Jaguar Music Department Welcome to your music department Jaguars!

Jaguar Music Department
Welcome to your music department Jaguars!
We have something for everyone to use their talents. The more you put into your high school
life, the more great experiences and lasting memories you’ll have, so do something with us!
Here are some fun options:
Band for Choir
Concert Band
Marching Band
Jazz Band
Sound Equipment helpers
Organizers, set-up crew, etc.
Use the sign-up sheets or come see us about how to make our Jaguars Music vision succeed
Coming Events
September 17, 18 – Choir sings at Masses
September 27 - Terry Fox Performance for Marching Band
September 27 – Terry Fox performance of National Anthem by Vocal Class/Choir
Christmas Concert – date TBA
Check out our Jaguars Music display in the Tuck shop beside the music room - we have a
proud history and bright future Jaguars!
Miss Morrison and her baby are doing well and she will be back late in the school year so
let’s work hard and make her proud!
Welcome back Mr. LaMarche!