
Name: ______________________________
To Declare Independence or Not
Study Guide
Who was Mercy Otis Warren?
2. Who thought “The King knows what is best for the colonies?”
3. ________________________________was a well-known religious leader in
Maryland who used his sermons to argue that the colonies should
remain loyal to Britain.
4. How did neutralist colonists feel about declaring independence?
5. Who are Patriots?
6. Who thought that the “British were too far away to know what is
best for the colonies”?
7. Who were Loyalists?
_______________________ was a governor from Massachusetts who
strictly enforced the Stamp Act.
9. Who was Benjamin Franklin?
10. ____________________________________were colonists who were undecided about
independence from Britain.
_______________________ was a politician from Massachusetts who
helped form the Sons of Liberty and gave speeches urging
colonists to declare independence from Britain.
12. Freedom from control of another country is called
13. __________________________ was the governor of Virginia who
attacked the homes and plantations of Patriots and promised to
free any slaves who would fight against the Patriots.
**Be sure to study your Loyalist and Patriots Venn Diagram**