Document 14305156

1060 White Clover Way, Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1G7
Mrs. M. Parker
Mrs. L. Magi
Mr. D. Amaral (905) 890-1221
Phone: 905 501-9498
Fax: 905 501-9501
Mrs. L. del Rosario (905) 890-1221
Fr. J. Pottackal (905) 279-5742
Virtue of EMPATHY
Thanksgiving Day school Mass
Why are all the leaves still on the trees?! Thanks to a
beautifully long summer it seems like Mother Nature just is
not ready to shed her summer coat. Good for us because it
means more time in flip flops and keeping up with our
pedicures. We are well off to a wonderful and exciting school
year. Reorganization saw some changes but thankfully not
many. We were able to keep all our incredible teachers for
another year. At St. Bernadette School, we continue to
dedicate our curricular practices by providing excellence in
Catholic education and to working closely with all the
partners to promote the spiritual, academic, social, emotional
and physical growth of our students. As partners in Catholic
Education: school, home and parish, work closely together in
the best interests of all our students. I look forward to many
joyful, memory-making school days of learning, selfdiscovery, working, celebrating, praying and playing together
at St. Bernadette School.
Happy Thanksgiving to all our St. Bernadette School families!
St. Bernadette School will be celebrating Welcome
Back/Thanksgiving mass on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at
10:30 am. We are extending an invitation to any
parent/guardian who are able to come out and join us to do
Please come and share our faith.
If you are able to contribute, we would like to ask for your
assistance in putting food on the table for families most in
need in our school community. Any nonperishable food
items as well as, personal hygiene items would be
appreciated. All items can be dropped off in our main foyer.
Thank you for your generosity and good will.
October is EMPATHY
An EMPATHETIC person: believes that we all share one Spirit;
that we are many parts of one body because we are all
created in the image and likeness of God.
God Bless,
Mrs. Parker
An empathetic person…
 Listens attentively
 Notices and responds when someone is upset
 Can name her/his feelings
 Can see a situation from another’s point of view
 Knows that different people may feel differently
about the same thing
Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness
and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt
gratitude in this time of giving thanks.
Thank you for all the graces and blessings. You have
bestowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and
religious heritage. Our food and shelter, our health, the loves
we have for one another, our family and friends.
Dear Father, in your infinite generosity, please grant us
continued graces and blessing throughout the coming year.
GENTLY USED SHOE DRIVE – St. Vincent de Paul
For the month of October, gently used shoes will be
collected to donate to St. Vincent de Paul. If
you have any shoes that are still in good shape,
any size at all, please drop them off to our foyer and we will
arrange for St. Vincent de Paul to pick them up.
WORLD TEACHER’S DAY – October 5, 2015
On Monday, October 5, 2015 students celebrated World
Teacher’s Day by taking time out to say Thank You to
teachers here at St. Bernadette School who give of themselves
selflessly everyday to their students to ensure that they
received enriched curriculum with the Ontario Catholic
Graduate Expectations weaved throughout.
Do you remember a teacher who has touched your life?
What was so special about that person?
We would like to thank all of you for your patience and cooperation with reorganization.
A. Bermudez and M. Desousa
J. Mahoney
Gr. 1
K. Stajduhar
Gr. 2
C. Loginov (Oct. 7/15 Start)
Gr. 2/3 L. Montanaro
Gr. 3/4 D. MacRury
Gr. 4/5 D. Flick
Gr. 6
L. Aziz
Gr. 7
S. Dale
Gr. 8
S. Mattacchione
SERC Teacher/PT
S. Michieli
SERT/ESL Teacher
K. Ferrao
S. Silveira
G. Balan
C. Mills/R. D’Souza
A. Archbold
School Psychologist
J. Kotsopoulos
Speech &Language
M. Bodo
Social Worker
A. Brinkert
C. Gal-Lancaster
Office Administer
L. Magi
D. Radice, G. Ramos, J. Vieira
For your reference, the Director of Education for DufferinPeel Catholic School Board is Mr. J. Kostoff and the Associate
Directors are: S. McWatters and J. Hrajnik.
Please refer to the Dufferin-Peel website at: to find information about our
school board, current initiatives, programs and information.
Celebrating birthdays with friends is important to all. At
school we will be announcing birthdays of students on a
daily basis. Some families choose to have special celebrations
and invite friends to their homes or out to a special location
for their birthdays. We do have some requests from parents
to bring birthday treats to share with their class. Because we
have students with life-threatening allergies we do NOT
allow food items to be brought to classes. We are happy to
assist in the sharing of NON FOOD treats ONLY.
Verification forms were sent home early in September. To
ensure that we have current and up to date information on
file, please update forms and return them to your child’s
classroom teacher no later than Friday, October 9, 2015.
Any missing forms will be followed up by a call home from
the school.
Thank you.
Progress reports will be coming home November 17, 2015.
The progress report provides initial information, early in the
school year, about a student’s progress. It is designed to show
We wish Miss Sisti all the best as she embarks on her journey
to become a permanent member of the Dufferin Peel family.
Her last day as grade 2 teacher here at St. Bernadette will be
Wednesday, October 7, 2015. She will be replaced by
Mrs. Loginov.
a student’s development of the learning skills and work
habits, as well as a student’s general progress in working
towards the achievement of the curriculum expectations. For
All the best!
*Note: Students in FDK do not receive a progress report in
On Wednesday, September 30th, the students of St.
Bernadette School participated in its Annual Terry Fox
Marathon of Hope. Students, staff and family members
joined as one to walk around our community holding
banners with messages of hope. Our FDK students walked
around the school. Students were asked to voluntarily
donate a Toonie and all proceeds will be counted and
donated to the Terry Fox
foundation for cancer
Well done
Each month you will find important information from School
Board administration. For October 2015, we ask that you
review important board information. Please connect to our
school webpage:
these reasons, the November Progress Report does not
include marks.
The evening of November 19th, 2015 will be designated for
Parent Teacher Interviews.
905 501-9498
Please call by 8:15 am if your child is going to be away
for any reason.
8:30 am
FDK to Grade 8 Classes Begin
10:30 am
11:30 am
Lunch – All grades
12:30 pm
Afternoon Start
1:55 pm
3:00 pm
JK to Grade 8 Dismissal
Supervision of pupils in the mornings begins at
8:15 am. Please do not bring your child to school
before 8:15 am. as there will be no supervision
prior to that time.
All students will enter and exit the building through their
assigned doors before and after school. Students leaving the
school for any reason (appointments, lunch, etc.) will be asked
to sign out at the office and then proceed to exit the building
through the front doors. If you make arrangements for your
child to leave the school with someone other than yourself,
please send a dated, signed note indicating this to your child’s
In the event of inclement weather, students will enter through
the front doors and enter the gym where they will be
supervised by teachers.
Regular attendance and punctuality are important life skills
that apply not only in the educational setting, but also in
various other settings and especially in the work place. When
a student arrives late, it can be a disruption to his/her learning
as well as to the learning of the other students in the class. A
total of the number of days absent and late are documented
and become part of the student’s record. Students should
arrive on time to line up with their peers when the bell rings.
It is important to address frequent absences and late arrivals
for non-medical reasons early as they may have a long-term
negative impact.
It is a parent’s responsibility, as outlined in the Education Act,
to ensure that their child is in regular attendance and on time
for school. When regular attendance and punctuality are
problematic, a meeting with parents, the principal and other
school personal may be required in order to discuss a plan for
helping the child improve attendance and/or prompt arrival.
Parents are welcomed to St. Bernadette School throughout
the year, however, for the safety of all children, parents and
visitors must use only the front door for entry and must sign
in at the office and receive a visitor’s sticker each and every
time you visit the building. As a reminder, we are now
required to keep all outside doors locked, including the front
doors. The only access point will be via the front doors and
visitors will require entry through a buzzer system. Please be
patient as there will be times when Mrs. Magi will need to be
away from her desk and may not be able to admit you as
soon as you ring the buzzer.
At no time are visitors permitted to go to the classrooms as
this is a disruption to student programming and may pose a
safety concern. Since the hallways are busy during pick up
times, siblings and parents are asked to arrange with your
child, a meeting place outside of the school. Messages and
deliveries (keys, lunches, etc.) are handled through the office.
Please remember: to most students in the school, you are a
Thank you for making St. Bernadette School safe.
**DAYCARE** – if your child is dropped off or picked up at
the daycare location, please note that you are to use their
door to access the building. We kindly remind students and
parents that you are not permitted to access the school to
pick up forgotten items at the beginning or end of the day.
Students will be reminded on a daily basis.
Open communication between home and school is very
important. Although we will be reporting to you formally
during the school year, please do not hesitate to contact us at
any time if you have questions or concerns. A phone call on
the onset of a concern usually resolves itself before it
becomes a problem. On our part, if we have any concerns
about your child, we will also contact you at the earliest
Newsletters will be sent home once a month throughout the
school year. Newsletters are meant to serve as a means of
keeping strong communication links between home, school
and parish. They will inform you about various school
activities, programs, routines, reminders and so forth. The
newsletters will be supplemented by letters regarding special
events, trips, religious celebrations, etc.
School start up always seems to bring with it traffic headaches.
To attempt to avert any possible confusion parents/guardians
are reminded that the drive in front of the school is ONLY for
drop off and pick up times. Parents/guardians are not to use
the visitor parking when the Kiss’n Ride is open as this is a
safety concern for those dropping off or picking up their
children in the Kiss’n Ride lane. The access to the staff parking
is closed from 8:15 am to 8:30 am and again from 3:00 pm to
3:15 pm.
If pylons are up that is an indicator that NO cars are permitted
in the teacher parking area. As well, if you are a daycare
parent dropping of your child, the expectation is the same.
Pylons means no access.
Student/staff safety at St. Bernadette is paramount. Thank you
in advance to the parents/guardians who help us maximize
school safety for all by following the routines.
Finally, Mississauga Parking control is around and therefore,
please be mindful if you park in Kiss N Ride or bus/fire route.
Disabled Parking is for those individuals with a valid permit.
Please do not park there even if it is “for a short time”. You
will be fined.
At St. Bernadette we will continue to practice Healthy Eating
as outlined in the Canadian Food Guide. We ask parents to
take some time to send their children with homemade
nutritious snacks and lunch. Fast food is high in fat and low
in fiber and vitamins. We will continue to include a Healthy
recipe or idea in each monthly newsletter and hopefully these
will assist parents in your food preparation for your child/ren.
You are the best educator for your child and a healthy diet is
key to learning and living.
Butternut Squash Soup
1 whole butternut squash, peeled, cubed
3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp flour
1 medium tart green apple, peeled, cubed
1 litre 1% milk
3 green onions chopped
Salt and pepper
In a large pot, melt butter and stir in flour.
Add milk.
Then, using a wisk over low heat stir to dissolve lumps.
Add squash, apple, onions, salt and pepper.
Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until squash is
Let stand 10 minutes, then put through blender.
Each child who remains at school daily for lunch should come
to school with a packed lunch. This minimizes classroom
disruptions and ensure their learning is not disrupted. Please
ensure it is here at the school before 11:25 am and is labeled
with both your child’s and his/her teacher’s name. These
lunches can be dropped off on the grey table in the front foyer
just outside the main office. Should you wish your child to
have a warm lunch, please ensure you indicate that on the
form being sent home.
If you allow your child to leave the school property for lunch
on those RARE OCCASIONS, please make sure you send with
him/her a signed note indicating they have your permission
to leave the school property. Students who leave the school
for lunch MUST sign back into the building by 12:25 pm at
the front office.
Please note that you will be solely responsible for your child’s
safety if he/she leaves school property with your permission
at lunch time.
Pizza Days are here! If your child is interested in voluntarily
participating in our weekly pizza days, we ask that you send
with your child a TOONIE (per slice). Collection days are
Monday and Wednesdays. Pizza days are Tuesdays and
Thursdays. All proceeds go to support student programs here
at St. Bernadette.
We are still looking for
families to commit to our
chocolate fundraiser. If you
are able to voluntarily help
us to sell at least one box
please let the school know.
All product and money are
due back to the school on
Friday, October 16, 2015.
Thank you for supporting
St. Bernadette School.
There are students in our school who have
severe peanut or nut allergies, which are life
threatening. Allergic people exposed to
peanuts, nuts and their by-products, or
residues are at risk of suffering a serious
reaction. Some children are so sensitive that even the smell of
peanut butter or nuts can cause problems and could be fatal.
Because of the seriousness of this condition, everyone’s
continued cooperation is needed in not sending foods to school
with peanuts, nuts or their by-products. In the event that a
child accidentally brings a lunch or snack with peanuts, nuts
or their by-products, this student will be sent to eat their lunch
in the office or in another room. They can invite a friend to eat
lunch with them. Following are some strategies that parents,
students and staff can use to help keep our school safer for
children with peanut or nut allergies. • Avoid sending foods
from home that may contain nuts or nut products such as
peanut oil, peanut butter, peanut sauce, peanut meal, mixed
nuts, ground nuts and mandalona nuts. Hydrolyzed vegetable
protein may also contain peanuts and is not considered safe
for people with peanut allergies. • Read food labels carefully.
Avoid products that do not carry a list of ingredients. It’s
important to read food labels each time you buy a product that
will be eaten by a child with a nut allergy, or by a child in the
same classroom, because products and production facilities
often change.
• Clean hands and face immediately after
eating peanut butter or nut containing products before
heading off to school or at school; if brought by accident. •
Avoid sharing snacks and drinks. Thank you for your ongoing cooperation in helping to make our school safer for
students with peanut/nut allergies.
Further to this, as part of “Sabrina’s Law”, we are no longer
permitted to allow treats for sharing with other students. On
special occasions (Halloween, Christmas) teachers will advise
students what foods they can bring for their own
consumption. To acknowledge your child’s birthday, if you
would like to send something, items such as pencils or
“dollar store treasures” that are not edible would be
appropriate. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in making our classrooms safer for students
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will
hold a series of public information sessions for Grade 8
students and their parents/guardians interested in
enrolling in a Dufferin-Peel Catholic secondary school
for the 2016-17 school year.
“Our secondary information sessions are intended to provide
parents and guardians with an overview of the programs and
services offered at Dufferin-Peel secondary schools,” said
Joanna Boudreau, Principal of Secondary Program and
Student Success. “These sessions also provide Grade 8
students with an opportunity to tour the school and talk to
current students about the transition into high school.”
Currently, Dufferin-Peel operates 26 Catholic secondary
schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Bolton and Caledon. These
schools continue to be recognized among the top performing
schools in the province each year. With over 49 Specialist
High Skills Major programs, three regional Arts Programs,
one regional Sports Program, two International
Baccalaureate Programs, two regional Advanced Placement
programs, Extended French and Career Path programs, and
the only publically funded All-Girls secondary school in the
region, Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools offer students a
variety of learning options to suit their individual education
Dufferin-Peel’s secondary school public information sessions
will take place throughout October and November. A
schedule of the Secondary School Information Sessions is
available on the board website. For more information about
the information sessions, parents/guardians should contact
their local school directly.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is one of the
largest and most diverse school boards in Ontario, with
approximately 83,000 students in 149 schools located
throughout Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon and
Orangeville. With over 11,000 employees, the board is also
one of the largest employers in the region.
The purpose of school councils as mandated
by the Ministry of Education is through
active participation of parents to improve
pupil achievement and to enhance the
accountability of the education system to
The first NEW council meeting will be held at St. Bernadette
School library on the evening of Wednesday, October 7, 2015
from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Community, Parish and OAPCE
Representatives are appointed positions.
All meetings are public meetings and opened to the parent
community of the school. School Councils are advisory in
nature, but can have a positive impact on both the quality of
education and day-to-day activities within the school. The
Catholic School Council focuses on promoting Catholic values
within our publicly funded education system. The Catholic
School Council works in co-operation with the school
principal in providing the best educational experience for
students. Please consider joining St. Bernadette Catholic
School Council 2015/16.
local police station. There is a waiting period often lasting
from 4 to 6 weeks. Please try to do this early to avoid
disappointment in not getting the form back in time to attend
school excursions. If you already have a current CRC on file
here at the school office, in order for it to be valid for this
current school year, the date must on the CRC must be no
earlier than March 2015 or you must have a completed
Annual Office Declaration on file with our office.
When parents request that medication be stored at school, and
made available to pupils by school personnel, the parent is
responsible for completing the Board Storage and Distribution
of Medication form. This form is available from the office and
must be completed by the parent and by the physician. The
completed form is placed on file at the office. Medication is
stored, after consultation with parents, and made available to
students under the supervision of school personnel. To ensure
safety for all children, please do not send medication to school,
unless prior arrangements have been made with the principal.
Each year we experience Pediculosis in our school. While
anyone can get head lice, they are most common in schoolaged children. Head lice live on human heads only, not in
pet hair or other animal hair.
Pediculosis is spread only by direct contact with a ‘case’ often
through the sharing of combs and brushes, exchanging of
hats. It is our hope that if you notice your child excessively
scratching their heads that you will be proactive and check
your child’s head. We also recommend that you check the
heads of all family members.
It is our Board’s policy that children who have been infested
with pediculosis are not permitted to return to school until
treatment has been applied and their heads are clean of all
lice and nits (eggs). Children must be checked at the office
before returning to their classrooms.
For more information please contact Peel Public Health at
905 799-7700 or
We appreciate continued parental help and support in
minimizing disruptions to classes, whenever possible. By
trying our best not to disturb classes, we are reducing
disruptions to quality teaching and learning opportunities for
your child.
Your cooperation with the following is
appreciated: (a) sending a note in advance to your child’s
teacher when your child needs to be picked up early, then
meeting him/her in the office and signing them out; (b) when
picking your child up early, doing so closer to recess or lunch
time (c) when delivering lunch to school, writing your child’s
and the teacher’s names on lunch bags and leaving them on
the table in the foyer and (d) informing relatives and
caregivers of school procedures, who may be dropping off or
picking up your child. We understand that there will be times
when disruptions will be necessary and unavoidable.
In compliance with Ministry of Education directives,
volunteers in a school are required to provide an original copy
of their Criminal Reference Check to the school. If you would
like to volunteer on school trips and/or in the school, please
pick up a form at the office, complete it and bring it to the
There will be a NEW “BOYD” (Bring Your Own Device)
rollout in October 2015. More information to follow soon.
Courtesy seats on the school bus have now
been assigned for the 2015/16 school
If you have any concerns regarding this policy please feel
free to contact STOPR as they are the governing body that
sets guidelines, not the individual schools. 905 890-6000
Even when it may appear to be insignificant, we inform
parents of ALL head injuries at school which are reported to
us. We do this in recognition of the potential danger of any
injury involving the head area. We are not intending to alarm
you, rather to keep you informed. Please remind your child to
let a staff member know if they bump/injure their head at
If you are interested in volunteering at St.
Bernadette School, please leave your name at
our school office and someone will be in touch
with you. Volunteers are expected to have a
current Criminal Reference Check on file at the school office
and must complete an orientation session before working with
students. During the orientation session, the volunteer
coordinator addresses various aspects of volunteering in the
school. All volunteers must sign in at the office and receive
their name tag before proceeding to another part of the school.
The name tag is to be worn and visible until the volunteer signs
out and leaves the school.
Scholastic book fair is returning to St.
Bernadette. The book fair will begin on
Monday, November 16th and end on the
evening of Thursday, November 19th. We will be hosting a
Family Event Night, where you and your family can enter a
draw to win $25 in book fair merchandise. The family event
night will be on Thursday, November 19th from 3:15 p.m. to
5 p.m. and then will re-open from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. If you
are interested in making a purchase during the book fair, the
following methods of payments are accepted: cash, Visa,
Mastercard and American Express. Unfortunately, the debit
machine will not be available during this book fair.
If you have a current CRC and are interested in volunteering
for the book fair, please contact Ms. Silveira at the school,
(905) 501-9498.
Book fair dates and times:
Monday, November 16th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tuesday, November 17th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wednesday, November 18th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Thursday, November 19th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The book fair will be closed during all recesses and lunches.
Thank you very much for your continued support!
In accordance with Ministry regulations, Fire drills will be
conducted during various times during the school year. While
we hope that a real fire situation never arises, this practice
helps prepare students in the event of a real fire. In addition,
our School Board has established lockdown procedures should
a high risk incident involving weapons occur in the school, or
on school property, that could endanger the lives and/or the
safety of students and/or staff. We will practice the
Emergency Lockdown Procedure with pupils two times during
the school year and review it from time to time.
We are offering students an opportunity to have a hot lunch
which is brought in by the Lunch Lady. Lunches will be
brought in on Mondays. The Lunch Lady has provided hot
lunches to children across the country. The service is
affordable and healthy and you can pre-order lunches for up
to three months at a time. If you need to cancel for a specific
day, you can just call The Lunch Lady directly at 416-8783463 or by 8:00 a.m. for a credit
to use another time. 48 hours notice is appreciated for trips
and appointments. (Sorry, no refunds—credits only).
Uncollected lunches are NOT left at school.
Paper menus with dates, prices, and instruction for ordering
have been sent home. Ordering online is available to you at and all inquiries are to be made
directly to the Lunch Lady.
The St. Bernadette Eco- team is now up and running for the
2015-2016 school year. Our pillars for this year are energy
conservation and waste reduction. Some of the initiatives we
will be continuing for this year are the following:
Mondays- Blinds up, lights off day-Blinds go up when the
sun is out, blinds go down when the day is done.
Tuesdays- Boomerang lunch- all lunches and snacks that are
not eaten are to be returned home and composted or saved
for another day. No untouched fruit or vegetables are to be
thrown out. They can be saved for another day.
Wednesdays-“Walk to school Wednesday”- Walk or bike
ride, to and from school
Thursdays- we encourage students to “Taste the TapThursdays” and avoid bringing in juice boxes or bottled
water, we would like to see more re-usable water bottles.
Tuesdays and Thursdays are also pizza days and we would
like all students to bring in a re-usable dish for their pizza to
avoid the amount of paper plates that are being thrown into
the garbage once your child is done eating his/her pizza.
Fridays- litterless lunch day, absolutely NO GARBAGE in the
lunch bags. All items are to be in resealable/reusable
containers. The class with the least amount of garbage for
the month will be awarded the “golden lunch box”.
As always, we will continue with banning the bottle to avoid
plastic consuming our landfills and killing our wildlife.
We also encourage parents to download or simply view our
newsletter online, this will avoid a paper copy from being
put in the trash, which as a result affects our eco-systems.
We will also be sending our notes and letters through the
youngest and only child to support our efforts in conserving
our forests by using less copy paper.
GOOS bin (Good on One Side), bins are in all classrooms,
this paper is used by our students to colour, write rough
drafts and to do math problems.
This year just like last year, we are not only collecting Kool
Aid jammers to be upcycled but we are also collecting Mr.
Christie cookie and cracker wrappers and Schneider’s
lunchmate (lunchables). The Eco team has many more fun
and exciting Eco initiatives planned to help save our
environment. Stay tuned to our school newsletter for
upcoming events such as:
 Buy Nothing Day- November 28th –Book/Magazine
 National sweater day
 Earth Day
 School greening events
Confirmation – Rite of Enrollment
Saturday, October 24
Connect to a Website
Sports are well on the way here at. St. Bernadette. Teachers
have been working with students interested in Junior
Volleyball and Cross Country. Dates for Tournaments are:
October 5
World Teacher Day
October 6
Welcome Back/Thanksgiving Mass
10:30 am – Families Welcomed
October 7
Blue Jay Day – Wear your Blue Jay wear!
First School Council Meeting
Volleyball Family Tournament:
Family Fri. October 16th @ Location TBA
Cross Country:
Family Tues. October 20th @ Erin dale Park
Mon. October 26th @ Centennial Park
October 8
ECO Schools launch
October 12
Thanksgiving Day – No School
October 15
New Council Chair – Meeting at
St. Francis Xavier S.S. 5:30 pm
October 19
Election Day. Our school is a
Polling station
October 22
Anti-Bullying Assembly
October 30
Halloween Dance a thon
Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board is pleased to announce
that St. Bernadette School will once again this year be the site
for the Arabic International Languages program.
Registration ONLY was held Saturday, September 12, 2015.
Classes will officially began on Saturday, September 19,
2015. For further information please contact
P. DeVuono at 905 890-0708 x24520.
November 17
Report cards sent home
November 19
Parent/teacher Interviews
December 21 to January 1
NEW School Council 2015/16
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
6:00 pm
Christmas Break