 Avoids gossip
1060 White Clover Way, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1G7
Mrs. M. Parker
Mrs. L. Magi
Mr. D. Amaral (905) 890-1221
Phone: 905 501-9498
Fax: 905 501-9501
Mrs. L. del Rosario (905) 890-1221
Fr. J. Pottackal (905) 279-5742
Virtue of RESPECT
Where has January gone to? Better yet, where is our winter?
As Canadians we are to be bundled up dealing with what
seems like endless days of below zero weather, but not this
year. God has blessed us with what is a mild winter. Let us
not complain but give thanks and consider this a blessing. If
nothing else, great time to take advantage of wonderful
discounts on winter coats and boots.
February prepares us for Lent. As we prepare our minds and
hearts for the 40 days of Lent let us also prepare our hearts.
Lent is a sacred time whereby as Catholics we reflect on our
‘mistakes’ and attempt to ask forgiveness in hopes of moving
forward in a manner that is truly reflective of our Gospel
values. We are also inspired to place the needs of others before
our own. “What you do to the least of my brothers and sisters
you do unto me.”
At St. Bernadette School we take pride in preparing our staff
and students for the ‘journey in the desert’. Preparing
ourselves to become more aware of our hurtful words/actions
and to make a conscious effort to change so that we become
more compassionate to the needs of others in our families,
school and community.
Precious Lord Jesus, Wonderful Holy Spirit, Awesome God,
help me not to be selfish.
When I am alone, give me a heart to think not about myself,
but about others.
When I am with others, give me a heart that forgets about
myself and reaches out to them.
When I am in pain, push the pain aside so I may be
consumed by the needs and hurts of others.
Inspire me to be a beacon of your love to my friends, family,
and co-workers.
Give me a heart to make friends regardless of who they are.
When I meet others who are very different from me, give me
a heart to see these people as they are, where they are.
Help me to trust others even when I might be hurt by them.
Help me to never hold a grudge or be resentful because of
what others have done.
Remind me every day to do what Jesus did in healing and
loving others.
Help me be a healing force by pushing my wants and aside.
Help me to sacrifice myself for others as you sacrificed
yourself for us.
All these things I humbly pray in the name of the most
Blessed Lord Jesus Christ, the Mighty God, and the Everpresent Holy Spirit upon whom we can rely.
Let us come together as a Catholic school community as we
prepare for our Lenten journey.
Thank you for your continued support of all our endeavours
here at St. Bernadette School.
God Bless,
Mrs. Parker
Virtue for February is RESPECT
Council has generously volunteered again this year to
provide every child in the school with a pancake breakfast on
Tuesday, February 9, 2016. Classes will be gathering in the
gym where we will give thanks for our breakfast and eat as a
community. (Please see the purple notes sent home for
scheduled times and classes.)
This month we will celebrate the virtue of Respect:
A person with Respect …
Treats him/herself and everyone else with equal
consideration and courtesy
Uses a positive tone of voice and body language
Avoid swearing, name-calling, put-downs and
inappropriate gestures
Says “Excuse me”, “Please”, “Pardon me?”
Avoids gossip
Invitation is extended to parents/guardians who may be
available to join their child. We ask if possible for a donation
of $2.00 with all proceeds going towards St. Bernadette
School’s ShareLife efforts this year.
Thank you for your support in making the beginning of Lent
2016 a memorable one for our students.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. This is a
sacred time for Catholics to engage in prayer, fasting and
giving. On Ash Wednesday, February 10, students will be
receiving ashes in our school chapel. This is a time of
reflection and promise to do ‘better’.
We will also remind our students that they are encouraged
not to eat meat on Fridays during Lent.
Every year, Canadians are invited to participate in Black
History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy
of black Canadians, past and present.
We take this time to celebrate the many achievements and
contributions of black Canadians who, throughout history,
have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse,
compassionate and prosperous nation we are today. During
Black History Month, Canadians can gain insight into the
experiences of black Canadians and the vital role this
community has played throughout our shared history.
(Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada)
St. Bernadette School endeavours to celebrate and remember
the incredible contributions made by black Canadians who
worked tirelessly and under some very inhumane conditions
to create and bring light to wonderful contributions during
this month and throughout the school year.
A number of events will take place to promote, celebrate and
honour Black History:
 The library will have on display a host of books
related to Black History.
 Students will make daily announcements about
Black historians who have contributed to the
incredible ‘patch work quilt’ of Canada’s history
and heritage
 Classroom discussions/presentations
1. Read from a variety of sources. Reading and writing are
linked – success in one supports success in the other. Read
stories, newspapers, advertisements, instructions, etc. to your
child every day and then discuss what you have read.
2. Encourage your child to write. Children love to make their
own birthday cards, write thank you notes, make place cards
for the table, or send an email to a friend. Save old cards
from birthdays and holidays to recycle for homemade cards.
Whenever possible, let your child see you writing – grocery
lists, instructions on the family whiteboard, emails, etc. – and
get them to help.
3. Writing can be done anywhere. Have lots of magnetic
letters or words on the fridge. Get a box of chalk and write
your names on the driveway or sidewalk. Get a white board –
it can be used again and again.
4. Play writing games. Make a game of letter finding. Show
them how to form a letter and then go letter hunting in your
house or in a book – count the number of "Ds" on a page.
Find a picture they like and have them write words or a
sentence about it.
5. Help children build their vocabulary. Try rhyming games
starting with one word such as "mat". Say and write down all
the words that rhyme, like "cat", "hat", "fat" and "splat". You'll
be surprised how fast their word list grows.
6. Explore the meaning of words. Create a word book at
home and have your child add words as they're learned.
Have them note the words they use the most and talk about
7. Write to each other. Write notes to your child and leave
them in interesting places, like the lunch box. Ask them to
write a reply or come up with something new. If they have
their own email, email each other. Have kids email jokes to
family and friends.
8. Don't limit what you write with or what you write on. The
sky's the limit – pudding, sticks or fingers in mud, earth,
snow and sand, sparklers, steamed up windows and mirrors,
and bubble soap markers for some sudsy learning.
9. Writing comes in all shapes and sizes. Point out different
ways writing is used – letters, signs, advertisements,
instructions – and explain why they are different. Also point
out different ways letters are created – printed, cursive and
fancy variations. Let them be inspired to create their own
letter art.
10. Start writing at an early age. Children often learn to
write before they can read. Encourage this by showing them
how to print their name or the names of friends and other
family members. Buy them notebooks with lines so they can
learn to make their letters correctly or a practice book with
letters they can trace.
Source: Ministry of Education- Tips and Tools for Parents
http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/abc/eng Together in Faith and
Excellence 5
Math seems to be an ongoing area of difficulty for many of
our students. Each day teachers engage our students in a
variety of ways to ‘figure it out’ in the area of mathematics
using a variety of strategies including large and small group
discussions, use of manipulatives, technology, etc. To further
support what we do here at St. Bernadette School we would
like to share some information to support math at home and
how to make math part of your child’s day.
Here are some suggestions to get you started:
 Point out how you use math in your day
 Encourage your child to show you how they use
 Include your child in everyday activities that
involve math-making purchases, measuring
ingredients, counting out utensils or other
household items, measuring a room, buying
groceries and reading a flyer
 Play games and do puzzles that involve math-card
games, snakes and ladders, dice games
 Work with your child to solve problems that use
mathematical thinking and reasoning
 Have them use mathematical tools- calculators,
rulers, measuring cups, containers of various
shapes, etc.
Consider visiting http://oame.on.ca/mathies for resources
such as games, learning tools, activities, supports for students
and a FAQs section for parents. This site is appropriate for
National Sweater Day was observed board wide on Thursday,
February 4. Heating makes up 80% of all energy used in
homes and schools across Canada. If every Canadian home
and school turned down the temperature of their home or
school y 2 degrees during the winter for four months, that
would save enough energy to close an entire coal-powered
St. Bernadette School staff and students showed their support
by wearing their favourite sweaters and toques throughout
the day. What a wonderful way to end an early week for
students as they get to sleep in for the PA Day on Friday,
February 5, 2016.
As per our Catholic Board Learning Plan, St. Bernadette
School continues to create Catholic conditions for well-being
and engagement and at the core of every opportunity for
learning and leading in an environment that is safe, caring,
equitable and inclusive. These fun and engaging activities
help us to get through the cold winter months. Some of the
activities that are engaging our students include: the Knitting
Club, the Eco-Club, Youth Faith Ambassadors, Choir, Junior/
Intermediate Hockey Team, Rosary and more to come in the
coming weeks!
Here at St. Bernadette School it is our goal to attempt to
provide our students with as many learning opportunities as
possible. Recently a note went home detailing some of the
presenters we have booked to display their talents to our
students. Many of these authors/presenters are invaluable in
the experience they provide students and staff. As such there
is always a cost in trying to book these individuals/groups.
In order for us to continue to provide enriched learning
opportunities we ask that each child bring in $5.00. All
funds go directly to ensuring we are able to schedule
presenters what will not only provide wonderful learning
opportunities to all our students but who will also leave a
memorable impression.
So far our students have experienced Barb McIlquham from
the Mighty Music Makers and author Michael Wade.
Students were exposed to ribbons, movement, stories,
instruments, voices and props with Barb directed at students
in grades FDK to Grade 2. Grades 3 to 8 were fortunate to
experience the talented Mr. Wade, author of the series
entitled And Then It Happened. He was successful in the
infusion of humour throughout his talk with the students
about being an author.
Future presenters include Cartooning, The Ned Show and
If you have not already sent in the $5.00 to your child’s
classroom teacher, please do so as soon as possible.
Sincerest gratitude for your continued support of learning
opportunities here at St. Bernadette School.
Up and coming will be an
opportunity for students to meet during lunch recess and
colour! Students will be encouraged to bring their own
coloring books along with crayons or markers and gather
with other students to social while colouring.
Did you know…colouring is a form of meditative art and it is
believed that it relaxes the mind, body and spirit? This
creative activity makes us feel calmer, mentally clearer,
happier, and more relaxed. Some other benefits include: the
opportunity to be social, reduce stress and anxiety, train the
brain to focus, help with fine motor skills and vision and
most importantly, it is fun and enjoyable! The Start date will
be coming soon!
Adult about Bullying is Not Tattling
This month’s focus is the difference between tattling and
telling. In dealing with bullying situations, students are
encouraged to use the strategy, ‘Telling An Adult’. Although
this sounds simple and logical, there are many difficulties
and roadblocks associated with this strategy. Younger
children struggle to understand the difference between
telling and tattling, while older children struggle with their
desire to deal with situations independently. The goal of
telling an adult is to keep children safe. Students will learn to
identify the difference between telling and tattling (reporting
and ratting), explore reasons students don’t report bullying
and understand how to effectively and safely report to an
Tattling/ratting is defined as telling in order to get someone
into trouble, or telling when there is no one being hurt and
no rule being broken that could result in a dangerous
Telling is defined as reporting unsafe behaviours to an adult
in order to get help for someone – to get someone out of
- use incidences where one child is telling you about sibling
behaviour to help children identify whether they are tattling
or telling
- practice with your child how to ‘tell an adult’ about
bullying (what happened, how they feel, what help they
- develop awareness of the ‘reasons’ children state for not
reporting bullying to adults
The St. Bernadette School Public Speaking Competition will
be held on Thursday, February 11, 2016 here at the school.
Students will be presenting their speeches in front of peers.
The top female and male student will represent St. Bernadette
School at the Mississauga South competition scheduled for
Thursday, February 18, 2016 at St. Margaret of Scotland
Elementary School.
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Let us celebrate
this fun filled week which runs from Monday, February 8,
2016 to Friday, February 12, 2016.
Valentine Wacky Hair Day
Ash Wednesday – wear ONLY RED
Valentine hat or t-shirt day
Red pajama day
Let us all join in and enjoy the week!
Over the course of the year families in our community may
change daycare providers, telephone numbers, etc. In order
to offset any misinformation we ask that parents/guardians
keeps us up to date on any new information that pertains to
the safe dismissal of your child. We ask that if your
information currently on file with us has changed that you
please update us as soon as possible. Please contact Mrs.
Magi with any new information.
Terms of a recent settlement between the teacher federations
and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an
additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015-16 school
year for both elementary and secondary schools..
Please note that there has been another Professional Activity
day added. The additional date is:
a chance to spread. Please remember, an infestation of lice is
not a reflection on the cleanliness of your child. A reminder
to all to refrain from sharing hats and combs, etc. The
treatment for pediculosis is simple. Carefully follow the
manufacturer’s directions and remove all nits from the hair.
Peel Health (www.peelregion.ca/health/) is available to
provide advice regarding treatment and prevention. They
can be contacted at (905) 791-7800.
The office staff must check your child upon their return to St.
Bernadette. If you have a child in FDK please have your
child’s ‘resting’ blanket taken home weekly to be washed and
dried in the dryer (to kill off all lice and nits). Return them
in a separate plastic bag to be hung or placed in your child’s
individual cubby.
We take pride in the cleanliness of St. Bernadette School.
Nightly our school custodians clean each classroom
including daycare space thoroughly. Student desks and work
spaces are wiped down, carpets vacuumed and floors
Please ensure that your child brings back to school his/her
indoor shoes if they were taken home for the Christmas
break. Please remember to label them with your child’s
name. These should be an EXTRA pair that can be left at
school at all times. Students are expected to wear shoes in
the school building at all times. Please note that in the event
of an emergency evacuation, students will not have the
opportunity to put on shoes, boots, clothing articles, etc.
Please do not send slippers to school as they are not safe in
the event of an evacuation.
MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2016
Applause to our Catholic School Council
for the planning of the Math evening on January 27, 2016.
Many parents came out to listen to the presenter who spoke
to parents/guardians about math learning. There was also
time for parents to work on grade-specific questions using
manipulatives. Questions were supplied by classroom
teachers to demonstrate what their students are experiencing
in their classrooms.
Students who are ill should be kept at home where they are
most comfortable and can get better, sooner. A child who is
too ill to go out for recess is too ill to be at school. Your cooperation in keeping your child at home when he/she is ill is
If your child can come to school but cannot go out due to an
injury, please ensure that the school receives a medical note
from the attending physician.
Should you suspect that your child has head lice, please
notify the school. By checking your child’s head once a week
for head lice, you will catch it early and treat it before it has
Our winter season is here! At this time we would like to
remind all students to dress appropriately for the season by
wearing the proper winter attire which should include hats,
gloves/mitts, winter coats and boots. When students are
dressed properly for the winter conditions, they can go
outside and enjoy some fresh air and activity in comfort.
There will be a few times during the course of the year where
a recess may be shortened or held indoors due to extreme
cold temperatures. Our school board policy states that
although consideration should be given for keeping students
indoors during recesses when the wind chill reaches –20 C,
students are to be kept indoors during recesses when the
wind chill reaches –25 C. In the colder weather, we receive
numerous requests to allow children to remain indoors when
students have a cold, the flu, etc. Please note that we cannot
comply, as we neither have the facilities nor the staff to
supervise these students. Moreover, the health officials
indicate that the fresh air is good for children….not harmful
as long as they are dressed appropriately.
St. Bernadette School begins promptly at 8:30 am each day.
ALL students are expected to attend school regularly and
punctually. In the event that your child will be late or
absent, you are asked to please call the school and follow the
prompts to leave a message. For students who are absent and
for whom a call is not received, we will contact you as part of
our Safe Arrival program.
We monitor lates and absences. You will be contacted by
your child’s teacher first regarding concerns of lates or
absences. If these continue then you may be contacted by the
school Social Worker. We want to work with you to ensure
that your child arrives to school on time every day and is
present for optimum learning opportunities. If for some
reason you are having difficulties getting your child to school
on time each day please contact us.
Children who come to school late on a regular basis will
eventually encounter gaps in their learning as they miss
curricular information shared by the classroom teacher in
terms of instruction and follow through. Continued absences
will be referred to our school social worker for monitoring
and support.
Kiss ‘n Ride lane ONLY so that they are safe crossing with the
teacher on duty. No student is to be let out of a vehicle before
approaching the teacher on duty. We also have a teacher on
duty to supervise student safely into the yard in the morning
starting at 8:15 a.m. and again upon dismissal time. We ask
that you remind your child (children) to be cautious at the
end of this sidewalk where the driveway begins as cars and
busses are entering our parking lot. We ask that your child
does not walk on the school driveway, but rather on the
sidewalk portion.
REMINDER – when using the Kiss ‘N Ride lane, please keep
moving up once children have entered the car in front of
you. We want children to be picked up where the teacher on
duty stands at the front of the school and not at any other
area in the Kiss ‘N Ride lane. There should never be cars
parked and left unattended in the Kiss ‘N Ride lane please.
Thank you for helping us keep children safe.
905 501-9498
Please call by 8:15 am if your child is going to be away or
will be arriving after 9:00 a.m. for any reason.
Parents are welcomed to St. Bernadette School throughout
the year, however, for the safety of all children, parents and
visitors must use only the front door for entry and must sign
in at the office. As a reminder, we are now required to keep
all outside doors locked, including the front doors. The only
access point will be via the front doors and visitors will
require entry through a buzzer system. Please be patient as
there will be times when Mrs. Magi or myself are away from
our desks and may not be able to admit you as soon as you
ring the buzzer.
At no time are visitors permitted to go to the classrooms as
this is a disruption to student programming and may pose a
safety concern. Since the hallways are busy during pick up
times, siblings and parents are asked to arrange with your
child, a meeting place outside of the school. Messages and
deliveries (keys, lunches, etc.) are handled through the office.
Please remember: to most students in the school, you are a
If your child is enrolled in our Family Day here in our school,
please note that school aged children will be dismissed from
the daycare at 8:15 am where they will join their friends at
the back of the school. There is NO access from the daycare
into the school at any time. If parents/guardians of daycare
children need to come to the office they will need to walk
around and come in through the front doors.
Thank you for making St. Bernadette School safe.
Attention parents! There is only one safe crossing point for
your students when they are left off at the Kiss ‘n Ride.
Teachers are there to escort the students safely across. Please
let your child off close to the front doors of the school in the
Parents/guardians who use daycare services here at St.
Bernadette School are reminded that drop off should be
between 7:00 am and 8:15 am in order to reduce the
interruption and possible injury of parents/children who are
being walked or driven to school for our 8:30 a.m. start time.
There will be NO access to the staff parking lot from 8:15
a.m. and 8:30 a.m. And again between 3:00 p.m. and 3:15
p.m. Negative response/actions towards teachers who are
doing their jobs to ensure the safety of St. Bernadette students
will not be tolerated.
Pylons are put up to offset congestion in the parking lot and
possible physical injury. If you are late dropping your
children off, consider parking your car and walking your
child onto school property using the sidewalk.
There are students in our school who have
severe peanut or nut allergies, which are life
threatening. Allergic people exposed to
peanuts, nuts and their by-products, or
residues are at risk of suffering a serious
reaction. Some children are so sensitive that even the smell of
peanut butter or nuts can cause problems and could be fatal.
Because of the seriousness of this condition, everyone’s
continued cooperation is needed in not sending foods to school
with peanuts, nuts or their by-products. In the event that a
child accidentally brings a lunch or snack with peanuts, nuts
or their by-products, this student will be sent to eat their lunch
in the office or in another room. They can invite a friend to eat
lunch with them. Following are some strategies that parents,
students and staff can use to help keep our school safer for
children with peanut or nut allergies. • Avoid sending foods
from home that may contain nuts or nut products such as
peanut oil, peanut butter, peanut sauce, peanut meal, mixed
nuts, ground nuts and mandalona nuts. Hydrolyzed vegetable
protein may also contain peanuts and is not considered safe
for people with peanut allergies. • Read food labels carefully.
Avoid products that do not carry a list of ingredients. It’s
important to read food labels each time you buy a product that
will be eaten by a child with a nut allergy, or by a child in the
same classroom, because products and production facilities
often change.
• Clean hands and face immediately after
eating peanut butter or nut containing products before
heading off to school or at school; if brought by accident. •
Avoid sharing snacks and drinks. Thank you for your ongoing cooperation in helping to make our school safer for
students with peanut/nut allergies.
Further to this, as part of “Sabrina’s Law”, we are no longer
permitted to allow treats for sharing with other students. On
special occasions (Halloween, Christmas) teachers will advise
students what foods they can bring for their own
consumption. To acknowledge your child’s birthday, if you
would like to send something, items such as pencils or
“dollar store treasures” that are not edible would be
appropriate. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in making our classrooms safer for students
Next Council Meeting is Tuesday,
February 9, 2016 at 6:30 pm.
Discussion regarding the Accommodation Review process will
be discussed. Our school trustee Luz Del Rosario will also be
attending this meeting. All parents are invited to attend.
If you would like further information regarding the
ARC/PARC options please feel free to contact Mrs. Kostuch or
Mrs. Pozzobon (school reps) through a St. Bernadette school
specific email at:
Also, the board has also a specific email address to answer
any of your questions or concerns. They can be reached at:
Even when it may appear to be insignificant, we inform
parents of ALL head injuries at school which are reported to
us. We do this in recognition of the potential danger of any
injury involving the head area. We are not intending to alarm
you, rather to keep you informed. Please remind your child to
let a staff member know if they bump/injure their head at
Peel Public Health is required to assess and maintain records
of immunization for all school-aged children under the
Immunization of School Pupils Act, to ensure that students
attending schools are protected from vaccine-preventable
diseases. This Act provides the Medical Officer of Health with
the authority to order the suspension of a student from school
if the parent does not provide an up-to-date immunization
record or a valid exemption.
Parents/Guardians who do not provide immunization for
their child after receiving two notices during an eleven week
period will be issued an order of suspension from school by
the Region of Peel’s Medical Officer of Health, which takes
effect on April 19, 2016.
In accordance with Ministry regulations, Fire drills will be
conducted during various times during the school year. While
we hope that a real fire situation never arises, this practice
helps prepare students in the event of a real fire. In addition,
our School Board has established lockdown procedures should
a high risk incident involving weapons occur in the school, or
on school property, that could endanger the lives and/or the
safety of students and/or staff. We will practice the
Emergency Lockdown Procedure with pupils two times during
the school year and review it from time to time.
The St. Bernadette Eco- team is now up and running for the
2015-2016 school year. Our pillars for this year are energy
conservation and waste reduction. Some of the initiatives we
will be continuing for this year are the following:
Mondays- Blinds up, lights off day-Blinds go up when the
sun is out, blinds go down when the day is done.
Tuesdays- Boomerang lunch- all lunches and snacks that are
not eaten are to be returned home and composted or saved
for another day. No untouched fruit or vegetables are to be
thrown out. They can be saved for another day.
Wednesdays-“Walk to school Wednesday”- Walk or bike
ride, to and from school.
Thursdays- we encourage students to “Taste the TapThursdays” and avoid bringing in juice boxes or bottled
water, we would like to see more re-usable water bottles.
Tuesdays and Thursdays are also pizza days and we would
like all students to bring in a re-usable dish for their pizza to
avoid the amount of paper plates that are being thrown into
the garbage once your child is done eating his/her pizza.
Fridays-litterless lunch day, absolutely NO GARBAGE in the
lunch bags. All items are to be in resealable/reusable
containers. The class with the least amount of garbage for
the month will be awarded the “golden lunch box”.
As always, we will continue with banning the bottle to avoid
plastic consuming our landfills and killing our wildlife.
We also encourage parents to download or simply view our
newsletter online, this will avoid a paper copy from being
put in the trash, which as a result affects our eco-systems.
We will also be sending our notes and letters through the
youngest and only child to support our efforts in conserving
our forests by using less copy paper.
GOOS bin (Good on One Side), bins are in all classrooms,
this paper is used by our students to colour, write rough
drafts and to do math problems.
Thank you to Mrs. Montanaro and Mrs. Mills for their time
in leading our ECO students in their endeavours to keep St.
Bernadette ECO friendly.
Our school’s Lost and Found Box is a good place to start
looking for missing items. Periodically, we remind students to
check the box for any items they may have lost. Please
remind your child(ren) to check the Lost and Found Boxes if
anything is lost. Any items not claimed at the end of June
will be donated to help those in need.
Math at Home
Pupil Accommodation Policy
Are you Ticked? (Catholic School Support)
March 8
International Women’s Day
School Council Meeting 6:30 pm
March 9
Lenten Mass 10:30 am St. Bernadette
March 13
Daylight Saving Time Begins – Spring Ahead
March 14-18
March Break – NO SCHOOL
February 8-12
Valentine Day Spirit Week
March 20
First Day of Spring
February 9
Shrove Tuesday – Council to make
March 21
Return to school
pancakes for students/staff
March 25
Good Friday – NO SCHOOL
Parent Council Meeting 6:30 pm
March 27
Easter Sunday
Ash Wednesday – Ashes to be distributed
March 28
Easter Monday – NO SCHOOL
February 10
to all students in our school chapel
February 11
Speech competition here at St. Bernadette
February 15
Family Day –No school For Students
February 18
Public Speaking Speeches
February 19
“See Hear” Clinic – grades FDK-8 (a.m.)
February 22
Dental Screening – FDK, Gr. 2 & 8 only
Grade 7 and 8 Immunization
February 24
Pink Shirt Day – Let’s all wear Pink
February 29
Cartooning Presentation