Reported by (Name): Organization: Position Title:

Reported by (Name):
J. Daniel Bourland, PhD
International Organization of Medical Physics
Position Title:
AAPM Delegate (one of three)
Meeting Location:
Mainly, email activities on IOMP business, and
attendance at IOMP meetings (the World Congresses,
held every three years in various venues).
WC2000 (Chicago, attended); WC2003 (Australia,
could not attend); WC2006 (Korea, attended)
As above
Payment $:
Meeting Dates:
I served as an AAPM delegate to IOMP from 2000 to
mid-2006. I attended WC2000 as an AAPM delegate.
Ms. Melissa Martin attended WC2003 as my proxy. I
was replaced as an AAPM IOMP delegate in the
Spring, 2006. I attended WC2006 as a co-organizer
(AAPM continuing education), but not as an IOMP
delegate. My IOMP delegate term ended mid-2006.
Issues from Previous Meetings IOMP memberships for developing countries, IOMP
officer elections, IOMP meeting locations, etc.
or Year:
Reasons for Attending or not
General Description of
Activities of the Organization
and/or Meeting:
Issues for AAPM:
Budget Request ($):
The IOMP is the international organization for
national medical physics societies. Goals are the
promotion of medical physics activities at the
international level.
IOMP memberships for developing countries, IOMP
officer elections, IOMP meeting locations, etc.
$1,000 for the WC2006 meeting (used by my proxy)