Welcome to Statistical & Thermal Physics! Combined Physics 4302 & Physics 5300-102

Welcome to Statistical & Thermal Physics!
Combined Physics 4302 (undergraduate Statistical &
Thermal) & Physics 5300-102 (graduate Statistical &
Thermal for grad students who need an undergrad review)
•In this course, among the
many other very important &
useful physics concepts
we will discuss, you will learn
why the electrical arrangement in
the figure on the next slide
will not work!!!
• The arrangement in the figure
will not work due to both
The First Law of
The Second Law of
• The arrangement in the figure
will not work due to both
The First Law of
The Second Law of
• First Law of Thermodynamics =
Conservation of Total Energy.
• Second Law of Thermodynamics =
Entropy must increase in any process.
Please Note & Use the Class Web Site!
• There, you will find:
Note: This website is
1. Posted (Word format): under construction!!
Syllabus, Help Resources, Homework Assignments
& Solutions, Old Exams & Solutions.
2. Posted (Power Point): Lectures
3. Posted: IMPORTANT
Class Announcements & Calendar Items!
4. Posted: Other items relating to this class.
Get into the habit of checking this page often!
• Linked from the Physics 4302 Web Page is:
The Announcement Page:
• Contains Class Announcements &
Major Calendar Items.
Please check it often!
• Linked from the Physics 4302 Web Page is:
The Announcement Page:
• Contains Class Announcements &
Major Calendar Items.
Please check it often!
• If you are interested, you might also check out
My Web Page at:
Physics 4302 Email Distribution List!
• It is Important that that I have the
correct email address for you!!!
• I’ve construct an email distribution list
based on addresses from TTU Student
Records. I’ll use it to make important
class announcements!!!
PLEASE: Check your email OFTEN!!!
Please tell me if you change your email
address! Thank You!!
Where to Go for Help??
• Your Fellow Students!!!
– An effective strategy is to work on homework
& to study for exams together in a group.
– This is how professionals work in the “real world”.
• Me (office hours or not!)
• The Internet!!!
– There are LARGE numbers of Statistical Physics
Help sites! Using Google & typing in “Statistical
Physics Help” gives 19,600,000 hits!!!!
• The Class Web Page!
– It exists primarily to be of help to you!!
To Succeed in this Course
• See the document (downloadable from the webpage!):
“How to Succeed in Statistical Physics
by Really Trying”!
• READ the book(s), which cost you many $$$!
It’s most effective to read the material BEFORE I lecture over it.
• WORK the assigned homework problems!!
No looking at solutions from previous years
or solutions found on the web! That is
CHEATING! Copying solutions & being an
expert at using Google to find problem
solutions will NOT teach you physics!
• WORK extra problems!
To Succeed in this Course
• There is a correlation between attendance & grades! Also,
skipping means that you are WASTING the tuition & fees
that you (or your someone) paid! With tuition & fees for
a full-time student, each class meeting costs about $29.
Each time you skip, you are throwing away $29. After a
while this adds up! My lectures may not be entertaining
or brilliant, but I do expose you to the material.
THURSDAY (or end Monday)!!!!
FRIDAY IS A CLASS DAY (as is Monday)!!!
Extra Credit?
Extra Credit?
this isn’t you,
because my
answer will
always be