Vector Calculus Review Sects. 1.13, 1.14. Overview only. For details, see text! Differentiation of a Vector with Respect to a Scalar – Components of vectors are scalars Differentiate a vector component by component. Derivatives of components are scalars. – The text proves: The derivative of vector A with respect to scalar s is a vector: dA/ds transforms as a vector under orthogonal coordinate transformations. Differentiation of Vector with Respect to a Scalar • Some straightforward identities: Examples: Velocity & Acceleration Sect. 1.14 • For the dynamics of point particles (much of this course!): We use vectors to represent position, velocity & acceleration, often as functions of time t (a scalar). • Notation (bold are vectors, without writing the arrow above): Position: r(t) Velocity: v(t) dr/dt r Acceleration: a(t) dv/dt d2r/dt2 r • In Cartesian (rectangular) coordinates: Position: r = ∑i xi ei Velocity: v = r = ∑i (dxi/dt)ei Acceleration: a = v = r = ∑i (d2xi/dt2)ei • This is straightforward in Cartesian coordinates because the unit vectors ei are constant in time! • This is not necessarily so in other coordinate systems! Taking time derivatives can be messy because of time dependent unit vectors! • In non-rectangular coordinate systems: Unit vectors at the particle position, as it moves through space, aren’t necessarily constant in t! The components of the time derivatives of position r can be complicated! • We’ll look at these (briefly) in detail for cylindrical coordinates (where the xy plane part is plane polar coordinates) & spherical coordinates. • Mostly we’ll show results only. For derivations, see the text! Cylindrical Coordinates • In the xy plane, these are plane polar coordinates: Caution!! In M&T notation, cylindrical coordinate angle , & plane polar coordinate angle θ! (These are really the same!) See Appendix F! Coordinates: x1= r cos, x2= r sin x3= z, r = [(x1)2+(x2)2]½ = tan-1(x2/ x1), z = x3 Unit Vectors: er = r/|r| ez = k (z direction) e ( direction). er, e, ez: A mutually orthogonal set! er e ez , er ez Plane Polar Coordinates • Consider xy plane motion only! See Fig. θ A particle moves along the curve s(t). In time dt = t2-t1, it moves from P(1) to P(2). As time passes r & θ (& r) change, but always er eθ. From the figure: der= (er)(2) -(er)(1) er (|| eθ) or der= dθ eθ deθ = (eθ)(2) - (eθ )(1) eθ (|| er) or deθ = -dθ er (der/dt) = (dθ/dt)eθ, (deθ/dt) = -(dθ/dt)er or Computing velocity & acceleration is now tedious! • Start with Position: r = r er Scalar! • Compute Velocity: v = (dr/dt) = (dr/dt)er + r(der/dt) Or: v = r er + r er Using gives: v = r er + r θeθ • Compute Acceleration: a = (dv/dt) = d(r er + r θeθ)/dt Or (after manipulation; See Next Page!): a = [r - r(θ)2]er + [rθ + 2rθ]eθ Cylindrical Coordinates Results Summary Spherical Coordinates Results Summary. Details left for student exercise! Unit Vectors: er = r/|r| eθ in θ direction e in direction er, eθ, e A mutually orthogonal set! er eθ, er e, eθ e They remain as time passes & r, θ, change Spherical Coordinates Results Summary. Details left for student exercise! Position: r = r er Velocity: v = (dr/dt) = (dr/dt)er + r(der/dt) Or: v = r er + r er = ?? Acceleration: a = (dv/dt) = d(r er + r er)/dt = ?? Student Exercise!!! (A mess!) See Problem 25! (Solutions to be posted!)