THREE reasons to earn an ARTS CERTIFICATE How to Earn Your Certificate of Concentration It is with great excitement that the Visual & Performing Arts Department offers a NEW incentive “Certificate of Concentration in the Visual and Performing Arts”. in Visual and Performing Arts 1. You will get to take arts and related courses every year of high school while striving for a committed level of achievement. 2. You will be able to include this certificate and letter of reference in your portfolios as an example of your commitment and dedication to your craft. 3. You will have your name posted on the school’s website and in the Purple and Proud as a way of celebrating your personal success as well as promoting the Arts at St. Joseph Secondary School. @ St. Joseph Secondary School St. Joseph Secondary School 5555 Creditview Road Mississauga, Ontario L5V 2B9 Phone (905) 812-1376 Fax (905) 812-0812 HOW TO EARN YOUR ARTS CERTIFICATE OF CONCENTRATION Visual Arts Connections: TGJ2O Communications Technology TGJ3M Communications Technology TGP3M Communications Technology Digital Imagery & Web Design HNC3O Fashion & Creative Expression TGJ4M Communications Technology TGP4M Communications Technology Criteria to be eligible to receive the “Certificate of Concentration in the Visual and Performing Arts will require students to earn a minimum average of 60% in each certificate barring course. Students must complete 6 Arts Credits coded with an “A” (ADA, AMI, AMG, AMV, AVI, AWM, AWP) the codes for Drama, Music and Visual Arts. However, there are many courses that complement the arts and help to foster a rounded arts education and students’ career goals. To this end, students may also obtain this certificate with a minimum of any 4 Arts Credits along with a maximum of 2 related courses within other departments from the connections included. Digital Imagery & Web Design Dramatic Arts Connections: EPS3O Presentation & Speaking Skills EWC4U Writer’s Craft Music has 10 courses to choose from: Instrumental Guitar Vocal 1 credit – PATH related to the Arts 2 credits - Cooperative Education related to the Arts What do I do once I have met all the criteria? Students interested in receiving this certificate must self refer and present a credit summary to the VPA department head to show they earned the required credits with the required grades. If the student has met all requirements, the official certificate along with a letter of reference pertaining to the certificate will be issued. OTHER AWARDS of DISTINCTION: Remember we also have awards not only for the hightest marks in each of our courses but also grade level music awards from the Streetsville Musicorp, senior Visual Arts awards such as the Curry’s Art Store Award for a Gr. 11 student, the AGO Award for a Gr. 12 student and the Cathy Parker Art Award also for a Gr. 12 student and the Gr. 12 Living Arts Award for a grade 12 Drama student. BEST OF LUCK!