St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School Student Handbook 2013-2014

St. Joseph
Catholic Elementary
Student Handbook 2013-2014
St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School:
A Catholic Community where we are Accepted
and Respected for our uniqueness
as we strive for Excellence.
We care.
Student Handbook & Agenda
It is our pleasure to welcome new and returning
families to St. Joseph Catholic Elementary
School. I wish you all a successful and fulfilling
year at St. Joseph. Our experienced staff is
dedicated to providing every student with the
best Catholic Education focusing on spiritual,
academic, social and athletic development. We
realize the importance of developing in each
student an attitude of respect for self, others
and property.
We provide a variety of
opportunities for students to form meaningful
and responsible relationships and to grow and
develop a virtuous lifestyle following the
example of Jesus.
Close co-operation between home, school and
parish is essential to promote the best interests
of the student. Parents and guardians are our
partners in the important task of educating the
children of this community. We welcome
parents’ suggestions and encourage their
involvement with our Catholic School Advisory
To this end, we encourage you and your child
to use this agenda on a daily basis. We are
glad you are here.
Every aspect of the curriculum being taught
in the light of our Gospel Values
Liturgies, Masses, Sacraments,
Retreats and Morning Prayer
Meeting schedules for the preparation of the
sacraments will be posted in the monthly
The School Advisory Council Executive is a
vibrant and enthusiastic group of parents,
guardians, teaching and non teaching staff and
a parish representative from St. Joseph Parish.
Elections to sit on the executive council are
scheduled in the fall of each new school year.
Monthly meetings are open to all members of
the community and parents/guardians are
encouraged to attend. Approved minutes of
meetings are posted on the bulletin board at the
school front entrance area. The council is very
active in fund raising for the students of St.
Joseph Catholic Elementary School.
The staff of St. Joseph School looks forward to
working together with you in the development of
the spiritual growth of our school community.
This is accomplished through…
Being Christian to one another in our
interactions with students, parents and
fellow staff members
Parish Team visits to the school
We assist the parish team in preparing students
for the Sacrament of: First Reconciliation
(Grade 2), First Holy Communion (Grade 2) and
Confirmation (Grade 8). Meetings are organized
for parents so you can be an integral part of
your child’s spiritual growth in these
sacraments. We anticipate that you will be
sharing the Sacraments of Reconciliation and
Holy Eucharist with your child at St. Joseph
Parish, on a regular basis. Family participation
is the most valuable part of a child’s faith
Novena to St. Joseph the Worker
O God, the Creator of all things,
You have laid the law of labor upon the human race.
Grant, we beseech You, that by the example and protection of St. Joseph
we may perform the work You command and attain the rewards that You promise.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Regular attendance at school is critical for the
student’s learning and achievement of
curriculum expectations. Each student has the
responsibility to be in attendance at all classes
and scheduled activities on time and with the
participation. If your child is to be absent, we
request that you please call the school prior to
8:45 a.m. to report your child’s absence. Voice
mail will record your message. If a child is
absent and we have not received your
message, we will telephone you. Students who
arrive late at school must report to the office
and receive a late slip.
Kindergarten to Grade 8
8:45- 11:45
11:45 – 12:45
12:45 – 3:15
Grades 1-8
10:50 -11:05
2:10 - 2:25
Please see the 2013-2014 School Year
Calendar included in this agenda for information
regarding School Holidays and Professional
Activity Days.
Homework is one way that students are
prepared for class. Please read the “K to 12
Homework Policy and Procedures: Elementary
Summary” inserted in this agenda.
We like to greet our visitors! We request all
visitors, including parents and former students
to check in at the main office before proceeding
to any part of the school. If you need to bring a
forgotten lunch or book to school, please leave
it at the school office. Volunteers will sign in
and wear a school badge while in the school to
indicate authorization. Staff is instructed to
challenge unknown visitors beyond the lobby
who are not wearing a badge or sticker.
Each year, we ask you to verify emergency
information. It is urgent that our data be
accurate and current. If information changes
throughout the school year, please let us know.
Information Changes…
Please help us keep our records up to date
regarding the following:
We ask for parent and student co-operation to
adhere to the high standards of modesty,
neatness and good taste in their attire within
our Catholic school. We need to remember that
what is appropriate for a six year old is not
considered appropriate for a twelve year old.
Halter tops, tight pants/ leggings and tight short
shorts, muscle shirts and the like are better
suited to the beach than the classroom. Shirts
need to be an appropriate length without violent
or inappropriate language. Sunglasses and hats
are recommended for outdoor wear. We ask for
your continued support for a dress code which
reflects the school as a place for serious work,
accompanied by standards of sensitivity,
politeness and decorum. All of our students are
encouraged to dress in keeping with the values
and standards of our Catholic School.
Change of address
Change of business phone number
Change of cell & home phone number
Change of babysitter - name and phone
Change in medical needs
Your child’s safety and the safety of other
students is of great importance to us. In order
for the school to store and to administer
medication to students, your doctor must
complete a form provided by the school.
This includes daily medication as well as shortterm emergency administration.
For safety reasons, students are not
permitted to have any form of medication on
their person or in the classroom with the
exception of epi-pens that the office staff has
approved following medical documentation.
When a child participates in a field trip, the
teacher will carry the medication for students.
which contains peanut oil. Another product that
affects some students with nut allergies is
WOW Butter which contains sesame oil. The
school strives to keep our entire student body
safe by encouraging students to bring snacks
and lunches that are nut free.
Parents or guardians are notified via a letter if
their child is in a classroom with a student who
has allergies. Based on Sabrina’s Law, St.
Joseph will maintain an anaphylactic policy.
Please speak to your child’s teacher before you
send food to school for parties. It is important to
check the label.
We strive to make sure that our school is a
safe, caring, healthy and inclusive place in
which to learn and to work. Fire drills, visitors’
badges/sign in and the installation of a front
door speaker/buzzer/video monitoring system
are important components of our commitment
to maintaining a safe and secure school
Regular fire drills and lock-down drills are held
throughout the year to practice student safety
procedures. If an emergency requires the total
evacuation of the school population, students
and teachers will walk to the Vic Johnson
Arena. Parents would be informed as soon as
possible as to the safety and whereabouts of
their children.
In June 1982 an act was passed making it
mandatory for all school pupils up to their 18th
birthday to be immunized against diphtheria,
Measles, Mumps, Polio myelitis, Rubella, and
Tetanus. Grade 7 students participate in the 3shot Hepatitis B program. As part of our
registration procedure, in co-operation with the
Peel Regional Health unit, we request an
immunization record for each child.
During the course of a school day, a child may
become ill or suffer an accident. In such events:
The parent will be notified at home or at
work to come to the school and see your
child safely home.
If we cannot reach a family member by
telephone, we attempt to contact the
emergency number, which we request from
all families. We will then place your child in
the care of this person.
Ontario’s Child and Family Services Act (CFSA)
provides for a broad range of services for
families and children, including children who are
or may be victims of child abuse or neglect.
The paramount purpose of the Act is to promote
the best interests, protection and well being of
children. The Act recognizes that each of us
has a responsibility for the welfare of children.
It states clearly that members of the public,
including professionals who work with children,
have an obligation to report promptly to a
children’s aid society if they suspect that a child
is or may be in need of protection.
If your child feels unwell early in the morning,
please make arrangement for him/ her to be
cared for at home or at a sitter’s. Please do not
send your child to school until they are well
enough to participate actively. When a child
suffers a concussion, a doctor’s note is required
before the child is allowed to resume full
activities. Please give priority to your child’s
health and comfort.
A major accident requires immediate action and
paramedics will be called. It is imperative that
the emergency forms be completed and
returned to the school In September. Please
inform the school of any change of contact
numbers during the year.
Students staying for lunch will eat lunch in their
designated areas (usually their own classroom).
Students are expected to clean up their own
garbage and to remain on school property
under the direct supervision of lunchtime
supervisors and teaching staff. The adjacent
park and city facilities are off limits.
There are students with severe life threatening
nut/peanut allergies registered at St. Joseph
School. These allergies prevent students from
eating any kind of nuts or having any product
Recess is at 10:50-11:05 in the morning and at
2:10-2:25 in the afternoon. During the lunch
hour the students spend 40 minutes outdoors
from 12:05-12:45.
All children are expected to spend their recess
outdoors. Therefore, they are expected to
dress appropriately for the season. Inclement
weather conditions include rain, severe cold
and severe heat temperatures. General
Administrative Procedures assist in determining
whether students can safely play outside.
Students are encouraged to use unscented
sunscreen to protect from harmful UV rays.
Unless inclement weather requires the children
to stay inside, all students should spend recess
If a student is too ill to go outside, he or she
should probably not be at school that day.
Should a student need to stay inside, please
send a doctor’s note indicating the reason and
the time period that permission is requested to
stay inside.
Snacks are not permitted outside. Snacks will
be consumed during regular class time.
Students are not permitted to leave school
property prior to regular dismissal without
parental authorization. Parents will sign-out
and pick up the child from the office area. When
someone other than the custodial parent is
picking up the student, a written request from
the parent/guardian is required for each
occurrence. If an emergency arises and it is
absolutely necessary for a student to return
home, the custodial parent must contact the
school to give permission.
The safety of children is a priority for all school
communities. Our school participates in several
activities to assist in creating a safe
environment for children to learn, to develop
and to grow. Although these activities assist in
making the school environment as safe as
possible, the school and playground are not
always risk free. It is everyone’s responsibility
to teach safety practices to our children.
Students are aware of the “hands off” policy to
promote safe play in the school yard. Please
reinforce this policy with your children.
Bullying is typically a form of repeated
persistent and aggressive behaviour that is
intended to cause fear and distress and/or harm
to another person’s feelings, self-esteem or
reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where
there is a real or perceived power imbalance.
St. Joseph School Administration is committed
to suspending those students who engage in
bullying or cyberbullying.
The St. Joseph
Catholic School Community is committed to
increasing awareness and building system-wide
capacity towards the development of a
comprehensive whole-school approach to
bullying prevention, and progressive discipline
Throughout the year, the students are provided
with presentations and curriculum to help them
in identifying and responding to bullying
activities. A guide for parents is available in 22
languages from…
Parents are expected to use the Kiss N’ Ride
Lane before school and after school to drop
off and pick up students. At entry time, students
exit the vehicle and proceed to the schoolyard.
Kindergarten students are met by a teacher
supervisor and led to the kindergarten area. At
dismissal, the students line up at the edge of
the parking lot. Parents are requested to stay in
their cars. There can be no parking in the Kiss
N’ Ride or Bus lanes at any time.
We are very grateful to the parents who
volunteer their time to ensure that the Kiss &
Ride is run safely and efficiently. Please offer
them respect and courtesy. If you can spare
15 minutes per week, please consider
Please see the Dufferin-Peel document, “Safe,
Caring, Healthy & Inclusive School
Communities” included in the agenda
“Support, Defend, Report, Be a Friend"
Parents are responsible for assuring their
child’s safety in going to and from the bus stop
and while waiting at the stop. Schedules are
approximate therefore students should be at
their stop at least 10 minutes before the
designated time.
During the winter months, we are challenged by
the inclement weather/ bus cancellation
procedures. Generally, there are two different
situations which dictate the use of such a
On arrival in the morning, student bus monitors
take kindergarten students to the kindergarten
play area where they are met by a teacher
supervisor. At the end of the day, intermediate
student-bus monitors accompany kindergarten
and grade-one students to their bus.
Just a Reminder:
The board provides
transportation from the local bus stop to school
and school to the local bus stop…
• Students may travel only on their
assigned bus. Parents are responsible for
transportation arrangements regarding their
children’s appointments, visits to friends and
birthday parties etc.
• Transportation is NOT provided for students
who live outside the school boundaries.
• Transportation eligibility is based on the
home or baby sitter address.
• Transportation Eligibility Policy:
Kindergarten –Grade 1 - 1.0 km
Grades 2- 4
1.6 km
Grades 5 – 8
2.0 km
Secondary 4.8 km
• At the end of September, those students
who are not eligible for bussing can apply
for any empty seats under the “courtesy
seating policy”. To identify whether your
child is eligible please go to the Geoquery
website… and follow
the information box prompts.
1. type in the website address:
2. click “student login”
3. enter your child’s OEN number,
street/house number, school and grade
4. click “login”
The first is where transportation is cancelled
due to poor weather conditions. This normally
occurs before school begins in the morning.
Our school board is The Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board.
If bus
transportation is cancelled in the morning, it will
NOT be available at the end of the day. If you
drive your child to school on a day that
transportation is cancelled, it is then your
responsibility to pick the child up promptly at
dismissal. When transportation services are
cancelled only, the school remains open.
Information regarding bus cancellation and
other emergency information announcements
can be obtained by listening to the following
radio stations or by visiting
104.5 FM
98.1 FM
100.7 FM
740 AM
88.5 FM
92.5 FM
90.3 FM
107.1 FM
Make sure the announcement is for the
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.
St. Joseph is not a Caledon or Dufferin region
A second situation occurs when the school is
closed during the day before dismissal due to
poor weather conditions. It is then the
responsibility of the Board and school
personnel to make emergency arrangements
with the safety of the students being prime
consideration. If the school is closed early, bus
students will be sent home. If deteriorating
conditions require an early school dismissal,
please be certain that your child has a plan
to go to a neighbour, sitter etc.
Remember riding the bus is a privilege.
Students are reminded that they must follow the
rules. They are encouraged to place their
backpacks on their laps to ensure that they
travel safely.
Textbooks and library books are the property of
the school and are loaned out to students with
the expectation that they will be returned. The
teachers record each textbook that each
student is given. Students will be responsible
for lost or damaged books.
In compliance with the recent Ministry directives
volunteers are required to provide an original
copy of their Criminal Reference Check dated
within 90 days of the activity date. If you are
planning to volunteer on school trips and/or in
the school, and do not have a reference check
on file, please pick up a form at the office..
Library books are tracked in a new data
management base. Students will lose their
privilege to borrow library books if they are not
returned punctually.
Parents, students and teachers have many
opportunities for ongoing communication during
the school year. Parents are encouraged to
contact their child’s teacher at any time to
review progress. Student evaluation is ongoing
and assessment includes the many aspects of
their school performance, i.e., class work,
assignments and contribution to school life.
Teacher observation, projects, tests, along with
peer and student self-evaluation are all part of
the evaluation process. There will be two
formal report cards throughout the school year.
Computer hardware and networking equipment
have an increasingly important role in our
schools. Computers are the property of the
school and are available to be used by the
students as an integral part of the curriculum.
All students and parents/guardians will be
asked to sign the Network Use Application and
Agreement to ensure proper usage and the
respect of privacy. Any infringements of the
agreement shall result in loss of usage
and/or disciplinary actions.
Frequently items are mislaid. If the items are
labeled with names, it greatly assists in their
speedy return. A lost and found box is kept in
the school for mislaid items and we encourage
students and parents to check this box if
something has been misplaced. Smaller items,
such as keys, jewelry and glasses, are normally
kept in the office. At the end of each term,
unclaimed articles are turned over to charitable
The personal privacy and dignity of students, staff
and visitors may possibly be invaded by the
inappropriate use of PEDs on school premises.
Therefore, the following Board and subsequently the
school policy is in effect.
“To promote respect for the dignity of all members of
our school community and to enhance student
achievement and safety, the use of a PED is strictly
prohibited in the school or during school related
activities (such as retreats, field trips, sports events,
etc.). Failure to comply with this policy may result in
the confiscation of the PED and/or disciplinary action
as outlined in the Catholic Code of Conduct 2001.
The school and the Dufferin-Peel District School
Board assume no responsibility for the loss,
recovery, repair or replacement for any PED brought
onto school property.
There is no place in the school to store valuable
belongings. Please ensure that children do
not bring any valuables (jewelry, skateboards,
I-Pods, cell phones, cameras) to school as we
cannot be responsible for their safekeeping.
Bicycles should be locked to the racks.
It is the policy of the Dufferin-Peel District School
Board that PEDs are to be kept out-of-sight, turned
off and not used within school premises or during
school sanctioned events. To prevent the loss or
damage of PEDs, the school encourages students to
leave their PEDs at home or in their lockers.”
When considering a total education, there are
certain aspects of development and social
interactions which fall outside the realm of the
academic curriculum. Extra-curricular activities
provide an opportunity for meeting with a
variety of situations requiring social interaction
and engendering personal growth. Since these
activities are school supervised, it is necessary
that rules and regulations be established for the
safety and well- being of all concerned. This
year, your son or daughter will have the
opportunity to take field trips or to participate in
extra- curricular activities, academic skills
competitions and athletic teams.
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) are Wireless
and/or Portable Electronic Handheld Equipment that
include, but are not limited to, existing and emerging
Mobile Communication Systems and Smart
Technologies (cell phones, smartphones, walkietalkies, pagers, etc.), Portable Internet Devices
(mobile managers, mobile messengers, BlackBerry
handsets etc.), PDAs (palm organizers, pocket PCs,
etc.), Handheld Entertainment Systems (video
games, CD players, compact DVD players, MP3
players, iPods, Walkmen, etc.), digital or film
cameras, digital or analogue Audio Recorders or
Video Recorders (tape recorders, camcorders, etc.),
Spy Gadgets (spy cameras, covert listening devices,
etc.) and any other Convergent Communication
Technologies that do any number of the previously
mentioned functions.
Prior to these events, permission forms will be
sent home. It is important that these forms be
filled out, signed and returned to school. No
student will be allowed on any trip without a
signed permission form. Thank you to the
teachers and parent volunteers who make trips
The purpose of this planner is to assist the student in developing the organization and planning skills necessary to
succeed. It is also intended to keep parents informed of your child’s school activities. Students are required to keep
their agendas with them throughout the school year to record homework, assignment due dates and events on a daily
To indicate that you have read through this handbook, and have discussed its contents with your child, please sign
the space below. Thank you!
______________________________________________________ ________________
Student Signature
______________________________________________________ ________________
Parent/Guardian signature