Scalars & Vectors in Terms of Transformations: Sect. 1.8 • Skip Sects. 1,5, 1.6, 1.7 for now. Possibly come back to later (as needed!) • Consider the orthogonal coordinate transformation of the type: xi = ∑j λij xj (i,j = 1,2,3) (1) with ∑j λij λkj = δik , (2) Definition of a Scalar • If, under the orthogonal transformation defined by (1) & (2), a quantity is unaffected: Scalar • Consider again an orthogonal coordinate transformation of the type: xi = ∑j λij xj (i,j = 1,2,3) (1) with ∑j λij λkj = δik , (2) Definition of a Vector • Consider three quantities (A1,A2,A3) • If, under the orthogonal transformation defined by (1), (2), (A1,A2,A3) are changed to (A1, A2,A3) & the relation between the primed primed & unprimed quantities satisfies (1): [The same ij as in Ai = ∑j λij Aj (i,j = 1,2,3) A = (A1,A2,A3) Vector (1)!] Elementary Scalar & Vector Operations Sect. 1.9: No Proofs, only results! • Consider 3 Vectors: A = (A1,A2,A3), B = (B1,B2,B3), C = (C1,C2,C3). 3 Scalars: φ,ψ,ξ • Elementary scalar & vector algebra: Commutative Law Ai+Bi = Bi+Ai ; φ+ψ=ψ+φ Associative Law Ai+(Bi +Ci) = (Ai+Bi)+ Ci ; φ + (ψ + ξ) = (ψ + φ) + ξ Multiplication of a vector by a scalar ξφ = ψ (a scalar!); ξA = B (a vector!) Scalar Product of 2 Vectors: Sect. 1.10 • Consider 2 Vectors: A = (A1,A2,A3), B = (B1,B2,B3). • Definition of the scalar (dot) product: AB ∑i Ai Bi (1) – The magnitude (length) of A: A= |A| [(A1)2+(A2)2+(A3)2]½ • Divide both sides of (1) by AB: (AB)/(AB) = ∑i (Ai Bi)/(AB) (AB)/(AB) = ∑i (Ai Bi)/(AB) • Suppose A makes angle α with the x1 axis (Fig.): A1/A = cosα (a direction cosine of A). Can write in general: (AB)/(AB) = ∑i (ΛA)i(Λ B)i where: (ΛA)i Ai/A; (ΛB)i Bi/B direction cosines of A & B By an earlier identity we can write: ∑i (ΛA)i(ΛB)i = cos(A,B) AB = AB cos(A,B) • See text for proof that AB is a scalar & obeys commutative & distributive laws. • Special cases: Consider distance from origin to (x1,x2,x3) = Magnitude (length) of vector r: r = |r| [rr]½ [(x1)2+(x2)2+(x3)2]½ Likewise, distance from origin to (x1,x2,x3) = length of r: r = |r| [rr]½ [(x1)2+(x2)2+(x3)2]½ Similarly, the distance from (x1,x2,x3) to (x1,x2, x3) = length of r - r: d=|r-r|=[(r-r)(r-r)]½ [(x1-x1)2+(x2-x2)2+(x3-x3)2]½ • Bottom line: The distance between 2 points in 3d space is the square root of a scalar product. The distance between 2 points is invariant under orthogonal coordinate transformations! Unit Vectors: Work Example 1.5! • To describe vectors in terms of components along various axes, it is useful to use unit vectors. • Unit vectors: Magnitude = 1 along specified axes. • Example, unit vector in R direction is eR = R/|R| • Various symbols, relevant to various coordinate systems: (i,j,k), (e1,e2,e3), (er,eθ,e), (r,θ,), .. • Can write: A= (A1,A2,A3) = A1e1+ A2e2+A3e3= ∑i Aiei = A1i+ A2j+A3k Also: Ai= Aei If unit the vectors are orthogonal, as they usually are, then, we must have eiej = δij. From now on, unless there might be some confusion, a vector will be a bold letter (A) & the “hat” will be left off of the unit vectors. Vector Product of 2 Vectors • The Vector (or cross) Product of 2 vectors: A VECTOR. Write C = A B – Cartesian components of C: Ci ∑j,k εijk AjBk εijk permutation symbol or Levi-Civita density εijk 0, if any 2 indices equal 1, if i, j, k form even permutation of 1,2,3 -1, if i, j, k form odd permutation of 1,2,3 ε122 = ε313 = ε211 = 0, etc.; ε123= ε231= ε312= 1, ε132= ε213= ε321= -1 C1 = A2B3 - A3B2 , C2 =A3B1 - A1B3 C3 = A1B2 - A2B1 • C =A B – The text proves that: |C| =|A||B|sin(A,B) • Also, C is to the plane formed by A & B (figure): • Work Example 1.6! • Properties of the vector product: A B=-BA (A B) C A (B C) (A B) C = B(AC) - C(AB) • Unit vector orthogonality ei ej = ek i,j,k in cyclic order • Can also write ei ej = ∑k εijk ek • Can show that (Cartesian coordinates only!): e1 e2 e3 C=A B= A1 A2 A 3 (determinant) B1 B2 B3 • Various vector identities: • Work Example 1.7!!