Roman Civilization Bloom Ball

Roman Civilization Bloom Ball
Your task: Create a soccer ball shaped graphic organizer
that uses multiple levels of thinking to show many different
aspects of a civilization.
Each piece must be neatly designed and colored in
some way.
2. The requirements for each panel are listed below:
a. Draw a map of the Roman civilization.
b. Write definitions in your own words for 3 key words from the civilization and draw
a picture or an icon. You may use the textbook or PowerPoint.
c. Show the differences between Greek and Roman art by completing in the faces
d. Draw and label a cross-section of a road. Then write two to three sentences about
the importance of Roman roads. OR - Draw a diagram of an aqueduct and explain in
two to three sentences its impact on the civilization.
e. Pretend you are a gladiator. Write a 5 sentence paragraph of what a day in your
life might have looked like.
f. Explain how the Roman and Greek religions were similar.
g. Using the chart provided, list Latin root words/prefixes and give the English
equivalent. In the third and fourth columns, write the Roman numeral for the
Arabic numeral given.
h. Create a timeline of the events that led to the Fall of Rome. You must give dates
and short explanations for 4 or 5 events.
i. Find four examples of Roman ideas about government that can be found in the USA
j. Make a 3 panel comic strip or a political cartoon over a major event from Roman
k. Describe the role of Justinian and the impact that his wife, Theodora, had on his
l. Write the name of the unit, the continent where it was located, the approximate
years it started and ended, two major people involved in it, and your name at the
3. Carefully cut out the 6 templates. Fold along each of the black lines and carefully glue,
tape, or staple the 6 pieces together to form your Bloom Ball.