Semester 1: Final Exam Study Guide

Semester 1: Final Exam Study Guide
Determine the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Which of the following is NOT a goal of science?
a. to investigate and understand the natural world
b. to explain events in the natural world
c. to establish a collection of unchanging truths
d. to use derived explanations to make useful predictions
____ 2. Science differs from other disciplines, such as history and the arts, because science relies on
a. facts.
b. testing explanations.
c. observations.
d. theories.
____ 3. Information gathered from observing a plant grow 3 cm over a two-week period is called
a. inferences.
b. variables.
c. hypotheses.
d. data.
____ 4. What are the smallest unit of a living thing
5. The basic unit of length in the metric system is the________________
Give the prefixes used for the metric system. (hint: king hector…)
The standard or English system of measurement uses units such as yards, miles, quarts, and gallons.
The metric system uses units such as meters, kilometers, milliliters, and liters. Why is the metric system
easier to use than the English system?
a. Metric units are easier to measure than English units.
b. The metric system is based on multiples of 10.
c. The metric system is used by everyone in the world.
d. Metric units are smaller than English units.
7. Plants are
a. primary producers.
b. primary consumers.
c. herbivores.
d. omnivores.
8. All the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem make up a food
a. interaction.
b. chain.
c. network.
d. web.
9. What animals eat both producers and consumers?
a. herbivores
b. omnivores
c. chemotrophs
d. autotrophs
____ 10. A bird stalks, kills, and then eats an insect. Based on its behavior, which pair of ecological terms describes
the bird?
a. herbivore, decomposer
b. producer, heterotroph
c. carnivore, consumer
d. autotroph, herbivore
____ 11. What is at the base of all ecological pyramids?
a. consumers
b. decomposers
c. producers
d. scavengers
____ 12. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that play a role in population growth rate?
a. immigration
b. death rate
c. emigration
d. demography
____ 13. Suppose that a species of toads is introduced into a new environment in an attempt to reduce the population of
insects. The toad has no natural predators in the new environment. The toad population would most likely
a. increase exponentially.
b. increase logistically.
c. decrease rapidly and die out.
d. remain the same.
____ 14. T/F Scientists usually believe ideas that are supported by evidence. _________________________
____ 15. T/FOnly about 10 percent of the energy in a trophic level is available to organisms at the next trophic level.
_____ 16. If too many herbivores live in a community, the predator population will decrease rapidly.
17. Autotrophs capture energy from ____________________ to produce food.
18. Without any limiting factors, a population may grow ____________________.
____ 19. Which of the following is a function of the nucleus?
a. stores DNA
b. stores sugars
c. builds proteins
d. packages proteins
20 Organisms, such as plants, that make their own food are called
a. autotrophs.
b. heterotrophs.
c. thylakoids.
d. pigments.
____ 21. An advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that sexual reproduction
a. takes less time
b. requires more time
c. provides genetic diversity
d. produces identical offspring
Figure 9–5
22 Figure 9–5 shows that the original source of energy for all organisms in an ocean food chain is
23.. During ____________________ reproduction, cells can produce genetically different offspring, whereas
during ____________________ reproduction, cells produce genetically identical offspring.
24.Each pea-plant gamete has how many alleles for the height gene?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
____ 25. A mule is the result of a cross between a donkey and a horse. A mule is a
a. tetrad.
b. phenotype.
c. genotype.
d. hybrid.
____ ____ 27.
When Gregor Mendel crossed a tall plant with a short plant, the F1 plants inherited
a. one allele from each parent.
b. two alleles from each parent.
c. three alleles from each parent.
d. four alleles from each parent.
____ 28. When Gregor Mendel crossed true-breeding tall plants with true-breeding short plants, why was it impossible
to observe segregation?
a. Alleles for height do not segregate in the F2.
b. Alleles segregate only in the F2 generation.
c. Alleles segregate best when two tall plants are crossed.
d. Alleles in the F1 must be Tt to have height variety in the F2.
____ 29. A tall plant (TT) is crossed with a short plant (Tt). If the tall F1 pea plants are allowed to self-pollinate,
a. the offspring will be of medium height.
b. all of the offspring will be tall.
c. all of the offspring will be short.
d. the offspring can be tall or short.
____ 30. Which of the following is a nucleotide found in DNA?
a. adenine + phosphate group + thymine
b. cytosine + phosphate group + guanine
c. deoxyribose + phosphate group + polymerase
d. deoxyribose + phosphate group + cytosine
31During DNA replication, a DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a strand with the bases
Figure 31–1
____ 32. Refer to Figure 31–1. Name the structures & give their function.
Vocabulary Terms: Define
35List the 4 Nucleotide Bases
36Tell how the Nucleotide bases pair up
37In your notes look at the amino acid chart and review how to code for each codon
38List the ecology levels from simple to complex
39. Steps for Scientific Method
40.. Evolution & father of Evolution
41. Natural Selection
42. homologous structures
43. Sexual vs. Asexual reproduction
44. Punnett Square
45. Mutation (3 types)
46. Biotic vs. Abiotic factors
47. 3 types of symbiotic relationships
48. Law of Superposition
**Study your Journals which we have used all year.
Begin preparing for the final… Good luck 