students/employees served by the service/office/program? What are the unique aspects of the service/office/program? How does the service/office/program relate to the needs of the community? How does the service/office/program interface/collaborate with other areas on campus? What is working well in service/program provision? Have state and/or federal mandates/rules/certifications particular to the service/program been met? What policies and/or practices, both institutionally and departmentally, have been implemented to improve functions over the past few years? What professional activities have staff recently (last three years) participated in? [Begin response here] 3|Page B. STAFFING PROFILE 1. In the table indicate the number in terms of FTE. For instance, 1 full-time staff person is 1.0, and a half-time person is .5. Positions 2012-13 2013-14 2014-2015 Management, Supervisors Classified Staff Classified Staff- Part-time Faculty Staff Faculty – Part-time Student Workers Professional Experts Total Full Time equivalent Staff 2. What staffing factors/challenges have influenced the effectiveness of the service/office/program? [Begin response here] 4|Page C. SERVICE/OFFICE/PROGRAM GOALS 1. List and describe service/office/program goals for the next comprehensive review cycle. Be sure to highlight innovative, unique, or other especially noteworthy aspects. In considering your service’s/office’s/program’s future goals, please review Hartnell’s vision and mission statements. VISION STATEMENT Hartnell College will be nationally recognized for the success of our students by developing leaders who will contribute to the social, cultural, and economic vitality of our region and the global community. MISSION STATEMENT Focusing on the needs of the Salinas Valley, Hartnell College provides educational opportunities for students to reach academic goals in an environment committed to student learning, achievement and success. 1) Steward effective institutional planning toward fulfilling college mission and meeting strategic priorities and goals. Objective 1A: Design, implement, evaluate and improve a comprehensive annual integrated planning process. Objective 1B: Coordinate the development, increased integration, implementation and assessment of long term institutional plans. 2) Strengthen institutional effectiveness toward ongoing, documented performance measurement against college mission and strategic priorities and goals. Objective 2A: Create a comprehensive institutional plan to systematically cultivate continuous improvement throughout the college. Objective 2B: Coordinate specification and execution of a wide array of processes that collectively enhance organizational learning and student success. Objective 2C: Inventory and ensure submission of key external reports on timely basis. 3) Encourage and support data driven decisions across the college. Objective 3A: Ensure the quality and integrity of institutional data for analysis, planning, decision making, policy making, reporting, and other purposes. Objective 3B: Survey data and data reporting needs for each college division, and develop data reporting tools accordingly. Objective 3C: Design and/or provide access to, and training when required in, self-service research and data gathering, analysis, and reporting tools. 5|Page II. ANNUAL REVIEW This section must be completed for ALL services/offices/non-instructional programs, including those scheduled for a comprehensive review in spring 2015. A. DATA & TRENDS 1. Provide available data and information that define target recipients of the service/office/non-instructional program, including numbers/size, types and characteristics/needs of current and potential users, students, clients, and/or other relevant populations. List the sources of this data and information. The Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness touches every college employee directly and/or indirectly via integrated planning and continuous improvement processes, such as execution of the strategic plan, development of annual and comprehensive plans, and implementation of continuous improvement processes. The IPE Office is responsible for coordinating and shepherding work to be accomplished on timely basis. Key target recipients include the Superintendent/President, the Board of Trustees through the Superintendent/President, Vice Presidents, and other members of the Executive Cabinet. Other ongoing interactions involve responses to questions or requests for data occurring between office staff on the one hand, and faculty, administrators, and staff on the other. 2. Analyze and report on salient patterns and trends in this data. Given these patterns and trends in users, needs, usage and/or other key factors, identify particularly challenging issues in service/program provision, office functioning, and the evaluation of the service/office/non-instructional program. The most critical patterns relate to the timetables of work that needs to be accomplished throughout the institution via development of strategic plan metrics, implementation and coordination of the program planning and assessment cycle, integrated planning and budgeting, and cycles of continuous improvement. The biggest challenges this past year have been ensuring that work products due from various divisions are completed and submitted on time to meet internal deadlines (implementation and evaluation of plans and processes) and to demonstrate compliance with external mandates (e.g., accreditation recommendations and standards), and making progress on projects, fulfilling requests, and otherwise accomplishing tasks during the several month vacancy of the institutional research analyst position. 3. Provide any other relevant data and describe any other relevant qualitative factors that affect service/program provision, office functioning, and the evaluation of the service/office/non-instructional program. List the sources of this data and information. Although the IPE Office has established, led and facilitated meetings of ad hoc groups involving research and data (the Standards Task Force, the IE Goals Task Force, and Data Summit), and attempted to do its best to be responsive to research and data requests from college employees, the office is not currently staffed and trained to fulfill the various responsibilities of a professional institutional research function to meet the college’s long-term needs. 6|Page B. SERVICE/PROGRAM MODALITY 1. Describe the different physical locations (campuses, sites, etc.) at which, the various delivery vehicles (phone, online, face-to-face, etc.) through which, and the times (of day, evening, week, etc.) at which the service/program is provided to intended recipients. Consider staffing and other resources available to serve user needs for each location, vehicle, and time specified. The IPE office is physically located in D building on the main campus. The growing staff—which may reach 4.5 college employees by the start of FY 2015-16—is housed in offices and work spaces on the first floor of D and E buildings. Although all staff are within walking distance of one another, this office space situation remains sub-optimally efficient for the requirements of a well-functioning office that must shepherd large-scale projects and coordinate complex activities. The IPE dean submitted a request for expanded office space through the Facilities Development Council, and has reviewed potential options that may become available over the next several months or so. The optimal solution would consist of several separate offices for up to 3 administrators within one office suite or modular, that would also accommodate counter space for a front office student worker/receptionist, an administrative assistant desk/work space, a work room with space for 2 or 3 staff and convenient access to a printer/photocopier machine, a conference room suitable for holding regular committee and ad hoc meetings, and a rest room. The latter two amenities would especially be required if the office were to be located on the periphery of the main campus. The office serves the entire college. Whereas it is sometimes best to hold meetings in person, many questions can be handled via email, and more interactive conversations by phone. Development of the IPE website has provided increasingly greater access to information, documents, and additional resources. While major institutional projects are reported on various IPE web pages, a more sophisticated level of access to information cannot be provided without more advanced web features, such as drop down menus. 2. Compare service/program quality provided across locations, vehicles, and times. Are there differences? To what do you ascribe the differences in your service/ program? Discuss any other relevant factors regarding diverse service/program modalities and environments. There are no clear differences. However, the physical distance that exists between the IPE Office and the Alisal Campus and the King City Education Center (KCEC), along with the fact that institutional work is almost exclusively created and performed at the main campus, makes salient the need to be sensitive to issues that arise at all sites, and for the institution to be cognizant of the importance of strategic planning and continuous improvement at each site. The IPE dean ensures that newly hired staff are given a tour of the Alisal Campus shortly after they begin employment at the college; it is more challenging to arrange for visits to south county. More fundamentally, the IPE dean is considering whether a more focused approach to strategic planning may be useful for Alisal Campus and KCEC that moves beyond the comprehensive PPA reports that have been prepared by those respective deans, or more simply whether consultative meetings with those deans might be helpful in focusing on key strategic challenges that those sites face moving forward. 7|Page 3. Describe the process to change and improve service/program quality for the more challenging locations, vehicles, and/or times. The greatest challenge to improving service quality relates to the need to centralize the institutional research (IR) function within IPE. The hiring of an IR director will go a long way toward ensuring both proactive and responsive capabilities with respect to both planning and fulfilling IR needs. The IPE dean is nonetheless beginning to plan for the college’s long-term IR needs as the office continues working in parallel toward improved planning and effectiveness services and activities. 8|Page C. OUTCOMES SERVICE AREA OUTCOMES Each service unit/office/non-instructional program develops its own Service Area Outcomes (SAOs). The outcomes should be directly related to the work of the service unit/office/non-instructional program, challenging but attainable, and measureable. SAOs should articulate what specifically is to be achieved; their measurement should assess how well the service unit/office/non-instructional program is performing. 1. Please complete the following tables. List Service Area Outcome(s) scheduled for assessment as previously specified (Note: only SAOs focused on work that could begin or be accomplished in the past year are listed below.) a. Evaluate and improve comprehensive annual integrated planning process. b. Coordinate increased integration and assessment of long term institutional plans. c. Finalize comprehensive plan to systematically cultivate continuous improvement throughout the college. 9|Page What changes have occurred in the service/office/program as a result of dialogue? Was a Service Area Outcome Assessment Summary completed (if expected)? An evaluation of the integrated planning process was accomplished by updating the rubric that had previously been created as evidence in the accreditation follow-up report. The rubric shows the specific features of integrated planning as they have evolved over several years through the planned improvements for the spring 2015 cycle. For example, over the past two PPA cycles, report templates were streamlined, an area for required supervisor comments was added, and items on student achievement outcomes were included (on the academic template). Several long term institutional plans currently contain language linking initiatives to goals in the college’s strategic plan. Assessments of the implementation (in 2013-14) of 2 long term institutional plans were completed utilizing a template provided by the IPE Office. The continuous improvement plan was finalized and approved by the College Planning Council in early fall 2014. (My office has not received and has been unable to obtain information about this assessment summary.) List Service Area Outcome(s) scheduled for assessment in AY 15-16 How will the Outcome(s) be assessed? Hold all (100%) meetings required and provide all (100%) meeting minutes for college-wide committees chaired by IPE office administrators. Create college-wide committee dealing with institutional data and research issues, such as goals for institutional effectiveness and standards for student achievement. Coordinate annual report of the second year implementation of the strategic plan by providing relevant updates of 80% of the combined number of relevant goals and outcomes, and a scorecard displaying updates of 80% of the total number of relevant KPIs. Coordinate annual assessment of relevant long term institutional plans by providing report templates to all (100%) leads and receiving 80% completed report templates. Coordinate annual evaluation of the implementation of relevant continuous improvement processes by providing report templates to all (100%) leads and receiving 80% completed report templates. For all committees chaired by IPE office administrators, percentages of meetings held and minutes provided per applicable web pages. (B. Lofman/C. Zavala) Committee web page showing handbook. (B. Lofman/C. Zavala) 10 | P a g e Content of progress report and scorecard provided to the Board of Trustees by end of 2015 calendar year. (B. Lofman/W. Grant) Percentage of assessment report templates provided to and percentage completed by leads for relevant plans to be assessed. (B. Lofman) Percentage of evaluation report templates provided to and completed by leads for relevant CI processes to be evaluated. (B. Lofman/L. Ting) 2. Describe how service area outcomes were specifically addressed by the service/office/program during the past year. Was there review and analysis of the data? How did the staff engage in discussion? Were any interventions conducted? Are there any plans to make changes/improvements in the service/office/program? 3. Describe assessment activities that need to be strengthened or improved. What are the challenges to achieving these improvements? The following responses combining items 2 and 3 above refer to the 3 SAOs scheduled for assessment during this spring 2015 cycle. a. Evaluate and improve comprehensive annual integrated planning process: The IPE dean worked with the institutional data analyst in revising the PPA report templates. In an effort to make additional improvements as the college seeks to transition to eLumen for program review purposes, the IPE office plans to schedule focus group meetings with faculty and non-instructional staff to occur later this spring 2015 and again in fall 2015. b. Coordinate increased integration and assessment of long term institutional plans: Although initiatives/activities in several long term plans have been linked to strategic plan goals, no other mechanism currently exists for linking progress on these initiatives/activities to progress in achieving strategic plan goals. It was a struggle to obtain the two assessment reports eventually received for the evaluation of long term institutional plans, even after a report template was provided. Additional long term plans have since been adopted/approved by the college. A more concerted and focused effort will therefore be required to ensure a higher response rate. c. Finalize comprehensive plan to systematically cultivate continuous improvement throughout the college: Now that this has been accomplished, attention must turn to ensuring that CI processes are undertaken on their regular cycle, and that they are assessed subsequent to that cycle. A report template has been developed for the latter purpose. The IPE dean is working with the institutional research analyst to spearhead the coordination of the evaluation of CI process implementation. D. PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES This subsection focuses on activities that were previously scheduled. An activity can address many different aspects of your service/office/program, and ultimately is undertaken to improve or enhance your service/office/program, and keep it current. Activity scheduled What success has been achieved to date on this activity? What challenges existed or continue to exist? Will activity continue into AY 15-16? Will activity continue into AY 16-17?* 1. Institutional membership—Education Advisory Board This was scheduled for AY 15-16; it therefore has yet to be undertaken. Funding decision. Services will be utilized if funds are budgeted. Membership requires a 3 year participation through 2017-18. 11 | P a g e 2. Training in utilization of Cognos generated data and data-reporting self-service tools This was scheduled for AY 15-16; it therefore has yet to be undertaken. 3. Incorporation of additional integrated planning components through eLumen software 4. Transition of PPA process from Word based documents to eLumen software This was scheduled for AY 15-16 and was dependent on activity #4; it therefore has yet to be undertaken. This was scheduled for AY 14-15. It could not be undertaken because the features required in eLumen software for program review were not available. Word documents continue to be used in the current spring 2015 PPA cycle. The 7+ month vacancy in the institutional research analyst position, such that the institutional data analyst could not devote the substantial effort that would be required in advance of this activity. This activity is dependent on progress made (lack thereof thus far) on activity #4 (see below). The main challenge that continues to exist is for the software to incorporate the features that have been requested by the college, such that testing, trial, and rollout can subsequently occur in advance of the next spring 2016 PPA cycle. It is expected that some training activities will be held in AY 15-16, though it has not yet been determined by whom and when. This will depend on an as yet unspecified plan for rolling out Cognos tools to the college community beyond the folks who have had some training through the Title V research group. Activity has not yet begun. Possibly, depending on the status of activity #4. Yes, if the software Possibly - the can incorporate the transition may or may necessary features no not have been later than May 2015, completed by the start it is expected that a of AY 16-17, which will transition can in turn impact activity potentially be made #3. from the current use of Word documents, or at least on a trial basis starting with the spring 2016 PPA cycle. * For each activity that will continue into AY 2016-17 and that requires resources, submit a separate resource request in Section III. 1. Evaluate the success of each activity scheduled, including activities completed and those in progress. What measurable outcomes were achieved? Did the activities and subsequent dialogue lead to significant change in service or program success? The activities are scheduled for 2015-16. 12 | P a g e III. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN This section must be completed for ALL services/offices/non-instructional programs, whether scheduled for annual or comprehensive review in spring 2015. A. NEW ACTIVITIES This subsection addresses new activities for, and continuing new activities into, AY 2016-17. An activity can address many different aspects of your service/office/program, and ultimately is undertaken to improve, enhance, and or keep your service/office/program current. A new activity may or may not require additional resources. The first activity listed should be the most important; the second activity listed the second most important, etc. Activities can include but are not limited to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. NEW CURRICULUM FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROGRAM OR SERVICE GRANT DEVELOPMENT AND PROPOSALS FACULTY AND STAFF TRAINING MARKETING/OUTREACH ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPPORT OPERATIONS FACILITIES 1. List information concerning new projects or activities planned. The first activity listed should be the most important; the second activity listed the second most important, etc. Please keep in mind that resources needed, if funded, would not be approved until spring 2016 and provided until FY 2016-17. Ongoing activities involving resources that will no longer be available from grant funds starting FY 2016-17 must be planned for appropriately. (CHART BEGINS ON NEXT PAGE) 13 | P a g e Activity 1. Expansion of IPE Office Capabilities & Continued Cultivation of IR Function Strategic Plan Goal(s) No. & Letter (e.g., 5A)* 1A, 2A, 2B, 4A, 5A Related SAOs, SLOs, PLOs, or goals This set of activities will assist the office in achieving its three overarching goals: 1. Steward effective institutional planning toward fulfilling college mission and meeting strategic priorities and goals. 2. Strengthen institutional effectiveness toward ongoing, documented performance measurement against college mission and strategic priorities and goals. 3. Encourage and support data driven decisions across the college. Desired Outcome(s) Resources Needed College’s “one stop shopping” for planning, research and effectiveness needs a. Expanded office space, preferably suite of offices (if not already moved in 2015-16) b. Hiring of IR Director (if not already hired in 2015-16) c. Transition of HSI initiatives director to IPE office/report to IPE dean (to remain mostly grant funded at or below 90%) d. Transition of funding for institutional data analyst position (from 100% grant funded to 100% general fund) e. Hiring of full-time administrative assistant for expanded IPE office f. Hiring of part-time student workers for IPE office g. Membership in Education Advisory Board to support best practices (continuation of membership if commenced in 201516) 14 | P a g e Person Responsible B. Lofman Estimated Date of Completion (can be more than one year in length) July 2016 Comments This set of activities will culminate in a fully staffed office to meet short- and longrange institutional needs. 2. Continued Participation in Implementing Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)/Specialized Training for IPE Office Staff & Targeted College Employees (ongoing from 2015-16) 3. Second Annual Institutional Planning Retreat (the first annual retreat was not budgeted) 1A, 2A, 2B, 5A This activity will assist the office in achieving the overarching goal that is currently its most challenging: Greater data reliability and user functionality Business intelligence and visual display analysis and reporting W. Grant/ L. Ting (with IT Team, including instructional technologists) June 2017 (project phases will be completed in advance of this date) This activity partners IPE and IT to ensure both data integrity and system utilization. Improved preparation for the upcoming academic year’s strategic activities Facilitator/caterer B. Lofman / C. Zavala July 2016 (date of event) This activity provides a preacademic year forum for college leader and administrator planning. 3. Encourage and support data driven decisions across the college. 1A, 2A, 2B, 4A, 6A This activity will assist the office in improving the annual integrated planning process through information-sharing and joint planning: 1a. Design, implement, evaluate and improve a comprehensive annual integrated planning process. * See Appendix A for a list of the 11 goals in the college’s Strategic Plan. 15 | P a g e *** Please complete items 2a-e immediately below for EACH new activity. *** Expansion of IPE Office Capabilities & Continued Cultivation of IR Function 1. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the service/office/program. Consider: Faculty Other staffing Facilities Equipment (non-expendable, greater than $5,000), supplies (expendable, valued at less than $5,000), Software Hardware Outside services Training Travel Library materials Science laboratory materials a) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support. This expansion will enable the IPE office to become a “one stop shop” for planning, research and effectiveness. b) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply: 1) Service Area Outcome (list applicable service area outcome) 2) Program level Outcome (list applicable program level outcome) 3) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome) 4) Service/Program Goal (list applicable service /program goal outcome) 5) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan outcome) The expansion will in time allow for the provision of full-service capabilities that will assist in improving the first two overarching office goals, and provide resources to more fully engage the college in data driven analysis, policy making, and decision making per the third office goal, as follows. 1. Steward effective institutional planning toward fulfilling college mission and meeting strategic priorities and goals. 2. Strengthen institutional effectiveness toward ongoing, documented performance measurement against college mission and strategic priorities and goals. 3. Encourage and support data driven decisions across the college. 16 | P a g e The expansion is therefore linked to several institutional priorities—student access, student success, effective utilization of resources, and innovation and relevance for programs and services, and perhaps most notably tied to the following strategic plan goals: Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success. Goal 2B: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment that addresses and meets the diverse learning needs of students. Goal 5A: Hartnell College will provide programs and services that are relevant to the real-world needs of its diverse student population, while also developing and employing a culture of innovation that will lead to improved institutional effectiveness and student learning. c) Does this activity span multiple years? ☐ YES ☒ NO The expansion itself consists of many interrelated components, but can potentially be accomplished within a narrow window. The ongoing activities toward achieving the office’s goals will be executed through the culmination of implementation of the current strategic plan in spring 2018. If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity. d) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success. Success will be measured by the ability to undertake and complete a more expansive range of projects and tasks, and the extent to which interest in analyzing, utilizing and reporting data has been cultivated/generated. With respect to the former, as staffing has allowed, the IPE office has aggressively taken on an expanded set of initiatives, and maintains a list of ongoing projects that provides a useful perspective on the scale and scope of work required (see Appendix B for project inventory as of 3-31-15). e) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity? The most critical hurdle is funding and institutionalizing positions for the IPE office, and secondly the availability of an office location that allows regular collaboration between and among office staff. 17 | P a g e *** Please complete items 2a-e immediately below for EACH new activity. *** Continued Participation in Implementing Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)/Specialized Training for IPE Office Staff & Targeted College Employees 2. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the service/office/program. Consider: Faculty Other staffing Facilities Equipment (non-expendable, greater than $5,000), supplies (expendable, valued at less than $5,000), Software Hardware Outside services Training Travel Library materials Science laboratory materials f) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support. Continued participation in implementing an EDW and specialized training in related applications will advance the IPE office’s third goal of encouraging and supporting data driven decisions across the college through improved data reliability and greatly enhanced user functionality. g) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply: 6) Service Area Outcome (list applicable service area outcome) 7) Program level Outcome (list applicable program level outcome) 8) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome) 9) Service/Program Goal (list applicable service /program goal outcome) 10) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan outcome) As mentioned above, participation in implementing an EDW supports the IPE office goal to encourage and support data driven decision making. More broadly, through improved research analytics and data reporting, this ongoing activity is linked to the following strategic plan goals: Goal 1A: Hartnell College will provide higher education, workforce development, and lifelong learning opportunities—with seamless pathways—to all of the college’s present and prospective constituent individuals and groups. 18 | P a g e Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success. Goal 2B: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment that addresses and meets the diverse learning needs of students. Goal 5A: Hartnell College will provide programs and services that are relevant to the real-world needs of its diverse student population, while also developing and employing a culture of innovation that will lead to improved institutional effectiveness and student learning. h) Does this activity span multiple years? ☒ YES ☐ NO If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity. Development of an EDW will commence in the remaining months of spring and/or summer 2015, and will continue through 2015-16 (and beyond). Implementation will overlap with development, and the former will increasingly become predominant as data is cumulatively vetted and applications become available. It is essential that IPE (and IT) office staff trainings are appropriately scheduled, such that employee training can subsequently occur as applications are rolled out to the college. i) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success. Success will be measured by the application of rules for transforming data (IT), the data dictionary that is progressively and cumulatively developed (IPE), the applications that become available to college employees (IT/IPE), training of employees on application features and usage (IT/IPE), and ultimately application usage by college employees. j) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity? The major obstacle to moving forward productively is the time available for IPE and IT staff to work on this critically important initiative. Coupled with this hurdle is the funding of positions in IPE (director of institutional research) and IT (programmer analyst with focus on data modeling and business intelligence reporting). 19 | P a g e *** Please complete items 2a-e immediately below for EACH new activity. *** Second Annual Institutional Planning Retreat 3. This item is used to describe how the new activity, or continuing new activity, will support the service/office/program. Consider: Faculty Other staffing Facilities Equipment (non-expendable, greater than $5,000), supplies (expendable, valued at less than $5,000), Software Hardware Outside services Training Travel Library materials Science laboratory materials k) Describe the new activity or follow-on activity that this resource will support. The retreat provides a forum for strategic and integrated institutional planning in advance of the upcoming academic year. l) Describe how this activity supports all of the following that apply: 11) Service Area Outcome (list applicable service area outcome) 12) Program level Outcome (list applicable program level outcome) 13) Course level Outcome (list applicable course level outcome) 14) Service/Program Goal (list applicable service /program goal outcome) 15) Strategic Plan Goal (list applicable strategic plan outcome) The retreat fills a current void in the integrated planning process, as formal plans do not otherwise get interpreted in real time among the full range of college leaders and administrators who are largely responsible for implementation, nor do folks have a natural “place” for discussing and preparing for the institution’s various strategic initiatives on an annual basis. As such, the annual retreat will support the IPE office’s longrange goal of “stewarding effective institutional planning toward fulfilling college mission and meeting strategic priorities and goals.” It will more broadly support the following strategic plan goals, with an emphasis on Goal 4A: 20 | P a g e Goal 1A: Hartnell College will provide higher education, workforce development, and lifelong learning opportunities—with seamless pathways—to all of the college’s present and prospective constituent individuals and groups. Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success. Goal 2B: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment that addresses and meets the diverse learning needs of students. Goal 4A: To support its mission, Hartnell College is committed to the effective utilization of its human resources. Goal 6A: Hartnell College is committed to strengthening and furthering its current partnerships, in order to secure lasting, mutually beneficial relationships between the college and the community that the college serves. m) Does this activity span multiple years? ☒ YES ☐ NO If yes, describe the action plan for completion of this activity. The first annual institutional planning retreat is currently planned for early June 2015. It is anticipated that this event will be held each year thereafter in the summer. n) What measureable outcomes are expected from this activity? List indicators of success. Measurable outcomes will likely be satisfaction oriented, and therefore entail development and implementation of a survey based on participant perceptions. Some specific outcomes may be included based on the planned activities for the event, such as development of and agreement on a master meeting schedule for the upcoming academic year, and/or a list of timely topics/issues that require research on best practices to facilitate implementation during the upcoming academic year. o) What are the barriers to achieving success in this activity? Ensuring that there is a good turnout for this event, particularly if it is held at an off-campus location, and commitment to working collaboratively at and subsequent to the retreat. 21 | P a g e B. RESOURCE REQUESTS If new/additional resources are needed for your service/office/program, it is important that you identify them and project their cost, and that these resources and costs be considered through the College’s integrated planning (budget development, funding decision making, and resource allocation) processes. A resource is likely to be something needed to support an activity that you have identified in IIIA above, in which case you must link the resource with a specific activity number (first column below). The first activity listed should be the most important; the second activity listed the second most important, etc. A resource could also be something necessary for your service/program to function properly to improve student learning, such as updated equipment in a room/facility; in such case be sure to note that the resource is NOT tied to a specific activity. Activity No. Personnel Classified Staff/ Faculty/ Manager (C/F/M)* Supplies/ Equipment (S/E)** Technology Hardware/ Software (H/S)*** 1. Expansion of IPE a. IR Director/ Office Capabilities & Continued Cultivation of IR Function a. Printer/photo- a. Computers for Management Range copier (E) for IR Director and VII (M, new position office (if office AA (H) if not already suite has been established/ongoing) identified) b. Institutional Data Analyst/from grantfunded to general fund (C) Contract Services Training a. Membership in Education Advisory Board (if not already established/ ongoing) Participation in Implementing Enterprise Data Warehouse/Speciali zed Training for IPE Office Staff & Targeted College Employees (ongoing from 2015-16) 22 | P a g e a. Computer software (S) for training and user applications Library Facilities/Space Projected (e.g., science Materials Costs labs) a. Office suite (if not already identified) c. Administrative Assistant (C, new position) 2. Continued Travel a. Specialized training on business intelligence, visual displays, and other EDW analytic and reporting applications Approx. $300,000 Some of these resource requests may be approved as noted prior to FY 2016-17. $35,000 3. Second Annual Institutional Planning Retreat (the first annual retreat was not budgeted) a. Facilitator b. Caterer * Personnel: Include a C or F after the amount to indicate Classified Staff or Faculty. ** S for Supplies, E for Equipment. *** H for Hardware, S for Software. 23 | P a g e a. Off-campus facility with technology as required $1,500 APPENDIX A. Strategic Priorities & Goals (from Hartnell College Strategic Plan 2013-2018) Priority 1: Student Access Goal 1A: Hartnell College will provide higher education, workforce development, and lifelong learning opportunities—with seamless pathways—to all of the college’s present and prospective constituent individuals and groups. Priority 2: Student Success Goal 2A: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment to help students pursue and achieve educational success. Goal 2B: Hartnell College will provide a supportive, innovative, and collaborative learning environment that addresses and meets the diverse learning needs of students. Priority 3: Employee Diversity and Development Goal 3A: Hartnell College is committed to 1) increasing diversity among its employees; 2) providing an environment that is safe for and inviting to diverse persons, groups, and communities; and 3) becoming a model institution of higher education whose respect for diversity is easily seen and is fully integrated throughout its policies, practices, facilities, signage, curricula, and other reflections of life at the college. Goal 3B: To attract and retain highly qualified employees, Hartnell College is committed to providing and supporting relevant, substantial professional development opportunities. Priority 4: Effective Utilization of Resources Goal 4A: To support its mission, Hartnell College is committed to the effective utilization of its human resources. Goal 4B: Hartnell College is committed to having its physical plant, furnishings, and grounds maintained and replaced in a planned and scheduled way to support learning, safety, security, and access. Goal 4C: Hartnell College will maintain a current, user-friendly technological infrastructure that serves the needs of students and employees. Goal 4D: Hartnell College is committed to maximizing the use and value of capital assets, managing financial resources, minimizing costs, and engaging in fiscally sound planning for future maintenance, space, and technology needs. 24 | P a g e Priority 5: Innovation and Relevance for Programs and Services Goal 5A: Hartnell College will provide programs and services that are relevant to the realworld needs of its diverse student population, while also developing and employing a culture of innovation that will lead to improved institutional effectiveness and student learning. Priority 6: Partnership with Industry, Business Agencies and Education Goal 6A: Hartnell College is committed to strengthening and furthering its current partnerships, in order to secure lasting, mutually beneficial relationships between the college and the community that the college serves. 25 | P a g e APPENDIX B. Project Inventory for IPE Office 3-31-15 PROJECT CATEGORY PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COMPLETED PROJECT CATEGORIES: 1. IPE OFFICE 2. INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING 3. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 4. ORGANIZATIONAL INTELLIGENCE 5. DATA & DATABASES 6. INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH 26 | P a g e LEAD/ CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS IPE OFFICE STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – FY 2015-16 STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – FY 2014-15 UTILIZATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE OF IPE WEBSITE TRANSITION TO EXPANDED IPE OFFICE SPACE DEVELOPMENT & SUBMISSION OF IPE OFFICE PPA REPORT—SPRING 2015 DEVELOPMENT & SUBMISSION OF IPE OFFICE PPA REPORT—SPRING 2014 TRANSITION TO CENTRAL INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH (IR) FUNCTION WITHIN IPE BRIAN/ CRISTINA/ LAYHENG/ WADE BRIAN/ CRISTINA/ WADE CRISTINA/ WADE WADE/ LAYHENG/ BRIAN BRIAN BRIAN/ CRISTINA/ LAYHENG/ WADE BRIAN/ ELISA/ MARIA/ LANGSTON BRIAN SEARCH FOR DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH (IR) BRIAN TRANSITION OF DIRECTOR OF HSI (HISPANIC SERVING INSTITUTION) INITIATIVES TO IPE BRIAN SEARCH FOR INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH ANALYST BRIAN SEARCH FOR INSTITUTIONAL DATA ANALYST BRIAN DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE OF PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR IPE 27 | P a g e BRIAN/ CRISTINA/ LAYHENG/ WADE INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION & COORDINATION OF ANNUAL INTEGRATED PLANNING – SPRING 2015 CYCLE FOR FY 2016-17 IMPLEMENTATION & COORDINATION OF ANNUAL INTEGRATED PLANNING – SPRING 2014 CYCLE FOR FY 2015-16 IMPLEMENTATION & COORDINATION OF ANNUAL INTEGRATED PLANNING – FALL 2013 CYCLE FOR FY 2014-15 TRANSITION TO eLUMEN SOFTWARE FOR PPA REPORTING & INTEGRATED PLANNING DEVELOPMENT & UTILIZATION OF STRATEGIC PLAN SCORECARD COORDINATION OF STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ASSESSMENT – FY 2014-15 COORDINATION OF STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION AND ASSESSMENT – FY 2013-14 PREPARATION FOR ANNUAL INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING RETREAT ASSESSMENT OF LONG TERM PLANS – PROGRESS IN FY 2014-15 ASSESSMENT OF LONG TERM PLANS – PROGRESS IN FY 2013-14 PARTICIPATION ON SEP/SSSPP STEERING COMMITTEE PREPARATION FOR HSI SUMMIT 28 | P a g e BRIAN BRIAN BRIAN WADE/ BRIAN WADE/ BRIAN BRIAN/ CRISTINA/ WADE BRIAN/ CRISTINA BRIAN/ CRISTINA BRIAN/ LAYHENG BRIAN BRIAN BRIAN/ CRISTINA CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PROGRESS ON ACCREDITATION – YEAR 2 BRIAN PROGRESS ON ACCREDITATION – YEAR 1 BRIAN DEVELOPMENT OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) & PROCESSES BRIAN ANNUAL EVALUATION OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) & PROCESSES – CYCLES COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUMMER 2014 ANNUAL EVALUATION OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PROCESSES – CYCLES COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUMMER 2013 ESTABLISHMENT AND CHAIRING OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE (CIC) 29 | P a g e LAYHENG/ BRIAN BRIAN BRIAN/ CRISTINA ORGANIZATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIC DECISION SUPPORT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL INTELLIGENCE REPORTS & VISUALIZATIONS DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF VIRTUAL FACTBOOK REVIEW OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE REPORTING & VISUAL DISPLAY SOFTWARE 30 | P a g e BRIAN/ WADE WADE/ LAYHENG WADE WADE/ BRIAN DATA & DATABASES DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF INVENTORY OF DATABASES & SURVEYS REVIEW AND PRESENTATION OF STUDENT SUCCESS SCORECARD – 2014 WADE/ LAYHENG WADE/ LAYHENG BRIAN/ WADE BRIAN/ WADE BRIAN REVIEW AND PRESENTATION OF STUDENT SUCCESS SCORECARD – 2013 BRIAN COORDINATION, REVIEW, AND SUBMISSION OF IPEDS DATA WADE REVIEW AND PREPARATION OF DATA & DATA WAREHOUSING (IPE & IT) IDENTIFICATION OF AND BENCHMARKING AGAINST PEER INSTITUTIONS REVIEW AND PRESENTATION OF STUDENT SUCCESS SCORECARD – 2015 COMPLETION OF SPECIFIED DATA ELEMENTS IN ACCJC ANNUAL REPORT – 2015 COMPLETION OF SPECIFIED DATA ELEMENTS IN ACCJC ANNUAL REPORT – 2014 PARTICIPATION ON STUDENT EQUITY PLAN (SEP) COMMITTEE PARTICIPATION ON STUDENT SUCCESS AND SUPPORT PROGRAM PLAN (SSSPP) COMMITTEE REPORTING OF NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE/ TRANSFER DATA IDENTIFICATION & PREPARATION OF DATA FOR ASSESSING PROGRAM VITALITY/VIABILITY 31 | P a g e WADE/ BRIAN LANGSTON/ BRIAN LANGSTON WADE WADE BRIAN/ WADE INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF INVENTORY OF KEY EXTERNAL REPORTS DEVELOPMENT & APPROVAL OF GOALS FOR INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENSS – AY 2015-16 BRIAN/ LAYHENG/ ELISA WADE/ LAYHENG LAYHENG/ BRIAN LAYHENG/ LANGSTON BRIAN DEVELOPMENT & APPROVAL OF STANDARDS FOR STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT – AY 2015-16 ? DEVELOPMENT & APPROVAL OF STANDARDS FOR STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT/CHAIRING OF STANDARDS TASK FORCE MEETINGS – AY 2014-15 DEVELOPMENT & APPROVAL OF GOALS FOR INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS - 2015 BRIAN/ WADE BRIAN/ WADE/ LAYHENG BRIAN RESPONSES TO & FULFILLMENT OF REQUESTS FOR RESEARCH & DATA DEVELOPMENT OF INVENTORY OF REQUESTS MADE TO OTHER OFFICES FOR RESEARCH & DATA UTILIZATION OF SURVEY MONKEY CHAIRING OF DATA SUMMIT MEETINGS – AY 2014-15 CONSIDERATION OF COMMITTEE DEALING WITH INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH (IR) AND DATA INVENTORY OF POTENTIAL INSTITUTIONAL PROCEDURES FOR ENSURING DATA VALIDITY & INTEGRITY DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE OF DATA DICTIONARY ADMINISTRATION & COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS OF SENSE SURVEY ADMINISTRATION & COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS OF CCSSE SURVEY 32 | P a g e BRIAN/ LAYHENG LAYHENG/ BRIAN LAYHENG/ WADE/ BRIAN BRIAN/ LANGSTON BRIAN/ LANGSTON