Teacher: Donna Dyer Lesson Plans – Dates: 1/18-1/22 Grade/Subject: 8th Grade Science Monday Tuesday Wednesday Do Now: Do Now: None Do Now: None Targets Targets Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence from rock strata for how the geologic time scale is used to organize Earth’s 4.6-billionyear-old history. Targets • I can identify the Big Bang Theory. • I can list pieces of evidence for the Big Bang Theory. Instructional Strategies: Methods/Activities – Instructional Strategies: Methods/Activities – Instructional Strategies: Methods/Activities – NO SCHOOL Readworks Article: “The Rise of Oxygen in the Earth’s Atmosphere” and answer questions Etch-A-Sketch Vocabulary for Big Bang Theory Evaluation: Evaluation: Article questions Evaluation: Notebook, Etch-A-Sketch Vocab Friday Additional Information: Thursday Do Now: How can scientists study rock layers to determine when oxygen formed in the Earth’s atmosphere? Do Now: Compare and contrast universe/Earth and galaxy/solar system. What makes up 75% of the universe? Targets • I can identify the Big Bang Theory. • I can list pieces of evidence for the Big Bang Theory. Targets • I can make smart choices when it comes to drugs and alcohol. Instructional Strategies: Methods/Activities – Instructional Strategies: Methods/Activities – Discussion of the Big Bang Theory and Evidence Big Bang Vocabulary and Timeline Card Sort Deputy Thomas presents DARE Program Evaluation: Notebook, future Big Bang quiz Evaluation: