Advanced Topics in Semiconductor Physics Peter Y. YU Dept. of Physics, Univ. of California & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. 94720 USA 1 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) COURSE OUTLINE 2 z Lecture 1: Electronic structures of Semiconductors z Lecture 2: Optical Properties of Semiconductors z Lecture 3: Defects and their effect on Semiconductor Devices Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF SEMICONDUCTORS z OUTLINE – – – – – 3 Optical Constants Interband transitions & Critical Points Exciton Effects Quantum Confinement Effects on Optical Properties Polaritons Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Optical Constants (in cgs units) z z z z For Maxwell’s Equations in a Macroscopic Medium we add this constitutive equation: P(r’,t’)=∫χ(r’,r,t’,t)E(r,t)drdt or P(ω)= χ(ω)E(ω) with χ=linear electric susceptibility D =E+4πP= E(1+4πχ)=εE ε(ω)= dielectric function 4 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Optical Constants z z z z 5 Experimentally we measure n=refractive index which is related to ε by ε=(n)2. To account for absorption we define n as a complex function: n=nr+ini The absorption coefficient α is defined by: I(x)=Ioexp(-αx) and is related to the absorption index ni by: α=4πni/λo (λo=wavelength of light in air) The dielectric function can also be determined by reflection via Fresnel equation : 2 Rn (ω ) = nr + ini − 1 nr + ini + 1 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Optical Constants of Si and GaAs [From Philipp & Ehrenreich 1967] 60 80 (a) Si (a) GaAs 40 60 R(%) R x 10 R R(%) 40 R R x 10 20 20 0 0 25 60 εi 40 εr,ε i , ri (b) 2.0 (b) εr,εi -Im -1 -1 Imε 1.5 i 20 1.0 0.8 -Im -1 15 i Imε-1 r, i Imε-1 -Im -1 -Im 0.4 5 -1 0 r -5 εr 6 0 0.5 r -20 0 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Energy (eV) 10 15 Energy (eV) 20 25 0 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Imaginary Part of Dielectric Function of GaN (laser for blue-ray DVD) Dielectric Function measured directly by method known as Ellipsometry 7 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Microscopic Theory of Optical Properties We will use a semi-classical approach in which EM wave is treated classically while electron is treated QM. z If we assume an electric-dipole transition the interaction Hamiltonian Her between EM wave and a charge q is given by: (qr)•E z Electron in crystals are waves (Bloch states with well-defined wave vectors k) so it will be more convenient to express Her in terms of p (after using the Coulomb Gauge: E=-(1/c)∂A/∂t and B=∇xA where A= vector potential and the scalar potential φ=0): H=(1/2m)[p+(eA/c)]2+V(r)~(1/2m)p2+(e/mc)(A•p)+V(r) z The extra term induced by E is therefore: H =(e/mc) A•p z er 8 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Microscopic Theory of Optical Properties z z z z z 9 Using the Fermi Golden Rule the transition rate (per unit volume of crystal) from valence band to conduction band is given by: R=(2π/h)Σ|<c|Her|v>|2δ(Ec-Ev-hѡ) Where the matrix element can be shown to be approximated (for small k) by: and |Pcv|2=|<c|p|v>|2. The final result is: Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Microscopic Theory of Optical Properties z z z z 10 The absorption coefficient can be related to the power loss per unit volume of crystal: Power loss=Rhω= -(dI/dt) = -(dI/dx)(dxdt)=(c/n)αI where I=(n2/8π)|E(ω)|2 From this result one can obtain εi(ω) : Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Dielectric Function and Critical Points z The frequency dependence (or dispersion) of εi(ω) results mainly from the summation over both initial and final states satisfying energy and momentum conservation: ∑ δ (E (k ) − E (k ) − hω ) c z 11 v k This summation over k can be converted into integration over the interband energy difference Ecv=Ec(k)-Ev(k) by defining the Joint Density of States (JDOS) Dj(Ecv) as: Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Dielectric Function and Critical Points • Dj(Ecv) contains van Hove singularities whenever ∇k(Ecv)=0. The features, such as peaks and shoulders, in εi(ω) and εi(ω) are caused by these singularities z The type of singularities possible is strongly dependent on dimensionality 12 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Dielectric Function and Critical Points 13 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Dielectric Function and Critical Points This band gap is a Mo CP in 3D This band gap is a M1 CP in 3D but almost a Mo CP in 2D 14 Band Structure of Ge showing interband transitions labelled as Eo, E1 etc Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Critical Points and the Absorption Spectrum of Ge Agreement between Theory and Experiment is much better now 15 Lowest direct gap (Eo) of Ge Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Absorption at Fundamental Band Gap z 16 The lowest energy absorption occurs at the fundamental band gap which is a Mo type (or minimum) of critical point Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Absorption at Fundamental Band Gap Why at low T the absorption spectra of GaAs show peaks? 17 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Correction to the One-Electron Picture • When a photon excites an electron and hole pair there is a Coulomb attraction between the e and h (Final State Interaction) resulting in the formation of a two-particle bound state known as an exciton • Exciton is neutral over all but carries an electric dipole moment. Exciton has been compared to a hydrogen atom or positronium. Actually exciton is more than just an “atom”. Since the electron and hole in the exciton are Bloch waves the exciton is a polarization wave. 18 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Two pictures of the Excitation of Excitons Exciton Wave functions and Energy From Effective Mass Approximation: 19 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Excitonic Absorption Absorption of the Bound States: Absorption of the Continuum States: 20 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Excitonic Absorption in Cu2O Cu2O has inversion symmetry. The conduction and valence bands have same parity so electric dipole transitions to s states are forbidden. This series is due to transitions to the np levels 21 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Enhancement of Electron-Radiation Interaction by Quantum Confinement z Absorption at exciton is enhanced into by Coulomb attraction between e and h. Photon Absorption will also be enhanced if both e and h are physically confined together Confined electron Confined hole Transition Probability~ |<Φconduction|er•E|Φvalence>|2(|Ψ(0)|2)(JDOS) Ψ is the envelope function and describes the overlap of the Electron and Hole wave functions. Confinement leads to increase in overlap of e and h wave functions 22 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) The QW Laser z z 23 A Laser utilizing Confinement of Carriers with the additional benefit of Photon Confinement (An idea worth a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000) Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Laser Performance with reduction in dimensionality Quantum Dot Laser was announced by Fujitsu in 2008 24 Adapted from Asada et al. (1986). Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Coupled EM-Polarization Waves (Polariton) Upper Branch I Lower Branch Photon ωL I Two degenerate waves: photon and exciton Any Interaction due to Her will split this degeneracy. The results are two “mixed waves” or polariton. Exciton ωT 25 There are two branches to the polariton dispersion (upper branch and lower branch) 0 WAVEVECTOR Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Exciton-Polariton in CdS 4πN X (e) 2 ε = εb + m X ω X2 − ω 2 ( c 2k 2 -Log10(Transmitted Intensity) ε bω 2 4πN X e 2 /(ε b mx ) ⎡ ⎛ hk 2 ⎢ω X (0) + ⎜⎜ ⎝ 2m X ⎣⎢ 2 ⎞⎤ ⎟⎥ − ω 2 ⎟ ⎠⎦⎥ ≈ 1+ ωX = ωx(0)+[hk2/(2mx)] 4πN X e 2 /(ε b mx ) ⎡ 2 ⎛ hk 2 ⎞ ⎤ ⎟⎥ − ω 2 ⎢ω X (0) + ω X (0)⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎝ m X ⎠⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ ExcitonPolariton Dispersion 4 3 2 A Exciton B Exciton Experimental transmission Spectrum of CdS from Dagenais, M. and Sharfin, W. Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 17761779 (1987). Oscillations due to interference between the two polariton branches 1 Expriment Theory 0 20500 26 = 1+ ) Combine with 20600 Wavenumber 20700 (cm-1 ) 20800 Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) Cavity-Polariton (a 2D Polariton) 160 140 120 Light 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 sinθ 61.98 61.25 60.32 60.13 60.00 58.49 58.90 58.38 Microcavity Sample formed by air on top and AlAs at bottom 27 58.20 Experimental Geometry [Dimitri Dini, Rüdeger Köhler, Alessandro Tredicucci, Giorgio Biasiol, and Lucia Sorba. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 116401 (2003)] 100 120 140 160 180 Energy (meV) Experimental Reflectivity Spectra with polariton dispersion in inset Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009) CONCLUSIONS z z z z z 28 Semiconductors have many applications depending on their optical properties, such as lasers, LED, solar cells, image sensors etc. In the near infrared, visible and uv region the optical properties of semiconductors are determined by interband transitions between their valence band and conduction band. Coulomb attraction between e and h enhanced the absorption near the fundamental band gap Quantum confinement in QW will also enhance the emission probability between e and h leading to better lasers The most fundamental approach to understand the optical properties of semiconductors is to consider polaritons. Physics Dept, HKU (Nov 2009)